f V ' ' PHOGJltiSSl YE . LIBERA L '- 'INDEPENDENT VOL. LIV, NO. 12 FRANKLIN. N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1939 $1.50 PER YEAR CO-OP MEETING NEXT SATURDAY Directors To Be Elected At Session In Asheville . ASHEVILLE, March 22. Four teen regular directors and three directors-at-large are to be elected at the annual meeting of stock holders of the Farmers Federation called for Saturday, March 25, in the Buncombe county courthouse. The meeting is scheduled to open at 10:30 o'clock with an address of welcome by Holmes Bry.s.on, Ashe A'ille's mayor, followed by the an- . nual address of the president, James jG. K. McClure, and reports by de- . partmental heads of the , farm co operative. Those submitting reports will include Guy M. Sales, general manager; S. C, Clapp, formerly head of the Mountain Experiment Station at Swannanoa, who is now in charge of the federation's seed department ; Paul A. Raper, director of poultry department; Harry j.olha, in charge of the. forest pro ducts department; H. H. Compton, head of the implement department; the Rev. Dumont Clarke, director of the religious department and . leader" of. the Lord's Acre move ment; and Blackburn W. Johnson, editor of the Farmers Federation , News. . Each of the 12 counties where the federation is organized is out lined to two directors serving over lapping terms of two.' years and, in addition, there are seven directors-at-large on the co-op's board. Two directors are to be named from TrdwelTo,unty, a ' new "unit, and two also are to be selected to rep resent Burke county, as one of the directors from that county has re signed on account of ill health. Notices of the annual stockhold ers' meeting and blank proxies have been sent to all stockholders. Those unable to attend . are requested to give their proxies to stockholders who can represent them. Patronage dividends will be, dis tributed at the meeting to patrons from Buncombe" and Henderson counties. These dividends are in the form of stock certificates, or letters of credit to apply on stock shares, and are in addition to the regular semi-annual .stock dividends paid in cash. Patrons dividends for other counties already have been distributed at county meetings of stockholders and by mail. In view of the increasing inter est in the work of the cooperative and its expansion into Caldwell county federation officials antici pate a large attendance at Satur day's meeting. Attendance at county meetings of stockholders during the past two months has indicated a more vital and widespread interest in the organization than at any lime since its organization in 1920. Music will be supplied at Saturr day's meeting by the federation's string trio. Lunch will be served at noon by the ladies of Oak For est church. . The new board of directors will meet in the afternoon at the co op's central offices on ' Roberts street to organize and elect Officers. S. S. Convention To Meet At Holly Springs Macon Baptist Sunday School convention will meet with Holly Springs Baptist church ' Sunday, March 26, at 2:30 o'clock. The program for the meeting is as follows : Song. Devotional Mrs. Lola Barring ton, Franklin. Roll Call, Report from Churches and Offering. Business .session. V Consideration of Vacation Bible School How to organize, conduct the school, and benefits derived from it Rev. C. F. Rogers, of Franklin, will illustrate with charts. Open Discussion. Benediction. - . , , . . . C. H. Fouts Passes Friday At Home In Iotla Section C. Hamilton Fouts, 63, died at his home on Franklin Route 3, last Friday morning at 11:45 o'clock after an illness of several months. Death was due to heart trouble and complications. Mr. Fouts, a well-known farmer,' was the son of the late John and Rebecca Ray Fouts, of the Iotla community. He was born and rear ed in this county and was a mem ber of the Iotla Baptist church. On December 2(, 1897, he married Mrs. Rosa Downs, of Macon county. Funeral services were held at the Iotla Baptist church Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock with the Rev. R. F. Mayberry, pastor, officiating. In terment was in the Fouts family cemetery on Iotla. The pallbearers were : W. T. Tip pett, Jess Tallent, E. E. Ward, James H. Swafford, D. M. Rowland and Will Childers. Surviving are his widow; nine children, Mrs. Earl Smith, of Ashe ville; Miss Laura Mae Fouts, of Franklin Route 3; Lofton, of Lex ington; Cyrus H., of Kipling; Bu ford, Blanton, Vance and Robert, of Detroit, Mich., and Roy, of Franklin Route 3, and three broth ers, D. Clingman and H. Cicero, of Franklin Route 3, and Noah Fouts, of Andrews. FOREST MOVIES ARE EXHIBITED Pictures Being. Shown In All Schools Of County - A series oL educational and en tertaining motion pictures is being shown in all the schools of Macon county by officials of the Nantahala national forest. The series contains five pictures entitled as follows: 1. Forest Fires or Game (sound). 2. The Tree of Life (2 reels sound.) 3. The Forest and Health (sound.) 4. Winter Wonderland (sound). 5. Unburned Woodlands (silent). The pictures -have already been shown at Rainbow Springs, Slagle, Watauga, Oak Ridge, Holly Springs, Mountain Grove, Ellijay, Higdon ville, Upper Tesenta, Lower Tesenta and Otto. The exhibitions will con tinue as follows: Friday, March 24 10a.m., Clark's Chapel. 