THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1939 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PAGE FIVE Highlands MRS. H. CHURCH NOTES Highlands Presbyterian Church Rev. R. B. DuPree, Pastor 10:15 a. m, Church school. 11 a. m. Worship. 7:30 p. in. Christian Endeavor. Highlands Methodist Church Rev. W. F. Beadle, Pastor Clenville: 10 a. in. Worship. Cashiers: 11 a. in. Worship. Horse Cove: J p. in. Worship. Highlands Baptist Church Rev. J. C. Benfield, Pastor 10 a. in. Sunday school. 1 1 a. in. Sermon. 7 p. m. li. T. U. 8 p. ni. Sermon. Church of the Incarnation Rev. Frank Bloxham, Rector No service Sunday. BAPTIST W. M. U. HOLDS REGULAR MEETING The Woman's Missionary Union of the Baptist church held its reg ular monthly meeting at the par sonage last Monday alternoia, Mrs. J, (j. Benfield had charge of the program, the topic being "U he . Great Commission and Woman's I Missionary Union's chief Aims ' Tithes and Offerings." Those tak- I ing part on the program were Mrs. Guy Paul, Mrs. O. F". Summer, Mrs. Roger, Smith, Mrs. Lawrence Hicks and Mrs. H. S. Talley. Oth ers present were Mrs. Elbert Gib son, Mrs. Robert Rogers, Miss Nannie Rogers, Mrs. S. T. Marett, Mrs. S. E. Potts, Miss Maude Crane, and two visitors, Mrs. Slat ttry and Miss Edith Steele. The Baptist church is now com pletely free of debt and the new building fund is growing. This church has an enrollment of 50 members in the B. Y. P. U., and last Sunday night saw approxi mately 75 young people present for this service. A fellowship revival held last week did much i to stimu late an already renewed interest in. all departments of this church. LIONS CLUB HAS LADIES' NIGHT SUPPER The Ladies' Nighterric'ltippef given by the Lions club at Cliff side Lake last Monday evening was enjoyed by about 40 people. The committee cii arrangements was composed of W. A. Hayes, Louis A. Edwards and Col. Elliot Caziarc. Let me prove to you that I can save you money in your needs for any kind of a timepiece. Grover Jamison JEWELER Hiqh QuAliTy Of Service It is natural for families with whom quality il customary to seek mortuary services of highest excellence. Thoat wt have served appreciate the fact that while our merchandise and professional at tendance is of the highest order, our prices are as moderate as , those definitely registered in peo pie's minds as being low priced. ) PHONE I06 NIGHT PHONE 00 Specials for Gash FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK 4 Lb. Pails 45c I APn 8 LB. Pails 90c LatAtXU 4 Lb Cartons 42c 8 Lb. Cartons 83c PEANUT BUTTER, qt. size 20c POST TOASTIES, 4 boxes 25c Watch This Ad Each Week and Save the Difference TALLEY & BURNETTE HIGHLANDS, N. C. Highlights G. STORY Special features of the evening were a short talk by the presi dent," R H. I'otts, and the presenta tion, of a chapter to the Boy Scouts, 12 of whom were present, by pastrpresident W. H. Cobb. The Highlands Boy Scout troup is sponsored by the Lions club, and under this sponsorship the Scout lodge on Main street is nearing completion. P.-T. A. HELD FIRST MEETING TUESDAY The Parent-Teacher Association held its first meeting last Tues day, with the president, Mrs. R H. Potts, presiding. Several matT ters of importance were brought before the meeting to be looked after as early as possible. The As sociation plans to continue the weekly rummage ' sales again this term, and also to continue the teas in connection with the monthly meetings. Mrs. R H. I'otts and Mrs. Helen Thompson will be hos tesses at the November meeting. Three new members were re ported, Mrs, W. K. Potts, Miss Caroline Hall and Mrs. Klizabeth Prince. . SATULAH CLUB TO uu"." Anncw The Hudson Library Association has accepted the offer of the Sa- i tulah club to build a room adjoin ing the library. This room will be known as the Hudson Library an nex, and will be used in common by both