Coverage i The Press reaches more Macon County residents than any- other news paper. . . : : Established 1885 The Oldest North Car olina Newspaper West of Buncombe County. PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. UV, NO. 40 FRANKLIN, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1939 $1.50 PER YEAR FOREST SCENES WILL BE SHOWN Motion Pictures To Be Exhibited In All The County Schools A Serits of educational and enter taining motion pictures axe to be shown in all the schools of Macon county, in the interest of forest fire prevention, 'by the officials of the Nantahala national forest. The .series contains five pictures and each performance is expected ' to last jibout one hour. Harden R. K.os.3 will be operator. The' pictures will include, "Grand -ts father's Clock," a cartoon comedy; "Operation of a Forest Nursery," r showing procedure and methods of the production of trees from the gathering of the seed to the pack ing of the seedlings for shipment; "Tree of Life", showing the close relationship of mankind to the forest and how dependent- people are upon it for their livelihood and recreational advantages; "Tree.", a truly commercial "picture showing modern and up-to-date methods of logging in the southern forests, and "Stop Forest Fires", which de picts not only the useless waste and devastation caused by 'forest fires in the woods, but in the homes, and the los, of human lives ! as well. The schedule is as follows: Monday, October 1610 a. m., Hickory Knoll; 2 p. m., Scaly; 7:30 p. m., Otto. Tuesday, October 1710 a. m., Slagle; 2 p. m., Allison-Watts; 7:30 p. m., Maple Springs. Wednesday, October 1810 a. m., Union; 2 p. m Mulberry; 7:30 p. m., Franklin (colored). Thursday, October 1910 a. m., Burningtown; 2 p. m., Oak Dale; 7 JO p. m Iotla. Friday, October 2010 a. m., Oak Grove; 2 p. m., Liberty; 7i30 p. in., Cowee. ' . Monday, October 23 10 a. m., Highlands; 2 p. m., Salem; 7:30 I p. m., Pine Grove. Tuesday, October 2410 a. m., Mountain Grove; 2 p. m., Ellijay; 1 , 7:30 p, ro Higdonville, Wednesday, October 2510 a. m-, Oak Ridge; 2 p, f Watauga; 7:30 p. m., Holly Springs. Thursday, October 269:15 and 10:45 a. m., Franklin school (two showing,); 1 p. m., Service clubs; ,7:30 p. m., Mountain View. Red Cross Officers Hold Meeting Wednesday A group of the officers of the Macon county Red Cross chapter met in the office of Harley R. Cabe, clerk of superior court, Wed nesday afternoon -and listened to a talk by Mrs. Julia S. Dyke, vol unteer representative from nation al headquarfer,, who is assisting Mrs. Sprjnkles, the d,istrict fie,d representative. I Mrs, Dykp asked that a com mittee be appointed to gather supplies of clothing and other ne cessities for the civilian population 1 of those nations of Europe who are victim, of the war. This com- mittee will soon be named. Those present to meet Mrs, Dyke were: Harley R. Cabe, chairman; Dr. W. E. Furr, home service sec retary; the Rev. Frank Bloxham, in charge of disaster relief work; L. B. Liner, treasurer; the Rev. J. A. Flanagan, of the finance com mittee ; Mrs. R. R. Gaines, in charge of first aid work, and Mrs. H. E. Church, former Junior Red Cross chairman. Rally Day Sunday At Presbyterian Church " Rally day exercises will be 6b served in the local Presbyterian church on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, with Miss Margaret Slagle as leader of the program, The various classes will take part in the exercises presenting the Scripture lession, special songs, with . individual members presenting the , various phases of the work. The special offering, to be taken will go to the work of caring for our "Neglected Neighbors" in fhe South,- Everyone is cordially invit ed o this service, Dr. KiHian Attending Convention In Chicago Dr. Frank M. KiHian left Thurs- day morning for Chicago, III, where he will spend ten - days attending a convention of the American Ac ademy of Ophthalmology and Ot olargyngogy. Dr. KiHian expects to be back in his office on Monday, , October 16. , Clarence Curtis left Saturday for his home in Oregon, after spend ing two month here with his brother, W. F, Curtis, and in Sylva with his brother, Henry Cwrtlf. 1 Women in the War phiii puwiiiw '''T'yi f mil -Ww' s t ' Si ' f 7 ' Woman's place is no longer in the home, say these English lassies. Top: Miss Elspeth Ironside (right), daughter of Gen. Edmund Ironside, chief of the Imperial general staff, drives her father's official auto. Below: Actress Elizabeth Allen serves tea at a canteen "somewhere in England." J. F. Daves Well Known Citizen Dies Wednesday James Franklin Daves, 58, died Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock in Angel hospital here after under going an operation at 5 a. m. He had been ill only since Tuesday. Mr. Daves w-as a well-known farmer of the Clark's Chapel com munity and a member ' of the Clark's Chapel Methodist church where the fUneral services were held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. The pastor, the Rev. Harry S- Williams, officiated, as sisted by the Kev. Lester Sorrells, Baptist