Mi two tH? FRANKLIN f RES3 W -Jftt HKMUNOJ IMfiONIAtt THURSDAY, JANUARY ft ID v.. Highlands MRS. H. CHURCH NOTES Ghuruk of th Inawnation Rev. Frank Bloxham, Rector 10 a. m. Church school. 11 ia. m. Holy communion and sermon. i Highland Pi-etbyterian Church Rev. R. B. DuPree, Pastor 10 ia. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m'. Worship. 7:30" p. m. Christian Endeavor. Highlands Methodist Church Rev. W. F. Baadle, Pastor Highlands: 10 a. m. Church school. 11 a. m. Worship. Clear Greek: 3 p. m. Worship. Highlands: 8 p. m. Worship. Highlands Baptist . Church Rev. J. G. Benfield, Pastor 10 a. in. "-Sunday; school. 11 a. m. Sermon. 6:45 p. m. B. Y. PU. 7:45 p. m. Sermon. POSTAL RECEIPTS SHOW INCREASE 1 According to the postoffice auth orities, the postal receipts for 1938 show an increase of eight per cent over that of 1937. ' B. Y. P. U. REORGANIZED B. T. U. FORMED The Baptist Young People's Un ion has been reorganized and ia Baptist Training Union formed by adding an Adult Union. The B. 'A. U. officers are: presi , dent, Thad D. Smith; secretary- ' treasurer, H, S. Talley; group cap tain, Mrs. R. D Rogers; Bible .quiz leader. Mrs. Thad D. Smith. .The newly elected officers of the Senior B. Y. P. U. are: president, Edward Potts ; .secretary, Harold ''McConnell; treasurer, Maurice Cleaveland; group captains, Doris ; ftt yand Elmer McDowell; Bible quiz, leader, Mrs. Paul Walden. Intermediate B. Y. P. U. leadci, Mrs. O. F. Summer; Junior B. . P. U. leader, Mrs. J. G. Benfield; Pianist, Mrs. O. F. Summer; choir leader, J. W. Reese, Sr. BOY SCOUTS PUT CABIN iN GOOD CONDITION The Boy Scoui.. uudcY U;m crshiji oi scoutmaster K. Li. L'u Pree and assistant scoutmaster x-u ward Potts, spent the entire tinu. while on their camping trip las. week in renovating and putting tue old Richardson cabin at Shortoti in good camping order. Elmer Mc Dowell and Vernon Aiken have been elected patrol leaders ; "Bud dy" Potts, scout scribe, and Barak Wright, treasurer. MRS. HINES AND MRS. HOLT ENTERTAIN AUXILIARY ' Mrs. J. A. Hines and Mrs. A. C. Holt were co-hostesses to the Wo-' man's Auxiliary of the Church ot the Incarnation at the home of Mrs. Hines on Thursday afternoon, December 29th. The devotional was led by the Rev. Frank Bloxham, and the president, Mrs. A- C. Holt, conducted the business session. t iVIis? Estelle Edwards gave an in teresting report of the Sunday --school Christmas tree, and also . v" suggested that the-Auxiliary .give a benefit Chinese checkers party. Miss Edwards was appointed chairman of the arrangements committee, and Wednesday evening. January 18th, is the date set for this party, which will be held at the Satulah Club rooms. There will be prizes and re freshments. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mr. Bloxham. Delicious sandwiches, cake and. tea were served by the hostesses. The Janu ary meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. S. Davis. SANTA CLAUSRS-'VlSiT CLEAR CREEK NEIGHBORS , As a celebration of the holiday season in' Clear Creek, a number of nta Clauses . decided to visit re dnterent neighbors and put on n entertainment program, while a and of Gypsies, who followed m, proceeded to lift cakes and r Christmas goodies, winding with a feast for all at the ome-of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison falley. Some .of the revelers feel ing quite .sure that nothing had been removed from their homes, Highlight G. STORY were slightly taken iack when faced with their own prized cakes at the feast. At another celebration during the holidays, 17 "boys" were the self invited dinner guests of Mr. and Mr.s. Than Tarley. as a penalty to 'Uncle ihan" ior refusing to get up and welcome them . wnen they serenaded him on Christmas Eve. MR. AND MRS. EDWARDS ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edwards en tertained at a family dinner during the holidays at their home in Horse Cove. The children present were: Miss Mary Edwards, Miss Margie Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Will Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. .hd wards, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dillard. The grandchildren present were: Miss Esteile Edwards, Miss Johnnie Edwards, Miss Louise Dil lard, Jim Dillard and Henry Dillard. Dr. c. E. Mitchell was also a guest at this dinner. The diningroonv was beautifully decorated with Christmas colors. ,The two long tables, one for the older people and one for, the grand children, held lovely centerpieces of fruit surrounded by Christmas can dies. The favors were miniature Santa Claus workshops. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR HAS ADVERTISING PARTY The members of the Christian Endeavor celebrated the close of the December contest with an ad vertising party 'at the manse last Thursday evening. Although the guests came dressed to represent very familiar advertisements, it took some time to place them all. There were a number of other con tests as well as games, and Jac quelin Aiken won the prize for the best piece of modeling with chew ing gum. Refreshments were cook ie and punch. About 30 young people enjoyed the evening. CARD CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. HINES ihe two-table Wednesday After noon Card Club held its first meet ing at the home of Mrs. J. A.' Hines on December . 28. The mem bers are: Mrs. E. R. Gilbert, Mrs. C. Cv Pots, Miss Bernice Durgin, Mrs. J. A. rimes, Mrs. U. W. Mar M, Mrs. Eliot Caziarc, Miss Sara . aud Airs. H. G. Story. Miss ' i i 1 1 1.' r n.ts holder of high score, .. inning a beautiful bridge set, and ti.s Uuigin was final winner of ihe traveling prize, a unique pep j.er. and salt .set. ihe rooms were gay with Christ mas decorations, and the tables. where dainty refreshments were served, held miniature Christmas trees, their boles concealing delic ious home-made candy. Mrs. C. C. Potts is entertaining the club at a special New Year's party- this week. The next regular meeting will' be at the home of Mrs. G. W. Marett on January ADULT EDUCATION CLASS ENJOYS PARTY The Adult Education Class, taught by Mrs. Annie Westbrook, enjoyed a party at the home of Mrs. R. A. Baty during the holidays. The rooms were beautiful with a lovely Christmas tree and holiday deco rations. Mrs. Jamie Rogers won the contest prize, a copy of "Wild Flowers of the United States." The refreshments, a salad course and a sweet course, were carried out in the season's colors. The guests were: Miss Velzie Hicks, Miss Etta Stanfield, Mrs. Paul Walden, Mrs. J. S. Baty, Mrs. J. E. Hicks, Mrs. J. W. Baty, Mrs, C. E. Crunkleton, Mrs. Jamie Rogers and Mrs. Annie Wesitbrook. MRS. AECK ENTERTAINS WITH-QUILTING BEE Mrs. R. L. Aeck entertained at an old-fashioned quilting bee and luncheon last Thursday at her home on the Country club grounds. The ' guests were her neighbors from Yellow Patch and the Club colony. Mrs. Aeck also entertained 18 children in the Turtle Pond sec tion with a Christmas tree, and their parents with a square dance during the holidays. MR. AND MRS. C. C. POTTS GIVE INFORMAL CARD PARTY Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Potts enter tained a number of friends from Clayton, Ga., at an informal card party 'on Friday evening, December 30, T-ht pue$ti werei Mr; und Mrs, Garland Tomlin Mr, and ; Mri. Herschel - Tomlin , r Mr. -;id Mrs, Lewis Reevts.; Mist . Margaret Smith and Bill Reeves. Delicious refreshmentg were served. BAPTIST W. M. S. MEETS ' AT PARSONAGE The Woman's Missionary Society of the Highlands Baptist church met at the parsonage Monday, af ternoon, January 2, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Carl Zoellner presided in' the absence of the president, Mrs. M. A.. Pierson. The topic was "The Great Commission Our Mission." Interesting and instructive talks were made by Mrs. Lawrence Hicks, Mrs. Carl Zoellner, Mrs. S. T. Marett, Mrs. Thad Smith and Mrs. J. G. Benfield. The Lottie Moon Christmas of fering by the Society amounted to $20.60. Sam and Gibbons Westbrook have returned to Columbus, Ga., after a holiday visit with their mother, Mrs. Annie Westbrook. They were accompanied to Atlanta by Mrs. Westbrook, who spent several days there before returning to her home at Shortoff. r - . Mr. and. Mrs. E. A. Burt, Jr., have returned from a month's stay in Sarasota, and other points in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Jackson left Saturday for a 10 days' visit with relatives in Macon, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Manous, who spent the holidays with Mrs. Man ous sister, Mrs. J. H. Beale and Mr. Beale, have returned to their home in Canton, Ga. Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Speed and Miss Christina Houston Vere the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Taft Henry last Friday. r Statement of Conc&tion At the Close of Business, December 31, 1938 Assets ' Cash and due from banks $273,622.06 U. S. Government bonds, direct andor fully guaran teed 91,516.22 State, County and Municipal bonds 325,545.01 Domestic stocks 200.00 Loans and discounts 224,875.83 Banking house and banking equipment and fixtures.. , 13,069.04 Other real estate owned 27,228.48 Other assets 2,409.05 TOTAL ASSETS $958,465.69 Liabilities and Capital . Common capital stock $50,000.00 Surplus.. 21,000.00 Undivided profits 6,998.07 Total Capital Funds $77,998.07 Reserves for interest, taxes, etc. 6,195.85 Deposits 874,271.79 TOTAL LIABILITIES $958,465.69 Hie Jacksoiis County Bank - fir. c E. Mitchell scent tbe Week-end In Hawkiniville, Ga., go ing down for Mrs.". Mitchell, who haf .been, visiting, her mother, Mrs. Ryan, in Hawkiftsville for the past month. i 'Harry M, Picjelesimer, who spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Picklesimer,' at Rocky Grove Farm, and Haywood Picklesimer, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Picklesimer, have returned to their homes in Douglas, Wyo. Glenn Stiuler spent, a, portion of the holidays visiting relatives in Laurens, S. C ' - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walden have returned from a week's "visit with relatives in Birmingham, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright have returned to Lake City, Fla., after a visit with Mr. Wright's mother, Mrs. S. A. Wilson and Mr. Wilson. They were accompanied on the re turn trip by L. W. Rice, who will visit his children, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rice and Luther Rice in West Palm Breach, and his daugh ter, Mrs. Rucker Ragland, and Mr. Ragland, in Miami, , Fla. William Picklesimer has return ed tor Mars Hill College after spending the holidays with his sis ter, Mrs. F. A. Edwards, and fam ily. Others, who have returned to their college work are: Miss Car olyn Potts to The Woman's Col lege, of the University of North Carolina,, at Greensboro; Chester Wright .to North Carolina State col lege; Lewis Rice, Jr.; to Lee Ed wards high school, Asheville ; Guy Paul, Jr., to Brevard college ; Val Pierson to G. M. A., Atlanta, and Miss Sarah Bridges Thompson to Queens-Chicora college, Charlotte. Mrs. W. S. Davis motored to Cornelia, Ga., Monday to meet Mr. Davis who Was returning from a The substantial n growth of this bank during the past five years is reflected by the following comparative deposit figures: Deposits December 31, 1933 .s. $275,651.17 Deposits December 31, 1934.................. 370,384,92, Deposits December 31, 1935.......... 500,473.98 Deposits December 31, 1936....... ... 635,743.05 Deposits December 31, 1937.. :.. 669,700.89 Deposits December 31, 1938 874,271.79 ' We pay 2l2 Interest on Time and Savings Deposits Highlands, N. C. Sylva, N. C. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ' - - - - - visit with his daughter, Mrs, W. W. Mitchell, in mt romt, ua., at whose home the Davis reunion was held last Friday. Mr. Davis was accompanied . on his return by his,, sister, Mrs. W. R. Harper, "of, Como, Texas, who will ' spend some time with the DavLs.es. Mrs. Tulia Sheooard left Sunday for Thomasville, Ga., to spend the winter. Little Sue Elaine Hopper, daugh ter of Mr. and "Mrs. Dewey Hop-. per, sustained a broken arm in a 1 fall from a chair last bunday. The Rev. and Mrs. R. B. D.uPree are spending a few days with rela tives in Greenville and other points in South Carolina. Mrs. Frank Hill of Horse Cove was visiting and shopping in High lands last Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Edwards have returned from a several days' visit with relatives in South Georgia. 1 Mrs. R. A. Baty is confined to . her home with an attack of influ enza. George Wilson, who was quite ill for a number of weeks is. very much improved. The Funmakcrs, Club has resum ed its regular Thursday night meet ings. Miss Peggy Potts celebrated her 11th birthday on Friday, December 30, by inviting Bobby and Dicky Rice to supper. After supper, Mrs. Potts took .the three of them to the movie. CARDS OF THANKS We want to thank all those who helped us care for our brother, Ed Reese, during his illness, for their expressions of sympathy at his passing, and also the "friends" for the beautiful floral blanket. The Brothers, and Sisters, adv. ltp Y 6 ! 1