..:. Y3Lti'V WW PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENVEN2" VOL. LIU, NO. 43 FRANKLIN, N. C THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1938 $1.50 PER YEAR hi hi u i ..-mm! id 'ix 'MS s-i a i 31 r-iw m mwvm attV DECEMBER TERM JURORS DRAWN List Of Those Who Wil Serve At Next Term Superior Court Following are the names of the jurors drawn for the December term of Macon Superior Court, which will convene on Monday, December 5: First Week Tom . Bingham, Route 1; Frank Williams, Ellijay; Joe Hasting, Prentiss; L. 0. Miller, Highlands C. X McKinney, Highlands; J. H, Rickmian, West Mills, I. M. Cabe, Otto; Will Bird, Prentiss; H. D, West, Franklin ; L. C. Haskett, E11U jay; Lester Sorrells. Franklin ; Jack Wyman, Franklin ; Alex Deal, Route 4; Ben H. Gibson, Cullasaja Mann Dalton, Route 3; J. C. Hoi land, Gneiss; G. M. Stanfield, Route 2; H. H. Cole, Stiles; J. F. Smith Route 1; S. E. Fouts, Route 3; M A. Pierson, Highlands; W. A. Bry- son. Highlands; Charley W. Hend erson. Gneiss: E. P. Picklesimer. Highlands; Leslie B. Higdon, Culla saja ; Will M. Earley, Franklin ; Hez Dills, Route 1: W. N. Car penter, Dillard. Ga., Route 1 ; M. H, , Anderson, Route 1 ; W. C Mash- burn, Cullasaja; Robert Stuart, Otto; Geo. Stiles, Jr., Route 2; John H. Barnes, Gneiss; J; Frank Bailey, Route 4; C. A. Moffitt, Otto; Harry Ray, Route 3; Omer Elmore. Leatherman ; Grady Cope, Route 3; V. V. Jennings, Elhjay; Wiley MeGall,- Highlands: J. V. Sanders, Route 1 ; C. H. Zoellrier, Highlands; Joe Pojtts Cullasaja; N. L. Jolley, Cullasaja; Everett I MaShburn, Gneiss; Carl Donaldson, Prentiss; Fred D. Cabe, Route 1; David A. McCall, Highlands. . Soond Wck Parker Gregory, Route No. 4 ; A. A. Adams, Ellijay ; Lewis Tilson, Highlands ; S. J. Kinsland, Route ,4; R. J. Cobb, Highlands; Lyman Higdon, Franklin ; Elmon Teague. Prentiss ; N. G. Davis, Route 1; Grady Henry, Ellijay; Wiley Grant, Nantahala; H. A. Gribble, Prentiss ; B. H. , Scott, Route 4; J. A. Flanagan, Franklin; J. A. Wild, Route 3; L. H. Mash burn, Flats ; W. E. Mozeley, Otto ; Lester F. Crawford, Route 3; H. O. Penland, Scaley; C. N. West. West Mills; C. W. Ramey, Route 2; W. 3R. Watkins, Cullasaja; Lyman Sweatman, Route 1 1 ; Vance Van hook, Route 2; J. B. Crunkleton, Highlands; Geo. M. Slagle, Route 1; M. V. Justice, Prentiss; D. N. Pouts, Route 3; T. W. Angel, Jr., Franklin ;, Laddie Crawford, Route 1 ; Lee Corn, Dillard, Ga., Route 1. All-Day Singing At Courthouse Sunday The Macon county fifth Sunday singing convention will meet at the courthouse Sunday for an all-day singing, it has been announced by James M. Raby, president. Singers have been invited from several of the adjoining counties as well . as South Carolina and Georgia. There will also be com posers of Gospel music present. All singers, quartets duets and classes in the county are urged to be present and take a part in the singing. The public is cordially in vited. . Large Party Goes On Bear Hunt A large party of men from Frank lin and , Highlands spent the first part of the week, on a bear hunt in Graham county in the Snow bird mountain section, but returned without the bear. The party included : Harve Bry ant. W. T. Moore, Charles Bradley, C Tom Bryson, Wade Arvey, John Cunningham, C D. Baird, Andy Lee Howard, Truman , Moody, Lee "Woods and Bob Houston, of Franklin; Fred Edwards, G. W. Ifarett, Carl Zoellner and Will Ed wards of Highland!," - ' 1 Road Funds Allotted to Macon County Tuesday By WPA The works progress administra tion allotted $288,241.10 in federal and sponsors funds Tuesday for 18 relief projects in North Carolina, George W. Coan, Jr., state admin istrator, announced. The projects are designed to give employment to 892 workers. Among the allotments is includ ed $25,086.00 for road improvement work in Macon county. This, allotment to Macon county will assure work for men on the WPA rolls for some time. According to statements made by local