PAGE TWO THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONJAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER I, 1939 Famous Strauss Collection Now In Library Of Congress i A, it If i 1 ll.r :.: (The ivllowinj article from the jewi-h .daily. "Howard", urli,hod ; in New York, ha.- been tranlatfd ; lor . Ti.e Frar.'i:::. ,i'rc- by Mr. , Jack Sax:dcr,--- Franklin, a native ' of Northern K '.lrr.arita. The article t is iK t . n'.y interest.:;.; f .t :t. news ; alue. but if t::i;cy in rccrdin.: j one of the traptc ir.c: U-nt that i ha- . marked Xai dvjn::'.a::-.-rs. in : Aa'stria. KJ i;. there was reported in t!i: New l:k ia;-tr,s a piece of; news .ut of Vienna. Austria. It j .sa- the &nr.-:-ur.ct;Mc:it by the Nazi jo.trrimen: -:: :e:;na. that all the al::ab!e ;:..; erty v: Johanr. I had been c.. :i treated, a-: e.i a- i t..e "r-.'.valty - rights ' hi- v,.. rk-, j a:.d :iia:: thv.-v wtuld, fri.jn now-J t;i. be considered the proj-erty of; the. state. ' . ! Ji'hai.n tra-Js. il. known all1 vc-r the w.-ld as the "Waltz ' h::ij", ' wa-' :':.e-s-n vt the lanH'U- c :np'e'r. J--hann St-auss. He died J"".. lea.i:; his j..r:ut.c to y.riu r. Alice M ; 2 n t r S:rau--; and the :nc(me t t - :r. 'in iii- ,. ;;.u-iC. to w a .-e lna.ien i.vr.t ( !.h, jf' lev. i-i: ; ami -t hii-Land Ua- al alt:.'" iiuh ' in km i So".ji-- -. . ia:.-. li;- '.-.a- a butiker. aJ. 1 hi- nati' nanf. :- kn ' lii- .. - death -.:iit ..tar- ajo. the daughter alio i;.hi r;:td the realties f.roiu ins H'jrk-. which tc ihi- day sell jn t..e th .u-and- uf cviie. Fortune From Royalties The v:d ,w. Adele i 'eich Strau-s, had a:na--ed a j-Ti-ai f--.r:une irum the time ii' iier her ia-t years .she ; r'r'jiii everywhere ; had any relation ; lu-band's hie and work. She used t-j say that she; wanted to leave all this reat col- i lection to the city of .Vienna, to j e-tabhsh a nm-eum tv the memory j of her husband. ' The daughter, Alice, who is now i 64 years !. knew what would be.- i cume of the beautiful art trca-ure j in .Vienna after the trade "An- I t iiu-" (alliance) with Nazi Ger many, ' and felt that I't-rhajis she should not fulfill her Jewish moth er's wish by relinquishing this great c 'Mecti'm of mu-i.e and antiques to the city of Vienna and the Nazi-. She .applied t the Nazi govern -ir.ent to be recognized as an Aryan, but they denied her. Then she be 'i.:ui to h'ok around for a home for thi unu-ual treasure. The collec li'n contains l.lXJ masterpieces, some of historical, as well as mu- the his w a- tne tiit'Sf r'ya.tie- dealh. I Miriii' had c: Sleeted f. er t..i.ii' . tru.: t-j her t-reat -ical a!ue. The entire evolution of the lV;h century can be traced irom -..:ne of the' titles of these sheets. The de el opment of many technical inventi'ins, mechan ical devices for the convenience of everyday hie, the' steam engine, the r.ulruad, the political aspirations of the ; eople of the last century all thtse have inspired the names of many :' the "j olkas'', ''quadrilles", !'marche" and "walto" of the "Waltz Kinj:".. Library Acquire Treasure r own. Library of -Cc.ii.ure which really means our jjovernment -.'.a-' able to. acquire, jthis musical treasure to add to it ina-iiiiitcnt . oilectioii just before the tray.ic an nexati n of Austria. When the Nazis discovered that '.his collection had been :ent out ci the country.' .their entire hate itself towards this Jew-i-h .-tej-daiiuhter of Johann Straus-. They confiscated all her '." and nht- to royalties that v.tte Till in her possession. It wa- l)r. Harold Spiwack, head i ttie musical department o-f ti.e Library of t'onre-s, a Jew, who kticw oi t at- collection and wh-) eo.m:: rn ted the purchase. Ti.e l.iljtarv nail ajrt-auy acquired works ni o.hann Mrau-s. the elder, and Ldoard and Josef Straus, erv of the "Waltz King". . In hi- report to the library ad nii.astrattori. I.'r. Siiwa'k called at tirntioii to the historical, as, well as :uu:cal ahte of this collection, and to the fact that many of the compositions have. American and English themes, and are .seldom heard in this country. The Columbia Broadca-ting com pany is uri m,j a- sert-e- of concerts ' sinu' many of these compositions, played by the Columbia .Symphony 'Jrc'he-tra under the direction of Howard Harlow. Thus, many music 'overs are now enjoying this music. 1940 ChevroletsMake Their Bow Electric Lights Must Be Properly Located I'.lectricity is a blessing to farm people when properly used, but bri-ht liuhts' improperly located an 1 s'.aJed can cause as much damage to eyesitht as the dim lihtir: cf the oil lamps, says D. E. . rural electrification of the State college exten ds '-r. '-ervire. It is especially im portant that proper lighting be ha ! fr reading, sewing, and other activates that require close seeing, he said. One of the chief enemies (A good likhtin' U glare. It injures the eye, st T. . .1 .-' NwWl. ... ". ... . "o ii .-.,i. V ',.; v . ' ..-!?