PACE FOUR THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1939 Published every Thursday by The Franklin Press , At Franklin, North Carolina ' . Telephone No. 24 VOL. LIV Number 30 Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson and B. W. Johnson.......... ...Publishers P. F. Callahan Managing Editor Mrs. C. P, Cabe .Business Managei Entered at the Post Office, Franklin, N. C, as second class matter" One Year .... Six Months .'. Eight Months Single Copy . , SUBSCRIPTION RATES .. $1.50 .. 75 .. $1.00 .. .05 Obituary notices, cards of thanks, tributes of respect, by individuals, lodges, churches, organizations or societies, will be regarded as adver tising and inserted at regular classified advertising rates. Such notices will be marked "adv." in compliance with the postal regulations. BIBLE THOUGHT Happy is he whose hope is in tbe Lord his God. I'sahns 146:5. , The heart that is truly happy never grows old. Anonymous. - A Word of Appreciation PRESSappreciates the many favorable com ments that have come our. way on last week's Summer Souvenir edition. Conscious of many omissions due to Jack of time and other limita tions, we wish; to express the hope that the next special edition will more completely cover the ground. We wish to thank all contributors, especially our advertisers, whose liberality made the edition possible. . Mars and Morals QN Thursday night the eyes of the telescopes of the world will be turned upon the red planet Mars in the southeastern heavens. JVIore than usually brilliant,, this, fourth planet in order of distance from the sun, and just beyond the earth, approaches nearer than will occur for another 15 years, being only 36,030,000 miles dis tant. The power of modern telescopes1 has been unable to discover any proof to the supposition that beings similar to ourselves inhabit our neigh bor planet; although the thin, frigid atmosphere is said to be sufficient to sustain some forms of plant and animal life. At least it has been proven by the fairly recent radio skit of the WPA drama tist, Orson Welles, that there were a lot of people scared out of their wits when told that an army of Martians were landing in the general vicinity of New York. The near-conjunction of this imaginary, in vasion recounted in so realistic a manner through the medium of the ether and the present proximity .of the planet Mars have furnished opportunity for many .timely moralizings by columnists and edi tors during the . last few weeks. For, with the nearness of Mars, the celestial namesake of Mars, the god of terrestial wars there is symbolized the present fear that possesses the men who inhabit this planet. There has been brought to our minds by astronomers the not impossible eventuality that some stray missile from the hi hp micrrir lilt, nnr frail craft, thereby settling swiftly and permanent ly all international differences. Perhaps if this same stupid world could see its bickerings in re lation to a wider sphere of the cosmos, these dif ferences might be seen in truer proportion and set-. ( tied in the light of mutual understanding. Other wise, in case of worldwide conflict and destruc tion, it appears that it would be just as well if a comet should hit us. trip and often express a desire to visit Shenandoah and Smoky Mountain national parks, going south via one "route and returning by some' other way. An excellent circuit is through" Gettysburg to the Skyline Drive which leads through Shenandoah National Park ; thence to Natural Bridge and Roa noke, Va., and Knoxville,. Tenn. ;' crossing Sniokv Mountain National Park, Asheville and other pop ular resort towns of North Carolina are reached. From this point a desirable route is east across the state and north to Richmond, Ya., and Washing--' ton, D. C, for return to New York. The distance is approximately 2.000 miles and could be covered by automobile with driving ease in the time speci fied above." . . Reference is made to the large number of in quiries 1 received concerning, vacation information by the Travel Bureau at the New York office at 45 Broadway. The Bureau furnishes information of transportation facilities with illustrated book lets descriptive of historic and scenic, points which are supplied by the North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development. We note that the Nantahala region is not men tioned in this publicity, which is another instance of the loss to this section of possible tourist travel, arid to many travelers the delight of the scenery, that they might enjoy. Many tourists who. from time to time just happen-" to iind themselves in this section, usally by wandering off the Great Smokies route, express surprise that thev had not heard of so beautiful a country. . 