minister, Pallbearers were David Angel, Charles A. Rogers, Charlie Angel, Otto McClure, John aJid Frank Angel. . Mr. Daves resided for several years in the state of Washington. He was the son of J, Matt Daves, Confederate veteran, and of , the late Mrs. Adeline Cabe Daves. He is survived by his widow, the former Miss Mat tie Angel; one daughter,- Dorothy ; his father ; three brother,, two sisters, M rs. Bess Garland and Mrs. Belle Gar land, both of Hamilton, Wash., Joe, of Franklin Route 2; Kope, of Alger, Wash., and Jack, of Hamil ton, Wash. TOWN BOARD MET JONDAY Blue Law Discussed But No Action Taken On Proposal At . the regular monthly meeting of the mayor and aldermen held Monday night, the question of banning Sunday baseball was dis cussed, and ajso bank night at the picture show, amusement machines and ot"er blue law restrictions which have been under considera tion, for some time, hut no action was taken, Permission was given to the power company to cut such tree limbs as Interfere with the wires or lights along the white way which has been installed. The white way extends from Kelly's Tea Room to the postoffice and presents a very fine appear ance. The Nantahala Power and Light company purchased and in stalled the lights which are a great improvement over the former light ing system,. The stop light recently ordered by the board has arrived .and will be put into operation at the inter section of the Georgia and Murphy roads within the next few days. In the matter of slot machhics, it may be mentioned that the town collects a license fee of $10.00 on each amusement machine and $5.00 on the music machines. A license is also collected on the penny weighing machines'. Franklin is said to be the only town where an additional $10.00 is collected each time the amusement machines arc changed, other places collecting only once an4 allowing the owners to change the machines as often deilred, erea te (Debates ;Neirtrality Debate Proceeding Upon Neutrality Bill Mail of Senators Flooded With Letters Inspired by Father Coughlin and German Bund Hitler. Expected to Speak Friday Russia Moves to Control Baltic and Balkans. THE NEUTRALITY DEBATE .The attention of the people of the I'nited States is fixed upon the debate' in the senate upon the neutrality bill which is now before that body. The bill provides for the substi tution (f a cash and carry pro vision for the . present . embargo on munitions, and also provides for non-renewable credits for .a period not Itiiger than 90 days. Another clause prohibits the carrying of passengers or goods, to bclligerant nations', in American ships. The credit provision and the excluding' of American shipping from F.uropean trade have pro voked a storm of protest, and these two sections of the act may have to be omitted in order to obtain passage of the bill. Many promi nent Americans, including ex-President Hoover and Al Sfnith, have come to the support of the Presi dent on the' cash and carry propo sition, as have several anti-administration senators, among them be ing Senator Carter Glass of Vir ginia. .Senators Borah, Johnson, Nye, Clark, Holt and Vandenburg are leading the opposition to the bill, while Senators Pittman, Norris, Barkley, Connally, and all admin istration supporter, are pushing for its' passage. Mail Of Senator Flooded The mail of all senators is be ing flooded with letters urging them to vote against the bill. Many of these letters are form affairs, it is said, and others show that they have been copied from form's and signed by the .same hand, showing forgery. These communications are all inspired by the German-American bund, Fath er Coughlin who was Tuesday ruled off the air and other alien elements who favor Germany. It seems to be certain that a safe majority of the senators will vote for a cash and carry measure, but it may be necessary to amend the language of the bill in regard to American shipping, and the granting of credits. THE WAR SITUATION There ha.s been little, action re ported from the theater of war during the past week. French and German artillery . continues to pound, there are scattered air bat tles and French troops have made minor gains in German territory, but there have been no major en gagements. Both sides seem to be conserving men and ammunition As The World Turns A Brief Survey of Current Events In State. Nation and Abroad. INDIAN FAIR AT CHEROKEE THIS WEEK The annual Cherokee Indian Fair is in progress this week and is drawing a larger attendance than any previous fair, The agricultural exhibits are said to be the finest ever shown, Many people from Macon county go each day to the reservation to witness the various contests and sec the displays of Indian handi craft and agricultural products. ' DR. MANGUM DIES AT CHAPEL HILL Dr. Charles Staples Mangiun, former dean of the University of North Carolina Medical school, and faculty member for 43' years, died last Friday night following a ling ering illness. Funeral, services were held at Chapel Hjll Sunday after noon and were attended by promi nent physicians from