THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1939 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN .-PAXSE-ftHHEE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER S. CONLEY, PHONE 104 COGGINS-HIGDON Mr. and Airs. Alex' Montgomery Covins, of Ellijay, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mis.s Pearl Geneva Coggins to Mr. Theo dore Warner Higdon, of Higdon ville. ' The ceremony was performed at 10 a. in. Saturday, August 5, by Judge K. C. Ramey at Payton, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Clarke Soper, of Franklin, . were atten dants at the ' wedding. Homer Mashburn also accompanied the party. The bride was attired in a dress of sheer navy blue crepe with ac cessories to match. Her corsage was of pink rosebuds. Mr. Higdon is employed in the mining department of Minerals Inc., and for the present the couple will make their home with the groom's mother, Mrs. T. 11. Higdon, oi Higdon villi. RAY-MAY Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Kay, of West's Mill, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss kebekah Kay, to Clinton May, of Flats. The wedding ceremony was per formed in Clarkesville, Ga., on Saturday afternoon, December 24, 1938. Mr. and Mrs. May were ac companied to Clarkesville by Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Angel, of Franklin. . GARDEN CLUB MEETS , AT ARROWOOD Mrs. Charles Melichar and Mrs. Zeb W. Conley were hostesses to the Franklin Garden Club on Mon day afternoon at Arrowood for the v regular monthly business meeting, with approximately 20 members present. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Melichar, president. Fol lowing the reports from the dif ferent committees and the secre tary's report, a discussion was held on the flower show, how the flow ers should be arranged, judged and entered, and a committee com posed of Mrs. Frank Higdon, chair man ; Mrs..- W. A. Rogers, Mrs. Herbert E. Church, Mrs. John M. Archer and Miss Mary Willis, was appointed to make the rules and by-laws. These should include, the number of entries of one per son in the show and how the flow ers should be arranged aid judged. Mrs. J antes L. Averell read a very interesting paper on the "Le gend of Standing Indian.' sue al so read an article about Joyce Kilmer, poet, and author of the poem "Trees," who was a" World War hero, killed in action in France on July 30, 1918, at the age of 31. - ' . This Memorial Forest located in Graham county, was dedicated July 30, 1936, on the 18th anniversary of the fatal day in France when. Joyce Kilmer was killed. Mrs. Averell also sang "Trees'' af the closing of the program. The hostesses served delicious refreshments consisting of cake, sandwiches, punch, and water melons. U. D. C. TO MEET WITH MRS. LESTER S. CONLEY ' The Macon county Chapter of the United Daughters of Confed eracy will meet at the home of Mrs. Lester S. Conley, on Harri son avenue, for their regular monthly business and social meet ing, on Monday, August 14, at 3 o'clock. All members are urged to attend. Miiss Frances Nelson, of Chat tanooga, Tenii., is spending sever al days in . F'ranklin, the house guest of Miss Ruth Higgins at her home on Harrison avenue. Miss Willie Belle McKinney and Miss Louise Shook, of Hiawassee, Ga., are spending several days with Miss McKinney's sisters, Mrs. Medford Messer and Mis.' Ruth McKinney. Mrs. A. L. McLean and Miss Florence Stalcup have returned to their respective homes after at tending a: meeting in Raleigh last week. While there Mrs. McLean also visited her son, Ralph Mc Lean and Mrs. McLean. Mrs. John Guffee has returned to her home at West's Mill, after a visit with her daughter, Mr Charlie Nargett and Mr.