THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1939 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND : THE- HIGHLANDS MACdNIAN PAGE THREE SOCIAL AGTIVrTIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER S. CONLEY, PHONE 104 W. , M. S. TO MEET WITH MRS. W. W. SLOAN The regular monthly devotional and business meeting of the Wo man's Missionary Society of the Franklin Methodist church will be held at "Sunnyside Farm," the home of Mrs. W. W. Sloan, on Thursday, May 4. The hour is 3 :30 and all mem bers are urged to be present. BUFFET SUPPER FOR MR. AND MRS. GAINES . Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tompkins entertained with a buffet supper on Friday evening as a courtesy to Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Gaines, whose wedding was a recent .social event. The rooms throughout were artis tically arranged in bowjs of lilac, tulips and narcissi. Following' the supper, Chinese checkers and bridge were enjoyed by the guests Mrs. James A. Sut ton was winner of the high score prize for the ladies ; Robert R. Gaines held high score for the men, and Mrs. W. C. Penn was winner of the cut prize. Mr. and Mrs. Gaines were pre sented a beautiful gift from the office employees of . the Nantahala Power and Light company. Those enjoying-the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Tompkius. were: Mr. and Mrs. Gaines, the honorees; Mr. nd Mrs. J. E. "S. Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Penn, Mr. and Mrs. John Archer, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Church, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Sutton, Miss Calla Cle ment, Miss Lucy Sue Gray, Claude Bolton and Fred Montony. Bill Ingram, manager of the Holly Springs baseball . team, in behalf of the team, wishes to thank the Holly Spring's commun ity and vicinity, who contributed so generously toward making the box supper, which was held Satur day night, a success. ' Miss Mary Enloe, who is doing i stenographic work for the TV A, in Knoxville, Tenn., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Enloe, at their home on Cartoogechaye. Miss Gladys . Sellers, who has been spending' some time in West Palm Beach, Fla,, returned to her home on Riverview .street last Week. , Miss Brandon Cbrpening, of Charlotte, spent the week-end on Cartoogechaye visiting her mother, Mrs. J,. T.. ' Corpening and other relatives. Dr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Neil have moved from the Conley house on Harrison avenue to the house re cently vacated by Fred;Wiese and family, who have recently moved to Walhalla, S. C; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weaver, of Tellico Plains, Tenn., spent the week-end with Mrs. Weaver's moth er, Mrs. Charles A. Raby, at her home at Etna. They were also vis iting Mrs. Weaver's sister, Mrs. Ed Whittington, who' is a patient in Angel hospital. Mrs. Truman Moody left Mohday for' Sylva 'where she will spend six weeks attending the special term of the Western Carolina Teachers' college. , Mrs. Fannie SUer returned to her home on Cartoogechaye Saturday, after a visit with her son, Thomas Siler and family, at their home in Asheville. She was accompanied by Mr. Siler, who spent a while here visiting. Mr. and Mrs. John Mallonee, of Almond, were here Monday vis iting friends. Miss Grace Bradley, who has been vLsiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everette Bradley, at their home on Oak (Jrove, has returned to ifer work in Winston-Salem. Miss Dixie . Jo Cornwell has re turned to her home in Benton, Ky., after a visit here with her sister, Mrs. Frank Leach and Mr. Leach. LeRoy Morrison came up from Winston-Salem Friday for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morrison, at their home on Oak GroveVOn his return he was accompanied by 'his mother, who' will .spend several days in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Harold Kimsey and daugh ter, Pauline, of Lincolntpn, are spending several days on Bonny Crest with Mrs. Kimsey's father, W. 'G. Hall. Miss Ruth Slagle, who has been teaching irt Burgaw, has closed her school and come in to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Slagle, at their home on West Main street. Mrs. Kitty Shields, who under went a very serious- operation at Angel hospital last week, , was re ported to be getting along very nicely Tuesday. C. A. Setser, who has been ill for several weeks was able to be out the first- of the week. His condition is much improved and he is well on the way Jo recovery. Mrs. J. C Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garner, of Waynes ville, .spent Sunday- afternoon with Mrs. Russell's mother, Mrs. J. B. Stalcup, at her home ' on Jotla street. Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Houk, Mr, and Mrs. James E. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Conley, Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. Furr, Rev. J. A. Flan agan, W. W. Sloan, John Cunning ham and Lester Henderson 'attend ed the district convention of Rotary International held in Spartanburg Monday and Tuesday. ' Mrs. E. C. Bullock, of Hamlet, is spending several days visiting her mother, Mrs. W. B. McGuire and other relatives here. Mrs. Grady Garner, of Andrews, came over Tuesday night to be with her father, Charlie A. Cabe, who is quite ill at his home on Franklin Route 2. The condition of John H. Thom as, who suffered a stroke of ap oplexy at his home on Iotla street Saturday, was . reported to be unchanged Wednesday. His con dition is reported to be quite .ser ious. . ' , GuesS the number of beans and get the cake and help the Girl Scouts.. The beans and cake will be at Perry's Drug store, Saturday from .9:30 until 6 o'clock. Charlie A. Cabe, who developed pneumonia Monday, was reported Wednesday to be quite ill at his home on Franklin Route 2, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Roberts, of MadisonviUe, Tenn., spent last Sunday with Mrs. Roberts' sister, Mrs. Bertha Ledford, on Frank lin, Route 1. On their return they were accompanied by their niece, Miss Agnes Ledford, who will spend the .summer visiting there. Mrs. W. W. Sloan returned to her home at "Sunnyside Farm" Saturday evening, after spending several weeks in New York with her daughter, Mrs. James McAllist er and Mr. McAllister, and in Greenville S. C, with her daugh ter, Mrs. Hall Swain and Mr. Swain. Miss Katherine Ellard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pope Ellard, of Cornelia, Ga., spent the week-end here the guest ' of Miss Sarah Conley. Mrs. T. J. Johnston has returned to . Her home on ' Harrison avenue, after spending several weeks in Decatur, Ga., with her son, George J. Johnston and Mrs, Johnston. She was accompanied to Franklin by Mr. Johnston, who spent a couple of days here on business. Misses Floy and Juanita Mead ows, of Bryson City, spent Satur day afternoon in Franklin with relatives and friends. On their re turn they were accompanied by their cousin, Butler Justice who spent the week-end in Bryson City. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Bulgin, of New York and Lebanon, Mo., are spending two months herewith Mr. Bulgin's sister, Mrs. W. B. McGuire. Miss Mae McDowell came up from Clayton, Ga., Monday for the funeral of Luther W. Hauser, held at Mr. Ziori Methodist church Monday morning. Mrs. Wade H. Moody and daugh ter, Marian, of Asheville, spent the week-end with Mrs. Moody's moth er, Mrs. Texie Ramsey, at her home on Iotla street. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hurst, of Ridgecrest, were here the first of the week visiting Mr. Hurst's sis ter, Miss Nettie Hurst, at her home on Franklin Route 3, Fred Cabe and family have mov ed from thel Guest house near he depot to the Lyle house on Har rison avenue. Melvin A. McDonnell, of Los Angeles, Calif., is spending several days with his brother, Thomas McDonnell and family, at their home near Otto. Mrs. Douglas Nichols underwent an operation for the removal of her appendix at Angel hospital Satur day. Her condition was reported to be very satisfactory Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hauser and two daughters returned to. their home, at Mdrganton Monday, after being called here on account of the sickness and death of his father, Luther W. Hauser. Mrs. O. F. Summer and daugh terp of Highlands, have been spend ing several days with Mrs. Sum mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Dalrymple, at their home on White Oak street. Miss Laura Stillwell, of Kins ton, is spending several weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. John F. Cunningham and Mr. Cunningham, at their home on Franklin Route 1. -Miss Frances McCurry, who has been on special assignment with the regional office of WPA for the past four months, will complete her work and return to her home in Asheville on Saturday. Miss Mc Curry has made many friends dur ing her brief residence in Franklin. Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson returned home on Monday .after a visit to her mother, Mrs. W. Blackburn Wilson, in Washington, D. C, and her children, Mr. and Mrs. Cantey Johnson, in Madison. Mrs. Grant Wilson will have charge of the Kelly Gift Shop during the coming season. Phillip Blumenthal, a student: at the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, who was in an automobile accident Saturday night, was reported to. have received no serious injuries and expects to be able to resume his school duties within a few days. His father, who was called to Chapel Hill, returned to his home here Monday. Sheriff A. B. Slagle, who under went an operation for the removal of his appendix at -Angel hospital on Monday night, was reported to be getting along nicely Tues day; -.-. ' Mrs. Charles O. Ramsey, who has been teachirfg ' school . at. Spruce Pine for 'the past year, has re turned to her home on Iotla .street. Mrs. Frank' Moody and daughter Miss Nora Moody, left Friday morning for Florida, where they plan to spend about four weeks in different sections of the state. Births Mr... and Mrs, Luther Stewman announce the birth of a son, Doug las Hile, at their home on Culla saja, on Wednesday, April 19. A son Vvas born to ' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Verden. Reeves', on Saturday. April. 22,. at their1 home on Franklin- Route 3. On Saturday, April 15, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. -John VV. MeMalian, at the home of Mrs. McM ahan's 1 parents, M r.' and Mrs. Thomas Brown,, at Prentiss. . Mr. and Mrs. Cirover Sheffield announce the birth of a son, at their home at West's Mill on Sun day, A pril 23. A daughter, Barbara Sue, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Well, on Saturday, April 22, at their home on Franklin Route 2. A son, Billy Wilburn, was born to Air. and. Mrs. Zeb Taylor, at their home on Franklin Route 4, on 'Tuesday, April 18. ' I Qn Sunday, Aprib 16, a daughter, Elizabeth Marie, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lester C. Waldroop, at their home on Cartoogechaye. . Mr. arid Mrs. Jeff Calloway an nounce the birth of a daughter, Nettie Elizabeth, on Monday, April .17, at their home on Franklin Route 3. A son, Millard William, was born . to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stamey at their home on Franklin Route 2, on Saturday, April 15. CAN YOU AFFORD I TO BE WITHOUT IT Funeral Benefit Insurance Costs Are Surprisingly Small . jRates From 2j4c Month Up According To Age Benefits are Provided in the Amount of $100 for Persons Over 10 Years of Age and in the Amount of $50 for Per sons Under 10 Years of Age. Bryant Burial Ass'n. Franklin, N. C. p. &VftWWflH ,4- 'V1 ; j -v j ,vr M ! if I LET UP LI6HT. f, (. UP A CAMEL ) f OFTEN! I FIND j L f V CAMELS MILD. f I BETTER FOR jCXIj 4 IsTEADY SMOKITWj Jj mmffiifflir- '" " ' -- & FOR SMOKING PLEASURE AT ITS BEST CAM EL fe tigmtte qf Outlier 7b6accos firmmrirTintiiirirrr-ri Out -Accelerates - Out- Climb; and OUTSELLS the Field ! 1 l w -iv . - " " w "S-t' ,' VW ,'f1Ji955Wf'S?" no WWW. combines all these ' famous features . IXCIUSIVI VACUUM AKfHirr. Y rifHIR. . HIWIOMBM WOIHO- a .MOM0" ' ' VALVt-lN-MIAO SIX. . pninCTID MYDHAUUC IRAKIS. A NIW OSW'1tlOM CAt-VISlW""- ull. ESS Mir) s. xuiitn TOP. f. MONT.IND if Ail- ' UZIt. ,0. MO DAII VIMtl LATION. . DASH At Ufl. It. SYMCSO-MMH1SANS-1 MISSION. . flPTOS-MATIC ClUTCH -.'iSDrs'rHAV.Ts fSAMS. 1B. DUCO TINISHIS. A HYPOIO-OI "IAS 1 AXtl I AMD TOROUI- TUSI DUIVI. , TIOM. . . and tor., of oat Important faww. BgaMimu II I Chevrolet is the fastest selling car in the nation today, solely and simply because it's the biggest value I Take performance. Chevrolet is best! Because it out-accelerates, out-climbs and out-performs all other low-priced carsbar none ! Take styling. Chevrolet is best! Because it alone of all low-priced cars brings you the en viable beauty and style leadership of Body by Fisher! x Take features. Chevrolet is best! Because it's the only low-priced car combining the outstand ing quality features of high-priced cars, while mot""alu ing quality features of high-priced cars, while aavtntf vni I mtnAV nn nnrrhaiA rrlr nnora tlrn The Only Low-Prited .; and upkeep! Car Combining See it . . . driye it . . . roday "AU THAT'S BEST AT LOWEST COST!" nrmarr rmiii, iw r vttr n.- r mr rrr - HW 'mm 'mm fA'fA'f.'t 'ft-.- M Tfnirtirtmfi- 1 HI WIS 1 il I " Mi TST I 1 ll III II A M I jSjlS H1 Hill I BURRELL MOTOR CO. Phone 123 Franklin, N. C