tPAGE TWO Crimson Clover Cuts Winter Dairy Costs Every farmer is constantly on the .search for methods of lowering production costs while maintaining or increasing yields. Dairy farmers can find one answer to their search right here, ' especially those who have : trouble with winter produc tion casts due to the dormancy of pasture grasses during the' cold months. F. K. Farnham, dairy specialist of the State college extension ser vice, recommends the seeding of crimson clover on permanent pas tures for year-round grazing even in the Piedmont and mountain sections. The clover will provide succulent feed for cattle at a time when the growth of regular pas ture grasses, is. stopped -by cold weather. He explained that lack of pas ture and forced barn-feeding of cows are the two big factors which cause high Winter milk production costs. "Now is the proper time to. make ready for seeding crimson clover," Farnham stated. "Where perma nent pastures have a fair growth of vegetation, a good practice is to broadcast crimson clover seed di rectly on the sod before a rain, using cleaned .seed. The seed also ran be drilled in with fertilizer on basic slag, spread lightly over the pasture. "From 15 to 20 pounds of seed per acre is needed to supplement permanent pastures,'' the specialist aid. He expressed the opinion that very few, if any, fanners in North Carolina fail to recognize the ben eficial results to the- ,soil that al ways occur when such legumes as crimson clover are turned under, but that relatively few realize that crimson clover will prove success ful when seeded in permanent pas tures. "The clover not only sup plies grazing, but it improves oth er pasture plants by putting nitro gen in the .soil," he said. Soil Erosion Destroys Million And Half Acres Why so much talk about soil conservation, About planting trees ? About winter cover crops and le gumes? ' What is the significance of deep gullies which mar the landscape of North Carolina? The rivers that run red after heavy rains? The channels of streams that become Shallow ? E. Y. Floyd, AAA executive of , ficer of State college, supplies the answer, with data collected through a - recent reconnaissance erosion survey of North Carolina. It show ed that 1,410,490 of the 31,276,299 acres of land in the state, cxclu sivc of large cities and waterways, has been essentially destroyed for tillage by erosion. That is 4.5 of the crop land. The survey further revealed that 12,187,448, or 30 per cent of the farm land, has been affected by erosion, and that nine per cent has lost over three-fourths of its topsoil and some subsoil. That was only through sheet erosion. Loyal Order of Moose Franklin Lodge, No. 452 1 Meets In American Legion Hall Second and Fourth Thursday Nights 8:00 O'CLOCK Billy Bryson, Secretary CAN YOU AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT Funeral Benefit Insurance Costs Are Surprisingly Small Rates From 2'ic Month Up According To Age Benefits are Provided in the Amount of $100 for Persons Over 10 Years of Age and in the Amount of $50 for Per sons Under 10 Years of Age. Bryant Burial Ass'n. Franklin, N. C. CAGLE'S CAPE GRDE WE SPECIALIZE IN Steaks, Chops, Fried Chicken and Fish Let Us Help You With That Hurried Meal or Picnic Lunch Try Our Cold Drinks After the Ball . Game or Show A. G. CAGLE, Owner FRANKLIN, N. C. WOMACK'S SERVICE STATION On Atlanta Highway Washing Polishing Expert Lubrication Phone 1904 Franklin, N. C. Parliament Members ill 1 zL--- U UXII 71 " ' 1 Iiiiiii.mmrmTOTOiirriiiiiinniiiinniif ftnmt I 1 .'