WW PROGRESSIVE - LIBERAL INDEPKND EJV T VOL. LIV, NO. 15 FRANKLIN. N. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1339 $1.50 PER YEAR 131 PROMOTED TO HIGHSCHOOL List Of Those Passing 7th Grade Examination: On March 25 As a result' of the seventh grade tests given in Franklin on March 25, 131 pupils passed and were pro moted to high school. ' Following will be found a list .ol those who passed at the examina tion held in Franklin. This does not include Highlands and Otter Creek, which have not been re ceived : Franklin Kay Moffitt, Louise Pendergrass, Betty Horsley, Edna Lucile Talent, Louise Williams, Victor Cataway, Freda Mae Hall, Allen Archie Angel, Jr., K. C. Kay, John Ken neth Keece, Eleanor Ann Easton, George W. Clouse, -Clell Taft Bry ant, Mary Frances Page, Charles Edward Russell, Barbara Mae Stock ton, Delbert Jackson Angel, Mary Margaret Davis, Dorothy Nell Scott, John Allen Higdon, Keba Aldia Sawyer, Fred Wesley Saunders, Ruby Alhe Baldwin, Margaret Kath leen McCall, Betty Mae Johnson, Sallie Lou Moore, Howard Myers, Ellen Elizabeth McCall, Jack D. Cabet Kay Swaford, Margie Blum en thai, Nathaniel Macon, Annie Byrd Bradley, Paul Lee Plemmoris, Sallie Sue Mincey, Fred Johnston Houk, James Patrick Norton, Jr., Lillian Rebecca Culver, Georgia Elizabeth Thompson, Sol Sanders, Edith Arrie Sanders, Minilla Lo rena Rogers, Victor Horn Perry, -Virginia McGee. ' Academy Hillard Leslie McCall, Walter Frank Thomas. Allium-Watt. Eula Waldroop, Glenn Marshall Nichols, Leona E. Southard, Bea trice Irene Beck. . Burnincteiwn Lois Marie Smith, James Younce, Kenneth Welch, Edith Faye Waters. Buck Creek Mildred Arlecy Barnes. Clarkt Chapel Sarah Josephine Jennings,' Alva Milbunr Fish, Sarah Belle Dowdle, Edgar Guf fey, Mavis Jane Ash. Cowee Mary Alice Rickman, Eugene Tal lent, Anna Lois Tallent. Gold Min Homer Green McCoy, Albert Eugene Southard, Roberta Keener, Hazel ' Dendy, Robert Fulton: t " Hickory Knoll Sue D,ell Kimsey, V. A. Ramey, Catherine Marietta Young, Harrel Clifton Hoglen, Welton. Roberts, Frederick John Cunningham, Hoyt Rimer Penland. Oak Ridge George Grady Thompson, Louise Shiddles, Beatrice Elizabeth Angel, Clyde Sanders, Furman Lon Thomp son. . Otto Mary Helen Vinson, Lotis Bessie Bradley, Margaret Pearl Corbin, Lucille Evamae Vinson, Calvin C. Henson. Pine Grove Win f red Gregory, Laurabelle Mor gan, Betty Sue Tilson, Gladys Madge Potts, Earnest Royall Dills, Blanche McCoy. Watauga Ruby Christine Boeco, Hazel Mae Morgan. Union Etrulia Lorine Nichols, Dover (Continued on Page Four) BIBLE CLASS TO MEET WITH MRS. W. T. MOORE The F. S. Johnston Bible Class of the Franklin Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. W. T. Moore on Thursday afternoon April 20, for the regular monthly meeting. Assisting in entertaining will be Mrs. W. W. McCbnnell and Mrs. Charlie Stiles. All members are requested to attend. " " Minister Dies REV. ALLEN A. ANGEL REV. A. A. ANGEL DIES TUESDAY Beloved Minister Passes At Hospital After Short Illness The Rev. Allen Archie Angel, 48, died in Angel hospital Tuesday night at 11:30 o'clock after a three-day illness. Mr. Angel was a well-known minister of the Methodist church. He was converted at 16 and was licensed to preach at 23. In 1916 he entered Rutherford- college, studying there four years in prepa ration for the ministry. He became a member of the Western North Carolina conference, serving various churches during a period of eight years. In 1931 he retired from pas toral work, due to ill health, and entered evangelistic