THURSDAY, JULY 27, 193S THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN PACE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER S. CON LEY, PHONE 104 SNYDER.ARRENDALE Macon county friends of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Snyder, of Cor nelia, Ga.,' will he interested in the announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Lois to Roy Aren . dale which occurred on July 17 at Jefferson, Ga. MRS. BARNARD HOSTESS TO BIBLE CLASS Mrs. Lee Barnard, Mrs. Henry W. Cabe, Mrs. J). Robert Cabe,. and Mrs. Gordon Moore were hostesses to the F. S. Johnston Bible class of the Franklin Methodist church ' at the home of the former at Mimosa Inn on the Murphy road on Thursday afternoon with 15 mem bers 'and visitors present. Mrs. Lester S. Conley presided in the absence of the. president, Mrs. W. W. Sloan. Mrs. Lester 1 lenderson, secretary-treasurer of the class, tendered her resignation and Mrs. Herbert K. Church was elected to fill her unexpired term. . Committees appointed were: Fin ance, Mrs. L. H. Page, chairman; Mrs. Henry W. Cabe, Mrs. C. L. Morton, Mrs. 1'. F. Callahan, and Mrs. Roy G. Be.shears; flowers, Mrs. 11. O. C'ozad, chairman; Mrs. A. B. Slagle, and Mrs. Lester S. Conley, and welcoming 'committee, Mrs. 1'. F. Callahan, chairman, Mrs. C. L. Morton and Mrs. D. Robert Davis. At the conclusion of the meet ing the hostesses served delicious refreshments. METHODIST W. M. S. TO MEET NEXT THURSDAY The Woman's Missionary society of the Franklin Methodist church will meet at 3 p. m. next Thurs day afternoon, August 3, at the home of Mrs. Frank T. Smith. All members are urged to be pres ent. ' MISS BENETT GIVES PARTY FOR CLASS Miss Estelle Bennett, teacher of ihe nrimarv class of the lotla Bap tist cnurcn, entertained ner ciass with an ice cream party at her home on Franklin Route 3 on Sat urday afternoon. Games were enjoyed during the afternoon. Members of the class present were; Ray Smith, Charles Wil liams, HerscheL Tallent, Frank Cttnith Tbaadrwjk .-Tsllont Merritt Fouts, Carol Lee Roper, Gay Founts, Jessie Lee Downs, Violet Barnard, Dessie Mae Fouts, Irene Lowe, Wilma Edwards, Shirley Lowe, Joyce Swafford, Lois Lowe, Josephine Burrell, Ed Rowland, Adeline Burrell and Fred Rowland. Special guests were Misses Chloe Parrish, Delma Edwards, and Derma Cunningham. Mrs. Harry S. Higgins and son, Harry, Jr., spent several days in Chattanooga, Tenn., with friends last week. Miss Ruth Higgins returned to her home Tuesday after attending summer school at the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga. She was accompanied by Miss Bea By burning 25 lowr than tht vrag of tha IS other of tho largest-soiling brands tasted slower than any of them -CAMELS give smokers tha equivalent of THE CIGARETTE OF COSTUER TOBACCOS PENNY FOR PENNY YOUR, PEST CIOARETTB BUY. i..,.i s-.. ........ 8 1 rSss 1 E0, Smythe, who will spend several days here as the guest of Miss Higgins. Miss Vitner, of Atlanta, is here for a visit to her sister, Mrs. Jack Sanders, and Mr. Sanders, at their home on Harrison avenue. Mrs. Earl Harrison, Mrs. Lake Shope, and Misses Gertrude and Kate Shope spent Wednesday in Asheville. Miss Lula .M. Knloe, of Atlanta, i.s visiting her three .'brothers at their homes oii Cartoogechaye this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Mashbuni and two children, of Madison, are spending a few days visiting rela tives and friends on Cartoogechaye. Mrs, Walter Downing and Miss Nancy Downing, of Atlanta, were week guests of Mrs. F. L.. Siler. ,Mrs, Harry Barnetz, of Atlanta, and four children, Harry, Jr., Nell, Downing and Dawn, and niece, Poll Downing, of Memphis, Tenn.,' are visiting Mrs. F. L. Siler. Mrs. . Ben McCollum . has return ed from Commerce,' Ga., where she .spent several days visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Filer. Mrs, E. R. Kennebrew, of.Gaff ney, S. C, came in last week to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. George A. Jones, at her home on West Main street. George Sellers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Sellers, of