PAGE EIGHT THE FkANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1939 CARD OF THANKS We wish: to thank our many friends for the kindness shown us during the sickness and death of our husband and father. MRS. C. H. FOUTS AND FAMILY. Classified Advertisements FOR SALE Tobacco . canvas, 8 cents a square yard. SANDERS' STORE. 3tc . ' . FOR ' SALE Four nice young hogs 170-180 pounds. Apply C. F. Redden, Highlands, N. C. . ltc. , . FOR SALE Three stacks of, tops and fodder, in fine condition. On ltc M23 , FOR SALE Team of good mules. Barber's Orchards, Waynesville, N. C. M16 2tc M23 FOR SALE Lumber. Will cut any bills of lumber from any kind of hardwood timber. Prices on re quest. Lester Waldroop, Prentiss, N. C. M23-4tp A13 ' We will have 100 small size gal vanized tubs on sale Saturday, April 1st, for one day only, at 25 cents each. This is no April fool joke either. C. T. BLAINE. 2tc M23 M30 Keys made for any lock. Will be here, this week. Clocks and sewing machines repaired. See me on street Friday and Saturday. C. M. Mewborn. Itp . FREE If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free Sample, Udga, at Perry's Drug Store. J 12 12tp M30 WANTED Neat refined young white girl to assist light house work and two children two and seven years of age, where cook is employed in private home Atlanta, Ua. Write i$ox jy, Highlands, jn. G, giving reference. ltc ; - ; . How is the health of your poul try? If you would know more about how to keep them healthy ask for a free copy of a text book on poultry diseases, prevention and treatment. We have only 100 copies for distribution C. T. BLAINE, ltc International Fertilizers Have been sold in Franklin for more than 15 years and have prov ed to be one of the best Fertilizers ever used in Macon County. International Fertilizers Can now be bought at the same location where farmers have haul ed many thousands of bags of this crop-producing Fertilizer that brings satisfaction at harvest time. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY Ray Feed & Grocery Co. FRANKLIN, N. C. Wiley Clark CULLASAJA, N. C. Iotla, Highland C. E. Win Basketball Championship Several hotly contested games were played in the basketball tour nament held in Franklin Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Five teams were entered in the elementary tournament Franklin, Highlands, Cowee, Iotla and Hig donville. Iotla won the county championship by defeating Cowee. In the All-Star tournament eight teams entered Franklin, Holly Springs, Otto, Aquone, Higdonville, Franklin high school, Highlands and Highlands Christian Endeavor. Highlands Christian. Endeavor team captured the championship by defeating the Franklin All-Stars in the final contest Wednesday night. Phil McCollum officiated as ref eree at all night games. The judges picked the best all around athlete of the tournament, the best sport and the ' players whom they would put in, first, and second teams from all those par ticipating. The choices were as fol lows: Best all around athlete, "Buck" Cleaveland, Highlands C. E. ; best sport (tied), Rev. R. B. DuPree, Highlands C. E., and Blaine Blevins, Aquone. First team Blevins, Aquone, and Leatherman, Franklin" high, for wards ; Manley, Franklin. All-Stars, center; "Buck" Cleaveland, High lands C. E., and McKinney, High lands, guards. Second team Norton, Otto, and Perry, Franklin All-Stars, for wards; Russell, Franklin, center; Pittman, Aquone, and Bruce, Otto, guards. Elejnentary team Duvall, ' Iotla, forward; Gibson, Highlands, center; Carter, Cowee, and Moses, Hig donville, guards. Box Supper To Be Given At Liberty April 1 A 'box supper will be given at the Liberty school on Saturday night, April 1, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. The proceeds from the sales will be used for the benefit of the Liberty Baptist church. The public is cordially . invited to at tend. '. - Macon Students Home From Mars Hill March 23 will mark the opening of a five-day spring holiday period at Mars Hill college. The follow ing students from Macon county will return home for the holidays: William J. Blaine, Franklin; Alex Moore, Jr., Franklin ; Wilbur Pickle simer, Highlands ; and Hobart Rogers, Ellijay. ADDITIONAL FRANKLIN ! SOCIAL ITEMS JUNALUSKEE LODGE ENTERTAIN TUESDAY EVENING " ,' "???&t: ' ' Junaluskee;.Xodg'e.wi!i;'Je::;liost to the Masons vario . tIieirV;.wtvas- or their lady friends' and to Nequassa Chapter ' of the Eastern.. Star and their husbands or gentlemen friends at a party Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the agricultural, building. It will be a social evening' with musiVand. refreshments, and it is hoped that all 'members of both lodges will ' attend. .. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hunt, of G lumbia,' S. C, their daughter, "Doll," and little ,sorv:; Jeff, were wee'k-cnd--guests, .of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hirsch at th Franklin Ter race. Mr, Hunt is a "nephew pf Mr. Hirsch. . Miss Doll Hunt -expects to return to Franklin in a few weeks to spend a while at the Franklin Terrace before .sailing to spend her summer abroad. Mr! and Mrs.' Cedria" Hunt, of Nashville, Tenn., spent part of their honeymoon at the Franklin. Ter race. Mr. Hunt is a nephew of Mr. Hirsch. Mrs. Robert Keid and brother, Paul Solesbee, of Murphy, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. A. S. Solesbee, at her home on Franklin Route 3. . Mrs. Wade Reece and two sons, of Andrews, were visiting Mrs. Reece's mother, Mrs. Josie Wal droop, at her home on Cartooge cheye, Tuesday. Moose