wOrk in Ma con and adjoining counties, being instrumental in the erection of Friendship tabernacle here. He planned it as a meeting place each year for a county-wide interdenomi national revival, and the tabernacle has been a power for good in the community. Mr. Angel was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Angel, of Prentiss, Macon county. He was. born July 25, 1890, and was a member of the Methodist church in Franklin. He is survived by his widow, who was. Miss Eldora Ramey ; five sons, Herbert, Ralph, Elbert, Hard ing, and Allen, Jr., all of Franklin; two brothers, Lon Angel, of Con nally Springs, and Thomas Angel, of Franklin Route 1, and two sis ters, Mrs. Zeb Sanders, of Preiv ti&s, and Mrs. Babe Collier, of Central, S. C. Funeral services were conducted at the Franklin Methodist church this (Thursday) morning at 10:30 o'clock. The Rev. I. L. Roberts, the pastor, was in charge, assisted by the Rev. C. F. Rogers, pastor of the Franklin Baptist church; the Rev. J. A. Flanagan, pastor of the Franklin Presbyterian church; the Rev. Frank Bloxham, rector of St. Agnes Episcopal church here ; the Rev. J. C. Swaim, pastor of the Macon circuit; the Rev. Harry S.4 Williams, pastor of the Franklin circuit, and the Rev. M. F. Hen shaw, of Rutherford college. Pallbearers were: J. S. Conley, H..W. Cabe, Dr. W. E. Furr, Lee Poindexter, H. T. Sloan and T. W. Porter. The funeral was attended by such a great number of Mr. Angel's friends from Franklin and over the county that the church would not contain the assemblage, and there were many beautiful floral offer ings. Keno Party At Slagle School April 14 A Keno party will be held at the Slagle school house on Friday eve ning, April 14, at 7:30. DEATH CLAIMS CHASOOIVDLE Leading Citizen Passes Saturday, April 8 At Prentiss Charley Wellington Dowdle, 79, died at his home at Prentiss at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon follow ing an illness of six weeks due to jaundice and complications. . He was the son of the late Ezek iel and Matilda Wykle Dowdle, pioneer settlers of this county. A staunch Democrat, he was for .several years chairman of the Ma con county board of education. He was a farmer and a member of the Union Methodist church and for some time was a member of the church's ioard of stewards. In 1884 Mr. Dowdle married Miss Ida Patton, of Macon county, who died in 1934. The funeral services were held at the Union Methodist church near Fentiss Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The pastor, the Rev. J. C. Swaim, officiated, assisted by the Rev I. L. Roberts, pastor of the Franklin Methodist church, and the Kev. Van. B. Harrison, pastor of the Methodist church of Murphy. Pallbearers were two sons, Thad and E; A. Dowdle; a son-in-law, R. G. Beshears, and three grand sons, Charles and Nick Hunter, and C. N. Dowdle. The large concourse of people present at the funeral and the pro fusion of beautiful floral, offerings attested the high esteem in which Mr. Dowdle was held by the people of - Franklin and Macon - county. Surviving are three daughters, M rs. Pearl Hunter, of Prentiss; Mrs. R. G. Beshears and Mrs. E. W. Long, of Franklin; three sons, Thad, of Franklin Route 2, and Mark L. and E. A. Dowdle, of Franklin ; 12 grand children, and three great-grandchildren. Father Son Banquet Held Saturday Night The agriculture students of the Franklin high school were hosts to their dads at a father and son banquet, held in the Franklin high school auditorium, Saturday night, April 7, at 8 o'clock. Covers