- Nargett, at their home at Davidson. L. H. Curtis, of Rabun Gap, Ga., was a visitor in Franklin Tuesday. Mrs. L. A. Jollay and sister, Catherine Young, are visiting their brother, John T. Young and Mrs. Young, in Athens, Ga., this week, and will visit their brother, Louis Young, and Mrs. Young in Clay ton, Ga., as they return home. Mrs. Laura Smith and Miss Hal lie Stiwinter, who spent the past week in F'ranklin visiting relatives and friends, have returned to their homes in Gainesville, Ga. On their return they were ac companied by Miss Rosalind Bul gin, who spent the week-end with her mother, Mr. George Bulgin. Mr.' and. Mrs. O. A. Dellevig, of F'ort Lauderdale, F'la., and Miss Thelma Waldroop, of West Palm Beach, P'la.t are visiting their mother, Mrs. Grover Lewis, at her home ' on Franklin, Route ' .1. Mr., .and Mrs. Thomas Crispe and little daughter, Jeanette, of Seattle, Wash., are visiting Mr. Crispe's sister, Mrs. John Higdon and Mr. Higdon, at their home on Cartoogechaye. Mrs. Berry Kigdou and daugh ters, Misses Sarah Florence and Nan, and .son, Frank, and Mrs Rigdon's mother, Mrs. Joe Baker, of Tifton, Ga., were the guests of Di;. and' Mrs. R. M. Kimmer at their home on Bid well street, last week. J. Wiley Hickman has returned to his home at Leatherman, after spending several weeks in Ault, Colo., visiting -his brother, J. D. Rickman, and family. Mrs. Jessie Oliver and daughter, Miss Mattie Will Oliver, of Ue catur, Ga., are spending several days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. l.on Camubell. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Enloe have returned to their home in Akron, Ohio, after spending a week with Mr. Enloe's father, T. 11. Enloe, at his home on upper Cartooge chaye. Miss Staley Smith, of Greenville, N. C, is visiting her cousin, Miss Mattie Pearl Bryson, at her home at West's Mill. Miss Lula Enloe has returned to her home in Atlanta after spend ing three weeks on Cartoogechaye visiting her three brothers and oth er relatives and friends, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Johns ton and son, Murray, have return ed to their home in-- Decatur, Ga., after spending the week-end -with Mr. Johnston's mother, Mrs. T. J,. Johnston, at her home on Harri son avenue. Miss Jane Harris has recently been appointed home management supervisor farm security admini stration, for Jackson county.. Miss Harris will make her headquarters in Franklin for the present and will be located in the FSA office in the agricultural building on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Somas, of West Palm Beach, Fla., were the dinner guests of Miss Thelma Waldroop at her home on Frank lin, Route 1, Wednesday evening. Miss Lois Waldroop, of Canton, spent last week visiting her moth er, Mrs. Grover Lewis, at her home on Franklin, Route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bryson and daughter, Nora Lee, have returned to their home in Detroit, Mich., after spending two weeks visiting their parents, Robert T. Bryson and "Mrs. Bryson,' and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morgan, at their homes at West's Mill. ; Mrs. John Rigdon has returned to her home in Tifton, Ga., after spending .several 'weeks with her daughter, Mrs. R. M. Rimmer and Dr. Rimmer, at their home on Bidwell street. T. W. Jones and family have returned to their home in Norfolk, Va., after spending, a week in Franklin and surrounding vicinity visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Chewning have returned to their homes in Decatur, Ga., after a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Camp bell. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Por ter, Jr., and young daughter have returned to their home in Nash ville, Tenn., after a visit with Mr. Porter's parent, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Porter, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie E. Saun ders and daughter, Anna Mae,, of Lexington, Ky., are .spending' this week visiting Mrs. Saunders' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Cabe, at their home on Franklin, Route 4, and other relatives in the Holly Springs community. Miss "Nancy Jones, who is tak ing nursing training at Duke Uni versity at Durham, is spending her vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer A.- Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid and two daughters, of Murphy, spent the week-end with Mr Reid's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Reid, Sr., at their lome on Franklin, Route 4i and Mrs. Reid's mother, Mrs. A. S. Solesbee, at her home on Franklin, Route 3. On their return they were accompanied by Mrs. Solesbee, who will spend sev eral day in Murphy. Miss Sadie Fleming, of Boone ville, .spent the past week in Frank lin, the guest of Miss Myrtle Bo lick, at her home on Riverview street. Miss Bea Smith has returned to her home in Chattanooga, after spending three weeks visiting Miss Ruth Higgins at her home on Harrison avenue. ' - Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mashburn, of Cisco, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barton and two children, of Kilgore, Texas', are spending two weeks in Franklin, the house guests of Mis Ethel Hurst at her home on Harrison avenue. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Johnston and family have returned to their Plunges 150 Feet, Lives i "Srs ' h :h ?! a v K 05 O V7'' : A . V ; . jfH 1 -' - .-, HA 4- Miraculously escaping death when her car plunged 150 feet from a viaduct, Mrs. Edna Bnrdick of New York suffered only a few scratches in the almost unbelievable accident. The broken line indicates the de scent of the automobile, which was left a crumpled wreck. Bottom: Mrs," Burdlck treated at hospital. home in Tampa, Fla., after a visit here with Mr. Johnston's mother, Mrs. b S. Johnston, Walter W. McConnell and son, Harry, left Saturday for Spring field, 111., where they will spend several days visiting their' sister- i i . A- u ..ii.. ni-idw aim aunt, i.urs. ucnc Bowers, ' Air. and Mrs. Ray Brandt are spending several days in Bain- bridge, Pa., visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. F, J. Porter, of Richmond, Va., arrived Sunday for an ex tended visit to her . parents, Mr and Mrs. St. Clair Anderson, and her sister, Mrs. Carl P. Cabe and Mr. Cabe, at their home on Hart- nsoi'i avenue, . Lee Guffey left Saturday for the U. S. hospital at Norfolk, Va. where he will remain for some lime under treatment. Carey , Cabe, of Otto, who ha been home for several weeks, fol lowing an illness, returned to his work at Barrett, W. Va., luesday. Births Mr. and Mrs. Polk Allman an nounce the birth of a son, James Koland, at their home at Webster, on Thursday, July 20. Mrs. All- man will be remembered as Miss Maude Roland, of Macon county. Z. D. Buchanan Passes At Oak Ridge Home Z. Dee Buchanan died at his home in the Oak Ridge commun ity on Wednesday, July 19, follow ing an illness of several months. Mr. Buchanan, a well-known farmer of Macon county, was born in Little . Rock, Ark., in 1800, and moved to this county when quite young. In 1880 lie was married to Tabitha Moore. He was a member of the Ridgecrest Baptist church and was a man who will be greatly missed in his com munity. Funeral services were held at the Ridgecrest Baptist church on Thursday afternoon with the Rev. C: C. Welch, pastor, assisted by the Rev. W. L. Bradley, of Etna, and the Rev. Mr. Rogers, of Hay wood county. Surviving are his widow and six children; one son, George L. Buch anan, of Franklin . Route 2, and five daughters, Mrs. R. V. Ford, of Wayncsville; Mrs. Arthur L. Jacobs, of Aslieville; Mrs. John Snyder, Mrs. Wiley A. Sellers and Mrs, Jesse Thompson, all of Frank lin Route 4. There are 29 grand children and 16 great grandchil dren. Bryson Reunion To Be Held August 20 The annual Bryson reunion will be held at the home of Mrs. James L. Bry.son at West's Mill on Sun day, August 20. The program committee is mak ing plans to have some good speakers, special music and read ings.. All descendants of this clan are invited . to attend and bring basket lunch. CARD OF THANKS We want to thank our neighbors and friends for their many deeds of kindness and acts of sympathy shown us in the recent sickness and death of our. wife and mother, Mrs. Clara Enloe, and for the mariy beautiful floral offerings. .' T, B, Enloe and Children, ltc ' ;'' Highlands MRS. H. CHURCH NOTES Highlands Baptist Church Rev. J. G. Benfield, Pastor 10 a. I a. Sunday school. 