Order Plans Playground Campaign Moose members 'will take an ac tive part in the international play ground campaign sponsored by the Supreme Lodge of the world Loyal Order of Moose, Mooseheart, "111. This was announced by Billy Bry son, secretary Franklin Lodge " No. 452. The Moose lodge will assist the. civic authorities with playground activities this year, work with them to find out if additional play grounds or equipment are needed and help develop complete recrea tional facilities in every section. A committee will be appointed for this activity here and in every city in the United States and Canada where a Moose lodge is located. The purpose of the Moose Play ground Campaign is to sec that sufficient recreational facilities are" provided for boys and girls in all sections. Farmers Profit By Better Bookkeeping "A pencil is one of the most im portant, agricultural implements, the fanner has," FSA County Super visor William G. Davis said re cently. Unless accurate records of ex penses are kept, it is difficult, to tell whether the farmer has used his money to best advantage during the year. Wise spending of the farm dollar is being stressed for all farm families cooperating with the farm security administration in its rural rehabilitation program: Mr. Davis pointed out that in the past too much money has been spent by farmers for food, leaving only a small amount for clothing, education and medical care. The FSA encourages a live-at-home program with credit and advice for low income farm families. "When money spent for food is reduced 10 'per cent, it means that much more for magazines and books for the .farm, home or some small personal luxuries for the farm wife," he said. With the aid of the farm family record books, FSA families have eliminated the guesswork as to where their crop money went. For the first time many families are able to tell exactly where every cent was spent . and why. Thrifty farmers have begun to raise all the meat and vegetables Accessary for an adequate diet at home. They find that farmers only need to buy salt, coffee, flour and sugar. The re-learning of this valuable lesson that some farmers forgot in the days of high prices for cotton and tobacco is being reflected in the improvement of their homes and outhouses. ' EF&ik .Wilson' Frank .':Cabe. (attended the. farm iifceting. at) Highlands jSatu'ri&y.i .'. 'Columbus and Funriah Vinson, 'of Dillard, Ga., were business visitors in tins section 'Friday. .-,'.- Walter Talley has been on the sick list. '" - ' ; 1'rilea.u' Vinson ' passed through this section' Friday. ' Aylor-Cbastain, 'of Highlands, was a business "vi.vitQi' on Turtle Fond last week-end; truest McClure, spent Wednesday night with Frank Vinson. Torn Wilson was visiting .Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Cabe Saturday night. Rev. .Mr. llarley -preached at the Turtle Pond church Sunday afternoon:- By HAZEL AMMONS . We .arc glad to 'have the .state .crew, with us to improve our road, for it is badly jn need, of being im proved. . - . The. Ellijay Mining corporation is st;ll . proceeding, nicely. Francis C. Carey is spending sev eral days with his family in Wash ington, 1). C-, but is expected to return soon. A farewell party was given for Parker Adams Saturday night. He expects' . to leave soon for Pi end, Ore. ' . Mrs. Charlie Rogers', who has been, on the sick list for the past week, is improved. Mrs., jim Webb is seriously ill at her 'liome.; Mrs. Charlie Summer, who under went an operation several weeks a,go at Angel hospital, has, returned to her home. . -IIKAXS CON TOMATOES Pure Rio 4 Mrr (QQ ground fresh, lb. JJ Rice 5 lbs. Four-String room Pie Cherries Gem M arganne,lb. w Jell o Cahliiie. 4 lbs. IOc Celery, 2 for I5c Carrois9 limieli 5; Lelliiee, lieucl 5c CirHiiefriiU, five for lOe . Swocl lpot2iloes9 HI IIin. for 25e We Pay 15c in Trade for Eggs MEATS Breakfast (DBflosese, DQd. Ilrk (DBnops, ADd. FRESH FISH "Mr. and. Mrs. Carl , Peek and family have moved to -Walnut Creek. . Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Cantrell and family, of Cullasaja, was visiting Mr. and , Mrs. Alex Amnions Sun-, day. A revival meeting started , at the Mt. Grove Baptist church Sunday night. Rev. Bredlove, of Glcnviile, is in charge of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. .Ed Jennings and family, and Mrs, John Allen were Visiting Mr. -and Mrs. Vance Jen nings Monday. Misses Emma and Hazel Am nions visited friends in the Mt. Grove section Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Stiwinter and daughter, of Cullasaja, were visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Alex . Cog-gins last week-end. J. P. Moore, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore, -.lias been ill but is improved. New Apartment House Has Been Completed The Carolina apartments, erected on the corner of Main street and Harrison avenue, are now complet-. ed, making a substantial addition, to the attractive new dwellings of Franklin. ' A four-unit apartment house of white stucco with green blinds on the exterior, the interior attrac tively finished and electrically equip ped,' wiith modern conveniences and air . conditioned heat offers every comfort. .One apartment is occupied by the owners, Mr. and Mrs. John B. whom they wolld put hi first and Mary Willis. Two others have been taken by' Mr. and Mrs. J. E. S. Thorpe and Cap. and Mrs, E. H. Strickland. 25 c No. 2 cans 20c 21c 2 No. 2 cans 25 c JPU 9)B Me 5t AND OYSTERS 11 10c 20c .I'M- be

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