PACE EIGHT THfi FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1939 CITIZENS VISIT COWEEMCAMP Inspect Work Being Done In Experimental Forest Approximately 30 citizens from Franklin visited the Coweeta Ex perimental forest on Wednesday afternoon to view the work being done by the CCC boys from Otto Camp F-23. The Coweeta Experimental forest, 15 miles .south of Franklin, is one of the two such forests in the en tire country where water influence studies are being carried on. This area was selected because of the heavy rainfall, ranging from 70 to 100 indies per year, and because of the ideal condition of the streams. Dams have been constructed by the CCC boys and roads have also been built Valuable data will be obtained from this area for the de termination of flood conditions .and the effect on streams caused by the removal of timber, cultivation and fires. While this trip was made primar ily to view the work of the CCC boys have been doing, this month is also the sixth anniversary since the inception of the CCC. The group were met at the .sta tion by Hugh C. Creasman, super intendent of the experimental area, who proceeded to describe the va rious instruments at the central station and the method of recording data. Here was also shown a map that was drawn to .scale, showing the actual topography of the ex perimental station area. This map shows the location of all streams, roads ana trails existing in this ., -'-I area, cover, more than V S Hi 1 -i-oc 1 ho mirv ,.,o ni-nnoi-o I ..v. it.ajy wa3 piiaicu by first making a model of beaver- oard. A plaster mold was taken niav be nrenarerl as xr ronnirerl ijiviuf xj many xnvi maua i This map is kept up-to-date, and used when nstallincr wpirs nr Woll 0 - " I i 4 i to determine locations. John W. Wood, junior forester, led the parry into the field where i i i .i .i .. lie showed them the Class A weath er .station. Here he described in struments including psychrometers, a hydro thermograph, thermom- .foro 1 I 011 i f C run mn I trs and rain guage. After leaving the station, the j arty motored up Bearpen moun- lain to the dividing line between P.etty's Creek and Coweeta. Here fwme of the most beautiful scen- ry in Western North Carolina nn hf v;P,,J Tl,,. jj j .ads approximately seven miles up the mountain and was construct ed by the CCC boys. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT In the passing of Brother W. S. Moffitt, Macon circuit and Union (hurch has lost one of its mast faithful members. For more than 50 years he was a member of the Methodist church, and was always lound in his place willing to per form his part in . whatever under taking the church attempted. His I;? It ..r.V",,ie- ",s ..v ..i.c anu btomi smile won lor him friends wherever he went, and the quiet, unassuming life he lived daily, inspired each of those ! who knew him to live better and r f ''er. . JJecause of this loss of our broth- cr that we feel so deeply, having been a member of the Uoarrl nf i-Mcwarus ana a member of the Board of Trustees of our church. be it resolved: iMrst; lhat we bow in humble r,,. . . summssion to our Father's will in 1 ... I W calling him from hi.s labors here after a life of devotion to his family and church. Second; That we extend to the " ner nom at utt0- Wn,,e here bereaved family our heartfelt svm- they attended the baccalaureate pathy in this hour of grief and loss. Third; That in brother Moffitt's (loath the Church and Community lias lost a most faithful and valued member and as we think of him in ii. . . ... . i ... inc coming nays, we will ever cherish his memory (because he was our friend. Fourth ; That ' a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family, to The Franklin Press, The North Carolina Christian Advocate and a ccpy be written into the minutes of the Church record Respectfully, C. D. Nichols Frank Fleming J. W. Addingtort, Jtp , I . ADDITIONAL FRANKLIN SOCIAL ITEMS SHOWER GIVEN FOR MRS. BOB GAINES Mrs. Bob Gaines, a recent bride, was entertained with a miscellan eous shower at the home of Mrs. W. B. McGuire on Tuesday after noon. The affair was given by the Business Woman's Circle and the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Presbyter ian church. A number of contests were en joyed 'by the guests, the winners of the prizes, Mrs. Thelma Zick- eraf. Mrs. Charles Melichar and Miss,Betty Leach, presenting them to the bride. To the strains of Lohengrin's wedding; march, Ann Flanagan, dressed in an old-fash- ioned wedding dress and veil, en- tered the room and presented a basket of lovely gifts to Mrs. Gaines, The house was beautifully deco- rated with crabapple blossoms, the color scheme of pink and white being carried out in the delicious refreshments, A lovely shoulder corsage was presented to the bride, CAKES CONTRIBUTED BY LADIES FOR P.