THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THfe ttlCHLANbS MACONIAN THURSDAY, JULY 27. 1939 PAGE TWO Thirty Thousand At Opening Of Baptist World Congress Baptists of the world last Sun i : day afternoon joined those of Georgia in a throng estimated at ,,inor than 30,000 in Ponce de Leon Park, Atlanta, for the opening of the sixth Baptist World Congress, a great assemblage where the lead ing purpose, as already manifest, will be a devout affirmation of . the principle of religious liberty for men on earth. ' Massages of welcome and the roll call of the nations followed the call to order by Dr. George W. Truett, president of the World Baptist Alliance, alter a long Bap tist parade through downtown At lanta and an international cere mony at l'eachtree street and i'once de Leon ' avenue earlier in the afternoon. Thirteen persons were reported overcome by heat and given treat ment at the Ked Cross first-aid station at the park. The note of freedom was struck at the outset when Dr. James Henry Rushbrooke of London, Al liance general secretary, read the following message addressed by. President Koosevclt to the con gress through Dr. Louie D. New ton, the Atlanta pastor who has ' had charge of the local arrange ments: President's Message In these days when many of the cherished, institutions of free gov ernment are challenged it behooves all who believe in democracy as: a way of life to rally to the defense of those principles which are fun damental to our happiness as' a ' nation. The freedom which we cherish freedom of conscience, freedom of the press, freedom of education arid .freedom of assembly and Which is our priceless heritage out of the struggles of our forefath trs, can be maintained and perpet uated; only at the cost of eternal vigilance. The Sixth World Congress of the Baptist World Alliance as sembles at a momentous time in world history. But it will, I am sure, meet all issues with courage ' and with faith. 1 had occasion sometime since to appeal to all of our countrymen to foster the spirit' of toleration. The members ' of the great Baptist communion have a peculiar heritage of devo tion to the principle of religious lS .VUU1IJ, .faJ IUHV111V1 JL MAX v noble tradition of Roger Williams their place must ever be among "4 those who uphold freedom of , conscience. I do not, therefore, hesitate to reiterate to the Baptist World Al liance the appeal to which I re ferred: This is no time to make capital out of religious disagreement, how ever honest. It is a time', rather, to make capital out of religious undertaking. We who have faith cannot afford to fall out among ourselves. The very state of the world is a summons to us to stand together. For as I see it, the chief religious issue is not between our " various beliefs. It is between be lief and unbelief. It is not your specific faith or mine that is be ' ing called into question but all faith. Religion in wide areas of the earth is being confronted with . irrehgion ; our faiths are bein challenged. It is . because of that threat that you and 1 must reach across the lines between our creeds, clasp hands, and make com mon causa. In extending hearty greetings may I express the hope that your , sessions, will be fruitful of wise .counsels and that out of your de liberations will come a firm re isolve so to employ our- heritage of .freedom that justice may be main tained and extended among men and nations. .Very sincerely yours,' Franklin I). Roosevelt.' Lloyd-George Message A letter from David Lloyd George, former British Prime Min ister, also was among those read at the opening session. It said: Please convey to the Sixth . Baptist World Congress my heart- jest fraternal greetings, and warm est wishes for its success. Throughout their long history Baptists . have always filled the front ranks of Evangelical Chris tianity. They have been pioneers of the .Gospel in the darkest parts of earth, and uncompromising in their zeal for the establishment of their Master's Kingdom among men and for the rights of the citizens of that kingdom to the freedom of the soul in thought and devotion. Today, when that Gos pel and that -kingdom are being challenged by new and "barbaric forms of paganism, the ' testimony of the Baptists is more than ever needed, to recall mankind to the great spiritual verities, and to the abiding value of the message of peace on earth and goodwill among men.' I trust that this World Congress may prove an inAnirarinn tint alnn tUrmn nf our faith and order, but to all who share our purpose to further the rule of the Kingdom of Heaven and the brotherhood of man. D. Lloyd-George. Groat Choir on Hand A large choir was seated on the 'stand and sang hymns before and liirinv l.a mAAfinar in! n a A Kr UUMUfi lilt; sUtV-VfraWB. JWaaaVX SJ thousands of voice in the con-1 gregation. Also on the stand, be side the Alliance officers were the members of the executive commit tee, which already has recom mended in an advance meeting, that the Congress place emphasis upon a pronouncement for religious freedom. Dr. Truett, at the canopied speakers' stand at the far end of the field, struck his gavel prompt ly at 2 p. m. after the singing of hymns by a choir and the congre gation and an opening prayer de livered by the Rev. Griffith J. Harris, of Cardiff, Wales. On the speakers' stand were the forty-four members of the execu tive committee, ,who hailed from the four corners of the earth. Among these was Dr. Rushbrooke of London, general secretary, who is being mentioned as a likely successor to Dr. Truett, the Amer ican president, and Lieut, Gover nor Albert Matthews, of Toronto. Also present for the opening session were Governor E, D, Riv ers and Mayor William B. Harts field. .