11 a. tiii Sermon, 7 p. in. -B. T. U. 8 p. m. Sermon. Church of the Inoarnation ' Rev. Frank Bloxham, Rector 11 a. in. Morning prayer and sermon. i, Service conducted by the Rev. L. Fitz-James Hindry, of St. Aug ustine, -Fla., Highlands Presbyterian Church Rev. R. B. DuPree, Pastor 10:15 a. in. Church school. 11 a, m. Worship. 8 p. in. Christian Endeavor. Highlands Methodist Church Rev. W. F. Beadle, Pastor 10 a. in. Church school. 11 a. in. Worship1. 6 p. in. Junior league. 8 p. in. Worship. REV. M. A. ADAMS TO CONDUCT BAPTIST SERVICES Rev. M. A. Adams of Riither fordton will have charge of the services at -the Baptist church here next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. Adam represents' the United Dry Forces in the western part of the state. SCHOOL TO OPEN ON WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6 According to an announcement by Prof. O. F. Summer, the High lands school , will open Wednesday, September U, a week later than the rest of the county schools, due to the fact that many of the school' patrons and children will be busy througli Labor Day week-end. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A two weeks' daily vacation Bible school will begin at the Presbyterian church next Monday, August 14, under the direction of Mr. Hubert Wardlaw, Bible school director for Aslieville Presbytery. The ages of the pupils in this school will, range from four to 18 years, and classes will be from 9 o'clock a. rri. to 11 o'clock a. m. Other churches in Highlands are cooperating in the work of this school. HIGHLANDS LOSES TO UlLLARD SUNDAY .In a ..sevcli-iuiiing ' game last Sunday, Highlands was defeated with a score of 10 to 7 by the Diilard, Ga., team on the home field. Highlands is scheduled to play v the Anderson, S. C, strong Equinox team here next Sunday afternoon, and a close game is predicted. B. Y. P. U. ACTIVITIES BY MILDRED LITTLETON Sarah Walden lead the opening prayer in the Sunday night pro grain. The subject of the . lesson was "A Passion for Souls." Carle ton Cleaveland and Sarah Walden gave interesting talks on "The Passion of a Consecrated Cross Bearer," and "The Passion of an Authoritative Ambassador.'' The Bible Quiz leader, Sarah Walden, asked questions on the daily Bible readings for the past week. A prize is being offered to the one that answers the most questions, in two months.- After the Quiz, the program was turned over to. Guy Paul, Jr., the director, who lead the Unions in a song service for the general assembly program. NOTED SINGERS VISIT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Visiting singers' at the Presby terian church last Sunday morn ing were Ben and James Mann of Aslieville. Although only 19 and 16 vears of age, these young men possess remarkable voices, and have taken part in a number ot college operas as well as radio programs. The morning worship service included a four-point ser mon, interspersed with musical numbers by the Messrs. Mann and a special number by the choir. Ben and James sing in a concert at Montreat next Saturday..! GREENE SUMMER HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE Fire thought to have been caus ed by a spark from the kitchen flue destroyed the W. F. Greene summer home on Fifth street Fri 'day evening about 7 o'clock. Vol untary firemen succeeded in re moving a few articles of furniture from the burning : building. Mr. Greene, owner of the home, lives in Birmingham, '.Ala., and the place has been occupied this, .summer by the J. D. Hammett family of Honea Path, S. C, who were at home at- the time of the fire. Par tial insurance was carried through the Frank B. . Cook insurance agency here. Highlands has a splendid fire record, this, being ' the first total fire loss inside the city limits in six years. ROACH-ALEXANDER Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Christine Roach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Roach, of Tollywood, to , John Highlights G. STORY Alexander of Highlands. The cere mony took place in Clayton, Ga., July 