.,sw'wv.I;'!tv, Members of the British parliament, investigating the loss of the sub. marine Thetis in Liverpool bay, saw a working demonstration of the Davis escape lung recently when they visited the submarine Triumph, sister ship of the ill-fated Thetis. An instructor. Is shown wearing the lung after he had escaped from a flooded hatch in a demonstration tank. Youth Forum Winners Receive Prizes ill " ' Ulnneis of the annual American youth forum comnetilion, Hilda Scott, 16, of Columbus, Mo., and James Gardner, 18, of St. Louis, Mo., are pictured in New York where they each received a prize of $1,000. High school students numbering 1,250,000 participated in. the contest, sponsored by the American magazine. A total of 5,647,540 acres, or 18.1 per cent of the land, has been affected, by gullying, or severe ero sion. "This is one of the major prob lems with which the Triple-A farm program is concerned, aid it U one of the reasons why the gov ernment is of fering farmers cash payments to conserve and build up the fertility of their soil through the planting and turning under of legumes. the planting of forest trees, terracing, and the use of certain soil-building materials such as phosphate and lime, Floyd de clared. He urged that farmers carry out enough soil-building practices to earn their maximum payments this year, and that if there is any doubt in any person's mind about any phase of the program, that he get in touch with his .county farm agent immediately. State College Answers Timely Farm Questions Q. How can wilt be controlled in tomato plants? A. The so-called Granville wilt, caused by the . same organism that wilts tobacco, and Fusarial or fun gus wilt are the two most respon sible for wilting tomatoes. If the tomatoes are affected with the Fusarial wilt, the Marg'lobe variety should be planted, since it is high ly resistant. All varieties seem to be equally susceptible to Granville wilt. In both cases, rotation in which weeds are kept from the field is recommended. Corn, grains, beans, cotton, and sweet potatoes may be planted in the rotation? A four- or five-year rotation should be followed. Q. Will mosaic attack any plant other than tobacco? A. The same virus that pro duces mosaic will produce a similar disease on tomatoes. Likewise, pep pers, egg plants, and petunias are also susceptible. Certain weeds, such as ground cherry, black nightshade, horse nettle, and henbane may al no harbor the mosaic virus. Among these, horse nettle appears to be the most serious carrier. Some of the practices which contribute most to the spread of mosaic are : weed ing tobacco plant beds, pulling and setting plants, worming, topping, suckcring, and cultivation. Q. Where will the North Carolina Crop Improvement Association hold its next