Franklin Route 4, is spending some time with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mr,. Charles B. Bolick, at their home in Arlington, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Porter, of Asheville, and Mrs. Harry Bailey, of Penland, spent the week-end with Mrs. Porter's mother, Mrs. W. J. Zachary, and sister, Mrs. Harry S. Higgins, at the home of the latter on Harrison avenue. Joe- Wright and Luther Jacobs, of Aquone, were in Franklin on business Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alley, Cullowhee, attended the funeral of Mrs. Alley's father, W. E. Mozeley, Sunday. Fred W. Wiese, forest ranger of the Sumter national forest, Wal halla, S. C, attended the' dedica tion at Cliff side Lake Saturday. Mr. Wiese, former recreation plan ner for the Nantahala national i forest, developed the plans for the Chffside area. The Rev. C. F. Rogers, pastor of the Franklin Baptist church, and Mrs. Rogers are attending the sixth congress of the Baptist World Alliance in Atlanta. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Cantey John sou and small, son of Madison and John A. Johnson of Charlotte are visiting their mother, Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tompkins entertained with a. picnic supper at Cliffside Lake last Friday eve ning in honor of their guest, Miss Helen Brooks, of Bryson City anil Mrs. W. M. Hunt of 'Columbia, S. C. Other guests were Rev. arid Mrs. Frank Bloxham, Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs;. Ben W. Woodruff and John Ansel. N. H. Stiles, of Haines City, Fla., spent a. few days here visit ing his sister, Mrs. Marietta Cooper, at her home on West Main street. Paul H. Gerrard, supervisor of the Cherokee National Forest, Cleveland, Tenn., Mrs. Gerrard, arid small daughter, Jacque, attended the dedication of Cliffside Lake Saturday, and are spending a few days in Franklin the guests of Miss Lassie Kelly, at Kelly's Tea Room. Mr. Gerrard is a forrher supervisor of the Nantahala Na tional Forest. Miss. Dorothy Stewart, Atlanta, spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Stewart, at their home on Riverview street. Miss Timoxena Sloan, Atlanta, is spending several days with her mother, Mr,s. J. S. Sloan, at her home in East Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Leon West and daughter, of Detroit, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph West, and daughter, of Winston-Salem, spent Saturday afternoon here visiting their uncle, C. C; West. Mrs. J. L. Barnard has return ed to her home here after spending two weeks in Salisbury with her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Hcarn, and Mr. Hearn. Mr. and Mrs. Dan T. Brysori have moved into the new Tippctt house on Harrison avenue. R. Van Sisk, Charlotte, spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs. R. D. Sisk, at her home on lotla street, after spending a week in Asheville, attending the conven tion of the board of examiners of plumbing and heating contractors, of which he is a member. Mrs. Bertha Naylor, Asheville, spent last week visiting her moth er, Mrs. W. G. Wilkie. Mr., and Mrs. Wesley Smith, Hains City, Fla., are spending sev eral days in Franklin the gtiests of R. M. Waldroop, at her home on Harrison avenue. Miss Jarvis Ledford has return ed to her home here after spend ing three weeks with her sister, Mrs. K. R. Helton, and Sgt. Hel ton, at their home in Clemson, S. C ' ' BABY DERBY QUEEN ' ',; - ' : ' - I V 4 (:.: . . . 4 ' ? v-' I .-. -Photo by Crisp Studio . i PEGGY DUNBAR, FRANKLIN - Peggy won the $100 and Loving Cup. This is an additional cup awarded as second prize. Peggy is the two years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Dunbar, Franklin. Mrs. John Blaine, Franklin, is the only living grandparent. Peggy has blue eyes, blonde hair and weighed 31 pounds at .the start of the Baby Derby, and, too, we don't know whether she lost or gained any weight due to the .speed she used in winning number two prize in the Derby. It was a close race. Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Nothstein and daughter, of Andrews, spent Saturday here with friends and attended the dedication at Cliff side Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Blackmon of Rock Hill, S. C; Mrs. Lynnton Estes and Oscar Wylie of Gastonia and Miss Jane Wylie of Kilter, S. C, were guests of Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson last week. Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Estes are a brother and sister of Mrs, Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Dowdle, and daughter, Ida Mae, and How ard Barnard, returned to their homes here Wednesday night after five weeks' touring through the western states. ' . Mrs. Herbert E. Church attend ed a tea given by Misses Margaret Messer and Pearl McHan at the home of the former in Bryson City Friday afternoon, when the engagement and approaching mar riage of Miss Ora Lee Doughtry to LeRoy . Sossamon, of Midland, was announced. Mrs. A.. B. O'Mohundro. of Sparta, spent the latter part of the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L- Barnard. Mrs. A. E. Gouge, of Bakers ville, spent Saturday vi&iting her mother, Mrs. R. D. Sisk, at her home on lotla street. George B. Patton returned from Raleigh Saturday where he spent several days on business. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Marcus and daughter, Ellen, have returned to their home in Richmond, Va., after spending a week with Mrs. Mar cus' mother,.'. Mrs-. B.- M. Horn. Miss Adele Lans, of New York City, arrived Sunday to spend a week as the house guest of Mr. and M rs. Ellis Clarke Soper at their home on drive. Misses Lola and Jessie Ramsey, accompanied by Misses Hazel Hyde, Barbara Shafford and Ollie Whit aker, of Andrews, spent last week at Carolina Beach. Samuel J. Murray, who has been a patient in. a veterans' hospital in Johnson City. Tenn., for the past month, returned to his - hom on lotla street Saturday. Miss Virginia Slagle, who has been taking special school work at the University of North Caro lina, at Chapel Hill, returned to her home here Wednesday. Mrs. Zeb W. Conley. returned from Rocky Mount Sunday after a visit to her . mother, Mrs. Eli Whitehead, and other relatives. Miss Josephine Weaver, of HayusvilleJ was here the first of the week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam W. Menden hall. H. L. Bryant has returned from Wrightsville . Beach, where he spent" a week fishing and swim ming. Mr. Bryant was' a guest of the General Electric company. Phillip Blumenthal, a student at the University of North Carolina at . Chapel Hill, and who attended the summer session, came in Sun day to spend his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Blumenthal, at their home on Bid welt street. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wade Moody and daughter, Miss Marian Moody, of Asheville, spent this week visit ing, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moody on lotla and Mrs. John Ramsey on lotla street. - Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Hall hav returned to their home in Royal Oak, Mich., after a . visit to Mr. Hall's mother, Mrs. John W. Hall, at her home on Bidwell trect. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Holbrooks and son, Gerald, and Mr. and Mrs. Major Holbrooks, all of Detroit, Mich., came in Sunday to jspend two weeks with Messrs. Hol brook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Holbrooks, at their home at West's Mill. The Rev. Stuart Rohre, of Port Lavaca, Texas ; Paul Snead, of Isabell, Okla., president of the Oklahoma Young People's council, and Randall Durant, of Durant, Okla., have returned to their re spective homes after visiting Mrs. John W. Hall, at her home on Bidwell street. Births Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart an nounce the birth of a son, James Daniel, at Angel hospital on Thurs day. July 20. Mrs. Stewart is .the former Miss Marie Palmer. A son, John Randolph, was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Bulgin at their home in West Franklin on Saturday, July 22.