AC& EIGHT BOARD ELECTS MOIIJAYOR George B. Fatten Resigns When Elected To Assembly At a called meeting of. the town board held last Friday night, No vember 4, Geo. B. Patton tendered his resignation as mayor of Frank lin, and Guy L. Houk was elected to succeed him. Mr. Houk will serve for the unexpired term which ends in May, 1939. , Mr. Patton's resignation was made necessary because af his election as representative for Macon coun ty in the next general assembly, which will convene in January. George Patton has several times the nmwi pim m m inetiutiM umvm. .1 CAN YOU AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT Funeral Benefit Insurance Costs Are Surprisingly Small Rates From 2'2C Month Up According To Age Benefits are Provided in the Amount of $100 for Persons . Over 10 Years of Age and in the Amount of $50 for Per-' sons. Under 10 Years of Age. Bryant Burial Ass'n. Franklin, N. C. ROLL CALL TO GET UNDER WAY been drafted , by the citlai to serve as mayor and has made & splnedid record during seach term he hits served. Mr. Houk has now been drafted for the job, and is ex pected to handle the affairs ot tne office in a manner acceptable to the people of the community; Ellijay By HAZEL AMMONS Mrs. Sadie Sumners, of Canton, . ... i ' -L i : -Uic is visiting ner son, vnams.,- i". week. ' ' . We are glad to say Gradyi Mash- burfi is some improved. Mrs. Carrie Henry has been con fined to her bed for the last weeK with influenza. L Jim Rogers was. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stiwinters, ot Luiiasaja, Sunday. ; ' Mrs. Lester Mmcey and children are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jones, of Gneiss. . Walter Lee Henry, of Winston Salem, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taylor have moved from. Ellijay to Hamburg in Jackson county. . Mrs.- Sarah . Ammons, of Sylva, was visiting her .sister, Mrs, Alex Ammons, last week.- Hayes Hipps and family, of Sylva, haye moved to the Callie Henry place on Ellijay. Callie Henry and family moved to their !"ZnTj'um Berry, of ""der .he (Urection of Mr,. Beta. Wavnesville. have been visiting Macon relatives here. (Continued' from Pag Ona) , Woodruff, Mrs, Lester Co'riley. Mrs. J. Henry Slagle, Sanford Smith, Mrs. Helen Macon, Miss, Jennie Gillam, Mrs, Martha C. Shields, Prof. J. R. Wells, Mrs. feari Hunter, Mrs. J. C. Wright, Mrs. J. D. Franks, Miss, Josephine Dixon, Mrs. Ray Brandt, Mrs.' Ray Swanson, Mrs. J. E. Perry. In connection with the Red Cross work Miss. Dixon will begin s course in high school soon on home hygiene and care of the sick in connection with the class in home economics. Mrs; Hugh Leach and Miss Dixon will teach the class.; A first aid course for WPA workers under J. L. Sanders, first aid instructor, closed with 25 re ceiving first aid certificates. A "Pep" supper for. Red Cross members, and workers will be giv en at the American Legion hall nicrVit ThnrsdavY. Rev. H. S. Williams -will preside and talks will be made by Mrs. Eloise G. Franks, county welfare superinten dent ; Mrs. Gordon Moore, junior WoA ths Rev. Frank Blox- ham and others. A special skit, "Setting the Goal," will be Piven Staffers To Meet At Cowee November 20 v f'-v. The Sunday afternoon singing of the : northern division- Macon coun ty singing convention will meet with the Cowee Baptist church, be ginning at 1 p. nt, on Sunday, No vember 20, it was announced by Harley B; ; Mason, vice-president. All choirs, quartets, duets, solo ists an'jT all interested . in singing are invited to attend. Classified Advertisements FOUND Sum of money, in our store. Owner can get naming amount and denominations. BRYANT FURNITURE CO. ltc .! i , ' ; FOR SALE Six-room house and two lots on Bonny Crest. See Mrs. J. B, Henry. N3-4tp N27 erf almost new, cheap, Apply, Presi office '.' . - ' ' . FOR RENT Good seven-room house, close in.- Grover Jamison N10 2tc N17 FOR SALE White quartz rock for wall building and flower garden purposes. Also gravel for founda tions and white quartz sand. For price and information call 168. BRADLEY MICA MINES. O20 4tc N10 FREE If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tion, Heartburn, Belching, floating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Perry's Drug Store. Ol3-tp Dl . BARGAINS In factory rebuilt Singer sewing machines. Good as new and priced at one-third the original cost. , BRYANT FURNITURE CO. ltc THE ELECTION IS OVER Let's Get Down to Business We had a long, dry and warm Fall Cold weather is just around the corner . . . its coming. . . . We are prepared to fill all your needs in winter merchandise. Look good and feel good. Come in and see them. I often hear someone say: "I didn't know you had that at this price!" At my store you can see what you want try it on and then buy it for less money. ' . ; ' . Look Here! Specials Ladies' and Misses' Sweaters, slip-over Cjflc $J.50 Children's Coats, good material, full lin- $1 .95 ecL values $2.95 and $3.95. Special........ J Ladies' Coats, good $5.00 value $0.95 or button, blues, stripes and checks Ladies' Twin Sweaters, $2.00 value special for Better Grade Coats, double lined, $6.00 $.75 value, . UNDER WEAR WE'VE GOT 'EM! Boy's Union Suits, heavy, size CCc and QQc 24 to 34, each P OV Men's Union Suits, heavy Qc QCc $1.00 weight John B. Stetson, Rebuilt Hats, just $J.OO come in, special Men's Sweaters, French Serge with $1.00 fleece back, only Men's Heavy Flannel Shirts for winter, $1 .'00 blue checks and browns, bargain... Men's Boots (wear like pig's nose) $Q.95 up get a pair for winter Wolverine Shoes "Shell Horse Hide", the kind that will satisfy you, and $0.95 and $269 to $.50 keep dry and soft Boy's Boots, real buy, come in and see them WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY LET US PROVE IT Joseph Ashear "We Clothe the Family" FRANKLIN, N. C. ADDITIONAL FRANKLIN SOCIAL ITEMS GARDEN CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. JOHN ARCHER TVip Franklin Garden club met on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs, John Archer, witn Mrs. Kph W Woodruff as, associate hostess. Approximately 20 members and visitors attended tne metiing. Mrs. T. S. Sloan, vice-president, presided over the business session in the absence ot Mrs. K. m. rum mer, president, after which the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Ben W. Woodruff, chairman of the program committee. . Mrs. Kichard nertzier piaycu v.,- hMiitiful mano selections, which were thoroughly enjoyed by all. ... W. C Penn, president ot the Franklin Chamber of Commerce, and J. S. Conley, a representative from the Rotary club, were guests mariner Mr. Penn made a at o- , short talk and offered the assis tance and cooperation of both or- nrtranizations to aid the cluD in cleaning and beautifying the streets of Franklin, making this a more Ko.ont;fnl anrl attractive place in U,uUliW - ' tr livp. 4 rVAAkVrO v ----- The December meeting will be held tat the home of Mrs. I. W, Angel. Jr., with Mrs. Frank Kil- lian as associate hostess, 'At the conclusion of the meeting, Mr T. E. S. Thorte poured cot fpp an d Mrs. T. S. Sloan poured tea while the fiostesses served delicious sandwiches and cooKies. FOR SALE Hot Blast and Heat rola. Both practically new and in excellent condition. Bargain for cash.- C. L. Cartledge, at Perry's Drug store. REAL BARGAINS I have a good assortment of both pocket and wrist watches taken in trade, and reconditioned, at very reasonable prices. Grover Jamison. N10 2tc N17 , - FOR SALE On large coal or wood circulator' heater, good condi tion ; one medium sized wood heat- LOST A bay mule about 15 yrs. old, weighs around 800 lbs., is shod with toed shoes on front feet, no shoes behind, belonging to W. H. Bradshaw, on Georgia road, Rt. 1,, Dillard, Ga. If found notify owner or Penland boys. ltp LOST OR STOLEN One female fox hound, white with one black spot on left side, small black spot on hips, dark brown head. Last seen at "Wine Spring Creek. If found, notify C. W. Cabe, Frank lin Route ana receive rewaiu. ltp FARM FOR SALE Thirty-eight acres, 12 acres clear ed, in high state of cultivation. Four-room house; good barn, and out buildings; potato curing house, on good road near school. Price $1,600. cash. See James L. Young, Franklin Route 2. N-tfc U. D. C. TO MEET WITH MRS A. B. SLAGLE The Macon County Chapter of the United Daughters of Confeder acy will meet on Monday after noon, November 14, at 3 o'clock at thp home of Mrs. A. B. blagle on West Main street. All members are urged to attend. Mrs. Tack Stribline. Mrs! Myra S. Ellard and daughter, Jackye; Wilmer Crawford, Lyle Tat ham and Red Love, of Andrews, enpnt Fridav of the past week vUitincr friends in Franklin. Mrs. E. F. Daniels, ot Danville, Va., is expected to arrive here Fri day for a few days visit with her daughter. Msr. W. W. Moan, ai "Sunnyside Farm." U m t hi. J See the New Elgin 1939 models at my store, GROVER JAMISON Jeweler mm Maxwell House Coffee, lb. Gem Margarine Oranges 2 lbs. 2 dozen 25 c 25c 25c DRIED BEANS Navy, Great Northern or Blackeyed Peas Pintos, 4 lbs. 25c Cotton Seed Meal Cotton Seed Mulls 16 airy Feed Shorts lb. 5c $1.40 65c $1.60 $1.20 5 -Lb. Fruit Cake $1.89 Come and see our beautiful 2 6 -piece set of Silverware and get our holiday offer cards MIEATTS Fresh IPowrk n&nlh9 Mb. Breakfast QBsQeaim9 nib- Lamb Ihai)iinlldlBir9 fllb. iimsa- Mb. 17e 25 2(D) 171 IFresIi Wisli and ysters DCclDfl I

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