organizations for meet ings, etc. Through a building committee composed of Mrs. W. W. Edwards, chairman, representing the club, Miss Cora Miltimore, representing the library, and Mrs. F. H. Potts representing both the library and the club, ' the contract for building ' the room was let to George Cleaveland, and the work has be gun. The room is to be 20x20 feet in size, and the windows and out side walls are to correspond to that of the library; the inside fin ish will be of knotty pine. The members of the Satulah Club believe that an annex to the UDrary will De ot greater- Denentig to the community atUu4inictern- W0Sll aSiUb-Tiouse such as they rly planned to build. MRS. COBB HOSTESS TO CARD CLUB Mrs. W. H. Cobb was hostess to the Wednesday Afternoon Card Club last week at her home on Sa tulah road. The spacious home was attractively decorated with mari golds, calendulas, and cosmos, and three tables of players enjoyed the afternoon. Mrs. William Jeffries of Burlington, who spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. F B. Cook, was a guest of the club. Mrs. Jack M. Hall won high score prize, and Mrs. E. R. 'Gilbert the traveling prize. ' A dainty salad course was serv ed by the hostess at the conclu sion of the game PRESBYTERIANS GIVE FELLOWSHIP SUPPER The Presbyterian church held its annual fellowship supper on Tues day evening, October 3, at the school lunch room, with 97 mem bers of the . church, the Sunday school and Christian Endeavor union present. The supper tables were very attractive, with center pieces of marigolds and lighted candles. . , The preparation of the delicious supper was under the supervision of Mrs. Helen Thompson and Mrs. Frank H. PottA Assisting with the supper -were Mrs. Harry Holt, Mis. Elizabeth Prince, Miss Ruth Carter,, Miss Gertrude' Harbison, Miss Dorothea Harbison Mrs. Wil ton H. Cobb, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Doyle Speed, and the Misses Jessie and Nancy Pott. After supper the Rev. R. B. Du Pree gave a brief resume of the work done by the church during the past year, noting the several improvements to the interior of the church, -the installation of the pipe organ, and the much needed stone steps leading rfrom the street to the sidewalk in front of the church. Mr. O. B. Smith made a gracious response, complimenting the pastor and the congregation on the ex cellent work being done. A recent issue of the Charlotte Observer carried a picture of Miss Sarah Thompson, junior at Queens- Cliicora, making an early morning delivery of The Observer. Miss Thompson htlds the. unique posi tion of being the only girl carrier on the stall", and delivers the paper to all homes on the campus. Mrs. Lawrence Hicks and her daughter, Joanne, have returned from a week's visit with the for mer's sister, Mr,s. -.Theodore Owen, in Atlanta. While there they at tended the Southeastern Fair and enjoyed an airplane flight over the city. ( Mr. .ami Mrs. Herbert Kice, their two children, l'olly and Warren, have gone to .West 1 aim ie;idi for the winter, where Mr. Kice has a position in one of the leading markets. Mrs. Meu X. Hall, Miss Caroline Hall, Mrs. W. K. I'otts and .Miss l'eggy Polls were visitors in j Praukliu lal Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thad D. Smith attended the Bryson lamily reun ion held at Sylva last Saturday. Among the notables present at this reunion were 'Mayor Holmes Bry son of Asheville, Hon. Frank Wat son, Burnsvillc, and Dr. John R. Brinkley. The Kev. J. G. Benfield left Monday morning to attend a fel lowship meeting in Haywood coun ty this week. Visiting Mrs. Ben field during Mr. lienfield's absence is. her sister, Miss Edith Steele, of Lenoir. Mrs. T. Peden Anderson of bunedin. l'la.. former Highlands summer resident, is the guest of rs Lucy Edwards at Hotel Ed wards. Visiting Mrs. Anderson Sunday were her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt, and