PAGE SIX THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, M Classified Advertisements KOR KENT One furnished apartment. See Ada McCoy. ltp ' . FOR RENT Furnished and heated bedroom . on llon ison ave nut. Close in. Apply-l'ress Office. RENT-Apartmrtit, four- rooms, sun parlor and bath, $10.00 FOR joms, per, month.- -Mrs. ;. .(;. Stewart. FOR RENT The house on Palmer street, known as the J. K. l'endergrass place. 0. C. Bryant. S14 tfc FOR RENT Unfurnished apart ment. Five rooms and bath. D. G. Stewart, Franklin. S7-tfc ' . ' WANTED RACiS Will pay 5 cents per pound fcr clean, light cotton ra;s. Can't use old work shirts and overalls. The Frajiklin Press. WILL PAY STRAIGHT SALARY $35.00 per week, man or woman with .auto, sell Ekk Producer to Farmers. Eureka Mfg. Co., East St. Louis,. 111. Soviet, Germany Split Polish Loot Baltic SeaM"vHy A'-m EAST A J j 2: '.V.''3f (o8 id' R UjM A N IA FOR SALE Nine acres, adjoin ing Grover Jamison's property on Philips street.jwo blocks from Main street, sewerage, water elec tricitybeautiful building lot. MRS. R. M. COFFEE.' 07 4tp 026 LOST A small dog, Saturday, September 23, on Main street. Black and white with some 'brown around the eye,. Tip of tail., is broken. Please return to Robert R. Gaines, Burrell Motor Co., Frank lin, and receive reward. Hp ' ' FARM FOR SALE 110 acres. Orchard. 75 acres under' fence. Four-room mcxiern log house. Price $800.. Also a, lot Wi acres and four-room house $400. See J. D. Brendell. S28-4tp 019 : Map shows the latest partition of Poland, with areas going to both Germany and Russia. The Reich got the smaller and richer part but Russia got more land to provide a 50-50 break. Observers also noticed that industrialized Germany got more industrial property, which she does not need, and that Russia received agricultural land of which she already has too much. The San and Vistula rivers form a major portion of the all "water" boundary, which cuts through the suburbs of Warsaw, ancient Polish capital, and gives Russia such important cities as Lwow, Brest Litovslt and Wilno, historic Lithuanian city which Poland captured shortly after the World war. ' - i Bryson Reunion To Be Held Next Saturday The twenty-third annual Bryson reunion of the Jackson county clan will meet on Saturday, October 7. at the Scott's Creek Baptist church. The following program will be given: ' , " ' 11:00 Song, congregation, led by Rev. H. M. Hocutt. 11:05 Devotional, Rev; T.' " F. Deitz. 11:25 Special music, Lee Bryson Family. 11:40 Recognition of visitors.' 12:00 Music, Beta Band. 12:20 Address, Hon. E. F. Wat soni Burnsville. 12:50 Music, Kay and Laverne Hooper. .1:00 Dinner. 2:15 Music, Beta Band. 2:30 Address, Dr. , John R. Brinkley. 3:00 Secretary's report. 3:10 Business. . Members of this family through out Macon county are cordially in vited to attend. FOR RENT Furnished apart ment for two with . furnace heat. Living room, bedroom, bath with tub and shower. Hot water at all times. Beautiful view. New rock house on Harrison avenue.1 Apply Press Office. Put new growth and new life in to your lawns for the winter by using more lawn grass and blue grass seed for the next 15 days. Those bare spots and skips in your lawn don't look. good. I have what you need. C. T. BLAINE, ltc W. A. Shields Produces Most Prolific Corn ;W. A. Shields, oj Iotla, brought to The Press office one day last week two stalks of corn produced oti his place, one of which con tained nine ears and the other seven ears, All of the ears were fully matured except one. The corn was of. the Prolific variety. Unlimited Recruiting Started By Marines For the month of October an unlimited number of men will be accepted for enlistment in the U. S. Marine Corps. This is made possible because of the President's order to increase the strength of the Marine Corps by 6,000 men. Naturally a great many new non commissioned officers will have to be appointed because the number in all non-commissioned grades is governed by the number of privates in the Corps. Consequently young men who enlist in the immediate future will have an excellent chance of rapid promotion. Requirements for enlistment have been temporarily liberalized and are now as follows: age 18 to 30, height 64 to 74 inches, one year of high school training, or its equivalent. The Macon District Recruiting headquarters has recently opened sub-stations in Atlanta and Augus ta, and all eligible young men are urged to write to or call in at the District Station, Municipal Auditor ium in Macon, or the sub-sta,tions, Municipal Auditorium in Atlanta, and Post Office Building in Augus ta, Ga. DOUBLED Thirteen days after they were turned on lespedeza, the cows of Arthur Whitfield, Kenansville, had doubled their milk production, re ports Assistant Farmf Agent L, F. Weeks, of Duplin County, Missionary To Speak At Presbyterian Church The Rev. A. R. Craig, missionary under tne soutnern rresoyienan church, now stationed at Tsing Kiang-Pu, China, wdl bring a mes sage on his work at a 'special serV' ice in the Franklin Presbyterian church Thursday evening, October. 