PAGE TEN THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON I AN THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1939 City Pressing Club. Installs New Machinery The entire equipment of the City Pressing Club, owned and operated by Mrs, T. M. Hoilman and son, Terrell Hoilman, has. been torn out and replaced by, the most modern dry cleaning and pressing appar atus, and Mrs. Hoilman states that her plant is now prepared to turn out work as quickly and efficient ly as any in this .section. . Classified Advertisements FOR SALE OR RENT Ashe house on Harrison avenue.. Apply to Henry W. Cabe,' Franklin. SPECIAL SALE Ladies' hats, $1.00; children's hats, 50c ; men's rebuilt Stetson hats, $1.00. Satin slips $1.(X). Silk hose, gloves, hand bags. Beautiful lottery. , MY LADY'S SHOPPE. Hp WANTED Neat, reliable white girl as cook in family of three adults where second maid is em ployed. Must furnish satisfactory reference. Write Box 397 High lands, N. C. Itp FOR SALE Crushed corn feed meal, 1 cent per pound, baled soy bean and millet hay, shredded shucks at 50 cents per bale about 100 lbs. Ada McCoy, Franklin, N. C. tfc i -Get Black Arrow, Red Arrow, Bari-Cide, Rotenone, Magnesium Arsenate, Arsenate of Lead, Dust ing Sulphur here, and know you will win 'the fight against this bug procession. C. T. BLAINE;. J8-2tc J15 STEADY WORK GOOD . PAY WANTED Reliable man to call on farmers in Macon County. No experience or capital required. Make up to $12 a day. Write Furst & Thomas, Candler Bldg. Baltimore, Md. - ''! . . STOP THE BUGS and save the crop, spray materials tor every purpose: Rotenone Dutox, Bari Cide, Black Leaf 40. Bordeaux mixture, arsenates, sulphurs, nico tine preparations. Complete line dusters and sprayers. Free spray information.- Farmers Federation, ltc OPPORTUNITY TO GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF In a- Western Auto Aewxiate Store . Western Auto Supply Company, largest, and most successful in its line, 30 years in business, had a sales volume of 36 million dollars in 1938. We are now offering you an opportunity to own and operate a Western Auto Associate Store, home owned, in towns of 1,500 to 20,000. There are over 1100 such stores in operation. You can become the owner and operator of a "Western Auto As sociate Store" for as little as $2,750 in the smaller towns, which pays for merchandise and fixtures, and everything necessary to start busi ness. We train you in our success ful merchandising methods. Western Auto Supply Co. Associate Store Division 890 Marietta, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia Mdb 4tc J15 COFFEE HBafifley's Snnpiremnie One I'omifl Vacuum Packed 2S)e Guaranteed Satis factory to the Last Drop City Market JOE RHINEHART LEADEROF ROLL (Continued from Page One) of the 30 cash prizes, there is a 10 per cent commission given on subscriptions provided there has been at least $15 in subscription reported for your Baby. Have you gotten the list of the old subscrib ers with the expiration datesplf not, come by the Baby Derby of fice for this list. It behooves every candidate to get busy. No candi date can afford to allow her "ears to be knocked, down." You cannot afford to make snap judgment. If there is anything you don't under stand, make it your business to find out at the Baby Derby office. It is up to you whether your Baby wins the $10 special prize. It is up to you whether your Baby wins $2.50 or one of the other prizes or honor, glory, $200 and silver loving cup. It is you who must work out your own salvation. .It is you who can enhance your voting .strength, and you alone. Are-you going to let others walk away with prizes all for the lack of a little effort right now? Coupons and subscrip tions count three times as many "miles" now as they do the last week of the Derby which closes July 8. This certainly should spur them to action. You can't win the Derby in the third period last week, as easily as you can NOW in the first period which ends June 24th, the close of the BIG credit mileage. Positively, this schedule of credits will riot be in creased. Warning Tio Parents Only Babies having coupons or subscriptions reported from now on will be kept on the list. If you want your Darling to stay in the race, you will have to say it with coupons or subscriptions. Any par ent who can not report either a coupon or a subscription is not in terested. Try to get at least one subscription "club" by Saturday night. Mrs. Gibson Elected Supt. Of Mission Society Mrs. Sam Gibson, of Iotla, was reelected superintendent of the wo man's missionary society of Macon county at an annual meeting held Thursday at the Franklin Baptist church. Approximately 75 were present from the six societies in this association. Other officers "elected were: Mrs. J. G. Benfield, of Highlands, as sistant superintendent; Mrs. Hen ry D. West of Franklin, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Earl E. Ward, of Franklin Route 3, young peo ple's leader; Mrs. J. C. Higdon of Franklin Route 4, personal service chairman; Mrs. I. T. Peek" of Franklin, stewardship chairman, and Mrs. Frank I. Murray of Franklin .study leader, County Summer School To Open June 12 The Macon county summer school will open in Franklin next Mon day, June 12, with Mr,s. Lola P. Barnngton as director, and a full corps of teachers. The following notice has been given out by Mrs. Barrington: The county summer school, for pupils in the seventh through the eleventh grades, will open Monday, June 12, at 9 o'clock a. m. at the Franklin high ,s,chool building. Re view and new courses will be given The high school entrance exami nation will be given the seventh grade pupils at the close