THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1939 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PAGE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER S. CON LEY, PHONE 104 M'KINNEY-NOLEN .in a ceremony of beautiful sim plicity, Miss- Kuth McKinney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave McKinney, of Hiawassee, Ga., was married to Horace T. Nolan, son . of Mrs. Frank H. Nolen, of Frank lin, Saturday evening at tlie Pres byterian manse.' The Kev. J. A. Flanagan officiated, using the im nrcssive ring ceremony. The couple entered unattended to the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin, and "Melody of Lo-ve" was softly played by Mrs. J. A. Flanagan during the taking of the vows. The bride wore a dress of teal blue with black ac cessories. Her hat was a close fit ting model with a short veil. Mrs. Nolen is a graduate ot Hi awassee high school. She is' the sister of Mrs. Medford Messer, of . Franklin, with whom she has made her home for the past five years. For three years she has been de ployed in Pearl's Beauty Shop here. 'Mr. Nolen is a graduate of the Franklin high school and attended the Farmers Federation Training school in Asheville. At present he is assistant manager of the Farm ers Federation in Franklin.. Mr. and Mrs. Nolen left for a ,short wedding trip in the south and upon their return will make their home in Franklin. - U. D. C. HOLDS MEETING WITH MRS. A. L. M'LEAN Mrs. A. L. McLean , was hostess to the United Daughters of Con federacy oil Monday afternoon at her home "Knollacres" at West's Mill, for the regular monthly busi ness and social meeting. There were 14 members and visitors in attendance. Miss Elizabeth Slagle, president, presided over the business session. - Following the report of the treas urer, the reading of the minutes, and reports made by the various committees, the election of officers for the coming year was held. The new officers include" Mrs. Herbert E. Church, president; Mrs. George M. Slagle, vice-president; Miss Lilly Rankin, secretary, re elected; Mrs. Lester S. Conley, treasurer, re-elected; Mrs. Carl S. Slagle, registrar, re-elected; Miss Nora ' Leach, historian; and Mrs. T. J. Johnston, chaplain, re-elected. The retiring officers were: Miss Elizabeth Slagle, president; Mrs. Herbert E. Church, vice-president? and Mrs. Sam Rogers, historian. The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. Herbert E. Church, chairman of the program com mittee. Those taking parts on the program were, Miss Nora Leach, who read a very interesting article by Dan Emmett, composer of the ong, "Dixie", and in whose honor the Ohio United Daughters of Con federacy placed a memorial. Mrs. Church read a very instructive, as well as interesting, paper on "The Great Seal of the Confederacy." The prize was presented to Mrs. Lester S. Conley as winner of the contest. At the Conclusion of the meeting, the hostess served delicious sand wiches, tea, ,slierbet, cake and mints. BAPTIST W. M. S. TO MEET ON OCTOBER 19 The Woman's Missionary Socie , ties of the Franklin Baptist church will hold their regular monthly business and social meeting on Thursday afternoon, October 10, at 3 o'c)qck. Cjrce No. 1, will Pieet a( the home, of Mrs, Harve L, Bryant in East Franklin; Circle No, 2, will meet with Mrs, J, Horner Stock ton on Harrison avenue, while Circle No, 3 will meet with Mrs. Perald Ashe, at her home on Har rison avenue, The members are re quested to attend these meetings. MRS. BARR TO VISIT RELATIVES IN MACON Mrs. Willie Arnold Barr, of Rogers, Ark,, is expected Saturday as a guest of Mr. Walter and Miss Mary Arnold, of Cullasaja, and other members of the Arnold fam ily. She is a ncice of the late William and .Mary Arnold. Her father, Washington Arnold,- with other meinbers of the Arnold fam ily, settled in the West when he was a young man. She is a grand- EXTRA SPECIAL AT Darling Beauty Shop (Over Ashear's Store) Beginning October 16 Until October COME IN AND SEE US This Coupon is Worth 50c itnd $1.00 daugh ter of J din Arnold and Sar ah (Murray) Arnold, who settled at Sugar Fork in 1822. He was an Englishman who had emigrated to Virginia,, and from there to Orange County. He married a daughter of Walter Murray, of Cumberland county, N. C, a Icaptain in the Revolution and - a ' signer of the famous Cumberland Resolutions. John and Sarah Arnold also mov ed West, together with i several of their chillren, leaving only one in North Carolina, William Arnold, who was one of the founders of Sugar Fork church in 1832. Mrs. Barr will be accompanitd by Miss Leona Young, with whom she is visiting in Asheville. P.