their two children, Frank, Jr., and Penelope of Seneca. Colonel and Mrs, W. H. Nollman have returned from Asheville, where Mrs. Nollman spent the past four weeks and Col. Nollman the past week. They expect to spend s'iiuc lime yet at their cottage on Chestnut street, to enjoy the love- ly weather and autumn coloring, before returning to their home in Sobring, l-"la Friends of Mrs. D. W. Wiley and Mrs. A. G. Spencer are sympathiz ing with them in the death of their mother, Mrs. A. N. Rogers, in Ware Shoals, S. C, last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Chapman and baby daughter, Carol Ann, return- 4-'tCA4laftta, last Tuesday, after -J; m-- . n i' - ns!tX IA 1K M'e 40r woer AVOW8 If -mmk ' Look at the greatly increased sle and luxury of this car with new longer wheelbase and stunning new "Royal Clipper" styling. ...And then you will know it's the streamlined beauty leader of the low-price field and the biggest value money can buy 1 HOT" .UW-"""' BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY a visit with Mrs. Chapman's par- ents,' Mr. and Mns. 1". H. '.Pelts. Mrs, S. T. Marett. honored Mrs.. T. l eden Anderson, of Dunedin, Fla., with a small theatre party on Monday evening. . . The Rev. R. B. DuPree, and Sidney McCarty spent Tuesday1 m Uobbinsville attending a meeting of the. Asheville Presbytery. Miss Nancy Hines returned to Raleigh last Week after a month's vacation here with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Hines. . Mrs. W. U. Polls, Miss Peggy Potts, Miss Caroline Hall, and Mack Neely visited t lit; Indian Fair in Cherokee last Friday, go ing on to Knoxville, Tenn., for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles du liignou will attend the football game be tween Holy Cross and the Uni versity of Georgia in Athens on Saturday. ' . LEGAL ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of Mr,. Pearl Southard, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to , exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the lllh day of October, 1940, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This 11th dav of October, 1939. FRANK J. SOUTHARD, Alministrator. 012-6tp N16 ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of Stanhope W. Hill, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them lo the undersigned on or before the 5th day of .Oc tober, 1940, or this notice vvill be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 4th dav of October, 1939. G. L. HOUK. Administrator. 012-6tc N16 NOTICE OF SALE J North Carolina, Maoon County, Pursuant to an order made and entered by the County Board of .rwT" MWPJWiyipilllMWIIIIIItuuMIIIIIWIBllllll!iW MiiiiiiiiiiMiiaaaaiiiiiiMiiiMiiiiii Tune Into gear with Chevrolet's New Exclusive Vacuum-Power Shift. . . . Test its matchless combination of power, acceleration, smoothness and economy. . . . And then you will know it's the best-driving, best-riding and best-performing low-priced car! NEW "ROYAL CLIPPER" STYLING BIGGER INSIDE AND OUTSIDE NEW FULL-VISION BODIES BY FISHER NEW EXCLUSIVE VACUUM-POWER SHIFT "THE RIDE ROYAL"-Chevrol.f'i P.rf.ct.d Kn..-Actlon Riding Sv.t.m SUPER-SILENT VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE ALL-SILENT SYNCRO-MESH TRANSMISSION ChtvroUt hat mora than 175 Important modern (atvtu Oa 8pdl D. Luxe ami Mailer DeLux. Berk LEGAL ADVERTISING Education of the County and State aforesaid; 1" ' -will on Monday, No vember 0, 1939, at the Courtl louse door in Frankliil, MacAn County, North Carolina, at the; hour of twelye o'clock noon, sell, to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described property "belonging I. said County Board of Education, to wit : Beginning- at a white oak, the N. E. corner of the John Shep herd tract No. 28; runs N l(i poles lo a stake; then W 10 poles to a slake; then F. 10 poles to the beginning excepting therefrom all mineral interest together with,' min ing privileges; the said tract con sisting of 1 acre more or less. The same being the property known as the Harmony School property in , Cowee Township, Ma con County, North Carolina. A de posit of 5 per cent of the bid will be- required of the successful bid der at time of sale and upon fail ure of said bidder to make such deposit said property will be im- ,. . , ',, J mediately resold This the 5th day of October, 19.19. , G. L. HOUR, County Supt. . Schools." 