annual meeting? A. The next annual meeting and seed show of the Crop Improve ment Association will be held in Greenville around the last of Jan uary or the first of February. A definite date will be set within the next few weeks. Because of the growing interest in better seed, of ficials are looking forward to one of the largest meetings ever held, THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND View Escape Lung Details for placing entries in the seed show may be secured from A. D." Stuart, State College, Ra leigh. Cash awards will be given for the best displays. ' 50 PER CENT MORE Where his land was treated with lime. Dennis Higdon, Webster, Jackson county, has received a 50 per cent better growth of lespe deza than on his unlimed land. BOLL WEEVILS Several days of rain recently caused the boll weevil to damage much of this year's cotton crop in Johnston County, reports Assist ant Farm Agent R. M. Holder. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA MACON COUNTY Under and by virtue of the Dower of sale contained in a Deed of Trust executed by W. G. Mallonee and wife, Maude Mallo- nee. to the unuersignea xrusiee, dated January 8, 1936, and record ed in the office of the Register ot Deeds of Macon County, in Book B & L No. 1. page 200, I will on September 1, 1939 at 12:00 o'clock noon at the Court House door in Franklin, North Carolina expose to sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described land: Beginning at a white oak stump S 76 E 18 feet from white oak corner, corner of wire fence; then N. 29 E. 100 feet to a post oak with old marks; then N 59 deg. 37 niin. E 165 feet to a stake, 30 feet South from the center of the Highway; then S 75 deg. 30 min. with the South side of highway 107 feet to a stake beside a dead maple; then S 33 deg. 28 min. W 237.4 feet to a point in Camp Ground Road; then N 75 deg. 05 min. W to the Beginning, con taining 1.01 acres. This the 1st of August, 1939. GILMER JONES, Trustee. A10-4tc-A31 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolin, Macon County. In Tha Superior Court Joe Tallent vs. J. B. Ford and L. M. Ford, 1 rustee, A. R. Fouts vs. J. B. Ford and L. M. Ford, Trustee, Kcrmit Bateman vs. J. B. Ford and L. M. F"ord, Trustee, O. P. Pile vs. J. B. Ford, Paul Scay a. J. B. Ford and L. M. F'ord, Trustee, Clyde Bateman vs. J. B. Ford By virtue of executions directed to the undersigned Sheriff of Ma con County from the Superior Court of Macon County in the above en titled actions, I will, on Monday, the lltb day. of September, 19,39, at W-iM&JitoHM . . WIWw . j . . w.-.-.-.v.-. Yr o u,-J-:-i. THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN LEGAL ADVERTISING 12:00 o'clock noon, at the court house door in Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following describ ed property : All the right, title or iflterest which either J. B. Ford, L. . M! Ford, trustee, or L, M. Ford had at the time of the docketing of the judgments as above entitled in and to the property known as the Thorn Mountain Mine about three (3) miles southeast from Nantahala Gap. as set forth in a certain lease executed by Mrs. E. G. ' Bidwell, et al, to