of the term. Those desiring to attend will please enroll the irrstday. .Lola f. Barrington, Mirector. "Uncle Dave" Macon To Be Here Saturday Night Uncle Dave" Macon and 'his company, with his son, Doris, will appear at the courthouse Saturday night, June 10, at 8 o'clock, spon sored by the Ladies' Missionary Society of the Asbury Methodist church. "Uncle Dave" is one of the best known"' of the radio entertainers, and all who listen to his 'broad casts will want to see him and hear him Saturday night. To Clean Off Cemetery At Sugarfork Church All who have relatives or friends buried in the cemetery at Sugarfork Baptist church are asked to meet there on Tuesday, June 13, for the purpose of cleaning off the grounds. ADDITIONAL FRANKLIN SOCIAL ITEMS MR. AND MRS. ALEXANDER AT HOME IN SCOTT, ARK. The many friends of Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Davidson Alexander, whose marriage was announced re cently, wish them happiness in their new home. Mr. Alexander lived in Franklin for four years where he was assistant farm agent under the TVA program in Macon county. He resigned last year to undertake the management of his own large plantation in Arkansas. Mrs. Alex ander, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Leach, was one of the most popular of Franklin's young women. U. D, C. TO MEET WITH MRS. C. F. MOODY The Macon County Chapter of the United Daughters of Confed eracy will hold the June meeting at the home of Mrs. C. F. Moody at the Moody Farm, on Monday afternoon, June 12, at 3 o'clock. All members are requested to at tend. Major and Mrs. William H. Gor don of Fort McPherson,. Ga., with their son and daughter, are sum mer guests at Sunnyside Farfn with Mrs. Will Sloan. Miss Margie Blumenthal left Sunday for Cornelia, Ga., where she will .spend several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Gold. Ben McGlamery, who has been working with the Nantahala Power and Light company, in' Andrews, is now working in the Franklin of fice. Miss Vivian Cobb has recently arrived in Franklin to take charge of the Murtday Beauty Shop dur ing the summer months. Miss Cobb is a graduate of the .Southern Beauty" School in Norfolk and has had several years experience. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Perry and two children, of El Reno, Okla., came in Saturday to visit Mrs. Perry's mother, Mrs. C. D. Baird, and other relatives. Mr. and Mr;. T. W. Angel, Jr., returned Tuesday after a two weeks' stay at the New York World's Fair. . Miss Virginia Smith, who has been teaching music in the public schools at Roanoke Rapids, is here to spend the summer, with her parents, Dr. and .Mrs. Frank T. Smith. Miss Mary Sue Smith, of Dalton, Ga., arrived Tuesday for a week's visit in Franklin as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCollum. Mrs. Boyd Sutton, of Decatur, Ga., is .spending several days with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Perry and Dr. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Franks, and son, Morris, who spent the winter in Miami, Fla., arrived, in Frank lin last Friday to spend the sum mer at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wey- man s on Harrison avenue. .Misses Pauline, Dorothy and Mildred Reid, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Reid, of Frank lin Route 4, have returned to the home of their parents after attend ing the Dorland-Bell school at Hot Springs. ' Births , Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Callo way announce the birth of a daugh Have Of E Shoe nEPAMED-thcn compare it to. the orma: Thr' at much dlffrc a, "nolclng vp" ONE SIDE of yovr fACEJ Apptoranc eounti from ' ad to foot Lot ui rebuild now woor nd oppoaranco into your (hoot MACON SHOE SHOP Formerly Wilson' Shoe .Shoo J Eait Main St Franklin. N; C. ter, Julia Ellen, at Angel hospital, on Sunday, May 28. " Mr. and Airs.' Bulen McCall an nounce the birth of a daughter, Anna Marcelle, at their home in the : Cowee township' on Tuesday, June 6. A son, Victor Rogers, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Sanders, at their home in Franklin on Tues dadoes' NICE STYLES, Dotted Swiss, Voile, Batiste, and fine Prints VALUES $1.50 For Only Ladies' Print Dresses 1 Assorted Colors Size 14 to 48 A pretty line of $1.00 sellers For .Only 6c Dress Goods For hot days batiste voile and shantung 15 and 25 Towels Of every kind. Here is a real bargainget your supply now Kitchen Towels, bound edge, Cc and 1 Ac fast color Bath Towels, good size, 0(c per pr. ......... vJ Cannon Towels, large size, 4QC Special. Per pr. .."9 ' t Pants ... Men's summer pants sanforized, $1.00 price per pair Pants and shirts to match, fast $0.25 color, price per suit Shirts Men's dress shirts. A new line, $ .00 fast color Men's work shirts, 150 dozen, fCc up priced to sell , ... Men's and Women's Sun Hats, 1 Cc close out price ................. Ladies' White Summer Shoes, odd sizes, to close out. Size 4 to 8, real buy, $2.00 to $1 .50 $2.50 values, now Ladies' Summer Hats, style and color Q7c for these idays Children's Dresses, many patterns OCc up and grades Children's Play Suits, over all, better Cflc than ever ......... . " 1 .I i hi i 1 1 ii SHOES SHOES For men, women, children See me I am back on the job now and will give a special price at this time. "We Clothe the Family" FRANKLIN, N. C. day, May 23. " . On Monday, May 22, a son, John G, ,was born to Mr. and Mrs. Aus tin Dills at their home on .Frank lin Route 2. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Thomas announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Katherine, at their home on Franklin Route 4, on Monday, May 22. . SaaminrDoir JUST ARRIVED