were laid for over 100 and the girls of the home econom ics department served a meal of seven courses. Raymond Culver pre sided and Alex Arnold acted as toastmaster. Mr. Glazner, county agent in Transylvania county, was the chief speaker of the evening. Citizens To View CCC Activities April 19 On Wednesday, April 12, the for est service showed three talking moving pictures to the Franklin Rotary club. These pictures de picted the work of the forest ser vice throughout the United States and especially recreation and forest fire prevention. Since the 6th 'anniversary of the CCC camps was this week it was decided to get a committee of three Rotarians who would scout Frank lin and get a list of all persons who wished to view CCC activities at Coweeta Camp F-23. On next Wed nesday, April 19, those who wish to go will leave from the American Legion Hall at t o'clock for Co weeta. All those wishing to go should give their names to Charlie Russell, John Cunningham and Billie Sloan. Transportation will be furnished by tfie Nantahala Forest for all those who do not have transporta tion available. , "Uncle Dave Macon To Appear In Highlands "Uncle Dave" Macon with his son, Dorris, the "Dixie Dewdrop," and company will appear at the Highlands School Theatre on next Monday night, April 17r for the benefit of the Boy Scouts,' Superintendent is", n'Hvj & ' f 1 ... - v ; x . CURTIS PRICE Who Has Been Elected as Super intendent of Macon County Schools Funeral Held Friday v For M. F. Ledbetter Funeral services for Marcus Fin ley Ledbetter, 70, who died at his home on Franklin Route 1, Tues day afternoon at 1 :30 o'clock, were held Friday afternoon at the Car son Chapel Methodist church. The Rev. C. F. Rogers, pastor of the Franklin Baptist church, officiated, assisted by the Kev, J. C. Swaim, pastor of .the Macon Methodist cir cuit. Burial was in the church cem etery. Death was caused by pneu monia following two weeks' illness. The pallbearers were: Thomas C, Horace P., William C. and Robert C. Ledbetter, four brothers and W. C, Jr. and A. P. Ledbetter, two nephews. Surviving are his widow; three sons, Robert, of Prentiss, and Law rence and Vincent, of Franklin Route 1 ; one daughter, Miss Grace Ledbetter, of Franklin Route 1 ; three sisters, Mrs. Susie Ervin, of Waynesville Route 1; Mrs.' Addie Wells, of Canton Route 2; and Mrs. Maggie Rhodes, of Lyman, Wash., and five brothers, Thomas C, of Cullowhee; Horace P., of Canton Route 2; William - C," of Franklin Route 2; Jake, of Lyman, Wash., and Robert C. Ledbetter, of Canton Route 2. Lime Available To Macon Farmers On March 23, letters were mailed to the farmers of Macon county, announcing the fact that lime had been made available to them through the Soil Conservation Pro gram. Since this announcement was made, orders have been taken at the county agent s office for ap proximately 1500 tons of lime. This means that orders for nearly 25 car loads of lime have been taken in less than 20 days, or more than on car per day. This lime is being secured for the farmers who are taking part in the Soil Conservation Program for $2 per ton. The farmer does not have to put up this money. The money is taken out of the maximum pay ment that is set up for this farm for the year 1939. The farmer can take 90 per cent of this payment in lime or phosphate. Two Boys Bound Over On Robbery Charge Johnny Moore and Ted West, young Franklin men, were bound over to the June term of Jackson county superior court at a hearing in Sylva on bank robbery charges Tuesday