V THE FRANKLIN PresJ AND ti!E HIChlandS MaconiaN PACE THREJ Mrs. D, W, Nichols, Sr of Florence, Ala., is spending several days with her son, D. W. Nichols, Jr., and Mrs. Nichols. . Mr. and Mrs. Neville Sloan and X son, Neville, Jr., and Billy Sloan, of Atlanta, spent the week-end in Franklin , visiting relatives and friends. , SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER S. CONLEY. PHONE 104 Pies Have the "Ayes"! BY BEULAH V. QILLASPIE Olrectoi, 8ealtest Laborttory Kitchen THURSDAY, SEPT, 8, V v r HENRY-DUVAL I M. Rimmer, Mrs. B. W. Woodruff Mr. R. K Henry, of Frankiiiv Mrs. Pearl . Wright," Mrs. H. E 0 announces, the marriage of his Church, Mrs. Frank Higdon, Mrs. uaug'nier, Miss lna Henry, to Mr. Frank Bloxham, Mrs. John Archer, Ernest ' Uuval, of Waynesville, in Mrs. James L. Averill and Mrs. Blairsvilie. Ga..' with Mr. C. C. Lester b. Lonley. '.-.-; Hughes- otficiating. 'ihe ring, cere- At the conclusion of the meeting, tnnnv was used. the hostess served - a delicious Tne bndeis the daughter of R. sweet course. - . F. Henry and the late Mrs. Henry. ., v " - ' ' She is a graduate of the Franklin U. D. C. TO MEET high school and of Western Caro- SEPTEMBER 19 Una Teachers' college at Cullowhee. The Macon County Chapter of Mrs. Duval is at-present a teacher the United Daughters of Confeder ' in the' .public "schools of Macon acy will meet on Monday, Septemb- county, where she has taught for er 19, at the home of Mrs. Carl ' the past eight years. S. Slagle, president, instead of go Mr. Duval is- the son of Mr. J. ing to Arrowood Glade for a picnic B. Duval and the late Mrs. Duval, on Monday, September 12, as has of Canton and is in business in been previously announced- All Waynesville. : . 1 members are requested to attend : the meeting. ' GARDEN CLUB MEETS 7 . WITH MRS. A. L. McLEAN W. M. U. TO MEET ;. ;ihe Franklin Garden club met. WITH MRS. ROBERT RAMSEY on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock The Woman's Missionary Union with Mrs. A. L. McLean, at "Knoll- cf the Franklin Baptist church will acres" at West's Mill, for the regu- meet on Thursday afternoon, Sep- lar monthly business , and social tember 15( at 3 o'clock, at the meeting, with 1U members present. home o Mrs Ramsey, on The president, Mrs. R. M. Rim- .Tdlico, for the regular monthly mer, presided over the business ses- business and' social meeting. ".'. sion and after the reports from iembers of both circles are ask the different committees and the e(j to meej at tne church; at 2 secretary's report were made, the 0'ciock before leaving for Mrs. meeting was turned over to Mrs. RamseyVAll members are request Ben W. Woodruff, chairman of the ed to attend. v . poogram committee. . Mrs. James L. Averill read an LUNCHEON GIVEN BY article on. the "House . Plants. Re- MRS. PAUL H. GERRARD turn to Winter Quarters," which MrsVPaul H. Gerrard entertain was very interesting as well as in- ed w;tb a luncheon at her home structive. Mrs. Frank Bloxham sang on Harrison avenue Saturday, with two beautiful solos, Without a the evening being spent in playing bong" and A JPertect uay ac- Gypsy bridge, with three tables in t cpmpanied by Mrs. B. W; Wood- piay. -rdff at the piano; which was en- Tne rooms where the guests as- - joyed very much. sembled for playing were attrac Naming the flower contest was t jvely arranged with bowls of sum won by Mrs. H. E. Church, who mer flowers. was presented a gorgeous bouquet Those eniovine the hosoitality of of dahlias grown by Mrs. Frank Mrs Gerrard" 'were: Vt Mrs. "H. "E: v.v.::::v0V.'.:lCrJ..lfc..,.X.::,ft. .: ;.: .. . . i Courtesy Sealtest Laboratory Kitchen 1- Church Services Baptist Church Rtfb. C. F. Roger, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Preaching service. 7 p. m. B. T. U. 8 p. m. Preaching service. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Prayer service St. Agnes Episcopal Church 8 :(X) p. m. Evening prayer and s,ermon. DURING these fresh fruit months, we can't talk of pies too much! For, a fresh peach or berry pie just sweeps along all guests, family members or casual visitors. If you don't know what a luscious "extra" tang sour cream adds to a fruit pie, you've missed the modern Idea of heavenly food. Here's an open-faced peach pie that will do honor to the finest of meals! PEACH SOUR CREAM PIE 1 cup zwieback cup butter , crumbs cup sugar 2 eggs 1 cup 'thick Few grains salt sour cream 2 cups sliced fresh peaches Mix the zwieback crumbs,, melted butter and cup of the sugar and press on the sides and bottom of a pie pan. Beat the eggs slightly, add the sour cream, salt and the remain ing cup of sugar and mix well. Add the peaches and pour into the pie shell. Bake in a moderate oven (325 F.) for about 1 hour or until the custard is set. Serve warm or cold. Higdon. Those attending were: Mrs.. R. Macon Theatre Matinees 3:30 P. M. NIGHT SHOW 7:30 SHOWING FROM 1:30 TO 11 P. M. SATURDAYS PROGRAM FOR WEEK FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 "LAWS OF THE UNDERWORLD" A Gripping Gangster Drama WITH CHESTER MORRIS, ANNE SHIRLEY, EDVARDO CIANNELU SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 "GOLD MINE IN THE SKY" Starring: GENE AUTRY Altio: Last Chapter, of "DEVIL DOGS" .ed by the hostesses. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 DOUBLE FEATURE KAY FRANCIS IN "MY. BILL" WITH JOHN LITEL, BONITA GRAN VILLE, DICK MOORE, ANITA LOUISE .STAN LAUREL OLIVER HARDY In CHILDREN'S PARTY GIVEN BY MRS. NICHOLS Mrs. Douelas W. Nichols. " Jr;, entertained with a party Friday honoring her son, Douglas, on his fourth birthday anniversary, which was Sunday. September 4. mi . : . 1 ine evening was spent in piay- ing many outdoor games, ana Douglas was the recipient of many toys and gifts. Those attending the party were: Patty Lou Phillips, Martha Ann JAMES FINLAYSON "RI.nr.lf .HE ADS" Wirit: PATRICIA ELLIS. BILLY Sf". MHfr. Nanqr Jane GILBERT. MINNA GOMBELL, . Tysinger, Allen Cartkdge, Pat Pat- tillo, Robert Fmley. Dannie Angel, Barney Archer, Billy Waldroop, Kermit DeHart, Max Henderson, Billy Zickgraf and Howard Hors ley. The girls were given- dolls and the boys little cars as souvenirs in TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 "RACKET BUSTERS" Witih: GEORGE BRENT, HUMPHREY BOGART GLORIA DICKSON WED.-THUR.; SEPTEMBER 14-15 1 rememberance of the party. ROBERT TAXJLUK, tUWARU ARNOLD, MAUREEN O'JSULLI VAN, FRANK MORGAN, WIL L1AM GARGAN, LIONEL STANDER, JANE WYMAN IN "THE CROWD ROARS" If yoi want our weekly program mailed to you, please leave name at Box Office. At the conclusion of the playing Mrs. Nichols served ice cream and cake. Miss Mary Slagle, who is doing social service work in Winston Salem, accompanied by Mrs. Mar tha Dorce, also of Winston-Salem, spent' the week-end with Miss Slagle's parents, ' Mr. and Mrs Carl S. Slagle,-at, their home on Frank lin Route 1, jvirs. i-ewis Mieike ana son Charles, of Newberry, S. .C, are spending several days with Mrs Mielke's mother, Mrs. M. F. Jones, at her home on Bonny Crest. Frank Alexander, who is work ing in Charlotte, is visiting his wife and daughter, at the home of Mr and Mrs. John M. Moore on. White Oak street. Mrs. Walter Bass .and son, H. C. Cunningham, of Durham, and Mr, and Mrs. James Cunningham and daughter eitysjiutlvf -Winstoo- Salem, spent the week-end jhere with their aunt and sister-in-law, Airs. W. T. Moore and Mr. Moore Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Cornwell, of Benton, Ky., are .spending a few days in Franklin with their daugh ter, Mrs. Frank Leach and Mr Leach. They were accompanied by Frank Leach, Jr., who had been in Benton for a visit with his grand parents. Dover Fouts, of Burnsville, spent the first of the week with his father, Dr. J. Hi Fouts and Mrs. Fouts, at their home on lotla street. , James E. Penn, who spent the past two weeks in Franklin visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C Penn, at their home on West Main street, left Monday for Troy, N. Y., where he is a student at Rens selaer Polytechnic Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Reid lCabe and three children,- Barbara, Tommy and Alice, of Accokeek, Md., are spending this week with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. F; Callahan Church, Mrs. John Archer, Mrs. Richard Hertzler, Mrs. Richard b. Jones, Mrs. Truman Moody, Mrs. Emory Hunnicutt, Mrs. L. n. Lal- loway, Mrs. Harley Dunbar, Mrs. John Wasilik and MrSw D. W. Nichols, Jr. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER FOR MRS. LEWIS RAMEY Mrs. Blanche Parrish, Miss Net tie Hurst and Misses Lola and Jessie Ramsey honored Mrs. Lewis Ramey. of Champaign, 111, the for mer Miss Ezella Hurst, of Frank jin, with a miscellaneous shower on Saturday, afternoon at Wood Hurst Farm," the home of Miss Hurst The living room and dining room, which were thrown ensuite,- were beautifully decorated in quantities of summer flowers. A number of friends called dur ing the afternoon leaving dainty packages of useful and attractive cifts for the tionoree. Delicious refreshments were serv-J in franklin, and Mr. and Mrs u A. Cabe on Franklin Route 2. Mrs. G. L. Livingston and Mrs. C. C. Livingston, who have been visiting the former's daughter, Mrs. O. C. Oorbin and Mr. Corbin at their home at Gneiss, have return ed to their home at Boomer. i Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sanders have returned to their home at Rocky Mount, after spending the week-end with Mrs. Sanders' sister, Mrs. Zeb W. Conley and Mr. Con ley. On their return they were accompanied by their .daughter, Joyce, who spent the1 past month with her aunt, Mrs. Conley. Mrs. Roy Robinson and three children have returned to their home at Hazelwood, after a visit here with Mrs. Robinson's mother, Mrs. C. A. Setser and Mr. Setser, and sister, Mrs. Derald Ashe and Mr. Ashe. Mrs., Henry Jacobs and son, who have1 been visiting Mrs. Jacobs' mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary Jacobs at her home in East Franklin, re turned to their home in Detroit, Mich, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Johns ton and son, Murray, of Decatur, Ga spent the week-end with Mn Johnston's mother, Mrs. T. J. Johns ton, at her home on Harrison ave nue. On their return Monday they were accompanied by Mrs S. II. Lyle, Jr., who spent the first of the week in Decatur, the guest of Mr, and Mn. Johnston. Mrs. Ralph Bryson and young daughter and Mrs. Mary Reno and children, of Detroit, Mich, came in last week for a visit" with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Morgan and Robert Sheffield, at their homes at West's Mill. . Mrs. A. Y. Crawley, who spent the past three weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. S. H. Lyle, Sr., at her home on Harrison avenue, returned to her home in Griffin, Ga, Monday. Billy Blaine and Alex Moore, Jr., left Monday for Mars Hill",'" where they will enter Mars Hill college for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs.' Charlie Bradley and children have moved from, their 'home at West's Mill to the Porter Mus recently purchased by Mr. Bradley. Presbyterian Church Rev. J. A. Flanagan, Pastor Franklin (Each Sunday) . 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Worship services. Morrison (Each Sunday) 2:J0 p. m. Sunday school. (Each 2nd and 4th Sunday) 3:30 p. m. Worship services. Franklin Methodist Church The Rev. J. E. Abernethy, Pastor (Each Sunday) 10 a. to. Sunday school. ' 11 a. m. Worship services. . ' 7:30 p. m. Worship services. Macon' Circuit Rev. J. C. Swaim, Pastor 1st Sunday Union II o'clock a. m. ; a. m.;. Mulberry, 2 o'clock p. m.; Hickory Knoll, 2 o'clock p. -nx; Asbury, 3 o'clock p. m. 2nd Sunday Mt. Zion, 11 o'clock; Maiden's Chapel, 3 o'clock p. m. 3rd Sunday Asbury, 11 o'clock Dryman's Chapel. 3 o'clock p. m.; Union, 7 :30 o'clock p. m. 4th Sunday Patton's 11 o'clock a. m.'; Maiden's Chapel, 2 o'clock p. m. ; Mt. Zion, 7:30 o'clock p. m. Catlbolic Services Sunday Sept. 11th In American Legion Hall, Main street, as an nounced by Rev. Cletus J. Helfrich, pastor in charge of St. John's Cath olic church, Wayn.esville : 8:00 .a. m. Confessions, commun ion and mass. Sermon text: "He hath loved all thingn that are ; and He hateth none of the things He hath made," (Wis. 11:6.) All welcome. Forward Looking Fashions advance styling in Nelly Dons you'll wear into winter. Saucy little dresses brimming with smartness, made of Du Pcrit Rayon, Nelda Crepe, Crepe Averielle, Faille, Alpaca, Sandpiper Weave (Spun rayon and wool.) Colors- Black, Brown, Wine, Copper, Rust, Peacock, Green, Navy, and Red. ' Sizes 10 to 44 E. K. Cunningham & Co. - "THE SHOP OF QUALITY" FRANKLIN, N. C.

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