officials, it was necessary to lay off 700 men m this section on October 11, but 342 of them were transferred to the forest service and will probably be put to work within a few days, 1 their pay to come out of a forest service allot ment which is expected to be made at once, n The remainder of those who were laid off have been put back to work on WPA projects and 64 new ones have been added to the rolls this week. SET RED CROSS QUOTA AT Rev. H: S. Williams Heads Drive" In " County This Year .Two important Red Cross confer ences at which chapter delegates discussed Roll Call plans and fur ther development of the Red Cross service were held in North Caro lina during the week, the first at Rocky Mount, on October 26, and in Charlotte on ; October 27. Delegates from the local chapter attending the meeting in Charlotte included Miss Josephine Dixon, nurse in the health department; Mrs. Carl P. Cabe and Mrs. Harry Higgins. the Rev. H. S. Williams and the Rev. J. A. Flanagan, chair man of the Macon county chapter. The meeting was held in the Hotel Charlotte with the morning session featured with a talk on the various Red Crossi services by Mr. Carl Hunt, of national headquarters, and the afternoon session with a talk by the Rev. Herman L. Turner, pastor of the Covenant Presbyter ian church of Atlanta. The after noon session closed with a showing of the new Red Cross Safety film, "Why Not Live?" The Rev. H. S. Williams, pastor of the Franklin circuit of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, will serve as County Roll Gall chairman this year succeeding the Rev. Frank Bloxham, who resigned several months ago. , The quota for the county has been set at 300 memberships, the same as last year. Officials of the ocal chapter hope to go beyond this goal as they have done for the past few years, winning recognition each year for this achievement. The records for the state show the ooal chapter standing in 49th place among the 120 chapters of the state in percentage of members in pro portion to population. The, local chapter has had a consistent growth in memberships during the past five years pratically doubling the mem berships in this time. Masquerade Party Friday Evening A masaurade oartv will be sriven bv the Youncr People's Athletic club on Friday evening' in the new agricultural building . on Church street, beginning at 8 o'clock. The entire membership is urged to attend and each is requested to come masked. It is hoped that all members will , attend. ' " """ ' PANTHERS WIN GAME FRIDAY Defeat Bryson City 6-0; Meet Long Creek Tomorrow For the second time this season the Franklin Panthers defeated Bryson City last Friday 6-0. ' After a number of mizhtv lin plays, the touchdown was 1 scored early in the second period when Frank' Higdon hurled a 20-yard nass to Charles Hunnicutt who ran 30 vards to the eoal after J. C Cunningham had made a clear road by cutting down the opponents de fenuve half back. The linemen held attacks by blocking and tackling with a skill ful art. " Tohn Slaerle olaved a great de- tensive came at his new position in - t the back field, and it looks as though he will develop into a powerful back. Guards Fred Guest and Vercoe Watkins seemed to dash through the oooonents' offensive line at will and threw Bryson City for numerous losses. . Caotaih Setser. pivot man, played his usual eood name and quarter back Fouts managed the team with ability: To Met Long Creek FrkUy The Franklin Panthers are pre paring for a difficult battle with Long Creek Academy Friday at 2 o'clock on the home field. This is expected to be one of the hardest games of the season. The boys seem to have new spirit at ' practice this week and are working diligently for the tilt with the Academy. Blocking and tackling have been stressed to a great ex tent by Coach Shuford. With John Slagk filling the po sition of quarter-back on the of fense and backing up the line on the defense, the