1 Copies of the "Summer Souvenir" edition have been sent to both the state and national bureaus, it is hoped that full1 information and illustrated booklets may soon, be furnished to guide the tide of travel into the Nantahala Forest. . Martha Webster Alden, a descent dant of John and Priscilla Alden, the eighth generation; down. LAYMEN'S SERVICE LARGELY ATTENDED , A large gathering of interested people attended the laymen's ser vice at the Baptist church last Sunday night. Mr. R. K. King, who' had . chartre of the program. introduced Mr Ienn kire nr.onii- ju'iit attorney of Anderson, S. C, who gave the principal address ot the evening, chosing as his text the 3.7th- Psalm. There were splen did talks .bv other visitors as well as by the home folks. The congregational singing was enjoyed by all present and the meeting voted a great success. Highlands Highlights MRS. H. C. STORY CHURCH NOTES Highlands Presbyterian Church Rev, R. B. DuPree, Pastor 10:15 a. m. Church school. 11 a. tn. Worship. 8 p. in. Christian Endeavor. Highlands Methodist Church Rev. W. F. Beadle, Pastor 10 a. in. Church school. 11 a. ni. Worship. 6 p. rn. Junior league. 8 p.' m. Worship. Highlands Baptist Church Rev. J. G. Benfield, Pastor 10 a. in. Sunday school. 11 a. in. Sermon. 7 p. ni. B. T. U 8 p. m. Sermon. -.' "Picturesque Recreational State" Vf ARE indebted to a recent editorial in The 1 : News-Herald of Morganton for calling our attention to a nation-wide hews release of the United States Travel Bureau, a division of the United States Department of Interior, describing North Carolina as a "Picturesque Recreational otate. following excerpts are quoted from this t, 5 publicity of the national government that should be a potent influence in directing travel to the state : "Probably no state is better situated with re spect to climatic conditions or possessed of a great er variety and extent of natural resources, scenery and similar factors than the "Old North State." Excellent ocean beaches, a wide coastal plain and mighty mountain ranges spread over an area the length of which is more than 500 miles between "Cape Hatteras on the east and the Tennessee bor der on the west. Within this state the tourist en joys the advantages which are derived from driv ing over splendid highways which lead through di versified and picturesque countrysides., North Carolina was early in developing modern highways. The state is replete with points of historical interest. The name, Carolina, was originally given to that country by Charles IX of France and was later retained out of compliment to Charles II of England. Subsequently the territory was divided into North and South Carolina. "Many vacationists living in the North have only ten days or two weeks in which to enjoy a Church of the Incarnation Rev. Frank Bloxham, Rector 11 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon. Service conducted by the Rev. John C. Grainger, of Lincolnton. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION TO MEET WITH MISS CROSBY The Hudson Library association will hold its annual meeting next Thursday, August 3, at the home of Miss Mary J. Crosby. At this meeting officer, ' will be elected for the coming year. . This Association sponsored a movie. The Citadel last vv'prk. net ting $17.15, and a food sale and otner benefits are now being plan ned for the library. New officers for the Baptist Sunday school are Guy Paul, Sr., superintendent; YV, A. Hays, as sistant superintendent; A. B. Potts and Floyd Rogers, secretaries; Thad D. Smith, men's Bible class; Mm. M. A. I'ierson, women's Bible class; Guy Paul, Jr., young men's class; Mrs. Lawrence Hicks, young women's class; Mrs. W. A. Hays, intermediate girls; , Mrs. Carl II. Zoellner, junior girls; Mrs. Thad D, Smith, junion boys; Mrs. O. F. Summer, primaries; Majorie Henry,, beginners. Mr,s. A. B. Potts was appointed treneral 'assistant teacher. HIGHLANDS TEAM DEFEATS ANDERSON. S. C. 6 TO 5 In a fast game Sunday afternoon Highlands first baseball team de fcated the Anderson, S. C, team with a score of 6 to 5. A second game was beuun with Gtenvilln but was rained out at the fourth inning with a score of 8 to 4 in tavor ot the local team. Highlands' second team was beaten bv 1 Tolly. Snriiiis with a score ot 0 to 5 at Hoi v Springs Next i Sunday s came promises plenty of excitement when the local team will play the summer visitors, beginning about 2 o clock in the afternoon. This should he a great game as there arc also a nuniDcr oi good players among the vacationists here. . P.-T. A. SPONSORING MOVIE AT THEATRE The Parent-Teacher Association U' sponsoring a movie, ."Goodbye Mr. Chips" at the School Theatre next Monday and Ttiesdav flu August 1, the theatre is begin ning three matinees a week Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Snndavs at 3:30 o'clock for white people only, and "Goodbye Mr. Chips" will be shown in the afternoon as well as at night next Tuesday. OFFICERS INSTALLED BY BAPTIST TRAINING UNION 1 lie Baptist Traininir Union has changed the date of its anniml election of officers from October to July, and an impressive lighted candle service was used to iimiall the following new officers: Guy Paul. Tr.. director; Curl ton Cleaveland. associate di rector; Mrs. J. G. Benfield, sec retary; Mrs. Carl H Zoellner. in termediate leader: Mr. Th:.,1 1) Smith, junior le-adi'r; Mrs. Law rence Hicks, assistant iunior lead er; Mrs. If. S. Talley, story hour; Mis,' Marie Neclv. tii.