10, in the presence of two iriemls of the couple, Miss Lillion Gregg, and Joe Baty. Mr. Alex ander is employed by the Sinclair Refining company and the couple will make, their home here. OFFICERS ELECTED BY LIBRARY ASSOCIATION At the annual meeting of the Hudson Library 'Association Thurs day August 3, at the home of Miss Mary J. Crosby, Miss M. A. Raveuel wa.s re-elected president, Miss Albci'tmu Staubw and Miss Mary J. Crosby, vice-presidents; Miss Dorothea Harbison, treasur urer, and Miss Cora M iltimore, secretary. Miss' M iltimore was for a lonn term of year.s head libra rian at the University of Florida, at Gainesville. She succeeded .Miss Rebecca Nail, who resigned after eight consecutive years as secre tary. Mrs. S. ,T. Marell's resignation as vice-president was regretfully accepted. Mrs. Maretl has lieeii connected with the library for the past 10 year.s, first as librarian, and later serving as vice-president tor a number ot years. The hoard of trustees is composed of Miss M. l). Warren, Mrs. Potts, Mrs. J. A. Hines.'and Mrs. Arthur L. Bliss. Mrs. Bliss succeeds Miss Albertina Staub, who asked to be relieved of her duties as -trustee, but, who, giving up her trustee; ship, was elected vice-president. After the election of officers the Association entered into a general discussion of plans for the year. Mr. and Mrs. Bliss gave a li brary table for the children, as well as a ' number ' of children's books. At the close of the meet ing delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. After the refreshments the trustees met in executive session and appointed Miss Gertrude Harbison to serve as librarian for another year. Miss Harbison has served very .efficient ly in this capacity for the past several years. SATURDAY'S CHILDREN HAS NOTABLE CAST The' cast of Saturday's Children in a- matinee showing here 'Mon day, August 14, brings together the very pick of the Barter Theatre company. Edith Sununer, who plays the leading role will be remember ed as the winner of the Laurette Taylor award in competitive audi tions against nearly a hundred other ambitious actors. In' this play she lias a wonderful oppor tunity to play a role that is young and sympathetic and for which she is entirely suited. Otis Morse, the male lead, will be welcomed in all his parts. The other excellent performers are Betty Miller, Paul Gene, Jean Hazelwood and Larry Gates. The purpose of the recently or ganized Highlands Little Theatre in bringing this show here is to stimulate interest in their own first play, Dulcy, which they are pre senting August 29, and to show what this Little Theatre hopes to grow into, v REV. R. B. DuPREE HONORED AT BIRTHDAY DINNER A delightful event of last Fri day evening was the surprise birth day dinner given at the manse by Mrs. DuPree, honoring her hus ban, the Rev. R. B. DuPree, on his 28th birthday anniversary. An at tractive color scheme of green and white was used in the dining room, and centering the beautifully ap pointed table was a large white birthday cake, topped with 28 candles. Enjoying the occasion with Rev. and Mrs. DuPree were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaines, Miss Lucy Gray and Elmer. Crawford, of Franklin; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney McCarty, Mrs. Margaret DuPree and W. B. Hickman. Visiting Miss Rosalie Howell at her home. Follvo. at thp Cnunirv Club are Mrs. James Finckel of Washington, D. C, and Anthony Carlisle of London, England. Miss Betty Harville of Atlanta is spending several days with her cousin, Miss Rebecca Harris, at her home on East Main street. Mrs. E. J. Bailey and Miss Bess Mine, of Baltimore, Md., arrived Tuesday for a visit with their Specials for Cash FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK 4 Lb. Cartons .. 36c 8 Lb. Cartons 70c I ARD 4 Lb- PaiU 40c :LdSXMJ. 8 Lb. Pails ' . 