afternoon before John Morris, justice of the peace. Bond for West was set at $2,000. Unable to post it, he was remanded to the county jail. No bond was set for Moore, who also was returned to the jail. Moore, taking the stand, testified West was innocent of the crime. He said he alone planned it. Both men are charged with the robbery of the Jackson County bank in Sylva on Monday after noon, April 3, SCHOOL WILL CLOSE APR. 21 Exercises Will Be Held On Wednesday And Friday Nights Closing exercises for the Frank lin schools will be held on Wed nesday and Friday nights of next week. . On Wednesday evening, April 19, at 8 o'clock, Dr. Milner,' president of Guilford College, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon at the high school auditorium. Friday evening at 8 o'clock the graduating exercises will be held, and Col. J. M. Broughton, prominent attorney of Ralegh, will deliver the commencement address. Dorothy Lee Morrison is valedic torian and Doris Corbin is saluta torian of the graduating class. Sue Williams and George Wells are the mascots. Balfour honor medals were won by the following: Art George Erwin Patton. Athletics Charles Hunnicutt. Debate Ella Moore, Eugene Furr and Wilson Ledford. Dramatics Dorothy Lee Morri son. Journalism George' Erwin Patton. Scholarship Dorothy Lee Morri son. Following are the candidates for graduation, subject to the final ex aminations to be held 'next Wed nesday and Thursday : Annie Helen Browning, Mae Belle Conley, Louise Elizabeth Blaine, Reta Helen Cunningham, Elsie Mae Farmer, Gladys Hazel Guest, Sarah Fredericka Hall, Lillian Maud Jones, Eddis Margie Holden, Kate Mae Hurst, Betty Lucille Hall, Ethel Carolyn Keener, Agnes. Lynette Martin, Kate Ora Moffitt, Edith Lucy Morgan, Lillian Ruth Nichols, Mattie Pearl Raiby, Trixie Lee Ro land, Mildred Rebecca Roper, Mary Jo Setser, Irene Hazel Smith, Etta jane Manlield, Louise Elizabeth Waldroop, Lucy Mae Welch, Eliza beth Mae Vinson, Charlotte Inez Poindexter, George Gus Baldwin, Edwin Judson Bradley, William Lloyd Corbin, Fred Siler Dowdle, Walter Eugene Furr, Bert Mozeley Hall, James Cecil Jacobs, William Lee Keener, Wilson Marion Led ford, William Vergil Meadows, Mit chell Sherman McCoy,' James Ral eigh Norris, Charles Ralford Owens, George Erwin Patton, Mack Slagle Patton, James Max Raby, Albert Lyle Ramsey, Carlyle Shepherd, Kenneth Long Young, Thomas Jackson Talley, Fannie Burr Ben nett, Hazel Betty Bradley, Hallie Estena Cabe, Bertha Marea Cabe, Elizabeth Ann Cabe, tyary Ruth Cabe, Esta Mae Childers, Doris Ar lenia Corbin, Selma Edith Cunning ham, Eugenia Hawkins Duncan, Hazel Edna Duvall, Osceola Lewis, Bertha Geo Lowe, Connie Eliza beth Mason, Dorothy Lee Morri son, Modelle Leota Roberson, Mar gie Elizabeth Rochester, Marie Es tona Scott,. Virginia Mae Tessier, Mildred Louise Waldroop, Brown low Addington, Robert Lafayette Byrd, Frank Lane Bryson, Thomas Corbin, Turner Boyd DeHart, Frank Fleming, Jr., Lyman Clayton Hie- don, Harry Siler Higgins, Charles Richardson Hunnicutt, Zeb Mead ows, Monroe Carl Nelson, Joseph Harrington Pattillo, Julian M. Pol iakoff, J. Harold Edward Roper, Charles Elbin Setser, George Sel lars, John Carl Shope, John Rob ert Slagle, William Walden Wilkie, John Sloan Tessier, Hershel Hen son, Edith Alice Cabe. P.-T. A. TO HOLD MEETING ON APRIL APRIL 17 The Franklin Parent-Teacher Association will hold the last meet- ine of the vear on Mondav after noon, April 17, at 3:30 o'clock in the high school auditorium, it has been announced bv Mrs. Tohn Wasilik, J,r.