-. Addresses of welcome were de livered at the afternoon session bv Baptist leaders representing different organizations of the de nomination. In his address, Vice-President Wnrrlcfrnm , . declared that "no Baptist World Congress has been better oreoared than this Con- press." He said it was undoubtedly the largest ever held and "should be the most prosperous in every re- SDCCt After oavine tribute to Dr, Newton as the chief planner of the gathering, he asserted we have come to Georgia to learn the secrets of Baptist progress." At this point began the roll call of the nations. Roll-Call AppUuded Enthusiastic applause resounded during this roll call. A number 01 the messengers, representing Bap tist communions in far parts of the world, walked up on the speakers' stand garbed in the na tive costumes of their countries. When Tanimola Ayorinde, of Niegera in Africa, strode before the great assembly clad in the loos robes of his country, Dr. Rush hrooke. aoolocized lest he trus- oronounced so strange a name. The audience cave a tremendous ovation a few later after the Nigerian, in perfect, Engfish, had expressed ithe greetings of a), 000,000 inhabitants and 20,000 Bap tists of his land. As; the rolj-calj continued there came to the platform the Rev, Benjamin Pradham for India and the Rev. Wu Chi Chung from China, whose message brought a touching note to the congress. "It was not easy for me to come over here," he declared, "and leave my loved ones behind me in my war-torn country. But there is one happy result of our suffering. The war has packed our churches for the preaching of the gospel. The word of God has multiplied and will continue to multiply." Answering the roll call for Burma, San Po Thin, ' a noted Baptist leader there, expressed praise for the southern hospitality which he has found in Atlanta and Georgia and also for the "Burma sunshine here which makes me feel even more at home,'' Speaking for the Northern Bap tist Church of the United Sfates. Dr. E. A. Fridell, newly elected president, exhorted the 12,000,000 Baptists of the world to take steps to halt the advance of total itarianism in various sections of the world. The distinguished churchman also urged the Baptists to explain their work for the un derprivileged masses. - Need For Workers Pointing to the rapidly expand ing work in Haiti and Nicaragua, Dr. C. S. Detweiler said there is an urgent, need there for more trained workers to spread the gos pel, asserting that at present there are only eight ministers- for 22 churches. Others answering the afternoon call included Dr. H. H. Bingham, representing Canada; Rev. Santi ago Canclini, Argentina; Dr. Djal- ma Cunha, Brazil; Rev. Honorio Espinoza, Chile ; Dr. F. W. Simo leit, Camerons (by .letter) ; Martin Caribbean War Chief l , y 1 f if" 4 4 'M In San Juan, Puerto Rico, Brlf. Gen, Edmund L, Paley steps from the amphibian plane provided him by the war department to cover Ma vast Insular territory, Daley Is com manding officer of the recently cre ated department of the Caribbean, which includes Puerto Rico, the Vir gin Island! and all Intervening keya. S, Engall, Congo; Rev. Benjamin Pradham, Inda, and Manchuria by proxy. Dr. L. K. Williams, Negro pas tor, of Chicago, and president of the National Baptist Convention, exhorted the gathering to a - re- dedication of spiritual life. "The preparation for a world wide evangelistic crusade by Bap tists," he declared, "for the reign of truth versus error and the over throw of injustice, oppression and every form of tyranny and sin in the world must begin here, in and with u." Another welcome was brought by Dr7 G, L. Prince, president of the National Baptist Convention of America, who urged the Con gress to seek a cure for the world's unrest by restating and clarifying the Baptist principles which have stood for centuries and make for unity and brother hood." v "Our anticipationi," he contin ued "are that you will bring to bear the full impact of your Christain influence for freedom of the soul and personal liberty and against all kinds of religious per secution." Governor and .Senator Governor Rivers termed the Congress a striking manifestation of "the hope for a revival of re ligion and morality that has been so sorely needed in these tunes. Senator Walter F. George told the congregation that the citizens of "Atlanta are representative of Americans, whose tolerance is based on the high concepts of re ligious friendship. The circle of every man's love .of tolerance is' measured by the radius of his in telligence. Messages From Foreign Lands A message that was a prayer hushed the huge throng when Dr. H. Prochazka, of Czechoslovakia, described the plight of his people at the night session. "I come from the land which was, is not and yet shall be," he declared. A year ago Czechoslovakia was an island of peace in Central Eu rope. Since then it has passed through thunderstorms and chang ing scenes. Yet in all the happen ings that have taken place, my people have had in their hearts the prayer of the servants Of God. Applause greeted the message brought by Prof, Oswald Turn, from Estonia, who declared that in the twenty-year history of his country no person there has been imprisoned or persecuted for his religious convictions. "My country is in that area of Central Europe where barbedwire barriers are common," he said. In these times of hatred our Baptists have proved to be a people of good will and understanding. The