-inist- f W Reese and Guy Paul, Jr.', 'choristers. RAINWATER PLACE BEING LANDSCAPED A familiar figure in and about Highlands for the 'past several months is Hugo Stronumiller owner and Operator of the Wav- side Nursery, Biltmore, ' who has been busy planning and carrvinu out decorative garden . schemes at the nearly completed home of C. V. lain water, atoo little Yellow .Mountain. Mr. Strongmillcr expects to com plete landscaping of the Rainwater estate .within a week or two at which time he will return to. his home. However, he evnerts to make periodical returns to High lands from time to time to 1 main tain the extensive gardens at the mountain home. Known from coast io coast .as .an artist in his line, Mr. Strongmillcr' has landscaped some of the most outstanding estates in. Western North Carolina. YOUNG RADIO STAR AT TRICEMONT TERRACE At Triccmont Terrace is a very prominent young lady, little Miss Jeanne Allison, age 11 years, of Miami, Fla., who takes leading parts in Juvenile theatre programs over WK.AI. at Miami Uearh. She also plays every Sunday in Pelican Pouch program over WKAT. Jeanne was awarded second place for her performance in hxcursion" plaved bv Federal theatre players at Miami, Fla. THOMAS SWAIN KILLED IN GEORGIA AUTO CRASH Thomas Swain, father of Mrs. Louis Edwards of Highlands killed instantly last Thursday when the car in which he wat rirtinrr collided with a loggincr truck near Vienna, Ga.. as the Swains wr returning to their home in Pine- hurst from a fishing trip llidintr vvitlr Mr. Swain at the time of the accident were his wife and daugh ter, and the daughter's mother-in- law. Mrs. Swain was faiallv in-. jurcd and died last Mondav.' The daughter and her mother -in-law who were seriously injured are in Oglethorpe hospital at Macon, Ga., with only a slight chance of re covery. Guests of Miss Marguerite Rav enel last week were her nephew, Dr. William JJuane, a noted neu rologist, and his ,friend, Lee Allen, of Philadelphia. Dr. Duane is also one of the founder, of the High lands .Museum and Biological Lab oratory, and visited both 'while here. He is especially interested in me laboratory and the splendid work beinLr carried on there this summer, bringing down a number oi tish tanks for the laboratory which the workers have found verv useful for their aquatic specimens. -Mr. and Mrs. W.' A. Havs en tertained their recent guests, Mr and Airs. C. J. Goodman, of Char .:tc with a picnic .supper at Limsule Lake. Mr. Hays and Mr. Lioodman were roommates at North Carolina State college and mem bers ot the Hawaiian Music club Mrs. A. ,J. Salinas, of Augusta, arrived last week and is occupying ner beautitut home, Kalallanta, for an indefinite stay. She has as her guest her cousin, Arthur de v aughn, also of Augusta. Mrs. Robert E. Buck of Char lotto,- her son and daughter, Mr. ;U Mrs. Robert E. Buck Jr.. .1 ' j-; uieir two .sons, Kobert and Charles, have leased the G. W M arett house on Spring street for the re mainder of the season. Another son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Buck, and son Harold, of Columbus, Ga.. were week-end guests of Airs. Buck. Mrs. H. T. Buck will return later for a long er stay. This is the Bucks' first visit 4o Highlands and thev are quite charmed with the place. rieretotore their .summers have been spent in Vermont. Other "first" visitors uho were charmed with Highlands were Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Haines, of .Miami, Ma.,, who spent the. oast week with Dr. and Mrs. A. U HarolH at their home on the Franklin road. FYom here Mr. and Mrs. Haines went on to Carmel and Indianapolis, Ind.. .to visit their daughter and Mrs. Haines' brother. Mr. and Mrs. John Gerstner and Mrs. Suerer of Miami, were' also guests of the Harolds over the week-end. .George Saussy. Tr.. Timmv Perrv and Lamb Perry returned Tuesday irom a. snort visit to Columbia and Charleston, S. C. J. R. Alobley of Atlanta has leased the H. W. Barnes summer home on the Walhalla road for the month of August. Mr. Mobley's daughter, Mrs. Sims Bray, also of Atlanta, and other members of the family will be with him durinir the month. Dr. L. D. Little f Tlinmnc;i1 Ga., arrived last week to snenH some time with his family who are vacationing at their summer home in Webbmont. Mr. and Mrs. I. H ' Nashville, Tenn., are at their home, Clermont, on Sa.tulah moun tain, and have as their mieita Mrs. Smith's uncle and two aunts, Mr. and Mrs. Hen of Mullins, S. C, and Mrs. R. B. James, of Danville, Va. Mrs. Dan Conklin of Atlanta Ic spending this WCf'lf with lir mother, Mrs. H. Clay Moore, at ner Home at the Country rii.K Week-end guests of Mrs. Moore were Mrs. Charles Conklin- and Mrs. L. L. Latham of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris Drew of Palm Beach, Fla., are occupy ing tne ur. james L. Armstrong cottage on Cullasaja drive. Mr. Drew is attorney for the city of Palm Beach. Mrs. II. ' R. Hanson who has been occupying the Sisson sum mer cottage, Stepping-stones, will return to her home in Atlanta on the 29th. and Mrs na of Birmingham, Ala., will occupy " (..nidge ior the month of August. Visiting Mr.