Philip S. Hoy t on the 16 day of November, 1936, which said lease is registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, in Book B-5 of Deeds, page 142. Also the following articles of Sale of Real Estate for Taxes MACON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. Pursuant to an order of the Board of Commission ers of Macon County, I will on Monday, September 4, 1939, at 12 o'clock, noon, and thereafter, until said sale is completed, sell at the courthouse door in Franklin at public auction in the manner provided by law the property hereinafter described, belonging to or listed in the name of the' persons designated, for county taxes due for the year. 1938 in the amounts set forth, with cost of this advertisement and, sale to be added; to wit: ta FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP Nam Acre or Lots Tax Anderson, Dora, 25 acres ... .$6.12 Anderson, Elbert, 3J4 acres... 6.W Angel, J. B., 18 acres 8.32 Angel, Mrs. S. A., V, acres.. 3.59 Angel, Zeb, 141 acres and 1 lot ..........87.84 Arnold, Leona, 15 acres 3-37 Ahe, Derald, 1 lot 4 15.77 Ashe, T. B., 1 lot 1.53 Baker, Gudger, 1 lot 1.15 Barnard, N. L. Est., 15 acres.. 10.71 Bates, Rufus & N. S., 20 acres (13 interest) 2b Bates, J. R., 59 acres 9.11 Bates Bros., 28 acres 6.91 Benbow, John, 1 lot 6.88 Bidwell & Sisk, Min. Iiit -fc Bingham, George, 3 acres 1.15 Bingham, Richard, 134 acres.. 28.70 Bingham, Tom, 80 acres . 20.27 Bingham, W. R., 17 acres .... 2.82 Bingham, Howard, 15 acres.. 5.06 Blaine, Walter, 1 lot 9.65 Bleckley & Leach, 2 lots .... 720 Bleckley, Edwin Est., 2 lots.. 19.09 Bonesteel, C. E. & Kate, 72 acres 8.81 Brendle, J. W., 1 acre ...... 153 Brittain, C. N., 12 acres 8.12 Brown, Harry G., 2 lots -78 Brown, J. Norton, 52 acres.. .30.60 Brown, Mamie, 1 lot 54 Bryant,. W. G., 10 acres ...... 9.65 Buchanan, J. E., 47 acres.... 9.93 Cabe, Mrs. P. E., 10 acres .... 2.45 Cabe, Harley M., 65 acres.... 9.65 Cabe, C. C. Est.,. 167 acres. .. .86.83 Cabe, W. H., 48 acres 18.36 Cabe, L. F. Est.,-94 acres.... 27.31 Calloway. Nellie 0.. 20 acres.. 22.72 Calloway, Louise C, 1 lot. ... .22.18 Camp, C. L. Est., 10 acres. . Cansler. Mrs. lack. 11 acres. f.61 Carolina Mfg. Co., 10 acres. Carelock, J. H., 1 lot Carpenter, B. H., 62 210 acres . 2.45 .22.03 .10.85 Carpenter, W. B. and wife, ' 22 acres 7.36 Carpenter, Mrs. H. E., 22 acres 3.90 Carpenter, Walter B., 27 acres 7J5 Carpenter, W. Roy, 5 lots . 6.56 Cheeks, W. O., 6 acres ...... 6.43 Childers, Neal, 1 lot 4.14 Collins. Mrs. J. B.. 2 lots 2.14 Conley,,Geo. J, 1 lot ........ 12.24 Copenhaver, M. M., 1 lot .... 4.90 Cowart, Frank, 1 lot 9.04 Crawford, Mrs. Carrie R., 214 acres 144.13 Crawley, Dorothy Lyle, 1 lot.. 27.54 Cunningham, W. R., 1 lot ....17.30 Cunningham, Geo. B. Est,, 40 acres Curtis, Frank Est., 1 lot ..... 2.29 Daniels, Evelyn Hope, 1 lot.. 107.56 Daves, J. M., 380 acres. ....118.77 Davis, Furman, 1 acre 6.36 Davis, Mrs. E. P., 45 acres... 14.46 Dehart, John H., 59 acres..... 21.78 Dehart, E. B., Est., 27 acres. .10.75 Dehart, Mrs. E. B., 1 lot .... .45 Deweese, Malcolm, 51 acres 9.25 Deweese, Joe, 36 acres ...... 