-T. A. HOLD MEETING MONDAY . The Franklin' Parent - Teacher Association will meet on Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the high school auditorium. Dr. P. G. Padgett, district health officer for Macon and Swain counties, will be present and speak on "Social Hy giene." The glee club will render several selections under the lead ership of Miss Charlotte Young. BIBLE CLASS TO HOLD RUMMAGE SALE The F. S. Johnston Bible class of the Franklin Methodist church will hold a rummage sale Saturday, October 14, in the Cunningham building in the rear of The Frank lin. Press office on the public square. Numerous articles of cloth ing will be for sale. The proceeds will be used for the needs of the class. SHOWER TO HONOR MRS. JAMES WATTS Mrs. R. S. Hall is giving a shower at her home on Franklin Route 3, on Friday afternoon, hon oring Mrs. James Watts, a recent bride. Mrs. Watts was the former Miss Marie Cunningham, daughter of Mrs. John Cunningham, of lotla. Miss Mae Snowden and Jack Sommers, of Atlanta, are spending this week here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brandt. kv: and Mrs. Frank Bloxham and Mrs. I. W. C. Johnson atttnd- ed the funeral of the Rev. E. N. Joyner at the Calvary church, Fletcher, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Brown have returned from New York where they spent 10 days attending tne World's Fair. Lee Wood. Frank Jamison, P. r. Callahan and lohn Hausec attend ed the Southeastern Fair in At lanta Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Hunter, ot Atlanta, were the week-end house guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. n. Page. Postmasters T. W. Porter, of Franklin; Mrs. C. Tom Bryson, of Cullasaja, and Mrs. W. M. l'ar rish, of Otto, left Saturday for Washington, D. C, to attend the national convention of postmasters. Misses Audrey Conley and Mil dred Bryson, who are attending Brevard College, spent the week end here visiting their parents. Miss Mildred Houston, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. II. Houston, of the Gneiss section, is taking a beauty course in High Point. , Mr, and Mrs. W, G, Culbcrtson, of Highlands, spent Sunday in Franklin visiting Mrs, Culbertson's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Elbert Tal lent. Mrs, Milton Fouts has returned to her home in Tryon, after spend ing two weeks in Franklin visiting relative, and friends. Mrs. Robert Tallent left Sunday for Charlotte, where she will spend two weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. John Love. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Watkins, of Albany, Ga., are spending several days in Franklin with Mrs. Wat kins sister, Mrs. H. O. Cozad and father, J. A Conley. Mr.' and Mrs. Lyman Gregory and son, Junior, who have been spending several years in Detroit, Mich., have moved back to Macon county 'and are building a new home on the Franklin-Highlands highway. ' Charles t. West attended the 23 funeral Saturday afternoon in An drews of his nephew, George West, who was killed in a train wreck in V irginia last week. Mr. and Mrs.. Earl kickmaii, of Brevard, spent the week-end visit ing relatives and friends at West's Mdi. , ; .. Hoyt Ledford has returned to his home on lotla street after spending a week with his isister, Mrs. K, R: Helton and Sgl. Helton in Clemson, S. C, and friends in Union, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. ' Wiley WaldrcAi) came over from Murphy Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Pearl Southards. VV. C. West, of Detroit, Mich., came in Saturday for a visit with his father, W. J. West and Mrs. West, at their home at West's Mill. Mrs, Arthur lfristo'1, of .Hayes illc,:'' spent .the past week with her sister, Mrs. Hayes Snyder, at the roller mill. Air. and Mrs. J. R. Ray have returned to their iioniu in ila..c: ville after a visit here with rela tives and friends. Harold Roiicr left recently for Varrenton, da., where he is work ing on a new federal building. ' Mr. C. S. Brown, Sr., ' is spend ing several days in Augusta, Ga., visiting her ' mother, Mrs. Georgia Hall, and her sister, Miss .Mae Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Paulk and Mis. E. L. Johnson have returned to their home in Daytona Beach, Fla., after spending a week with Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Landrum at their home on Cullasaja. Verlin Bradley, ' qf Winston-Salem, came in Monday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bradley, at Etna. He was ac companiel by his mother and Mrs. Fred McGaha, who returned to their homes at Etna and West's Mill after spending two weeks- in Winston-Salem visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Nichols, Jr., and son, Douglas, left Saturday for Florence, Ala., where they will spend two weeks visiting Mr. Nich-1 FORD CARS FOR 1940 " "" " "" r 33 la. . ;'jbg? , , . 