PAGE SIX THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON.IAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1939 Compliance reports' indicate that 90 per cent or more of the Har nett county growers having an ex cess of. co'tton are bringing .their acreage f. within the allotecl figures. J. E. Potts & Son Funeral Directors L ,' Franklin, N. C. HONEST MERCHANDISE , AND SERVICE AT FAIR PRICES JOIN OUR MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION SOLID OAK CASKETS Ambulance Service D US GARS 1935 Chevrolet Tudor 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1935 Chevrolet Sedan 1937 Plymouth Coach 1939 Plymouth Sedan 1937 Plymouth Sedan ADDITIONAL FRANKLIN SOCIAL ITEMS 1937 Dodge Pickup 1935 Ford Sedan 30 Others, Ranging in Price from $65 Up See the new 1940 Chevrolets which will be on display here Saturday; Octobsfl4th. Bur veil Motor Co. MISS DAVIS ENTERTAINED AT MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER .Mrs. H. O. Cozad, Mrs. Henry W. Cabe, - Mrs. T. W. Porter, Sr., Mrs.' . Paul Carpenter and Miss .Margaret Cozad' delightfully en tertained -with' a miscellaneous shower, on Wednesday afternoon, October 4, at . the home of Mrs. Lester S. 'Conley .on Harrison ave nue as a courtesy to Miss Rachel Davis of Highlands, whose marriage to the Rev. Alexander Keener, of Covington, Ky., is scheduled, to take place on Thursday, November 27. The living room atul dining room which were, thrown ensuite,' were artistically decorated with bowls .of dahlias, .Mexican sunflowers, wild asters and goldenrod. ... The bride-elect wore a lovely port brown dress and her only ornament was a pearl pendant. Miss Margaret Cozad presented the gifts in a clever and unique way by telling that a "Relief pack age" had been left here and that j upon .opening, it was found to be 'for Miss Davis. She found , that the ! "Goddess of Love" had changed ; the contents from a food package to that of lovely gifts appropriate for a bride. With each gift wan a verse or joke which caused much merriment. Between 40 and 50 guests were invited, to which the hostesses serv ed delicious punch, cake and mints. Mis. Davis left Thursday for points in Georgia for a visit, after which she will g.o to Lexington, Ky., to visit her brother, the Kev. Warner P. Davis, at whose home the wedding will take place. Future Farmers Attend Baby Beef Show The agricultural students of the Franklin high school attended the Baby Beef Show at Asheville 72 strong last week. Some of the re mark, made by the boys were, "The grand champion was soft as wool," and "1 never believed that it was possible to get a calf so fat." Several of the boys are plan ning to feed a calf for the show next year. . Berlin Welch, Reporter. Pentecostal Revival To, Be Held AtJMssaja Cartoogechaye By MRS. JOE SETSER Mrs. Hattie Moore, our oldest citizen, will celebrate her birthday Friday 13. She will be 90 year, old. Her children and friends are planning a dinner in her honor Sun day at the home of her grandson, Charles Nolen. Relatives from Bre vard and Hendersonville are ex pected and among them will be her young brother, Tom Gash, 89. . Mrs. Judith Jacobs, who has been spending some time with her brother, H. C. Hurst, has gone' to visit her sister, Mrs. Robert Ram sey, at Telltco. She expects to re turn to her home in Oklahoma for the .winter, ' The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service held , an all-day meet ing with Mrs. Joe Setser Wednes day. Those present were Mesdames Chas: Nolen, Horace Hurst, Carl and v red Slagle. Mrs. J. H, Brook shire was a dinner guest. Harold Enloe and Bobby Arthur went to Raleigh Wednesday to at tend the State Fair. George Setser went Thursday with E, J. Whit- mire and the Agriculture class of Franklin high .school. Miss' Annie Slagle is spending some time witn ner neice, Airs. Ross Zachery, in Concord, Bechard