4.28 Dills, Annie, 1 lot 1.22 Dills, Mack, 69 acres ....... .21.37 Downs, W. N. Heirs, 40 acres 4.59 Duvall, Mary, 11 acres ....... 4.97 Duvall, Arvin, 16 acres 17.30 Duvall, F. L, 11 acres 4.97 Edwards, John W., 2 lots ....10.69 Edwards & Brown, 221 acres.. 16.84 Edwards, A. J., 41 acres. .... .13.01 Elliott, W. E., 1 acre 3.53 Elmore, Jim, 1 lot 5.36 English, Earl, 6 acres 17.30 Enloe, S. W. & Son, 1 lot.... 39.78 Enloe, L. H. Heirs, 1 lot.... 10.71 Ferguson, Cooper, 1 acre .... 2.77 F"isher, Mattie, 25 acres 7.42 Fisher, Noel, 14 acres 6.12 Fletcher, Fred, 2 lots 3.06 Fouts, S. E., 15 acres 10.97 Fouts, D. N., 22 acres ........ 7.64 Fowler, W. E., 1 lot 1.22 Fowler, C. D., 20 acres 7.65 F'owler, Mrs. J. A., Admrx., 8 lots 133.88 Frady, Mrs. W. A., 25 acres.. 4.59 Franks, Mr. Mary, 2 acres (13 Interest) ....1.28 Franks, Mack, 1 lot 21.12 Franks, E. H. Est., 3 lots .... 3.06 Franklin, Jerry, 1 lot ........ 3.06 Frazier, S. Dillard, 68 acres.. 12.42 Frazier, M. E., 135 acres 24.48 Frazier, T, Van, 6 acre.... 12.71 LEGAL ADVERTISING personal property: 1 Allis-Chalmers Engine U-40, Power Unit No. P U 1676; 1 Ingersol-Rand Air Compressor, No. 30366, with accessories and fixtures; . ' ,. 6 Chicago Pneumatic Jack Ham mers; ' 1 Air Compressor, complete, known as the Franklin Mineral Products Compressor; , 1 Electric motor; Several hundred feet of piping; 1 , Lot of wheelbarrows, shovels, picks, etc. : ' . . This being the property located at Thorn Mountain Mica Mine property and, at Lyle Knob Mica Mine property. 1 This 10th day of August,-1939. A. B. SLAGLE, " Sheriff of Macon County. A17-4tc S7, Name Acre or Lot Tax Fulcher, Mrs. J. B., SlJ acres 4.21 Galloway, W. H., 18 acres. Gibson, Jim, 16 acres 2,68 5.43 Gregory, A. S. Est., 14 acres and 1 lot 2.86 Green, C. T., 18 acres ... 8.88 Green. H. S 17 acres ..... .10.64 Green, A, L 11 acres 5.06 Grindstaff & Flagg, 3 acres... 3.82 Guest, Jim, 2 lots 3.06 Guest, F'red, 36 acres 15.84 Guffey, F'rank, 12 acres ...... 4.05 Guffey, Ed N., 9 acres....... 4.59 Giirney Clay Co., acres.. 6.12 Guyer, J. R. Est., 152 acres. . .39.88 Hall, J. R., 160 acres .......60.89 Hall, W. R., 40 acres 9.18 Harris, Sylvia A., 31 acres. . .10.71 Hasting, Juan W., 77 acres.... 7.68 Hasting, Zona, 13 acres 3.06 Hauser, H. L., 1 acre , . .99 Hauser, Jim, 3 acres ....... 4.29 Hauser, Q. J 1 lot ..17.30 Henry, R. F., 23 acres 29.54 Henry, N. J., 18 acres 13.77 Henson, Lafayette, 1 lot ....17.30 Higdon, Mrs, J. H., 1 lot ...... 4.90 Higgins, Mrs. Harry, 1 lot.... 4.95 Hobart, Mrs. W. D., 1 lot .... 9.18 Hodgins, Edd & Buster, 26 acres 3.06 Hodgins, Ed C, 104 acres. .. .20.08 Hopkins, Alex, 8 acres ...... 4.79 Hopper, Clyde,-4 acres ...... 4.63 Horn, Mrs. B. M., 19 acres.. 16.15 Houston, Bob, 3 acres 6.59 Hughes, Clyde, 30 acres 6j60 Hunnicutt, W. E., 25J4 acres.. 51.72 Hyatt, Perry, 20 acres ..12.24 Hyatt, J. P.. 30 acres 13.77 Hylton, N. J., 6 acres 2.29 Industrial Bank of Richmond, 2 lots 9.18 Jacobs, Floyd, 10 acres ...... 5.06 Jamison & Patton, 3 lots .... 3.82 Jefferies, E. F., 100 acres (13 interest) ............. .20.41 Johnson, Mary E., 1 acre .... 