backfield should be stronger. This is a hard assign ment for Slagle, but Coach Shuford thinks that with the help of two elusive backs like Frank Higdon and Charles Hunnicutt, together with . good interference of Roy Fouts and the blocking ability of the whole line, Slagle will be cap able of holding down this double duty. The probable line-up is as. follows: L. E; C. Shepard; L. T. John Setser; L. G. V. Watkins; C C. Setser; R. G. Fred Guest; R. T. Curly Pennington ; R. E. J. C. Cunningham; Q. B. John Slagle; H. B. Roy Fouts; H. B. Charles Hunnicutt; F. B. Frank Higdon. Junior Class To Give Carnival ' Under the supervision of the junior class, a Halloween carnival will be held at the Franklin school, Saturday night, October 29, at 7:30. The admission will be 10 cents. Entertainment will consist of a floor show, a" cake walk, bingo, and many other games, and in addition numerous side shows in booths, witches, demons, and ghosts will cast their mighty spells. The main feature of the evening will be the crowning of a carnival queen chosen -from the student body. There will be placed n each room a box with the name of the prettiest , girl selected from the room. Everyone will be allowed to vote "by dropping pennies into the boxes, each penny counting a vote. Fortune, telling will' be. an inter esting feature of the evening. Mrs. Franks Attending Welfare Association Mrs. Eloise G. Franks, Macon County superintendent of public welfare, is attending the convention of the North Carolina superinten dents of public welfare in session at the Carolina Hotel, Raleigh, Oc tober 27-28. Mrs. Franks, as vice-president, will preside at the luncheon ses sion tomorrow (Friday) afternoon in the Carolina Hotel dining room. C. C. Vanhook Funeral Rites Monday At Coweta Church Funeral services for Cecil Carey Vanhook, 29, were held Monday morning at 10 o'clock at the Cow eta Baptist church. The Rev. J. A. Flanagan, pastor of the Franklin Presbyterian church, assisted by the Rev. George A. Cloer, a Baptist minister, were in charge of the services, Interment was in the Rush cemetery. ' Mr. Vanhook died at his home on Franklin Route 2, Sunday morn ing about 4 o'clock, following an 'illness of several months. Death was attributed to Bright's disease. He was a young farmer in his community, and was the son of the late Carey Vanhook and Mrs. Van hook, of Franklin Route 2. Pallbearers were: Harry Tallent, Ellis Hodgins, J.ud Tallent, Paul Williams, Lawrence Vanhook and Dan Garland. The flower girls were: Kate Van hook, Mrs. Eugene McCoy, Grace Bradley, Pearl Vanhook, Maggie Ledbetter and Blanche Vanhook. Surviving are his widow, the for mer Miss Addie Pauline Ledbetter, and a small .son 13 months 'old, of Franklin Route 2; his mother, Mrs. Carey Vanhodk, of Enka; four brothers, Ralph Vanhook, of De troit, ..Mich.; Roy Vanhook, of Franklin Route 2; Carl and John Vanhook, of Enka; two sisters, Mrs. Jesse Keener, of Highlands, and Miss Mane Vanhook. DEATH CLAIMS MS. SHEPHERD Old Resident Of Watauga Section Passes, On Thursday, Oct. 20 Mrs. Rhoda Shepherd, 87, died at her home in the Watauga section, five miles east of Franklin last Thursday, afternoon at 4 o'clock. Death was due to a heart attack. She had been in ill health about two years. Mrs. Shepherd, the daughter of the late Pendleton and Carolyn Sanders, was born January 5, 1861. She was born and reared in the Watauga section and lived her en tire life in Macon county. Her hus band was the late Henry Shepherd, u Union veteran.- She was a member of the Snow Hill Methodist church. Funeral services were held at Snow Hill Methodist church, five miles north of Franklin, Friday aft ernoon. The Rev. C. F, Rogers, pastor . of the Franklin Baptist church, was in charge in the ab sence of the pastor, the Rev. H. S. Williams. Interment was in the church cemetery. The pallbearers were: Will Rick man, Harley R. Cabe, C. A. Bryson, Ed H. Parrish, Herman H. Plem mons and Billy Watkins. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Logan Allen, of Franklin, and Mrs. Eva Mason, of Watauga; two sons, Richard Shepherd, of Canton, and Samuel Shepherd, of Kyle; two sis ters, Mrs. Sally Nichols, of Athens, Ga., and Mrs. Callie Painter, of Gastonia; one brother, Cowan San ders, of Watauga, and 11 grand children. Baptist Church Notes Friday night of this week at 7 :30 the officers and teachers of the Sunday school will meet and make reports of the work of the month. The pastor, Rev. C. F. Rogers, will continue, his Sunday night theme on "Our Bible," preaching on the "Tower of Babel" The or dinance of baptism will follow. Baptist laymen's convention will be held in the First Baptist church in Bryson City1 at 2:30 p. m., Sun day, and a large number of men are planning to go from here. ONE CHANGE IN MACON PASTORS . Conference Sends Rev. I. L. Roberts to Franklin M. E. Church Only one change was made in the pastors of Methodist churches in Macon county, according to the appointments announced by Bishop Clare Purcell at the close of the Western Notth Carolina conference in Charlotte Monday. Dr. J. E. Abernethy, who has served . the Franklin Methodist church for tht past year, is suc ceeded by the Rev. I. L. Roberts. who will come here from Dallas in the Gastonia district. The Rev. H. S. Williams returns to the Franklin circuit and the Rev. J. C. Swaim to the Macon circuit. Ihe Rev. W. F. Beadle is also re turned to the Highlands charge. The Rev. W. L. Hutchins. who has been Aldersgate director, suc ceeds the Rev. W. A. Rollins as presiding elder of the Wayncsville district. Rev. Mr. Rollins goes to the hirst Church at Hickory. The Rev. C. C. Herbert. Jr., for mer pastor of the Franklin Metho dist church, goes back to Walker town in the Winston-Salem district, and has also been appointed dis trict missionary secretary for the district. Following will be found the full list of appointments for the Way hesville district: Waynesville district, presiding el der, W L. Hutchins; Andrews, G N. Dulin; Bethel, J, W. Blitch; Brevard, E. P. Billups; Brevard circuit, to be supplied. , Bryson City, A. L. Rayle, Can ton, W. R. Kelly; Clyde. C. Price; Cullowhee. C. G. Hefner; Crabtree, A. F. Phibbs; Dellwood, C. O. Newell (M. E.). ' Fines Creek, G. L. Lovett, sup ply ; Franklin, I. L. Roberts ; Frank lin circuit, H. S. Williams; Hayes ville, J. C. Gentry; Highlands, W. F. Beadle; Jonathan, J. D. Pyatt, supply. , Junaluska. J. S. Folger; Macon, J. C. Swaim; Murphy, Van B. Har rison ; Murphy circuit, J. A. Fry; Robbinsville, H. L. Lefevers; Sylva A. P. Ratledge. Waynesville, J. G. Huggins, jr.; Webster, G. A. Hovi, supply ; Whittier, C. L. Fisher, supply; Mis sionary to Brazil. C. W4 Clay; pro fessor Brevard college, E. D. C Brewer; district missionary secre tary, W. R. Kelly. . Dr. J. E. Abernethy, who has served the Franklin church for the past year, is one of the most schol arly preachers of the Methodist de nomination, and -has been pastor of several of the largest churches in the conference. His going away will be deeply regretted by the people of the town, regardless of their church affiliations. The new pastor will be fittingly welcomed by the Methodists and also by the pastors and members of the other churches of the com munity. ' Dr. J. E. Abernethy To Preach Sfunday Dr. J. E. Abernethy. pastor cf the Franklin Methodist church, y.ho has been transferred tot Valdcso, will conduct his last service here i next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. It is expected that a large con gregation will attend this farewell service. Angel Hpspital Opens New Dental Clinic Dr. Furman Angel announces the opening of a dental clinic at the Angel hospital. New and modern equipment has been installed. Dr. Paul O'Brian, formerly resident dentist at the Cincinnati General hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, is in charge of the new dental department.