Dills and Julian Kiser, who have been in a CCC camp in Oregon but were recently trans ferred to North Carolina, are vis iting their home folks, Richard Slagle has gone to New Martinsville, W.V'a., to work with the U; S. Geological Survey, , Otto Edith. Cunningham enter a numberi oirff&t friends Classified Advertisements FOR RENT Furnished and heated bedroom on Harrison ve nut. Close in. Apply Press Office. FOR SALE About 15,000 used brick at a bargain. See J, H. Stockton. ltc WANTED Fir,st class trained rabbit hounds. R. H. Crawford, Tiger, Ga. Itp. liejaumner on Monday evening. ctober 16, at 7:30 o'clock, a two weeks' series of evangelistic serv ices will begin at the Cullasaja Pentecostal church five miles out . I T 11. I t. " .1. on the t ranKiin-nignianas nigu wav. The services will be under the leadership of Miss Helen Funk and Miss Eva Lee Nicholson, of Deer Lodge, Mont. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. PILAN T UBIEAT COiLID) WE ATBHIEIIR 'With all the frills and doodads omit ted, the program listed below will prepare your home for winter. Check your home against each point now! STEP N U M B E R 1 r ' Storm Doors and Windows Storm doors and windows enable you to save as much as 25 on your winter fuel bill, as well as keeping your home temperature healthfully constant. They also eliminate most drafts. STEP NUMBER 2 Check Your Heating System You'll wage a losing battle against winter's chilly blasts if your stove is inadequate.' See our Auto Wood Heaters with Thermostatic Draft Control. Auto Wood Heaters Saves One-Half Fuel STEP NUMBER 4 Roofing Is Important Good roofing not Only prevents water from leaking in but also slops cold from entering. Make yours weather proof ! STEP NUMBER 3 Install Insulation Insulation practically pays for itself in fuel savings. It, too, keeps the temperature constant inside and pre vents drafts. It', a sound investment! We Carry a Complete Line of Quality Building Supplies Consult Us Without Obligation ! Franklin Hardware Co. Hard ware and Builders Supplies A. R. HICDON, Manager FRANKLIN, N, C. F)R RENT 6-room furnished home on Harrison avenue. All con veniences. C. T. Blaine....'. - ltc v. FOR RENT The house on Palmer street, known as the J. R. Pendergrass place. O. C Bryant. S14 tfc -. FOR RENT Attractive furnished room, air conditioned heat. Apply Carolina Apartment, Main Street. 012-tfc. Miss tained Saturday night with "a party. Every one had an enjoyable evening and near the. close of the evening the hostess served . delicious sweet course. jfack Vinson, of New York, is visiting his parents this week, Mr. and Mrs. John Vinson. Norman Cabe is critically ill at his home with pneumonia. Miss Ella Bradley has been quite ill with pneumonia, but is improved. Mr. and Mrs. .'Marshal Lowery attended the Southeastern Fair in Atlanta the past week-end. Mrs. W. M. Parrish attended the meeting of the postmasters in Washington, D, C., this week. . ' Mr. and Mrs.; Albert Dykes, of Knoxville, . Tenn.. visited M rs. Dykes' parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Oscar Buchanan, . over the week end. Miss Hazel Buchanan return ed home with them. Miss Myrtle Buchanan, of Anderson, S. C.'also visited her parents. She was ac companied by Claude and Orando Campbell, of Anderson. Mrs. Jim Cabe- and daughter, Mm Ruby Cabe, visited Mrs. Cabe's sister, Mrs. Wiley Wilson and Mr. Wilson, at Cherokee. .While there they attended, the Cherokee Indian Fair, , Mr and Mrs. Claude Jolley and BUI Jolley, of Canton, Ohio, visited Mrs, L, C, Holbrdoks recently Bill plans to spend the winter here. Close Out Sale Everything at Wholesale Prices Lard, 8 lb. ctn. . . J-jc Hour, Kentucky Rose, 24 lbs. JJc Coffee, Pure Rio, 2 lbs. 5c Snuff, 50c size, 38c; 25c, size, 19c; 20c size,15c 10c size, 2 for 15c Octogan Soap and Soda, 7 for .. ........ ... 25c Oats, 3 lb. size 5c Tablets and Note Book Paper, 3 for. .... ... 