4.90 Jones, Mrs. Anna Est., Nl lot.. 11.48 Jones. Mrs. M. F., 1 lot 15.75 Jone, Mrs. Geo. A., 8 lots.. 85.68 Jones, J. W. & R. S., 1 lot... 8.42 Jones, Joe, 1 lot ............ 8.12 Kennebrew, Mrs. E. R., 1 lot 9.16 Keener, J. D., 45 acres 14.38 Kimsey, W. C, 10 acres ...... 2.45 Kingsmore, L. E., 37 acres. ... 5-67 Kinsland, J. L. Est., 10 acres 7.79 Ledbetter, Robt. L., 33 acres. .10.87 Ledford, S. T., 14 acres 4.27 Ledford, Mamie, 26 acres .... 5.74 Ledford, Lester, 55 acres...... 8.42 Ledford, W. Ransom,.' 16 acres ... ...22.33 Ledford, Marion1 R.,. 46 acres.. 22.34 Ledford, G. Oscar, 10 acres.. 4.59 Lenoir, W. B. Est., 60 acres.. 17.14 Lewis, Grover, 4 acres ......14.34 Long, George Heirs, 2 acres.. 4.59 Long, Edd, 39 acres 12.24 Lott, D. R., 1 lot 1.91 Love, T. T., 3 lots 11.79 Lyle, Mrs. Eln S., 2 lots. ...160.65 Lynchburg Shoe Co., 5 acres 3.06 Mabry, L. L., 6 acres 3.06 Mallonee, W. G., 1 lot 13.77 Mashburn, E. A. Est., 4 lots.. 11.78 Mason, W. C, 7 acres ...... 8.50 Mason, Dan, 21 acres 5.83 May, T. A., 1 lot 9.18 May, Mrs. Nora, 22 acres.... 6.12 Moody, L. J., Jr., 53 acres. .27.61 Moody, J. N., 23 acres ......12.24 Moore, Jay, 11 acres .... 8.41 Moore, 'E. M., 12 acres ......13.86 Moore & Murray, 30 acres .. 3.21 Moore, Frank P., 11 acres... 8.41 Moore, John M., 2 lots ..... .33.66 Moore, Alex, 58 acres ....... 6.81 Moore, Harold, 11 acres 23.42 Morgan, Denver, 70 acres.. ,.18.06 Morgan, W. R. & C. L. Garner, 70 acres 26.47 Morgan, Wade, 2 acres'. ...j. 5.82 Munday, Mrs. T. S., 1 lot.. 96.39 Munday, T. S. & S. A. Est., 1 lot 19.13 Munday, B. C; 2 lots 52.02 Munday, FT. C, 2 lots 33.37 Murray, Frank I., 3 lots ... .35.35 Murray & Joines, 11 acres.. Murray, Sam J., 1 lot .. McCall, Lawrence, 2 acres.. McClure, E. W. Est., 17 acres .. 2.69 ..6.59 ,4 1.53 4.59 McClure, Zeb, 23 acres 14.09 McClure, A. L. Est., 15 acres 6.88 McCoy, Ada Holding Corp., 87 acres , 49,72 THURSDAY. AUGUST . M LEGAL ADVERTISING . Name Acre or Lot Tax McCoy, W. L., l'4 acres. ..,12.24 McCoy, Ada, 15 lots ...492.59 McCracken, J. R., 1 lot .1530 McCracken, F. Y., 4 lots: ...12.24 McDowell & Roane, 40 acres.. 10.30 Neal, R.'V,, 30 acres ........ 6.90 Newberry, Eugene, 17 acres.. 18.30 Norton, Mrs. Maude Fl 1 lot.. 18.36 Oliver, J. M 1 acre, .......... 1.53 Osborn, Arthur, 188J4 acres and 2 lots 82.62 Pannell, Gene, 5 acres ' 30.30 Passmore, J. T., 18 acres 6.43 Patton, Mrs. J. B., Admrx., 16 acres 5.74 Patton, Tom, 2 acres 163 Patton, Helen, 60 acres ..." Patton, Olivia, 1 lot U-4? Peek, 1. T., 1 lot . Pennington, India L Perry, Charles, 1 lot 1.111: 1 11 1 1... 31.92 2 acres 2.14 2.30' ,70 i uiiiips, j. a., 1 i"i Phillips, Charles R., 38 acres. .21.87 Phipps, Anne, I lot 1-22 Porter, J. D., 1 lot 41.31 Porter, Mrs. Ruth Z., 1 lot.. 4.59 Porter, T. W., 2 lots ......11193 Potts, C. W., 15 acres ......12.71 Pruett, Mrs. Elsie, 1 lot ....15.30 Pruett, Jason, 2 lots 1.53 Kaby, Allie Stanley, 1 acre .... 3.06 Ramey, W. F., 78 acres 2734 Ray, H. A., 1 lot 2.45 Kay, Airs. J. Frank, 1 Mineral Int. 6.17 Kay, Oliver, W., 30 acres. ,. .31.52 Keece, Wade, 2 lots 6.89 Keece, Grady, 5 acres 3.37 Keese, Chas. Est., 1 lot 3.83 Reese, E. H. Heirs, 25 acres.. 