1 V . 'Ll'LLmmmlmm, gxlA -.....I ' im.,,!.,.. f j " ' ' rrr. ' ZL JS 22 important represent the (HAT do the Ford cars for 1940 offer to match dieir brilliant new beauty P New comfort, convenience, quiet, safety and the roomiest, richest interiors ever designed . for a Ford car. They have a host of interesting new features. Finger Tip Gearshift on the steering post. An improved trans mission, unusually easy to shift. New Controlled Ventilation. Improved shock absorbers. Softer springs, improved spring suspension and a new ride-stabilizer. A combination of new features makes the new cars quieter In operation. They have big, powerful hydraulic brakes. They have new Sealed-Beam Headlamps that are safer, stronger and stay bright longer. They have the famous Ford V-8 engine (85 hp in the De Luxe Ford. Choice of 85 or 60 hp in the Ford) which blends 8-oylinder smoothness with economy. You've never seen cars with so much performance, style and comfort at such a. low price. Get acquainted. You'll n)oy tht experience I ON DISPLAY AT YOUR DEALER'S HEADQUARTERS FOR NEW FORD V-8 CARS AND TRUCKS, NEW MERCURY 8 AND NEW LINCOLN-ZEPHYR V-12 ols' parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Nichols, Sr. ' Mrs. John Edwards lias returned from Hot Springs, Ark., where .she Spent about, three weeks . taking treatment. Airs. 'Edwards 'is great ly improved and will spend some time at the home ot her -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Franklin, on Franklin Route 4. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Davis, of Winston-Salem, spent Tuesday here visiting Mrs. VV. M. Smart. Mrs. F, J. Bidvvell, of Phila delphia, Pa., and Miss Ida Enloe, of Atlanta, returned to their .-home' Saturday, after spending two weeks on Cartoogechayc with' their broth ers, Jeff, T. B. and C. 1j. Enloe. Mrs. G. G, Watkins returfied. to her home on Bidwell street Mon day after a visit to her son, V'cr coe, who is a patient in the Navy hospital at Portsmouth, Va. The condition of Vercoe was much im proved, but he will remain in the hospital for several months yet. Mrs. D. W. Blaine spent the first of the week in Brevard visiting her daughter, Miss Louise Blaine, who is attending Brevard college. Births Mr. and Mrs. Fred Queen an nounce the birth of a son, Tiny Paul, at their home at -Etna, on Saturday, September 30. A daughter, Betty Sue, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Reeves at their home iii the Oak Dale sec tion on Thursday, October 5. "Uncle Dave" Macon To Appear Here October 18 The Future Farmers of America of the Franklin high school chap ter will sponsor "Uncle Dave" Ma con and his son, Dorris, radio artists, who will put on a perform ance in the Macon county court house on Welnesday evening, Oc tober 18, beginning at 8 o'clock. A small admission will be charg ed and the proceeds will be used for the needs of the Chapter. The public U invited to attend. TJ71? improvements, added to fundamental Ford features, most advanced engineering in the low-price field Mrs. C. A. Uaby and daughters, Miss Alabel Raby and Mr.. Dwit;ht Parrish, of Oak tirove, were in town shopping Saturday. Fall Shirts and Ties Have Just Received Our Fall Line of ii Van II onsen ' Shirts and Cheney Tics Drop in and look them over. We have a large stock to select from, and we are sure you can find just what you want in both sizes and colors E. K. Cunningham & Company "The Shop of Quality" v FRANKLIN, N. C. JV&W 22 IMPORTANT FORD FEATURES FOR COMFORT More room inside. New Con trolled Ventilation. New toriion bar ride-itabilizer. Improved ipring fuipemion. Self-tealing ihoclc btorberi. Two-way adjustable driver's seat. New type resilient front seat backs. New "Floating Edge" Seat Cushions. FOR CONVENIENCE -New Finger-Tip Gearshift. Engine more accessible. Two-spoke steering wheel. FOR STr-Sealed-Beam Headlamps. Dual windchield wipers at base of windshield. Larger battery. Battery Condition Indicator on all models. FOR SILENCE Improved soundproofing. "Easy shift" transmission, Curved disc wheels.' Improved drums for big Ford hydraulic brakes. FOR STYLE New exterior beauty. New interior luxury. New instrument panel. gi hp models only MORI THAN IV It "THI QUALITY CAR IN THI LOW-PRICI MUD" Ed Duvall and family, who have been making their home at Candler for the past year, have returned to the lotla community. 1 1

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