PAGE SIX THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON I AN THURSDAY, NOV. 9, 1939 Girl Scouts Presented With Key To New Scout House By MRS. CHARLES MELICHAR Troop Leader The (iirl Scouts of Franklin were formally presented with the key to their . scout house on .Sun tla'y afternoon by the Ktv. Frank Jlloxliam when they attended in a 'body a special sen ice held at St.' Agnes Episcopal church. The presentation of the key was t.he culmination of efforts on the part of -Mr. liloxham and S-t 1 1 e r J-'ranklin citizens tu give the more than 30 t i r Is a place for meeting, working and playing that they could call their own. 1:, Ins talk to'the girls Air. lilox ham called them to fhe duties: duty to Ciod, to country, to their community, to huine and to them selves. The Christian religion, he explained, is really one simple thingLove, "If you love God, you have no desire to do the things that displease' I liin." t. in turn-he explained the .other duties and the way- in which each smaller duty was a part of the larger one, and that only through love of Ciod and the desire to do Jlis will would ihey find the greatest success in their lives. Those responsible for the new Inuse, in addition to Mr. iJloxham, who planned and supervised the project, are the following generous donors: Zickgraf ' Hardwood com pany, .Macon- County -Supply com pany, Macon Furniture company, Franklin Hardware company, Bry ant Furniture company, Franklin Kotary Club, Franklin Lions Club, Mrs. Ciordon Moore, Bert Slagle, Carl ' Slagle, ; Joe Dowdlc, lohn Archer, L. II. Page, Mrs. Mark Uowdle, Mrs. Sally Moore, J. S. Thorpe, Rev. I. L.. Roberts, and the Boy Scouts. To these and to the C iirl Scout committee, Mrs. II. 1-2. Church, chairman ; Mrs. Gordon Moore, Mrs. Zeb Conley, Mrs. Joe Dowdle; also Mrs. John Wasilik, who has worked With them, the' Girl Scouts say "Thank You." Among these gifts have been an old house from Rainbo.w Springs, tearing down and hauling of the material, new lumber, windows, linoleum, stove, donations ranging from $10 to $25, the site for the house, personal gift of installation and electric current, also curtains and other furnishings. To this must be added labor given by many. Burley Referendum Set For November 21 The date for a refrendum ' in which 'burley tobacco farmers will vole on., marketing quotas for the 111U burley crop is set for Tues day, November 21. Any person is eligible to vote who as a bonafide owner, or oper ator, tenant or share-cropper re ceives a share of the proceeds of the 1939 burley tobacco crop, or any . person who planted burley in 1939 and due to reasons beyond his control, did not harvest any tobacco from the acreage. The voting place for Macon county will be at the Agricultural building. A meeting of all burley tobac co growers for the county will be held in the Agricultural building at 1(1 o'clock Tuesday morning, November 21, at which time an explanation of the proposed Bur ley Tobacco Control program will be given. It is important that every clgi'ble person attend this meeting so that a thorough under standing may be obtained of the 19UI- Burley program. After the facts of the program have been obtained at this meeting it is very important that every eligible farm er vote. Come to the meeting, get the facts, and then vote in the referendum. As the World Turns Baptist Church Items Continuing the "Church Loyalty Crusade," the . pastor, Rev. C. F. Rogers, will preach . Sunday morn ing -on "The Christain and his Re sponsibility" and at night, 7:30, the third message on the "Lords Prayr er," the theme .being, "Thy King dom Come." Does, thi refer to the Kingdom of God, or . the Kingdom of Heaven? Are they the same or are they different, will be discussed in the light of prophecy and pres ent day conditions. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. and B. T. (J. and the Brotherhood meetings at 6:30 p. m. Our -Bap-list Orphanages and their work will be discussed in the Brother hood meeting. Next week will be B. T. U. week on our church calendar of activities. Our- 29. groups of workers, three on each group, are contacting every resident member of our church as rapidly as possible and every mem ber is urged - as far as is possible to be with us in worship Sunday morning. John Dills, under sheriff of Macon county is a patient in the hospital after having undergone a minor operation. His condition is satisfactory. (Continued From Papa One) Amcrican-frurtiss . pursuit plane's last Monday in what was stated to be the biggest air battle thus far on the western front. iNine French planes clashed with 27 German planes, and the French (planes re turned without 'losses, the French high command reported. PENSION PLANS DEFEATED The old age pension schemes voted on in Ohio and California last Tuesday, were overwhelmingly defeated. Rep. Doughton of N. C, chairman of the ways and means committee said yesterday "I be lieve a rejection of the "ham and eg8" pension plan in California will remove , much of the pressure on Congress for the equally im practical Townsend plan. GAME SUIT ARGUED The legal battle . between the U. S. and the state of N. C. for control of deer in Pisgah forest was ended in Asheville yesterday before Judge Meekins of the U.S. district court. The case involves the question of state or federal authority in control of the game in the forest. 