many ,sec- tions of the state, . HANES ELECTED HEAD A. B. A. Robert M Haties, of Winston Salcm, president of the Wachovia Hank and Trust company, was elected president of the American Bankers association" at their con vention last week. SENATOR LOGAN OF. KENTUCKY DIES SUDDENLY Senator M, M. Ixan, of Ken tucky, died suddenly in Washing ton Tuesday, and it is said that he will be succeeded by Governor A. B. Chandler, who will resign ai mi for - the big efiort 'which is yet to come. Peace feelers sent out by Hitler were met with strong language lv Premier Chamberlain before- the house of commons Tuesday. Mr. Chamberlain stated that all peace offers would be examined, but that no treaties could be made with the present German government, because that government had shown that all agreements made ivilh them were worthless. Hitler May Speak Friday It is expected that Adolf Hitler will address the reichstag Friday and will outline . the terms upon which he is willing to make peace. It is thought that his speech will be , made entirely for home con sumption and for its effect upon the neutral nations of. Europe. He is fully aware of the fact that his terms will not be accepted, and hopes to place the blame for a continuation of the war upon Great Britain ' and France. Great German Drive. Expected Immediately upon the refusal of his terms, Hitler 'is expected to loose the full' "might of the Ger man war machine upon the civilian populations of Great Britain and France. Unrestricted bombing, in cendiary shells and poison gas are looked for, as the Austrian house painter throws all his resources in to one great gamble. RUSSIA In the meantime Russia is mov ing steadily toward the control of the Baltic nations Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland and is al so maneuvering for a dominant role in the Balkans, It is considered doubtful that Russia will ever send armed forces to the assistance of Germany, and many experts believe that the Russians would view the total ex tinction of Germany with extreme satisfaction. ITALY litaly, it would seem, intends to remain neutral for a lengthy per iod, m view of the fact that sail ings of crack Italian passenger ships are scheduled until Decem ber. . Mussolini has no love for Russia, and it is thought that he will stay out of the war as long as pos sible, but will act a purchasing agent for Germany, High Italian authorities announc ed Wednesday that Italy would not take the initiative for the present in any move for peace in Europe. governor and be appointed to the senate by his 'successor, Lieuten ant Governor Keen Johnson, '.' FATHER COUGHLIN RULED OFF THE AIR Father Coughlin and .some other "spokesmen on controversial public issues" were ruled off the air Tuesday by the National Associa tion, of Broadcasters. ..' THOUSANDS MOURN DEATH OF CARDINAL MUNDELEIN George Cardinal Mundelein first prince of the Catholic church in the west, died suddenly Monday morning at his residence in Chi cago. He was the spiritual leader of more- than' 1,000,000 Catholics and administrator of one of the largest and wealthiest dieceses in the world. .'... NEW LEGION COMMANDER 'Raymond J. Kelly, Detroit at torney, was elected commander of the American Legion by acclama tion at the annual convention in Chicago last week. His appeal to the Legion included the urging of our chosen representaives at the capital "see to it that the best means of keeping America out of war are followed." MILITARY COURT RULES AGAINST BERGDOLL 4 A court martial of 13 officers ruled Wednesday , that Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, draft evader, is not protected by the statute of Continued on Pag Six) Comely 'Refugee' Wilma Birth of Chicago was among the prettiest American refu gees arriving from war-torn Europe aboard the S. S. Volendam. a Dutch vessel. Walt Prater Colored Man Found Dead Wednesday Morning Walter Prater, colored, who was well known to most of the resi dents of Franklin, was found dead early Wednesday morning . in a trailway1 leading up from the high way to the place where he roomed. The place is located about one mile and a half from town on Route 4, in Millshoal township. The body was discovered oy Charlie Love, colored, who imme diately notified officer, of the law. An investigation was made and no traces of foul play were found on the body. It was thought at first that he had been poisoned, but analysis showed no indication of ajiy poisonous substances. Physi cians decided that death resulted from natural causes and no in quest was held. Walt is said to have been taking treatment for: head pains, and it is thought that he might . have died from a sudden stroke caused by brain tumor, He was good natured and easy going, and had worked as porter for several Franklin hotels. It is understood that his last place of employment was Kelly's Tea Room. - Walt had many good friends among both the white and colored people of this' section. The only survivor, so "far as known, is his wife from whom he had been sepa rated for several years. FRANKLIN HIGH TAKESjGAME 6-0 