THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1933 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PAGE SEVEN. r HOG PRICES UP , Hog prices my .go up further this summer as supplies are season ally reduced, but they are, not likely to reach the high level of last ' summer, according to a report of the U. S. bureau of agricultural economics. For the 1938-39 market ing year, the 13 per cent increase . in the 1938 spring pig crop and the prospective increase of 9 per cent in the number of sows to farrow this fall indicate a much larger market supply of swine than in 1937-38. . To Get Rid of Acid And Poisonous Waste . Your kidneys help to keep yotuwofl by constantly filtering waste matter from the blood. If your kidneys get 1 functionally disordered and fail to remove excess impurities, there may be Eoisoning of the whole system and ody-wid distress. Burning, scanty or too frequent uri nation may be a warning of some kidney or bladder disturbance. You may suffer nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, puffinesa under the yes' feel weak, nervous,- all played out. In such cases it Is better to rely on at medicine that has won country-wide acclaim than on something less favor ably known. Use Voan't Pilla. A multi tude of grateful people recommend JJoan AK your ntxqhbon BE SUR 70 GET AM AMERICA'S STANDARD TIME! Gel trustworthy time in a smart Ingersoll watch. Yankee is the smallest and thinneat pocket lratch at S1.5Q. Chrome-plated case, clear numerals, unbreak able crystal Tho worst BODY ODOR h D ' Kill O NSX O The worst body odor comes from P. O. perspiration odor un der the arms. Take 1 minute to use Todora new. amazing deodorant cream that works directly on underarm excretions. Normally atop odor 1 to S days- Todora also reduces amount of perspiration. Made without lard Todora Is utterly dif ferent from stiff, grainy pastes: (1) Soft smooth as face cream. (2) Leaves no sticky film on fingers or underarms. (S) Leaves no lardy" smell on clothes. 26 60. Get It to daymoney back If not delighted. Trial else rasa. Send coupon. Y (D OR A v DEODORANT CREAM f FREE! Send coupon for trial alse to McKesson s Bobbins. Fairfield, Conn. Dept. F-l. Name. .Address. WILTS JESSE" Plain or Mnihol-icl ts rJ '41" nils ; t r ! x -v 1 n v i M 111- ' x i il"-kr I i. f - - i r; . Prepared to repel the effects of too much sun are these five mermaids on the beach at Atlantic City, N. J. The oil-skin beach helmets are designed to protect them against freckles. From left to right the girls are: Betty Lewis, Peggy M urtland, Helen Rink, Helen Price and Jean Cowan. State Health Board Reports Progress In Macon County The state board of health inspec tors have recently indicted and se cured the conviction of several per sons in Macon county for violation of the North JCarolina public health laws relating to sanitary privies, in their campaign against - filth and tilth borne diseases. Inspectors say that the general public has been very cooperative, in this work, some 900 approved privies having been built in the county in the last two years, more or less voluntarily by citizens who realize the importance of protecting themselves, their families, ana neighbors against disease. These are in addition to several hundred built in former years since . 1919. It is in fairness to and for the protection of those who have com plied with the law that indictments are being made. It is the sincere . desire of the state board of health to have the good will and cooperation of tht public in promoting the greatest good to the greatest number, and it earnestly solicits the cooperation of those interested in making their communities safer and better places in which to live, but will prosecute to the full extent of the law, those who will not cooperate. , All persons who are given "Final Official Notice" and have .not com plied with the law upon . expiration of notice, are subject to indictment and may be indicted without fur ther notice. The privy must be built according to state board of health regulations. Promiscuous "soil pol lution" and open back, surface, or other insanitary privies are very dangerous and prolific sources of disease. The germs of typhoid fever, diarrhoea, .and many other diseases are carried ' in human wastes. Soil pollution and the use of open back, surface, or other in sanitary privies permit these germs to be scattered by flies, rats, chick ens, dogs, surface wash and in many other ways to our food and drink. Every case of typhoid fever means that the victim has eaten or drunk human fecal matter contain ing typhoid germs. While the thought of eating such filth is disgusting and repulsive, we should bear in mind that during the last 10 years an average of 1,773 persons in North Carolina have died each year from such needless and preventable diseases as typhoid NOTHING BOTHERS DAD SINCE HE DISCOVERED MENNEN LATHER SHAVE cTAND how foTwtro f oolne$ Anti-Freckle Helmets Baffle Sun - st H . ? H.Wt fever, hookworm disease, diarrhoea, enteritis, and many thousands more have been made sick and their efficiency and vitality lower ed in many cases for the remainder of their lives, largely as a result of eating or drinking such filth. Prop er sanitation would have prevented much of this needless sickness, in efficiency and loss of life. Enlightened communities recog nizing the dangef to the individual and public health and welfare at tending the use of insanitary facili ties, are now requiring by law sub stantially what Moses the great law-giver required nearly 3500 vears ago (Deut. 23: 12-13). The North Carolina laws were enacted in 1919. Your health is your most valuable possession protect it. Eliijay By HAZEL AMMONS A daughter, Fannie Elizabeth, was born, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Keener on Sunday, July 24. Joe Henry and Martha Southards were quietly married by Justice of the "Peace Arthur Masteller, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Carl Peek. A large number of WPA men are working in the mines on Elii jay. Mrs. Kermit Rogers, of Buck Creek, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Alex Amnions, this week. ; Logan Williams, of Tuckapan, S. C, was visiting relatives here Sat urday of last week. i Briton Bowman, of the CC camps was visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bowman, last week end. ' Mr. and Mrs. . Gorden Enett, of Jackson county, were visiting rela tives here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jennings and family have moved to Otto. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stevenson, of Gastonia, visited Mrs. Stevenson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers, for the past two weeks. Mrs. Margaret Amnions, who has been sick for the. last few months, has greatly improved and is able to be out again. Ed Higdon, of .Iotla, was visiting his sister, Mrs: C. G. Mincy, re cently. Mrs. Clambers Amnions, of Clay county, visited her brother, Robert Henry, Sunday. Now Is Time To Plan For 1939 Seed Loans "Now is the time for farmers ex pecting to borrow from the farm security administration for 1939 to begin making their farm plans" said County Supervisor, Thomas C. Mimms, of Franklin, who is in charge of the farm security admin istration program in Macon and Jackson counties. "The plans should provide for seeding winter cover , crops, winter ........ om aw legumes and fall grains this fall, in addition to a balanced farm plan for 1939 and thereafter. In order, to make , satisfactory plans for fall planting, it is advisable if possible for tenant farmers to make rental agreements during July and Aug ust," Mr. Mimms said. "If loans are needed to assist in financing these plans, the FSA is prepared to make small loans to farmers who are unable to secure adequate fin ancing elsewhere," he poipted out. Explaining that the task of the farm security administration is not only to help disadvantaged farm ers by lending them money but by assisting them to adopt success ful farming practices, Mr. Mimms stressed the need of starting early. "Our goal is to try to get every FSA borrower, whether tenant or owner, to have his farm plan work ed out during late summer and early fall," he said. "Hard work combined with 1 convenient credit, good equipment and good farming practices, in most cases, mean the difference between failure and suc cess, but in order to get good farm ing practices under way we have to plan ahead," he said. Farmers Apply More Lime To Their Soil A million tons more agricultural lime were applied to farm lands in the east central region in 1936 and 1937 than during the previous seven vears. Increasing their limings as a soil- building practice under the agri cultural conservation program, farmers applied 1,600,000 tons of ground limestone during the first two years of the program, said E. Y. Floyd, AAA executive officer at State college. During the 1929 1935 period 600,000 tons were ap plied. The tonnage used in the region has not yet been calculated by in dividual states, he continued, hut preliminary reports 'indicate that Tar Heel farmers increased their limings more than growers in the other states. r Just the same, North Carolina farmers need to apply much more lime to their acid soils to improve their productivity, and Floyd is urg ing them to make every effort to carry out all the practices to meet their soil-building goal so they can qualify for the full amount of their agricultural conservation payments. Applying lime and phosphate are among the recommended practices. He pointed out that in an experi ment with an untreated pasture, 46 pounds of beef were produced per year by each acre, and at the end of five years only 10 per cent of the desirable grasses ,and legumes remained. But a limed and phos pirated pasture produced 128 pounds of beef per acre yer year and after five years 99 per cent of the de sirable grasses and legumes were growing luxuriantly. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County. Whereas, on the 11th day of May, 1929, Mrs, Anna Harrington PN-. ft LEGAL ADVERTISING executed and delivered to T. J. Johnston, Trustee, a deed of trust on the property hereinafter de scribed, said deed of trust being . recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds for Macon County; in Book No. 31, Page 176; and Whereas, since the execution and delivery of said' deed of trust T. J. Johnston has died, and the under signed was appointed .as Adminis tratrix of his Estate and succeeded to air the rights and duties of said Trustee; and Whereas, default has been made in the payment of the amount se cured by said deed of trust, and demand has been . made on the undersigned to exercise the power of sale contained in said deed of trust: NOW, THEREFORE, the under signed will, on Friday, August 5, 1938, it ' the court house door in the Town of Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed property: A one-third undivided interest in urkot Ic LrnMirri 4C t Vi a An ilotiKrr TV t o nilV TV II Ok J UI'.MI. m J land on Highway No. 285, leading from Franklin to Dillsboro, adjoin ing the Lake Emory Lands, J. M. McCracken and others, BEGIN NING at a white oak NW corner of Section No. 16 runs E 148 poles to a black oak; then S 22 poles to a stake at the road ; then S 75 W 12 poles to a rock near ford of the creek ; then S 51 E 9 poles to a persimmon; then S 35 EJ 12 pole3 to a maple on the bank of the creek; then S 60 E 12 poles to a poplar on the bank of the creek; then S 76 E 10 poles to a poplar; then S 122 poles to a stake; then Mr 17rt i. i. . ing the State road at 55 poles; v then N 160 poles to the BEGIN NING, containing 165 acres, more or less. This 5th dav of Tiilv 19."W ETHEL D. JOHNSTON, Administratrix of tle Estate of T. J. Johnston, deceased. By GEO. B. PATTON, Att'y. J74tc J28 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator ( of George Nichols, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against, the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of June, 1939, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 24th day of June, 1938. . D. M. SWEATMAN, Administrator. J306tc A4 ADMINISTRATRIX C. T. A. NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix C. T. A. of . Matt Liner, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of June, 1939, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make -immediate settlement. This 20th day of June, 1938. MRS BELLE; LINER. Administratrix C. T. A. J23 6tc -J25 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified an executor of Nell Schuyler Childs, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this .is to notify all persons having claims against - the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of June, 1939, or this notice will .be plead in bar of their recovery. All .persons indebted .to said .estate ,.will ,please mane immediate settlement. This 25th day of June, 1938. LeROY W. CHILDS, Execptor. J30-6tp-A4 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Havincr Qualified as administratrix of Elbert Cope, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, .this is. to notify .. all persons .having - claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them, to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of June, 1939, or this notice will be plead in bar of- their recovery, All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 28th day of .June,., 1938. SALLIE COPE, Administratrix, J30H6tp-A4

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