1 FOREST FIRES Hundreds are fighting forest fires throughout the timber sections of western North Carolina,! while the weather bureau sees no immediate hope of rain to relieve the drought. One fire in the Blue Valley sec tion of Macon county is under con trol and a Cowee fire has been extinguished. Clark's Chapel Box Supper Successful Approximately $25.00 was realiz ed from the box supper held at the Clark's Chanel school house on Saturday night. Mrs. Lola S. Kiser and Mrs. Fred Arnold, teachers in that com munity, want to thank the natrons and friends', who were so loyal in their support. Georue Mallonee for his untiring effort in auctioning the sale;- JJr, Furman Corbin, , F.. J. Carpenter, St. Clair Anderson and Dean Carpenter for the spe cial string music rendered through out the. eveniner. Everything i gratefclly appreciated. ADDITIONAL FRANKLIN SOCIAL ITEMS METHODIST W. M. S. TO GIVE TURKEY DINNER On Wednesday evening, Novem ber 15, beginning at (5:30 o'clock, the ladies of the Missionary So ciety of the Franklin Methodist church, will give a turkey dinner in the basement of the church. The proceeds will be used for the bene fit of the society. The public is invited to attend and help with this worthy cause. U. D. C. TO MEET WITH MISS LILY RANKIN The Macon County Chapter of the United Daughters of Confeder acy will meet on Monday after noon, November 13, at 3 o'clock at the home of Miss Lily Rankin on Riverview street. All members are requested to attend. Mrs. Margaret Ordway attended the NYA craft exhibit and tea sponsored by the Federation of Women's Clubs is Asheville last Monday. Iotla By MRS. D. M. ROWLAND Prayer1 services were held on last Saturday night at the home of M rs. Rozzell Fouts. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rowland have been spending .some time with Mrs. Tom Urennon, of Burningtown. Mrs. Drennon . has been seriously ill with pneumonia, but is slowly recovering at this time. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Honeyciitt have moved to Brevard, where he has employment. . " Misses Annie Mae Duckett and Isabelle Roper left Monday for a few days', visit with relatives in Asheville. Mr. and Mr. Ralph Fouts and Marshall Fouts motored to Stiles Sunday afternoon. ' Miss Jennie Roper returned to her home Tuesday after spending some . time with her sister-in-law on Jacobs Branch, who has been seriously ill. Albert Fouts, who is employed at Spruce Pine, spent the week end with home folks here. ' We are glad to report VMrs. Dock Sheppard able to be out again after .several days' illness. Harold Fouts made a business trip to Brevard Monday. ' Fred Welch, of the Burning- town . section, has been visiting relatives in this community. W 1 1 1 1 ( 1. .. .. 3 nas UCClf UII MIC i sick list for the past few weeks. WHAT HAVE YOU? IlMVE WHAT? Winter Apparel ! Yes, Ashear's have anything you want, and the price is always right. Good merchandise, too. "STAR BRAND" SHOES AND BOOTS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN The famous "Wolverine Shell Horse Hide" Shoes and Boots. Money can't buy better foot wear.. Ask the men who wear them. i Price $2.98 and up UNDERWEAR, "HANES' ALL-AMERICAN" For Men, Union suits '.. 50c, 75c and up For Boys and Girls, Union suits .. 45c and up For Ladies, shirt and pants. 25c For Ladies, Bloomers, heavy silk stripe 19c lup SWEATERS, TWINS, ZIPPER, BUTTON All colors, Blues, Plaids, and Colors For Children 29c, 50c up to 98c For Men .. 89c to $3.75 For Ladies, bargain.... 98c, $1.49, $1.98 to $3.75 HERE IS THE BEST PLACE TO BUY LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS I MADE A PURCHASE AND SAVED NOW THE SAVING IS GOING TO YOU Ladies' Coat Special $4.95 and $5.98 value $3.98 REAL BUY IN BETTER COATS $10.95 and $12.50 value NOW $8.95 and , $9.95 Children's all wool coats, $4.98 value, real good size to 14 $3.98 Ladies' Rayon Dress, $1.98 value $1.49 BLANKETS U. S. ALL WOOL First time we have had them in 10 years, real heavy while they last, each $2.00 Men's Coats And Jackets You will find leather, suedes, meltons and plaids, loads of them, quality and price to please you Bring us your want list. We have what you want. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE JJosepIi Asliear "We Clothe the Family" SO HERE GOES OUR FURNITURE SPECIALS AND FREE GOODS OFFER FOR ANOTHER MONTH Make Your Home Happy For Winter With more time being spent indoors you will want your home to be truly inviting. Nothing can give your home a brighter, cheerier outlook than proper furnishings. 9x12 LINOLEUM RUG GIVEN FREE WITH THIS DINING ROOM SUITE jl 1 9x12 LINOLEUM RUG GIVEN FREE WITH THIS THREE PIECE MAPLE BEDROOM SUITE Jing u PaSt montns we have given away free hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise and at the same time have given our customers the advantage of tremendous savings in every article bought from us. We were fortunate in having on hand a large stock of furniture, which we bought before there was any advance in prices, and we are saving you money on every article bought from us while we are running these specials. Prir f.ll n A - o A . : w vmm m m am w a aa g ui laat market, but we are offering goods bought at OLD prices, and giving our customers the savings. SET OF DISHES OR RUG FREE WITH EACH RANGE TABLE OR RUG FREE .WITH EACH Living Room Suite ONE TABLE FREE WITH EACH RCA Victor Radio SET OF DISHES OR RUG FREE WITH EACH KITCHEN CABINET ij TABLE OR RUG FREE wrnrEACH STUDIO COUCH Macon Fmraitriire Comp 9x12 Linoleum Rug FREE WITH EACH BEDROOM SUITE amy, Inc PJionc 15 Four Oedit is Good With Us Franklin, N. C.

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