79c 16 Lb. Pails $1.57, BEST GRADE STREAKED MEAT, Lb. 07c' Watch This Ad Each Week and Save the Difference TALLEY & BURNETTE HIGHLANDS, N. C. mother, Mrs. J.. A. Hines, at Chestnut Burr cottage. They will visit relatives in " Raleigh . and Keenansville before returning to Baltimore l'riciuts ot Mrs. George Talley of Clear Creek will be pleased .to learn that she' is now able to go about the house after having been confined . to her bed for the past seven weeks. Born to Mr, and Mrs. .Floyd Lamb iit their home here, a son, on. July 27, whom they -have nam ed Jack Edward. 'Mr. and Mrs. Owen Scott have returned to their home in Union Point, Ga., after spending the week end with their niece, Mrs. W. 11. Cobb, and Mr. I'o'bb, at their home on Satulah road. Mrs. .Willie Nevv soine who came up with Mr. and Mrs. Scott remained lor a several weeks'. Aisif with Mr. ami Mrs. Cobb. I ''. and Mrs. George McAlihy. of Atlanta are spending two .weeks with their daughter,' Miss Louise Cramer, at home at the ountry club. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sams have returned to Atlanta after a two vcek',s stay with Mr. ami Mrs. K. B. Ksk'riggc at World's End, on .Satulah mountain. ''For their last week -end here, Mr. ami Mrs. Sams had as their nucst Mrs. Albert Howell, also of Atlanta. 1 r. Andrews, head of the per sonnel of the Florida Slate College for Women, at Tallahassee, i, vis iting Mrs. O. K. Young and her daughter, Miss Mary Elizabeth young, at their home on the Wal halla road. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Talley's daughter . and her husband from West Palm Beach, Fla., are spend ing some time With them at Kalal ianta Orchards, on the Walhalla road.. Mr. ami Mrs. Randolph Davis,, their small son, Tommy, of Clin ton, S.- C, and Mrs. Gray of Fountain Inn, S. C, are guests of the Rev. ami Mrs. R. B. DuPree.'. Other Sunday dinner guests of the Dul'rees were the Messrs. James and lien Mann of Aslieville. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest' W'ahl of Thomasville, Ga., who have been at Tricemont Terrace for some time, have moved into their recent ly completed home on Bearpen, Mountain. ' Dr. and Mrs. V. W. Burns of Stuart, Fla., are occupying Mrs. W. S. Ashton's cottage on Mir ror Lake for two weeks. Mrs. Fred Am of Mobile, Ala., . has rented the Charles du ilignon cot tage on Mirror Lake for a month. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. B, R. Lawrence at "Sunnalee" were Mr., and Mrs. W. B. Lawrence and son, William, of Greenville, S. C, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Van Diviere of Miami, F'la., are ex pected to arrive in a few days for a visit with Mr. and -Mrs. Law- renrf Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Thomasson of -Greenwood,, S. C, spent Mon day in Highlands making arrange ments for the building of their new house on Cullasaja drive. Mr. and -Mrs. Ralph Hodgson and their daughter, Miss Margue rite Hodgson, of Athens, 'Ga., are . guests of Mrs. F. ,W. Altstaetter at Laurel Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Clay of Miami, Fla., are guests at High-, lands Manor.' 'Mr. Clay is Sports' Editor of Miami Herald. . . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill, and their two sons of Atlanta, arrived Sunday and are occupying Mrs. E. L. Billstein's summer home on East' Main street. Mr,s. Billstein will be with Miss Rebecca Nail during .their occupancy of her home. Dr. John Cook, Doctor of Phil osophy at Cambridge college, Cam bridge, ; England, was a recent guest at the Potts House. Dr. Cook, who is making a tour of America, and getting impressions of American people, was very fa vorably impressed with. Highlands and. the "congenial, splendid peo ple" he met while here. Dr. and Mrs. E. N. Schillinger of Atlanta are' guests at Tricemont To.-.-1.o m u,;n: : . i i physician at the United States Veteran hospital. Mr. and Mrs. G. . P. McCord of Tallahassee, Fla., are also guests at Tricemont. Mr. McCord is clerk of the supreme court. .'-.' An order .by a nation-wide gro cery chain for 2,500,000 flour bags was hailed recently by tie. Cotton Textile Jnstitute as a "major vic tory" in a campaign to boost the home consumption 6f American cotton.

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