10c Razor Blades, 2 pks. 5c Men's Boots, $6.50 vaiue, only ! $4.50 Overalls, $1.25 value, only 75c Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes at a 25 to 50 Savings Stock up with groceries while you can save money. Also Shoe the Family. BEE'S PLACE On Georgia Road Franklin, N. C. B. T. Sanders, Prop. , , - Special Purchase Sale 1 1 - r.' . . 1 FOR KENT Unfurnished apart ment. Five rooms and bath. U. G, Stewart, Franklin. S7-tfc FOR SALE Pure blooded Cor nish game roosters, five months old. See Mrs. Harve Cabe, Frank tin Route 4. Itp FOR SALE REASONABLE Small home in Franklin. Address, Owner, co General Delivery, Franklin, N. C Itp LOST Black and white female Beagle, about IS inches high. Re ward to finder. Please return to Rev. J. C, Swaim, Franklin Route 2. Up FOR SALE Four liome made wool blankets, priced at $300 each Also good home made quilt, MRS. A. Q. WILLIAMS, Rt. 1, Box 80, Franklin, N. C. Itp FOR SALE Flowers for any oc casion. Prompt service. Prices very reasonable. Sylva Flower Shop, Mrs. Panter, Prop., Phone 6, Sylva. N. C. 012-tfc Look at the Savings this Sale brings you. In addition to values on circulars mailed to you we are offering many other bar gains from our large stock. Mens' Suits $14.95 . .New Fall Patterns Ladies' CoatsKTS iPi oc: cQe All wool, well lined, in the season's best . colors and styles . Mens' Boots . ... $3.95, $4.50, $6.95 ' Peters' Brand . Boys' Jackets ........ ..... .......... $1.98 Corduroy, with zipper, sizes 6 to 18 Men's Jackets ......... $6.90 Horse hide, special purchase sale. Get one while our stock lasts at this price Men's Pants $1.49 Heavy Moleskin, "Anvil Brand" Men's Pants Heavy Duck, 'Anvil Brand" $1.79 FORM5ALE Nine acres, adjoin ing Grover Jamison's property on Philips street, two blocks from Main street, sewerage, water elec tricity beautiful building lot. MRS. R. M. COFFEE. 07-4tp 026 FARM FOR SALE-1 10 acres. Orchard. 75 acres under fence. Four-room modem log house. Price $800. Also a lot Vi acres and four-room house $400. See J. D. Mrendell. S28-4tp 019 FOR RENT-Furnished apart ment .for two with furnace heat, Living room, bedroom, bath with tub and shower. Hot water at all times. Beautiful view. New rock house on Harrison avenue. Apply rress uince. FOR SALE 50 acres, more or less, of mountain land, partly In cultivation. Excellent for pasture land, Located in Brendletown sec tion. Cash or terms. If interested write, Paul Saunders. 19 S. Morris Street, Richmond, Va. 012-3tc-026 FOR RENT If you are a ood farmer and have stock, you can rent 200 acres of the best farminor land in Western North Carolina.1 with 3 to S years contract to riht man. See W. D. Ingram, Route 4, Franklin, N. C. i Men's and Boys' Sweaters . . $1.98 Leather fronts, crew necks, zipper and button style. Some all wool, some part wool, beautiful and priced very low Women's Coat Sweaters ... ... ... ... 89c . I A real bargain Children's Knit Shirt Sweaters ' Long sleeves 25c Boys' and Girls' Sweaters, Coats, Slipovers 50c Boys' and Girls' Top Shoes , $1.00 Extra good brand Peters' Brand Shoes for Boys.. Special Price Heavy grade I :' Boys' and Girls' Rain Coats, cap to match.. $1.98 Boys' Lined Overall Jackets, special .......... 89c Pillows, new feathers, good ticks, ea... 98c Wool Bats for quilts, 3 lbs, size .................... 89c Cotton Bats for quilts, good clean grade.. . 39c Boys' Heavy Work Shoes, sizes to 6, only.. $1.49 Boys' and Girls' Long Ribbed Hose....... .... 10c Men's Union Suits, heavy grade, special.. .... 49c , Winter Shirts for men f ggq "Anvil Brand", all kinds and all colors, plaids and solids COME WHILE THESE GOODS LAST. COLD WEATHER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. WE BOUGHT THESE GOODS R I GHT AND ARE PASSING ON THE SAVINGS TO YOU, 012-jtc-O26 j

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