-T. A. During the past month the fol-l lowing ladies have contributed cakes for the .sales on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week: Mrs. Herman Childers. Mrs. G. A. Tones, Mrs. J. E. Perry, Miss Nettie Hurst, Mrs. W. H. Finlev. Mrs Zeb Cnn- ley, Mrs, Gus Leach, Mrs. Gordon Moore, Mrs, Hayes Overcash, Mrs. T VT Pacr Xfra T?rA CUJo Hf John Wasilik, Mr.s. Charles Meii- char and Mrs, H. a. McGiamery, wiiuc u, rnuups gave a fOc.Vi flrn.Q tt-n Mrs. Wasilik, president of the P.T A wisfifc .vnE, tUnh T,; 'Pr " , V-"- " f ; " -. tu.iixa tu ait Y 11 , , . , . it ' " c uu,,aitu L"RCS uu,,& wyear. ,. -r. . ' . ccneaneous nouse rurnisnmgs, "T? yT ne,ef member w,t ".-" "my Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Stevens, V, nlT' sp. ine weeK-ena with -Mrs. Stevens oarents. Mr. and Mrs. Georere Conlev. af thpir linmp on Iotla street. Dr. and Mrs. Frank T. Smith rotitrnail Tl -J t viuiin-vi W31 IlIUIMldV ITUIIl 3 I weeks VlSlt with thpir llo-htvr . - ' v IV Mrs. ncci ocroggs ana Mr. r.'i . c 1 -w Scroggs, nn Richmond, Va. Afo TK CI .-11 c J r ! , oved from the Dean uuusc uu 6itii main street 10 ine 'X a VI, w v"'-n anu luua streets Jack U. Werner, executive assis- tant for th Nantahala national for- est .service, who has been quite ill with pneumonia at 'his home on the ueorgia road for the past 10 days, was reported to be much improved 1 iR Yeek Luther Hauser, who has been "II .y 1,1 at ft,s home on the Georgia road for .several rt9v reported to be slightly improved Thursday morning. Ray Swanson, H. Lee Guffey and T. T. Love attended the 152nd an- nual communication of the Grand Lodtre of North ramina A F . A r ... TV... .. . . T , . w',,cn was neia eany tms wVl ensDoro. rs' Ledford has returned "me n mrnfon. ae.nue' '"'"swo weeKs m tem- , 7 aaugnier, Mrs. K'K' Helton and Sergeant Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Montague '7 , . . oy, . w.eer.end m Kaleigh. .They also visited Mrs. Montague's parents, l,fr TVT.o A f T : ! . ?' ,vy ,l ",,c 1V,1y snlrr mm f u.h.U ..... 1 UM1SS acnel toward, of Cullo- vyhee' sPSntf Wednesday night the Kuesf of Mrs- W. L. Corbin "on. ig,vLen e - ra,nk,i" ;"1u,uu,;,l, v"u;,c" y UJ- ae lu',n u OIrrUUUI7 TcoueLge Arthur Hurst, of Leatherman, recovering in Angel hospital from a recent operation for appendicitis. Births Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirkland an- nounce the birth of a daughter in Angel hospital on Sunday, April 16. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bates, of Prentiss, at Angel hospital on Monday, April 17. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Bailey announce the birth of a daughter, Doris Ann, at their home on Bonny Crest, Franklin, Wednes day, April 5. ' A daughter, Elithe Dean, was Iborn to Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Smith, at their home on franklin Route 3, Sunday, April 2. On Thursday, April 6, a son, Verlin, Jr., was born to Mr, and Mrs. Verlin Anderson at their home in the Iotla community. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Ledbetter announce the birth of a daughter at their home on Cartoogechaye Monj day, March 27. A daughter, Ruby Lowan, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Fox Thursday, March 30, at their home on Franklin Route 4. A son, William Wade, was 6orn to Mr- and Mrs. Robert. W. Taylor Friday, March 24, at their home at Gneiss. i On Tuesday, April 7, a son, Jay Mitchel, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Houston, at their home near the Iotla bridge. A son. Clarke Demnsev. h'nrn to Mr. and Mrs. Don Rabv at their home at Etna. Friday. March 24. On Thursday, April 6, a son, Le Roy, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wiley B. Scott at their home on Cowee mountain. A son, Weymer Lee, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Guest at their orae " anoa lownsnip inur,s . . Tir-11 PI I , I .. mi Udy' lViarca - and Mrs. Ira Keener an- "ounce the birth of a son,. Ronald Marion, on March 13. Mrs. Keener Detore her marriage was Miss Frank ie Peek. tntertainment At Holly Springs Saturday Night wi,U b,e ,given at th Spr" nuusc un MlHiuny- April 22, at 8 o'clock, for the ben efit of the baseball club. The public is cordially invited. Classified Advertisements I have secured a fine Spanish jack which is now at my barn at wests xMUl.