- On Tuesday, July 25, a son was born to Mr. and Mr& Don Henry at their home in East Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. John Jamison, of Franklin and Hayesville, announce the birth of a son, John, Jr., on July 16, at Petrie hospital in Murphy. Hospital News Thela Ledford underwent an op eration at the hospital Tuesday. Master Eugene Williams, ofTel hep . Plains, Tennessee, has been a patient in the hospital for the last two months under, treatment for a foot deformity. He is doing well. Miss Barbara Hurst, of Franklin Route 2, is a patient in the hos pital suffering from severe burns of" the face and eyes. She was burned when a canning - machine exploded. Miss Florence Heason is a pa tient in the hospital suffering from the effects of Lysol poisoning which she drank accidentally. She will recover.- Mrs. W. R. Woodard, of Etna, underwent an operation for appen dicitis Tuesday. She is doing well. Dover Shuler, of West's Mill, was brought to the hospital Tues day and underwent an operation for acute appendicitis. - Howard Bradley, of Etna, under went a major operation Tuesday afternoon. His condition is satis factory. Mrs. Clarence Moses, of Gaston ia, underwent . a major operation this week. She is a former resi dent of Macon county. Mrs. Henry Wilkie, of Franklin, was operated on Tuesday. Her con dition ts satisfactory. Ralph Jones, of Aquone,' under went an operation .for the removal of a tumor. His condition is good. Hoit Clampitt underwent an emergency operation Monday aft ernoon. He is a fbrmer resident of Macon county. EASY It's easy to spot 4-H corn pro jects in a field of the same grain, says Beaufort County Assistant Agent A. L. Eagles, because of their superior appearance. Following extension service rec ommendations for controlling boll weevils through the use of a molasses-calcium arsenate . poison, Halifax county farmers report ex cellent results, West's Mill . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bryson and daughter, Nora Lee, of Detroit, Mich., came in Saturday night for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morgan, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bryson. Lee Fowler, of High- Point, is visiting his 'sister, Mrs. W. E. Allen and Mr. Allen. Grady Mason and two daughters, Margaret and - Margie, of Clear water, Fla., and Mr. and Mrs. Earle Glisson, and two children spent last week visiting Mr. Mas on's aunt, Mrs. J. B. Matlock and Mr. Matlock. J Mr, and Mrs. Vance Holbrooks, of Waynesville, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Holbrooks for sev eral days. . . Miss Ruth Smith and brother, Clyde, of Cullowhee, spent the week-end with their grandmother, Mrs. J. L. West, Sr. Misses Arphia and Viiinie Hol brooks, of Winston-Salem, are spending some time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hol brooks. Mrs. Albert Raby and daughter, Ruth, of Spruce Pine, are visiting relatives for a few days. Mrs. Omer Enloe, who has been quite ill at her home near Leather- man, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Moore and children were visiting Mrs. A Moore, and Miss Hazel Moore, of Waynesville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowles, of Winston-Salem, are visiting Mrs. Bowles' mother, Mrs. Ben R. Gib son. N Mrs. Chace Tatham and Mrs. Roy Sheffey, of Robbinsville, were visiting Mrs. Tatham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGaha, recently. Lee Allen, who is an enrollee in the CCC camp at Otto, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. M. L. Rick man. Cartoogechaye By MARY JO SETSER Fannie Mae and Rufus Setser, of Franklin, are spending this week visiting friends and relatives here. ' Rev. Frank Heffner, a student at Duke University, preached Sunday night at Mt. Zion Metho dist church in the absence of Rev. J. C. Swaim, the regular pastor. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Dalrymple and family spent Saturday at Cliffside. Miss Callie Setser, of Prentiss, spent the past wek-end at the home of Joe Setser. All Plans Completed For Farm Convention Five full days of. education and entertainment are in store for rural men and women who at tend State college's 36th annual farm and home week, July 31-Aug- ust 4. With advance registrations al ready above last year's mark at the same time, . State college of ficials believe this year's atten dance will smash all previous rec ords. ' Upon payment of the registra tion fee of one dollar, either in advance or on arrival at the col lege Monday, July 31, the visitor will be entitled to a room in one of the college dormitories for the entire week. Meals may be ob tained in the college cafeteria for 75 cents to $1 a day. This year's program has been lightened considerably, John W. Goodman and Mis,s Ruth Current, of the State college extension ser vice, said. More stress will be placed on things to see rather than things to hear. Toward this end, the ' college staff has arranged a multitude of exhibits and displays that is ex pected to give visitors a picture of modern, scientific farming and home-making. For iastance,' the men will see elaborate displays of farm machinery, while the women will see model kitchens and labor saving devices. An impressive list of speakers, ARCHITECTS JCicksi$23 Mrs L vj?. raQl5n fVjwilw I Pee Gee FUikom ii used in many of I h I the most beautiful homes in the country. . V If 111 It lendi itielf to beautiful treatmentt l II I 1 I in lovely panel lhadet . . . driet with a P I II 111 ,0'' vclvetf. non-poroui finish. For I. I I 11 keautiful walls, use Pee Gee Flaikoatt Ls 1 and emptor a reliable painter. aiiJtj fUTl and employ a reliable painter. Zee PRODUCT Ma kr Ik Soulln wa ftlal Reeves Hardware Co. FRANKLIN, N. C. headed by Governor Clyde K. Hoey, has been secured for this annual event. Some of those to be heard include: Dr. E. V., McCol lum,' head of the school of hygiene and public health of Johns Hop kins University; Qstar Johnston, president of the National Cotton Council; Dr. Bayard Carter and Dr. Randolph Jones, Jr., both of Duke University Medical school; and T. B. Hutcheson, head of the V. P. 1. agronomy department. County and home agents can furnish 'Complete details of this event, to which ,every farmer and farm woman is invited. ' Large Tomatoes Brought In By Mr. Buchanan B. E. Buchanan, who lives on Franklin Route 4, brought to The Press office Tuesday a cluster of yellow tomatoes which was one of the largest ever seen here, the cluster weighing more than four pounds. i PAYS WELL , Poultry pays well in Transylvan ia county as evidenced by the July monthly reports of demonstration flocks which showed an average of over 20 eggs a bird and a sub stantial profit for the owners. LESS Livestock shipping losses from death and injury were 13 per cent less in 1939 than in 1937, ac cording to a report of the Na tional livestock loss prevention board. Macon Theatre Matinee 3:30 P. M. Night Show 7:30 ami 9:30 SHOWING FROM 1:30 TO II P. M. SATURDAYS 'ROGRAM FOR WEEK FRIDAY, JULY 28 RICHARD DIX IN "TWELVE CROWDED HOURS" With: LUCILLE BALL, DONALD M.cBRIDE ALLAN LANE It's crowded with action from start to finish ! SATURDAY, JULY 29 Double Feature Program A price on his head to be paid in hot lead Thrills and songs as CHARLES STARRETT swings into his saddle in the "THUNDERING WEST" And A man hunt traps a cop's own sop "MY SON IS A CRIMINAL" With: ALLAN BAXTER GORDON OLIVER WILLARD ROBERTSON MON.-TUES, JULY 31 -AUG. 1 IRVING BERLIN'S .ix mw .one I SONJA HINE'S retat briUiancal SONJA HEINIE'S rreatett brilli ance! TYRONE POWER'S gay romance! RUDY VALLEE'S inging! EDNA MAE OLIVER'S fun! New Star MARY HEALY All in one grand picture "SECOND FIDDLE" WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2 "DEVILS ISLAND" BORIS KARLOFF NEDDA HARRIGAN This is a picture you shouldn't miss THURSDAY, ANGUST 3 "GOOD GIRLS GO TO PARIS" MELVIN DOUGLAS JOAN BLONDELL WALTER CONNOLLY ALAN CURTIS, JOAN PERRY , If you want our weekly program nailed to you, please leave name at Box Office. RECQMMEND Coma)r

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