Cornelia Loses To Local Team- In Close Contest lln a close contest on the local field last Friday afternoon the football team of Franklin high school won from the Cornelia, Ga., eleven by a score of 6 to 0. The single touchdown for Frank lin was scored in the second quar ter by Wilkie after a run of 30 yards. Higgins, ' Guest, Culver, Higdon and Wilkie starred in the game for Franklin, and there were sev eral outstanding players on the Cornelia team. The Franklin line-up was as follows : Shepherd, L. E.; J. Setser, L. T.s Arvey, L. G.; Higgins, C; Guest, R. G. ; C. Pennington, R. T. ; Leatherman, R. E. ; Higdon, Q. B. ; Wilkie, H. B.; Culver, H. B.; Hun nicutt, F B. Another Gme Friday Franklin will play the strong team from the Long Creek, S. C, Academy tomorrow (Friday) after noon on the home field at 3 o'clock. This will be the last home game until November 24, when Franklin will meet Brevard. Coaches Hawkins and Newton are working the boys hard on blocking tactics this week and ex pect to have the team in . fine shape for the game Friday. Miss Elizabeth Fitzsimmons, of New Rochelle, N. Y., is spending several days in Franklin, the guest of Mrs. T. J. Johnston and Judge and Mrs. J. B. Willii. COUNTY TAXES SLOT MACHINES License To Be Collected On Coin Operated ; Devices The board of county commission ers al the regular monthly meet ing held Monday, decided' to im pose a license tax on every slot machine operated in the county. Coin-operated music, boxes and penny slot machines, other than straight vending machines, will be taxed $5.(H) per year. Amusement machines which come within the law and require less than 10 cents to operate, will pay $10.ui per year, and others will pay on a graduated scale above $10.01, ac- cordinu to the amount required to operate them. The so-called '"onei arm bandits" are illegal anywhere any lime and officers arc requir ed to seize and . destroy them wherever found. The past due tax records were turned over to Miss Elizabeth Slagle, delinquent tax 'officer, and the greater part of the day was spent in going over them and dis cussing the provisions of the 1939 tax act with Guy L. llouk, acting county attorney. The question of reopening the sewing rooms was taken up and' discussed with interested partieV but no actjon was taken at this meeting. It , is believed, however, that plans can 'be worked out whereby the county will cooperate and get the sewing rooms going again before winter. There were no other matters of importance presented to the board for consideration at this meeting, . the remainder of the session being taken up with small routine at fairs. Charles Mallonee Passes In Darrington, Wash. W. G. Mallonee, received a mes sage from Darrington, Wash., Sat urday morning telling of the death of his brother, Charles. . Charles R. Mallonee, 62, died at his home in Darrington F'riday night following a lingering illness of 18 months. Death was caused from tuberculusis, which developed from flu and pneumonia from which he never recovered. Mr. Mallonee, a native 'of Ma con county, was born and reared in the lotla community, the son of the late Elbert S. and Mary McDonald Mallonee. He spent his early life in this county, moving to Washington about 12 years ago, where he has made his home since. He was an employee of a logging camp, transporting the men to and from Darrington to the camp. He was also mail carrier to the camp. Funeral services were held in Darrington Monday. Surviving are his widow, the for mer Miss Belle Cansler, of thi county, and five children, Mrs, Harry Thomas, of Franklin ; James and Lawrence Mallonee, Misses Maude and Mary Mallonee,' aH of ' Darrington; three brothers, W. George Mallonee, of Franklin; J. D. Mallonee, of Murphy, and E. H. Mallonee, of Winston-Salem, and several grandchildren. Mrs. Hamby Passes At Prentiss Saturday Mr,i, Margaret Louisa Hamby, 84, died at her home at Prentiss Sat urday,. September 30, about 4 a. m., after a week's illness. Death was caused by heart trouble. Mrs. Hamby was born in Chero kee county on September 7, 1885. She was married to John C. Ham by February 3, 1878. She was a ' daughter of Jesse and Jane Gar-' land, and was a member of Pleas ant Hill church. . Funeral services were held Sun day at 11 a. m., conducted 'by Rev. J. I. Vinson, and burial was in the Hamby cemetery. Pallbearers were Charles M. and C. A. Rogers, Thad Nichols, E. A. Dowdle, R. B. Curtis and W, C. Ledbetter. Surviving are eight children, T. J., R. L., Sam, John, Mary, Ella, Lamar and Joe; four brothers, H. P., John, H. L, &nd Hugh Garland, and a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Sam E. Grant, 71 Dies In Greenville, S. C. Sam E. Grant, 71, a former resi dent of. Macon county, died at his home in Greenville, S. C, last week following an extended illness. Mr. Grant, although born in Tennessee, came to Macon county with his parents, William and Betsy Jane Gibson Grant when a smail boy, and made his home here for a number of years. He was a farm er and produce dealtr,

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