--;. J: Motorists Must Dim Lights, Says the Law The last legislature made it man datory for motorists to dim their lights when approaching another vchiile. ' . It stems' that motorists would practice this as a courtesy, and not ha-.e to wait for a law V force them into it. "1 o unto others ast yen would have them do unto you," should be every 'motorist's slogan. In the future all motorists fail ing to dun their lights, or travel ing in cars with only one tag will be arrested, it has been announced by headquarters of the state high way patrol. Bryant Furniture Co. M EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME AT REASONABLE PRICES . DU.i. inft Franklin. N. C. mim 'W"""11 ' ' ' ''iii ira MBI'1',IMI1aMUlMHW Three aeriea of puaenger ears, r-deliied In the new "Royal Clipper" styling, and am bodying niuneroaa mecAaalcsJ unproTftmaota to aarar greater safety and comfort as well a finer performance, comprise Cherro let'i new line for 1M0, bitrodvced today. AO sertea are mach larger, orer all length being is creased 1 incaea. Tha new exehudre racnnra power shift (lower left) Is now regular exjuinment oa all models of al series at no extra cost. Special De Lue series, the Sport Sedan of which Jeyshowa at center, has a new T-apoke steering wheal with horn-blowing rag (upper right). Lower right, the 1940 Chwrrelet six-cylinder ralTe-in-head engine, which has been ImproTed ftir smoother, quieter operation, and extremely long ftfiV. increases ' fatigue, affects the ner vous system, distracts' attention, and lowers speed at which the eye operates,' the specialist declared. He lists four types of glare most prevalent in homes: (1) Direct glare which comes from unshaded or insufficiently shaded lamps which shine directly in the eyes. The common - practice of using bare lamps is bad. Light from a bare lamp is never an aid to vision, as well as being ugly. (2) Reflected glare occurs when an undiffused light, falls on a bright and glossy surface and i reflected into the eyes. The reac tion is identical with that of di rect glare. (J) Clare by contrast, which is caused , by high intensity against dark backgrounds. (4) Glare by volume. An Un shaded electric lamp is too bril liant to look at comfortably. All light fixtures and portable lamps .-.hould be well shaded to eliminate glare and shadows. Lamps of suf ficient wattage should be used so that there is enough light for one to see clearly without eye strain. "According to its use, electric lighting may be helpful or harm ful," Jones emphasized, MOLASSES By adding another pan to his equipment, H. P. Nicholson of the Little River section in Transyl vania county could produce about 150 gallons of molasses cj-aily, BEEF CATTLE After nine Hereford beef cattle were brought into Harnett county three weeks" ago Tot demonstration purposes, a large number of farm ers have indicated a serious inter est in. beef cattle production. I I F1RFIF? F U F F ? I -1 all s. ailsWJ ILad O all ii i JLLtfd Jl-i O B1j01lO)(3lin)(DDinig TOE OPENING of the NantahaEa Craft Craft Shop A. W. REID, Owner Intersection of Highways 285 and 23 FRANKLIN, N. C. UNDER MANAGEMENT OF PARK W; FISHER . Formerly With John Adams, Cabinet Makers, Atlanta, Ga.; Hindman Settlement School, Hindman, Ky.; The Craftsman, Southern Pines, N. C; John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, N. C; NYA Shop, Murphy, N. C. Manufacture and sale of all kinds of Crafts, Favors and Novelties PROMPT SERVICE FOR SPECIAL ORDERS We Also Do Upholstering SEE OUR LINE OF SAMPLES US) ITS K-SL AN EVENT OF THE YEAR! On Saturday, December 30, at 3:30 p. m., at Our Store, WE Will Give Away Absolutely FREE, the Following Articles: r-'l""""'""'" uuaMj..guuui.i.iiijlii.uiM THREE-PIECE, OVERSTUFFED LIVING ROOM SUITE, SIMILAR TO THE ONE SHOWN ABOVE, WILL BE GIVEN FREE SATURDAY, DEC. 30. 1st Living Room Suite 2nd Bed Room Suite 3rd Coil Steel Spring 4th Cotton Felt Mattress 5th Chaise Lounge 6th Rocker 7th Lamp 8th End Eable JS1:PJlECE' MAPLE BED ROOM SUITE CONSISTING OF BED. CHEST AND VAM1TV ciwit ad ta nur eunwu ABOVE. MAY BE EXCHANGED FOR BORAX SUITE. lei o I jsa aaaaaajaasa, WtllwMtaTMHlaMMiajjaji ' ' Juj, Gall at our store and we will tell you all about our great free offer SIiE THESE PRIZES IN OUR WINDOW HEADQUARTERS FOR Stoves, Ranges, Westinghouse Refrigerators, Kerosene Electrolux Refrigerators, Maytag and Easy Washing Machines,, Philco Radios, Bed Room, Living Room, and Dining Room Suites,' Kitchen Cabinets, Breakfast Room Suites. All kinds of Floor Covering, Wool Rugs, Congoleum Rugs, Printed,. Inlaid Linoleum, Odd Dressers Wardrobes Cedar Chests, Tables, Chairs, and all, kinds of luggage. The. Simmons Beautyrest Mattresses, Bed Springs, Felt Mattresses In fact everything for the home modernly priced and easy terms. We handle the famous Automatic Wood Heaters with thermostatic draft c ocn t r o I , which means perfect fire control and a saving of one-half in fuel. Models to fit price range or need REMEMBER THE DATE . . . . ... . . ". SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, AT 3:30 P, M. We Carry Everything for the Home . . . Easy Terms ran nrar nnt-an nrs Da v Phone 106-Nite Phone 20 1' WAV n ' , U U J I Ml "I O, U 1 Xt-Vfi iuu u iruuj u lie1 FRANKLIN, N. C.