1 :30 p. m., Hickory Knoll. 7:30 p. m., Academy. Monday, March 27 10 a. ni., Scaly. 1:30 p. m., Mulberry. 7:30 p. m., Mt. View. Tuesday, March 281:30 p. m., Allison-Watts. 7:30 p. m., Maple Springs. Wednesday, March 2910 a. m., Union. 1 :30 p. m. .Mashburn Branch. 7:30 p. m., Salem. Thursday, March 3010 a. m., Walnut Creek. 1 :30 p. m., Buck Creek. 7:30 p. m., Pine Grove. Friday, March 31 10 a. m., Gold mine. 1 :30 p. m., Highlands. 7 :30 p. m., Chapel (Franklin colored). Monday, April 3 10 a. m., Burri ingtown. 1 :30 p. m., Oakdale. 7 :30 p. m., Olive Hill. Tuesday, April 4 10 a. m., Har mony. 1 :30 p. m., Liberty. 7 :30 p. in., Cowee. - Wednesday, April 51:30 p .mi., Oak Grove. 7 :30 p. m., Iotla. Thursday, April 6 10 a. m., Aquone. 1 :30 p. m., Otter Creek. 7:30 p. m., Kyle. Friday, April 7 10 a. m., Beech ertown. 1 :30 p. m., Camp Branch. 7:30 p. ni.," Fair View. Cagle Restaurant Annex Opened The annex to Cagle's. restaurant has been opened and presents a very attractive appearance. Tables and booths are .conveniently ar ranged and the restaurant is now prepared to cater to large or small dinner parties and tourist groups. TO VACCINATE DOGS IN APRIL Ralph D. West Announces Schedule Under State Rabies Law .Vaccination of dogs for rabies in Macon county will start on Mon day, April 3, and will be in charge of R. L). West, rabies inspector for the county. - Dr. West states that the work done during the past year has 'been almost one hundred per cent . ef fective in the prevention of rabies. The following schedule has been prepared which will serve the con silience of all dog owners: April 3 Oak Dale, 9 a. m.. Burn ingtown, 1 p. m. April 4 Morgans, 9 a. m. Tel lico, 1 p. m. April 5 Rose Creek, 9 a. m. Harmony. 1 p. m . April 6 Liberty, 9 a. m. Cowee, I p. in. April 7 Oak Grove, 9 a. m. Clark's Chapel, 1 p. m. April 10 Hickory Knoll, 9 a. m. Lower Tesenta, 1 p. m. Upper Tes enta, 3 p. m. April 11 Otto, 1 p. m. April 12 Union, 9 a. m. Academy, 1 p. m. 'April 13 Coweta, 9 a. m. Mul berry, 1 p. m. April 14 Iotla, 9 a. m. Olive Hill, 1 p. m. April 17 Pattoas, 9 a. m.- Colored school, 1 p. m. Skeenah, 3 p. m. April 18 Aquone, 9 a. Kyle, lp.m.- April 19 Otter Creek, 9 a. m. Camp" Branch", 1 p". ni'." ' April 20 Fairview, 9 a. m. Beech er, 1 p. m. April 21 Highlands, 9 a. m. Scaly, 1 p. m. April 24 Shortoff, 9 a. m. Horse Cove, 1 p. m. April 25 Broadway, 9 a. ra Clear Creek,-1 p. m. Flats Mt., 3 p.m. April 26 Slagle, 1 p. m. April 27 Allison-Watts, 9 a. m. Rainbow Springs, 1 p. m. April 28 Watauga, 9 a. m. Oak Ridge, 1 p. m. May 1 Holly Springs, 9 a. m. Mountain Grove, 1 p. m. May 29 Mashburn Branch, 9 a. m. Cullasaja, 1 p. m. May 3 Walnut Creek, 9 a. m. Buck Creek, 1 p. m. May 4 Higdonville, 9 a. m, Elli jay, 1 p. m. . May 5 Pine Grove, 9 a. m. Gold Mine, 1 p. m. Jn Franklin on the Farmers. Fed eration lot each Saturday, beginning April 8 until Saturday, May 6, from 10 a.- m. until 3 p. m. Provisions of State Law Following is the state law for the prevention of rabies which was rati fied and became effective on March 26, 1935: An Act to Prevent Rabies in the State of North Carolina. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the owner of every dog to have same vaccinated each year by a Rabies Inspector. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the county health officer to appoint and designate a rabies inspector to car ry out the provisions of this law. Preference shall always be given to licensed veterinarians. Sec. 4. The vaccination of all dogs .shall begin each year on April 1 Continued on Page Six) ' Current Turned On Cartoogechaye Line The power was turned on the Cartoogechaye extension of the lines of the Nantahala Power & Light company last week. This ex tension furnishes current, to 21 families and two churches, in that community, and it is understood that several more families expect to connect with the line in the near future. All those who are being served by this neAv extension are very en thusiastic about the service. Seventh Grade Students Will Take Test Saturday The seventh grade students throughout the county will take the high school entrance examinations Saturday, March 25", at the Frank lin high school at 9:30 o'clock in the morning. Kach year these examinations are given to seventh grade students to judge whether or not they are pre pared to undertake high school work. The promotion, of the .stu dents will depend largely on the score which they will make on this particular examination. Most of the county schools have closed and the grammar and high schools of Franklin and Highlands are expected to finish their work on April 21 and 28 respectively. SOLONS PASS BUDGET BILL Largest Ever Adopted In State; Teachers Pay Raised The General Assembly passed Wednesday and ordered ratified in to law the largest budget in the state's history $155,019,821 for the next biennium. . Among other items the bill car ries $25U,000 for pay increases for school teachers and $200,000 for continuing the free textbook pro gram in elementary schools. It also carries additional funds for many of the 'state departments and in stitutions. Revised revenue estimates indicate that