-and Mrs. Frank B. Cook last week were Mrs.' Cook's mother, Mrs. J. R. Holbrook, and her four daughters of Birming ham, Ala. The Holbrooks will visit another, daughter and sister in Wilmington before returning to their hoirie in Alabania. Highlands priie winners in the contests at the official opening of Cliffside lake last Saturday were: swimming, Miss Mada Lee Geor gia; tree estimating, Miss Anne Hetzel; and horseshoe pitching, Rev. W. F. Beadle. The many Highlands friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hentz are sympathizing with them in the death of Mrs, Hentz' mother' in Mullins, S. C, last Thursday. Miss Frances Wiley has return ed to Baltimore, Md., after a three weeks' visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wiley. Miss Wiley is: taking the nurses' training course at Franklin square hospital, Baltimore. Communications NEWS OF MACON COUNTY FOLKS IN WASHINGTON STATE . Editor Pres,s: For 30 vcars we've thought we'd ' take The Franklin Press, but neglected it until Mrs. Minnie Cabe was get ting subscriptions for a relative who had entered the Baby Derby. We have received two conies and sure do like the paper, but sorry to learn of so many old friends passing on. ' . 1 was in Western North Caro lina and Georgia last fall1, and have been thinking I'd write for your paper if you d like to hear from the Macon county folks in the great Evergreen state. The 9th of July Mr.s. Thad Lewis and 1 entertained with a family reunion in honor of Roscoe Henson and Will Carpenter, of Seattle. Mrs. Lewis and Mrs Mel- drum Bates are the daughters of M. N. and ames Lonn. Maudie and Pearlie as they used to cll us. Henson and Carpenter were pupils in Franklin school and considered good debaters, Henson is a son of lohn and Lizzie Hen- Son and Carpenter is a son of Rass and Henrietta Carpenter. Mix Thomas' family were dinner guests and also lim Rabv We- en. joyed recalling bveone childhood days around old Coweta Baptist cnurch and Franklin. Mr. Rabv likes Washington and we hope likes it well enough to niake it his home. ' ' Mr. Raby. Tom Lone anrl Mr and Mrs. Bates sang for Mr. Char lie Mallonee Sunday and he sure did enjoy hearing old Jim again. Mr. Mallonee is confined to his room most of . the time. Olen Cabe is in Darrincton hos pital with a cut knee. Urother Mix Thorhas and friends here are very glad to learn that Air. John Thomas is improving. Mrs. Alaude Bates. Darrington, Wash. PERSUASION Can persuasion be used tr. an appreciable degree as a means of suppressing crime and drunkenass? Can it be so used as to get pay ing results for monev an,l fW put. into it? We answer emuhaticallv "Veo it can." We base our ;.nc,.,, limited experimentations and dem onstrations through a nerioH rf K years. Our Moral Wei plan heads off major crimes with out prosecution. We w,., : and know. With our prepared u"" we can tell you how to do it for yourselves. We think there is no better plan than this to sun. press crime and work for ------ isvsut; VI J laws. GEO. W. SEAY, Promoter ROTATION By rotatiner h son clover, W. P. Bennett, a unit demonstration farmer of Celo in Yancey county, has increased his corn yield each year for the past several years. FAIR To promote more interest in bet ter seed and livestock, Ashe coun ty wil hold an agricultural fair this fall with approximately $1,000 in cash and offered a, prizes. FOR SALE: NW Combination Hting nd Cooking Oil Stovo. DR. F. L. OLDS Mirror Ltko Highland, N. C. MRS, CROSBY OBSERVES 98TH BIRTHDAY ' Mr,?, Martha Crosby, of San Mateo, Fla.,' affectionately known to her friends as "(irandma", pass ed licr 98lh birthday anniversary very happily at the Crosby sum mer home on Fifth sircet last Thursday. A number of close friends and neighbors called dur ing the 'day to extend congratula tions and to leave candy and flowers, while a number of others who did not call sent congratula tions and tokens of rememberance. Mrs. Cro,by is the former Miss Specials for Gash FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK Ball Mason Fruit Jars- Pints, per doz. . ... ..................... Quarts, per doz. ... ;..!"""!ZZ!!Z"" Vz Gallons, per doz. Mason Jar Caps, per idoz. Jar Rings, 8 doz. for Sugar All Sizes per lb. .!!!..!!.."!.:!..!".!' Watch This Ad Each Week and Save the Difference TALLEY & BURNETTE HIGHLANDS, N. C. 60c 70c 98c 18c 25c 5c at tsMMem

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