PACE EIGHT Tllfi FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS lvtArdONIAN 'THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1M9 Classified Advertisements FOR RENT Furnished apart ment. See Mrs. M. L. Dowdle. FOR SALE Tobacco canvas, 8 cents a square yard. SANDERS' STORE. 3tc ' FOR SALE Three stacks of tops and fodder, in fine condition. On " good road. Jos. Ashear. ltc-M23 FOR SALE Team of good mules. Barber's Orchards, Waynesville, N. C. M16-2tc M23 . WANTED White and purple lilac blshes with good roots for im mediate transplanting. Apply Press Office. ltp WANTED To buy at once a good .second-hand light pickup. Must be in good condition. Will pay cash. Apply at Press Office, ltp M16 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, modern conveniences. Available on short notice. See Mrs. D. G. Stewart at Munday Hotel, ltp i 1 FIELD SEEDS Best quality lespedeza, oats, clovers, orchard grass, blue grass, red top, timothy, pasture mixtures. Free planting in formation. Farmers Federation. Mlo ltc FREE If. excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free Sample, Udga, at Perry's Drug Store. J 12 12tp M30 STEADY WORK GOOD PAY . WANTED Reliable man to call on farmers in Macon County. No experience or capital required. Make up to. $12 a day. Write Furst & Thomas, Candler Bldg. Baltimore, Girls! Own your own business. Earn $75 to $100 per week. Have others earning for you. Yes, it is the beauty business EVERY WOMAN YOUR CUTSOMER. Today, now while you think of it write and learn how you can learn the profession. Open your own shop. We train you furnish your Own shop with a small payment. We help you to succeed. New classes forming now. Continental College of Beauty Culture, High F23-4tc M16 I have the Ferry's Hollander rahhatrp cfVt in nnnniic Jialf -nrvunrlc 0 ... r-v.- j-"""" one-fourth pounds and in ounces at $3.00 per pound. I have the Danish Ball Head and Penn State cabbage seed also, at $2.00 per pound. I have 10 other different kinds of cabbage seed pther , than above from $1.50 to $2.00 per pound. I have many different kinds of beaas, garden peas, bulk garden seeds, onion sets, grass seeds, Lespedeza, seed Irish . potatoes and cabbage plants. I have the Master Marglobe and a number of other kinds of to mato seeds also. C. T. BLAINE. 2tc M9 M16 2 We cordially invite our friends to inspect our complete and up-to-date line of women's and children's hats, coats, dresses and accessories. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT MY ILAY nnIPIPIE At Munday Hotel MRS. D. G. STEWART MRS. W. L. HIGDON ADDITIONAL FRANKLIN SOCIAL ITEMS SHULER-RABY A wedding of interest to a large number of friends was that of Miss Grace Shuler to Algie Raby on Sunday afternoon, March 12, at the home of Robert Rickman at West's Mill. " . The wedding ceremony was per formed by Mr.. Rickman,, a justice of the peace, in the presence of a few friends. , ' Mr"s. Raby, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Shuler, of Leatherjman, wore a very becom ing dres.s, of blue figured crepe, with accessories matching. Mr. Raby is a promising young farmer, of the' community and is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Raby. ' " ' Mr. and Mrs. Raby were accom panied by Mr. and Mr,s, Weaver Gibson and Miss ' Cecile Shuler, a sister of the bride. The .young couple are making their home at the W. S. Allen home at West's Mill. IRISH-MARTIN Mrs. Florence Walter, of Con cord, announces the marriage of her daughter, Miss. Eleanor Irish, of Concord, to Dr. E. J. Martin, of Franklin and Alabama. The ceremony was performed at the Franklin Methodist church, Sunday, March 12, at 9 a. m., by the Rev. I. L. Roberts, in the pres ence of the bride's mother and a few friend. The bride was attired in a gray suit" with blue accessor ies and wore a corsage of red roses. Mrs. Martin is a graduate of the high school at Haverhill, N. H., and Shuford's Beauty school in Charlotte. For the past three years she has been an operator in a beauty shop in Concord.. Dr. .Martin is a graduate of Auburn college in 'Alabama and Ls employed by the U. S. government. For , two years he has been in North Carolina, and since Novem ber has been in Franklin as veteri nerian in the eradication of Bang's disease. 1 Dr. and Mrs. .Martin are making their home at Mrs. W. W. Sloan's at Sunnyside Farm. P.-T. A. TO HOLD REGULAR MEETING MONDAY . - . At the regular monthly meeting of the Franklin P.-T. A. for March on Monday, March 20, C. W. Phil lips, state recording secretary, will be present and will make an ad dress. Due to 'the fact the hour of Mr. Phillips' arrival is 'not known, the hour of the meeting may be chang ed, from 3:30 to 7:30 p: m., hut the definite time will be announced in the ' school. Also scheduled for talks during the meeting are Clyde Gailey, man ager of , the Macon Theatre, who will have as his subject "Motion Pictures" and Mrs. T. W. Porter, Sr., who will speak on the New York World's Fair. Mrs. James Averell has a musical program plan ned also. There will be the annual election of officers at. the business session. The following members donated cakes for sale in the lunchroom last Tuesday and Friday: Mrs. Gilmer Crawford, Mrs; Tom Bryson, Mr.9. Mack Franks, Mrs. M. D. Billings, NEW HAT SHOPPE POPE BLESSES U. S. v ' ' i . After a recent private audience with Pope Pius XII, Cardinal Man delein of Chicago stated that the new pontiff "considers the faithful back home among the dearest in the world." t The pope Imparted his apostolic blessing in English, speci fying that It extended "to America nd your families." Mrs. J. L. West, and Mrs. W. T. McCollum.' Furman. Jr., the infant .son of Dr. and Mrs. Furman Angel, who: has been seriodsly ill for the past 15 days, was reported this (Thurs-. day) afternoon to be unimproved. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bryson; and Bill Sheffield have returned to their home in Detroit, Mich., after spend ing a week at West's Mill with Mr. Bryson's father, Robert L. Brysoni and Mrs. Bryson. Also visiting with Mrs, Bryson's father, W. C. Shef field. On their return they were accompanied by Mr. Sheffield, who will spend several days, visiting rel atives and friends in Detroit. Dr. Willis A. Parker, who is the instructor for the Teachers' Exten sion courses which - are held in Asheville, Waynesville, Sylva, Mur phy and Franklin, was unable on account of illness to meet his class here last Friday. At the request of Dr. Parker, the class was conduct ed by Mrs. Lola P. Barrington, of the Franklin school faculty; The condition of Mrs. Samuel P. Penland, mother of Mrs. J. C. Bar rington,.who is confined to her bed with illness, is reported unim proved. ' Mr. and. Mrs. G. T. Owenby, who have 'been making their home on Franklin Route 2, have moved to Canton. . , Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Clarke Soper had as their( over night guests, Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rosenbaum, of Forest Hills, N. Y. Harold, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brookshire,' of Frank lin . Route 1, who has pneumonia, was reported to be resting very comfortably Wednesday. The condition of Mrs. D. C. Mc Coy, who is quite ill at her home at Etna, was reprtoed to be unim proved Wednesday. Mrs, W. L. Higdon and Mrs. D. G. Stewart have gone to Atlanta to purchase new . spring stock for My Lady's Shoppe, the new1 hat shop, which has. recently been opened in the Munday Hotel. Mrs, Annie Tysinger, of Lexing ton, has arrived lor an extended visit with her son, Carl Tysinger, Jr., and Mrs. Tysinger at their home on Harrison avenue. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sanders and s,on, Sol, spent Sunday in Atlanta visiting with Mrs. Sanders' mother, Mrs. Janette Vitner and other rel-- atives there. Mrs. Lyman Higdon and son, Lyman, Jr., Mrs, Frank Higdon and Mrs. A. R. Higdon spent Wed nesday in Atlanta. Singing Convention ' To Be Reorganized It' is announced that the Fourth Sunday All-Day Singing' convention will be reorganized on Sunday, March 26, at the Sugarfork Bap tist church. All classes, quartets and all. in terested in singing are invited to attend the meeting. Grinding Daily Good water ground meal,' at the Mallonee old mill place on Iotla. GIVE US A TRIAL THOMAS SLOAN f. Amateur, Boxing And Wrestling Tournaments It is announced that the Western North Carolina . amateur wrestling tourment, under the auspices, of the Asheville Y.MG A.t will be held March 27 and 28, with entries clos ing March 25 at 6 p. m. ; ' Also the ' Western North Carolina Golden Gloves boxing tournament will be held , under the same aus pices on" March 29, ' 30 and 31, with entries, closing March" 28 at 6 p, m. All amateur wrestlers and boxers from this section who desire to enter can secure, all information from . John Archer of the Nanta hala Power & .Light company in Franklin. !'; 1 Each tournament will Include, two sections amateurs under 16 and over 16; All boys under 21 must have the entries approved by thejr parents. LEGAL ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATOR C.-T. A. NOTICE ' Having qualified as administrator C T. A. -of-Edmund. P.ettus Rob erts, deceased, late on Macon coun ty, N. C, this, is, to .notify, all per sons haying claims ; against the estate of said deceased tq exhibit them to the undersigned on or before- the 31st day of January, 1940, or this notice will 'be plead in bar of-their recovery. All persons in debted to said' estate will please make immediate settlement. This 31,st day of January, 1939. ' R. S. JONES, Administrator C. T, A. M16-6tc A20 my mm Duke's M ayonnaise - 39c Wesson Oil Mg M acaroni Gem M argarine,lb. 10c Beans, Corn, Grapefruit Jtlice 4 No. 2 can, 25c Ghipso,3pkgs Sunbrite Corn Cleanse Starch, pkg. Rose Royal Flour 24 Celery 5c Carroty liuich 5c Tomatoes, 2 lbs. I5c Grapefruit, 4 for lo!c New Potatoes, 4 lbs I5c union aeis, gal. alio A MEATS Fat MneUi Ki. Fresh Backbone or Side UporK9 Ilii 15c FRESH FISH AND OVsmS Bryant Furniture Co. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME AT REASONABLE PRICES Phone 106 , Franklinl N.C. ELBERTON COTTON SEED MEALpe8rct$l .35 OK PLAIN OR SELF RISING FLOUR 1 15 NAVY BEANS 1 312C PURE Coffee T 10 LARD I 69 MONEY COMES HIGH ... IT PAYS TO LOOK AROUND PAY-AND-TAKE-IT "Home of Good Coffee" READ THE AD$ Along With the News . .- 25c 1.0c r,2cans9cB ; 8C 59c - lb bag

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