12. at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Craig . has been in China since 1925, recently returning from his station for a furlough in" this country. He is making an itinerary of the Prtsbyterian churches iin Western North Carolina. The public is cordially invited to hear him. . As the World Turns Baptist W. M. U. Meeting To Be Held October 12 The twenty-third annual meeting of the Asheville division of . the Woman's Missionary Union of the Baptist church will be held at Calvary, West Asheville, October 12. The Asheville division includes the unions of IS counties of West ern North Carolina. There will be a plate lunch .serv ed which will be ,25 cents. A very interesting program is being arranged. Mrs. J. R. Morgan, Waynesville, superintendent, will preside at the meeting. J. B. Ledbetter, of Lyman, Wash., who has been . visiting friends and relatives iri North Carolina for the past month, left Sunday and will spend a few days with friends m California before returning to his home. (Continued From Page One) limitation. and that hp must face the charges against him, which may bring an additional sentence to the five-year term he is now serving. CHIEF JUSTICE HUGHES BACK The health of Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, of the U. S. Supreme Court, is reuorted to be entirely restored as he takes his place at the opening of the fall session this week. '',' W. C. T. U. PROGRAM The National Convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in Rochester last week adopted on its 1940 program: cam paigns for local option elections, education of youth and a broad ened program of community service. "; DIES COMMITTEE DOINGS Chairman Dies told reporters last week that he would demand that William Z. Foster, chairman of the Communist party in the U. S., and Fritz Kuhn, German - American Bund leader, give lists of the membership of their organizations. This action will be taken because the U. S. sliould no longer toler ate agencies of ' foreign powers which form potential espionage and sabotage systems. ' HULL WARNS SHIPPING AWAY FROM WAR ZONES Secretary of State Hull on Wed nesday issued a warnine to Amer ican ship owners to keep their vessels out of war zones and stat ed that intensification of warfare on merchant shipping was im minent. GERMAN Y. M. C. A. QUITS WORLD GROUP The German Y. M. C. A., which originally had 3,000 branches, has withdrawn from the international organization, Tracey Strong, Amer ican head of the Y. M. C. ' A. World Committee, said on his re turn to Geneva from Berlin. ' ESTONIA SUCCOMBS Estonia, yielding to Russian dic tation, last week signed a 10-vear mutual assistance oact with the Soviets, giving Russia several naval and air bases and garrisons for a Red army of 25,000. I o s n pecial Effective Friday and Saturday, October Sth and 7th . Miracle Whip Salad OCc Dressing, qt. jar ....... Scot TUsUe, OCc 3 roll SLICED, 2 NO. 2 CANS Pineapple 27c Campbells Tomato Soup, OCc 3 for ................... LD Par-T-Pet Crackers, 1 Cc H. box BEST OF WEST 1 Flour 79' Grape Nut Flakes, 1Ac per pk . Octogan Soap or Powder, OCc S for . ..... fJ QUAKER ' Oats 19c Beef Stew, 1 Ce pair 1J Full Cream Wisconsin OOe Che , lb. FRESH PAN Trout r 15': Veal, 1 Qc per H Lamb Stew, ' 1 Cc per lb. J CHESAPEAKE BAY SELECT Oysters 35c Pork Chops, OCc per lb 0 Leg O Lamb, 07f per lb. Mixed Sausage, 1 Cc per lb. AJ Mairket The Complete Food Store PHONE SS FRANKLIN, N. C. m j i n n inf u cL)L5lJ BUY AT OLID PC8DCES SET OF DISHES OR RUG FREE With Each RANGE TABLE OR RUG FREE With Each LIVING ROOM SUITE GET ALL THE LATEST NEWS ONE TABLE FREE With Each RCA VICTOR RADIO We have a large stock of Furniture bought at old prices. As we all know, prices are advancing. On some articles prices have advanced 15 and 25 and will advance still more. Our specials and free goods, which we ran through the month of Sep tember proved so success ful we hay e decided to continue it smother month -through October. 1 '" BUY NOW AND SAVE SET OF DISHES OR RUG FREE With Each KITCHEN CABINET tai TABLE OR RUG FREE With Each STUDIO COUCH 9 x 12 LINOLEUM RUG Free With Each BEDROOM SUITE J mm Ma .con I'lione 150 1 w n urmraire tompaiiVo -mc Your Credit is Good With Us Franklin, Vi9 C.

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