the receipts during the next two years will enable the state to operate without a deficit. The lawmakers also passed Wed nesday a bill prohibiting absentee voting in primaries and strength ing regulations for general elec tions. The house passed and sent to the senate an election reform bill to require the revision of all poll books and the re-listing of all voters before 1940. This bill is ex pected to pass the senate practic ally as written. April 1 has been set as the date for adjournment and calendar com mittees have been appointed to consider all new bills in order to expedite the work of both houses. It is expected that few new mea sures will be placed on the calen dars during the remaining days of the session. School Play To Be Given Saturday The junior-senior play, "Heart Trouble," which has been . in pro cess of production for the past five weeks will be given Saturday night at the high school auditorium at 8 p. m. For the past week, the cast has been practicing at night .under the direction of Miss Sophie Albert. About $70 has been spent on stage equipment, curtains, and lights. Those in . the cast are i Dorothy Lee Morrison as Mrs. Morrison, an American mother overly interested in her daughter's social welfare ; Eugene Furr as Fred Morrison, the husband and father; Virginia Tes sier as Laura Morrison, the socially-ambitious daughter ; Doris Corbin as her younger sister, the Cinderel la of the household ; Harry Higgins as Junior Morrison who is just be ginning to have' dates; Dorothy Sloan as Lenore Appleby, Junior's young sweetheart; George Patton as Tommy Caler, the good old country boy who is in love with Laura; J. Q.' Cunningham as Mr. Tyler, the golf professional who beats Tommy Caler's time; Lillian Jones as Mrs. Tyler; and Wilson Ledford as Mr. Appleby, the town's richest man. Admission will be 15 and 25 cents, and a large crowd is ex' pected to attend, PLAN FOR NEW SCHOOLHOUSES Buildings For Franklin i And Highlands Proposed M. D. Billings, county superin tendent of schools, has made public the following letter from Repre sentative Zebulon Weaver, in con nection with efforts to secure funds , for new school buildings in Frank lin and Highlands: , Washington, D. C. February 17, 1939. Prof. M. D. Billings, 1 Franklin, N. C. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 11th, with fur ther reference to the application . for PWA allotment for the school buildings at Highlands and Frank lin, has been received. In the early fall I had several matters of this kind up with the Administration, and found that the allotment to North Carolina had all been allocated, and the only possi bility of further allocations to in dividual projects, would be in the event that some of those already made should, for some reason, not be used. I am asking the Depart ment further about this today, and will let you know just , what the situation may be at this time. In the event of failure to secure these funds, I might suggest that you make application for WPA projects. A similar situation arose in Buncombe County, and failing to secure Public Works Administra tion funds, they have a WPA application-pending. I will let you hear from me fur ther within a few days. Sincerely yours, (Signed) Zebulon Weaver. More than a year ago C. F. Credle was sent to Macon county by the state department of educa- L tion at Mr. Billings' request to re port .the need for these school buildings. His findings reported that new buildings were badly needed. The plans were prepared by S. Grant Alexander, architect, of Asheville ' and submitted with application for a grant and loan to . the District PWA office in At lanta in June, 1938. This was ap proved in October and forwarded to the Washington office, which informed Mr. Billings that if funds were available there was .still a chance of securing the grant When nothing more was heard, Mr. Bill ings appealed to Mr. Weaver, who took the matter ;up actively. Application with plans have been filed with" the Area WPA office, which has advised that the esti mated cost can be considerably re duced by the use of native stone for both schools. Gwynn Denton, supervisor, has assured Mr. Bill ings that there is a good prospect that the application will be approv ed promptly. Plaas for the school in Franklin call for a one story building of 14 class rooms and an auditorium to seat over 1000 people; the High-' lands school plans are for a two story building for 12 class rooms. Mr. Credle was in Franklin last week when he assured Mr. Billings of the state department's assistance and cooperation. The . following figures from a recent issue of the University of North Carolina's News Letter show Macon county's total debt in 1937 to be one-fourth of assessed valu ations, the latter amounting to $5, 550,521, and the debt to. $1,337,650. Mr. Billings calls attention to the fact that of this amount the school indebtedness at present is as fol lows: County bonds for school build ings, $32,285. Amount due state school building fund, $8,676. These figures show the school debt to be 1-32 of the county debt. . Even during depression times the county has never defaulted in obli gations to the State building fund.

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