012 4tc-'N2 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County. Under and 'by virtue of the pow er of. sak vested in the under signel juflee by deed of trust ex ecuted by L. W. Hauser and wife,. Bettie Hauser, to the undersigned trustee, dated March 5, 1929, and recorded in the office of the Reg ister, of Deeds for -Macon County, North Carolina, in Book of Mort gages and Deeds of Trust No. 31, page 150, the undersigned trustee will at 12 o'clock noon, -on Wed nesday, November 8th, 1939, sell at the Court House door in Frank lin, North Carolina, to 'the high est bidder for cash the following described real estate: lln Franklin Township, Macon County, North Carolina: 1st Tract: All the lands described in a deed from C. ' C. Daniels, 'Attorney-in-fact for the heirs at law of Alice L. Robinson, to Luther Hauser and wife, Bettie Hauser, said deed bear ing date of June 4, 1921 and regis tered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon Count v in i Book F-4 of Deeds, page 537. 4 LEGAL ADVERTISING 2nd Tract : All the hinds -described in a deed from, R. I., Porter and wife. . to llettie Ilatiser, ' said deed bearing ilate of. February 21, 1908, ati il registered in the office if Register 'of Deeds , for Macon Count v .hi' Book A -3 h( Deeds, paiie 13.?. :''''; Default liming been made' in. the payment of the indebtedness se cured by .said,' deed of trust and demand. ha im; been made upon the i i . . i ,i t. i i .. uuuersiL'ueu m'siee uy ine. uoiuer of said indebtedness. This the 7th dav of October, 1939. I It l'l''t"lXf ' : .GEO; IS. I'ATTOX, Trustee'.' 012 -He "2 National Forest Timber for Sale ale Is will be received by the l-Virol Supervisor, Franklin, v .i. .... i: ..i :. . .1.. I: vaio ma u ; i ami uit.uu...K November 13, IV.W, mr all tin Ine timber uiarke.l ' or ' de-.iiiialed for. culliiiL, and al meridian table dead . timber located ii an an a embrac iny .about 25 acres uitlim Ui..kee ! I leek I 'nil, Te-inla trcel-. Water shed. Macon County, NautahaJa ; National K-.icm, -North Carolina, : estimated to be 111) M feet, more ur less, of cllov p.'.-piar, northern red .oak. chestnut, clic-timl oak, black oak,. scarlet oak, buckeye, ash, while tak, pilch pine, and red maple, and an unestimated aitii'Hinl oi ' ciieslnui ext i actu and (die-tnut oak tunhark. The re moval .of exlraclwi io( ..unl tanbark will be optional with the purchaser. .( hid oi e , (.-! -an '. -r v i ll.r-.v .-pbir;- for northern n-' oak and ash; $2 for chestnut arid chest nut oak.: S.i for black ak 'an. I red ' maple; $1 for scarlet oak, buckeye and pitch pine; $5 for white wk ; 35c per unit (UK) cubic feet per unit) for extract wood, and $1'.5(( per ton (21XKI lbs. per ton) for tanbark will be considered. $HHI must be ' deposited with each bid. Ic be applied mi the 'purchase price, refunded, or retained in part a liquidated damages, according 'lo the conditions of the sale. The right to reject any and all. bids is reserved. Before are submitted, full in formation concerning the timber, the conditions of the sab', and' the submission of bids should- be ob tained from the Forest Supervisor, I'ranklrn, North Carolina. ()12 2tc-02(i m ;i m Only Chevrolet gives such high quality at such low cost. . . . Low Prices . Low Oper ating Costs . . . Low Upkeep. No other motor car can match its all-round value Phone 123 Franklin, N. C.