German minister said there are 300 preachers and 80,000 Bap tists in his country who send their greetings to the Baptist World Al liance which met in Berlin five years ago. Germany, he addea, would be pleased to have another Baptist World Alliance in Berlin at any time. rrom Italvan Baptists came a plea for sympathy through the Rev. Manfredi Bonchi. Explaining that in Italy there are altogether 5,000 Baptist and 50,000 Protestants in a population of 45,000,000, he termed his coun try one of the .most neglected mis sionary fields of the world.' Soviet Situation "The hammer does reach those on tins earth who dare love tne heavenly Ruler," declared the Rev. L. V. Nebrash, representative from Soviet Russia. "For some thirty-five years no united meetings of any kind have been permitted in Russia. Our greetings to' this Congress can come only from individuals. Our churches re closed, we can meet only in secret services at the risk of our property and sometimes of our lives. "Does religion still exist in Rus sia or has it been exterminated? It has not been exterminated, and it will not be, for Christians do not live by their own strength alone, but by the grace given from above. The spiritual hunger of the masses in Russia is about ten times strong, er today than it ever was before.' At the conclusion of the roll call, several spirituals were sung by the combined Negro choirs of Atlanta, and the Saturday night session end ed with the benediction pronounced by Dr. C. J. Tinsley, of Australia. were : Mr. and Mrs. R, A. Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henson, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Henson, Mrs. Charlie Led ford, Mrs; Harley Reynolds, Misses Edith Cunningham, Sallie and Ber tie ' Ledford, Geneva and Janice Reynolds, J. L. Reynolds and Jun ior Henson, . . Miss Lou Emma Hames, of Clarkesville, Ga., visited her aunt, Mrs. Henson and Mr. Henson, during the past week. As house guests last week-end Mrs. Ada Hyatt had her daugh ters, Mrs. C. M. West, of West's Mill; Mrs. Don Davis, Sylva, and Mr. West and Mr. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Carter and family, of South ' Carolina, visited her sisters here last week-end. Miss Connie Bradley, of High lands, visited her mother, Mrs. Betty Bradley, over Sunday. Miss Elsie Rae Curtis, of Dil lard, Ga., Visited her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Curtis, last week-end. Mrs. Cora Ledford, of South Carolina, will be visiting friends and relatives here for some time. ,Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jamison and daughter, Carlene, came over from Glenville Sunday to attend the funeral of Mr. W. E. Mozeley, at Otto. Miss Hopkins, of Franklin, has been spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hopkins. Mrs. Andy Setser and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Waldroop, of Cartoo gechaye, visited Mrs. Tom Mc Donald Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Cunning ham and H. W. Rogers, of Frank lin Route 2, visited at the home of Mr. Rogers sister, Mrs. Ed Bradley, Sunday. ' Travel Figures OS 1 V v This pretty Atlantic City miss poses on a road sign which Indi cates the distance from the famed resort to all the major cities of the world. No one has checked the dis tances by speedometer readings. BARGAIN, FACTORY RECONDITIONED SINGER SEWING MACHINES AT ONE-THIRD THE ORIGINAL PRICE Bryant Furniture Co. - ,1 - r .Waiting For a Sail The Modern Merchant Doesn't wait for SALES HE ADVERTISES SUGGESTION Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace has suggested to Con gress that it might be well to ex tend federal crop insurance to cotton because of the large num ber of hazards faced in growing the crop. PROGRESS Owners of both dairy and beef cattle in practically all states are making substantial progress in practically all states are making substantial progress in eridicating Bang's disease from their herds. with North Carolina well to the front in this effort. vtiHiiHU(K1i0ti3i THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Am International Duly Nruppr It records for you tht world's olean construe! doings. Tha MoaMa does not exploit crime or Mnsstlon; neither does It Ignore them, but desls correctively with them Features far busy men and all the family including the Weedy Migsslne Bectlem. ' The Christian Bcienee Publishing Society One. Norway Street. Bos'on. Mamaehusetti Please enter my subscription to The Christie Science Monitor far a period of 1 resr 113.00 months SO J months SI. 00 1 month tlM Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section: I rear S3.S0. ( issues Ma Hams . - ' Address Sm0ti Cop m ftraswM 17 WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY At Prices Lower Thtn You Can Buy Elsewhere Guaranteed High Grade Watch Repairing A Specialty GROVER JAMISON JEWELER PAY YOU R ME Otto By MISS HAZEL BRADLEY Mrs. Julius Curtis, assisted by Miss Sallie Ledford, entertained for her recently married daughter, Mrs. Ed Keener and Mr. Keener, of Clayton, on Saturday evening, July 22, at 7:30. Mrs. Keener will be re membered as Mis Kate Curtis. The honor guests were given a shower of beautiful gifts. The" house was decorated with summer phlox. Ice cream, cake, and iced tea . were served. Callers enjoying the evening All taxes for the year 1938 will be advertised, beginning the second week in AUGUST, and property sold on September 4th. Pay your taxes NOW and avoid payment of adver tising and sale costs. A. B. SLAGLE Tax Collector for Macon County I

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