5J5 Reid, Mrs. Cora, 10 lots ....48.20 Kice, Julia, et al, 4i acres., 6.89 Rice, J. E., 1 lot 44 J7 Roane, W. H., 117 acres ......55.46 Robinson, J. S., 6 lots . .36.72 Rogers, J. S., 32 acres...... 18.36 Roland, H. P., 30 acres 19.67 Koper, W. T, Est., 81 acres.. 14.87 Sanders, Mary, 4 lots 3.82 Sanders, VV. J., 4 acres 3.06 Sanders, J. L., 63 acres ..... .27.56 Sanders, C. O., 58 acres 5.07 Sanders, John B, 3 acres.... 7.35 Sawyer, Andrew, 11 acres.... 4.28 Scroggs, Fleet, 1 lot 7.96 Scott, Claude, 21 acres 17.30 Setser, C. A., Va acre and t iy4 lots 4.59 Shiddle, Harve Est., 3 acres (13 interest) 1.27 Shields, W. -A., 63 acres 20.50, Silpr fr P I. 1 lot .18.06 Smart, Will, 1 lot 1.53 amitn, a. j., 1 acre p Smith, W. M., 1 lot 6.12 Solesbee, Mrs. A. S., 20 acres 7.65 Spurling, Mrs. H. L., 69 acres 7.65 Stamey, C. C, 7 acres 5.83 Stamey, Monroe, 3 acre. .. .10.80 Stiles, Geo., Jr., 1 acre 2.61 Stockton, Mrs. D. C, 2 acres.. 6.92 Stockton, C. B., 1 lot 1.84 Stockton, J. H., 73 acres and 2 lots 55.71 Stribling, Jack, 1 lot 2.45 Sutton, Mrs. C. E., 1 lot ....45.90 Sutton, Mrs. W. M, 1 lot .... 7.34. Sutton & Sisk. Mineral Int... 1.53 Tallent, Carl, 2 lots 6.59 Tallent, Jess, 69J4 acres ....31.90 Tallulah Falls Railway Co., 3 lots 156.26 Vanhook, Miss Effie, 35 acres ....13.00 Vanhook, Mrs. Flora, 150 acres 60.89 Vanhook. J. H., 32 acres ..... 5.06 Vanhook, Roy B., 7lA acres . . 5.11 Vanhook, Rogers, 17J4 acres ., Vanhook, Lawrence N., 12J acres Waldroop, Mrs. Mary, 5044 6.59 5.82 acres 20.86 Waldroop, J. A. Est., 62 acres (13 interest) .....15.30 Waldroop, Ruel, 5 lots ...... 3.22 Wallace, Ernest, 21 acres 16469 Watkins, G. G., 1 lot 39.48 Welch, Ruth, 2" acres .45 Wells, Rogers, 20 acres 6.59 West, A. J., 1 lot 3.82 Wilkie, Mrs. W. G, 9 acres.. 31.71 West, Tom, 5 acres 6.12 Williams, J. M. Est., 78 acres 56.43 Williams, Dr. N. G., 10 acres.. 16.50 Williamson, P. R., 1 acre...... 3.53 Wilson, A. C. 1 lot 1.53 Wilson, B. O., 22 acres .13.65 Wilson, C. B., 7 acres 16.22 Wotnack, R. K., 1 acre 3.72 Womack, S. W., 1 acre 5.35 Colored: Addington, Will, 12 acres ....$4.28 Addington, Ben, 4'i acres . . 4.29 Burgess, Frank, 1 acre 2.30 Burston, Jim, 1 lot 3.06 Casey, Rosetta, 1 lot 2.30 Chavis, Arthur, 9 acres ......15.01 Coleman, Sylvia, 5 acres 4.59 England, Clifton, 1 lot 15.00 England, Mrs. Lon, 10 acres.. 5.20 England, John P., 34 acre .... 5.72 Greenwood, Nannie, 10J4 acres 3,06 Guy, Edd, 4 acres .77 Guy, Bill, Vt acre 3.83 Harshaw, W. G., acre .... 3.06 Hayes, Nelson, 2 acres 5.67 Love, Charlie, 10 acres 2.59 Martin, Amanda, 13 acres . . . . 5.26 Moore, Lizzie, 6 acres 3.67 McComb Heirs, 52j4 acres.... 6.12 McDonald, Harris Heirs, 18 acres 3.83 McDonald, Ben Heirs, 25 acres 6.12 Obey, Caroline, 1 acre 76 Patton, Mary Ann, 4 acres . . .92 Penland, Fred, 2 lots 2.45 Penland, Ham, 3 acres ...... 2.85 Porter, Mattie, 3 acres 4.90 Sanders, Viola, 44 acres .... 6.87 Scruggs, Charlie Est., 16J4 . acres 2.52 Scruggs, C. W., acre .... 7.05 Smith, John, V2 acre ........ 3.67 Wykle, Weimer, 2 acres 5.75 Wykle, Henry, 1 acre 2.29 MILLSHOAL TOWNSHIP Adams, Parker, 23 acres...... $1.92 Amnions, Julia Heira, 10 acres 1.02 VVuimim mi ragw Seven)

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