-j. c. bUKKi.Lb. ltn r UK KhM 11 wo cottages, mod- ern conveniences. Garage, garden. S. H. LYI.F.. IT. . ' J rtlO lIC r?nu ca i rvr ,,n Kai t " w-.v shucks at 50 cents pr baie about w -WM ,Hiax lltlllVk AtTa itll VUVXl tm ik. A,1 a r ".. tr t r tfc We have reduced our prices on good thoroughly air dried chestnut sheeting for the ' next 60 days. Prices now are $6.00 to $11.00 per thousand. ZICKGRAF HARDWOOD CO Franklin, N. C A20-2tc-A27 Prepare for war at once on the bue procession that starts within a iew more aays. rigni me rascais w,tn Clack Arrow. Kea Arrow, ko- tenone Barncide and other msecti- c,des' uet the above ltems for de fense, from C. T. BLAINE. A1.1 2tr A2n 0ne of ou hiKrest seeA !.... has made -th statement recentlv that mone than 10 million acres of ,and wauld bfi p,anted -n the u s this year tQ Hybrid corn.. Are you Uointr to eet :n thU .nrnpMnn ? better than next year. Get seed here. - C. T. RLAINF. Al.1 - 2trA2n A ihnr! At I i I i r-VTU?A vOM A fcAlSQ j V-T v T ; I k t AOfM IT" -fU' BIG ADS ARE NEWS Printed In Big Type I n CLEAN-UP WEEK BEGINS APRIL 24 All Citizens Asked To Clear Rubbish Away v From Premises Next week, beginning Monday, April 24, has been designated as Clean-Up Week in Franklin, and all citizens are urged to cooperate with the town authorities by re moving all trash and rubbish from their premises and placing it where it will be accessible to the men who come to haul it away. In addition to getting rid of use less accumulations of rubbish, it is a good time to paint up, white wash, dress up the yards and-otherwise beautify homes and grounds in preparation for the visitors who Will be with us during the coming summer season. , - Dr. H. T. Horsley, town health officer, has had printed the follow ing notice which will be distributed to householders : "The week beginning April 24 has been designated as Clean-Up Week. and the Town Board and the Health and Sanitary Departments request the cooperation of all citizens in the campaign to make the town more healthful and beautiful. "Now is a good time to remove such accumulations as constitute breeding places for germs and fire hazards as well. "In many places the suggestion is being made to paint up as well as clean up. Its adoption here where necessary would evidence commendable civic as well as per sonal pride. Miracle Whip Salad D Vegetable ressmg Chow Chow -1 5c Chipso Rose Royal Flour 24 - Grits, 4 lbs. Dill or Sour Pickles, qt 25c Arm & Hammer (DDa9 2 lllbs 15 Apple 28-oz. jar New Potatoes, 4 lbs. 19c Lettuce, 2 heads IS c Tomatoes, lb. 10c Yellow Squash, lb. Sc English Peas, lb. 10c Old Cabbage, 3 lbs. 10c MEATS IFat IBackj lb. Fresh Ilackliono and pareribs9 lb. ILamb Cbops, lb. Swift's lirookfiold ausagc9 -lb. FRESH FISII AND OYSTERS "Ample means' are available to haul off trash and rubbish when it is gathered and placed conveniently for removal. H. T. HORSLEY, Town Health Officer." Holy Land Pictures At M. E. Church On Wednesday evening, May 3, the Rev. W. L. Hutchins, presiding elder of the Waynesville District, will present stereopticon slides and an accompanying lecture on scenes in the Holy Land, at the Franklin Methodist church. A silver offering will be taken at the door and will be sent to the Children's Home as one of the spe cial projects of the Mary Johnston Allman Missionary ociety The lecture will begin at 8 o'clock and . everyone . is cordially invited to attend. - ' Munday Beauty Shop in McCoy Bldg. Bring this ad in it is worth 50c to $1.00 on Permanents For Expert Work Bring Your Shoes to Us We Will Add Months of Extra Wear WE CARRY IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES SHOE POLISH AND LACES Hoilman's Shoe Shop Pint 25e Quart 39e ,3pkgs.25c 59c 10c lb. bag 71-2c We 35e 30e A

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