PAGE TWO THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY, MARCH 9, M39 Arey Explains That ' Pastures Need Feed Too many North Carolina farmer look upon their permanent pastures as "poverty row," says John A. A ' 1 : !:.- f tha lytltP Arey, uany spcciaiisi. yi mv. .i" college extension service. The old feeling, that when land gets too poor to grow profitable crops, it is still suitable for pasture is yet too prevalent in this state for the good of. many cows, he added. Poor, washed land will not make pasture unless it is rebuilt. Mo,s,t of such land should be planted to for est trees. Not much is expected of a cotton or tobacco crop which is not fertilized, yet the plant residue on closely grazed pasture is more completely removed than is the case with either cotton or tobacco. Arey recommends that a light application of stable manure be applied early this month to old pastures which have become thin. On farms where manure is not available, an application of about 300 pounds of 'a high test fertilizer per acre will give good results. On the more fertile soils, a com plete fertilizer will not be needed because the object there is to stim ulate the growth of legume plants, such as the clovers and lespedeza. All that is needed tor tnis purpose is an application of phosphat and lime, .such as ground limestone and superphosphate or basic slag. The latter contains both elements. One to two thousand pounds of ground limestone and about 300 pounds of superphosphate, or 400 to 500 pounds .of basic slag, per acre will do the work. . This ma terial should be applied just as soon as the .soil gets dry enough to work. It can be broadcast and worked in with a drag harrow, or better still applied with a drill. RECOVERY During the past five years, the United States has regained nearly one-half of the Latin American ex port trade it lost between 1929 and 1932. Bryant Furniture Co. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME AT REASONABLE PRICES Phone 106 Franklin, N.C. BOTHERED with Rats, Mice, Roaches. Use Bestyet. Guaranteed. Sold by Henry D. West, FRANKLIN, N. C. HELP STOMACH DIGEST FOOD without Laxative and You'll Eat Everything from Soup to Nuta 1T stomach ahould digest two pounds Of food dally. When you tit heavy, greasy, ooaria or rich foodi or who you are nervous, hurried or chew poorly your stomach often pours out too much fluid. Tour food doein't digest and you hare taa, heartburn, nausea, pain or tour stomach. You (eel sour, sick and upset all over. Doctors say never take a laxative for atomacn Rain, It la dangerous and foolish. It takes those ttle blsck tablets called Bell-ans for Indigestion to make the excess stomach fluids harmless, relieve distress In no time and put you back on your feet. Belief Is so quick It is amazing and one XSa package proves It, Ask for Bell-ens far Indlgeatlcsi. QUICK RELIEF FROM STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID Fret Book Tells of Marvelous Home Treatment that Must Help or It Will Cost You Nothing Over one million bottles of the WILLARD TREATMENT have beensoldf or relief of Stemach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess Add Poor Digestion, Sour or Upaet Stom ach, Gasslnets, Haartburn, Sleeplessness, etc.. due to Excess Acid. Sold on IS days' trial! Ask for "Wlllaurd'a Message" which fully explains this marvelous treatment PERRY'S DRUG STORE Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Ilarmful Body Waste Yottf kidnaya are constantly flltarfne veete matter from the blood stream. Bel kidneys aometimea lag ta taeir work de set act as Mature lntenaao lau to re Inimritlea that, if retained, may otaoa the ayatem pad apett the whole edy machinery. Symptoms may be tuurctag backache perafcUnt headache, attack of diaainaas, gettiag Bp nights, swelling, pnffinaao aader the ayes a feeling of nervous anxiety and lose of pap and strength. . Other eigne of kidney or bladder dis order may be burning, scanty or toe foment urination. . There should be ao doubt that prompt treatment ta wiser than neglect. Use Dean's Pitta. Doom's have bean winning new friends lor more than forty years. They have a aatloa-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the eountry over. Aas your eavaoon Dyche Stadium to Undergo Transformation l i iiiimm minium , ...iiimiiiniia wi44uuuiuiiMi'ilMmil use 1 I t""1"""1" " ,i::f "' fU A fSp??? V ' " S'' N. X',,VSSk """V '""'I'"' ""JL"uirr ' "may-Tiro, W'niuuweaj fit O-J: Ck. Northwestern university's famed Dyche stadium, at Evanston, scene of many exciting sports events, will undergo a complete transformation in April. For the first time in history a stadium will be converted into a fully covered choral theater, equipped with heat, ventilation, comfortable chairs and other necessary appurte nances of a complete music hall. The theater will, be used for the North Shore music festival, May 16-20. The structure will cost approximately, $20,000. " this country, one of the essentials will be that all men have " equal rights to the fullness of life that comes with the wholesome use of leisure time. One of the big steps toward this ideal of democracy i$ a cooperative plan whereby all the assets of a community are properly functioning through cooperative planning. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend to our many friends and neighbors our sincere thanks for the kindness shown dur ing the illness and death of our beloved father and husband. We also wish to express our ap preciation for the many beautiful floral offerings. . MRS. W. T. ROGERS AND FAMILY. MORTGAGES The farm credit administration estimates that 35 per .cent .of .all farms in . the United States, carried mortgages in 1938, the debt amount ing to $7,082,000,000. . Organizing Community Play And Recreation Activities An illuminating study of com munity recreation assets, with a plan worked out coordinating rec reation activities, has been made by Jay B. Nash, superintendent of recreation, City of Oakland, Calif., and director physical education, Oakland public schools. Citing a condition of leisure-time bankruptcy in many cities and towns with the liabilities that en courage misuse of leisure time out numbering the assets that encour age, right use, there are . listed , the following: . Recreaticm Liabilities Liabilities are cramped living quarters, cheap and often harmful amusement centers where passive commercial recreation may be bought, and a growing tendency to be spectators rather than partici pants in life-giving activities. Redreation Assets Among the assets may be listed municipal and school play grounds, parks, swimming pools, public build ings,' libraries, camp grounds, vacant lots for baseball, football, tennis, besides fhe yards and spare rooms of private homes. In addition to these, there is a large list of assets offering activi ties such as churches, lodges, coun try clubs, golf clubs, athletic clubs, dramatic clubs,' Boy and Girl Scouts. These organizations serve the com-, munity by helping to .solve the problem of the wholesome use of leisure time. , ' Methods of Cooperation Can all these assets be so organ ized that they can be drawn into a cooperative plan ? The only way in which this can be worked out is "the feet under the table" plan. In such a round table conference somebody might 'say something as follows: "Ladies and Gentlemen : This, town and the various agencies we represent have just one group of people for which recreation oppor tunities musrt be provided. Let us consider there is but one pocket book, the people's pocket-book. How can we spend the money we have for the best interests of the community?" It would, in other words, be just the same as bankruptcy proceed ings. Here's what we owe. Here's what we have. What can we do to make us a growing concern? The Oakland cooperative plan combines the forces of the board of education, physical education de partment, play grounds and com-? munity center activities, home and school facilities, U. S. forest ser vice, boys' and girls' camps, in dustries, private and public institu tions. These have the same ideals, namely : Physical efficiency to be pro mpted .... through exercise in the open air, health and character hab its, etc. Proper us.e of leisure time to be promdted by habit training in the jtiOUth and providing proper play and recreational opportunities for young and old. , Citizenship training to be pro moted through the teaching of sportsmanship, fair, play team work, courage, courtesy and other desir able qualities. ... ' In a democracy the words "all men" assume a very large force; in, fact, the test of real democracy is simply that no one is to be left out. This is superbly .stated in our Declaration of Independence,"which sets forth that all men "are en dowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights," that among these are "life, liberty and the pur suit of happiness." If this dream of a democracy " is " to be realized In CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and loved ones for every help and kindness shown us dur ing the sickness and death of our dear husband and father; also for the beautiful floral offerings. MRS. E. A. VAN HOOK AND FAMILY. PLANS FOR FUTURE "I want some ready cash 15 years from now, so .1 am planting 1,000 pine seedlings this, spring," says S. S. Karabow,' xf Oxford. ' ' BABY CHICKS THAT WILL LIVE AND GROW Barred Roclci White Rocks Rhode Island Reds White Leghorns Brown Leghorns New Hampshire Buff Orpingtons Every breeding bird selected from N. C U. S. approved flocks blood-tested lor Pullorum disease. We tell only the besl the only kind the potdtrrman can. afford, For All Your Farm Needs . Go To Tie Farmers Federation Palmer Street, Franklin, N. C "d)oooo Facts That Concern ybu SttELP support rami -THE AGED E A , ram J! -3f StT -THE. UNEMPLOYED 1 V THROUGH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL AGENCIES, A SHARE OFTrlE NATIONS HUGE $400 MILLION YEARLY BEER REVENUE COMES BACK TO BENEFIT , . THIS COMMUNITY ' W msim oFtionw mourn Jl COLLECTED IN BEER, REVENUE FOR mZ -PUBLIC EDUCATION BEER'S nation-wide taxes of a million dollars a day make it possible for the government to provide many things that would otherwise in crease everybody's taxes. In preserving this revenue for the nation, the brewers recognize that the retailing of beer must give no offense to anyone. It is not, of course, the brewers' responsi- -PUBLIC, INSTITUTIONS bility to enforce the law. But they are cooper- nriruv UrftK all a 9 t- v . . . -v...6 .. , , cuiuitement omciais. . . to see observed1 yU h&Ve ttade May we send you a booklet discussing this forward-looking program of the brewing in. dustry? Address: United Brewers Industrial Foundation, 19 East 40th St., New York. N. Y. BEER. ..a beverage of moderation