PAGE SIX THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY, NOV. 16, 1939 Funeral Held Sunday For Miss Henrietta Lewis .Final rites for Miss Henrietta Ccorgia Lewis, 77, were held mi Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, at ' the home of her .nephew, Ted tiillespie two miles west of Frank lin r,n the Murphy road. The Rev. J. C. Swain, pastor of the Macon circuit, was in charge of the serv ices. Interment was in the Frank lin cemetery. Miss Lewis, who had been in ill health , for the past two years, died on Saturday morning at 5 o'clock. She was the daughter of the late Thomas and Altliea Lewis. She was born November 5, 1862, and was a life-long resident of M cn county. The pallbearers were: Frnest Wallace, Chunk Leatherwood, Hen ry Waldroop, (icorge Mflicc, Clif ford l)owdle and (iihner Waldroop. Surviving are 'one son, . James I'. Lewis, (if Oregon; one sister, Mrs. Charlie Recce, of Franklin; one brother, John Lewis, of Canton; and a large, connection of close relatives.' Union School Library Given 71 Volumes Mrs. ,, W. L. Corbin of Union school reports that the school has received a gift of 71 boiks, in cluding an encyclopedia and dic tionary, from Mrs. Angie W. Cox, Walworth, Wis. This is another ex ample of Mrs. Cox' benefactions to the libraries of Macon county., and the generous donation is ac knowledged with appreciation. Mrs. DeWeese Passes At Iotla Saturday Afternoon Horse Shoe Bend Announcement has been made of the marriage of EdgOr Oliver to Miss Margaret Tice, both of the Iotla section. The marriage, cere mony took place in Clayton, Ga., on Sunday, September 3. Mr. Oliver is the son of Mr. Bert Oliver, while Mrs. Oliver is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tice. Mr, and Kirs. Oliver are making their home at Iotla. " J. . K. Conley and family are moving from the Iotla section to Cullasaja. We are very sorry that they arc leaving our community. The guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hall Sunday, November 5 were, Charlie, Lucy, Werner Hall, and Hubert Henderson, all of Lake Toxaway, and Mr. and Mrs. James Watts, of Franklin. Mrs. Harley Reynolds . has been very ill for the past few months. We arc very sorry to hear that Mrs. J. B. Collins is very ill. Mrs. Margaret Lucinda DeWeese, 61, died at her home in the Iotla section . Saturday afternoon about 5:3U o'clock from a sudden, heart attack. She was apparently in good health and. was preparing supper for the family when she was stricken. She was found dead on the floor by one of her sons when lie returned from doing his eve ning chores. Mrs. DeWeese was' a member of the Iotla Baptist chinch. She was the former Miss Margaret Lucinda Wilkes and 42 years ago was mar ried to Joseph .Manuel DeWeese, who died on July 11, 1939. Funeral services were held Mon day morning at 11 o'clock at the Iotla Baptist church. The Rev. R. F. Mayberry, pastor, assisted by the Rev. Robert L. I'oindexter, a Methodist minister of the iotla community, were in charge of the services. Interment was in the church cemetery. The pallbearers were: John Campbell, Gene Tallent, Algie Guver, Joe Tallent, Coleman Camp bell, and Howard Willis. Surviving are eight children: Mrs. Norman Kvans, Mrs. Clyde Hughes, Weymer, Charlotte, and Cornell DeWeese, . of Franklin, Route 3, Mrs. Fred Evans, of Enka, Malcolm DeWeese and Mrs. George Moore, of Belmont; one sister, Mrs. Rachel WillU, of Franklin Routt 3; two brothers, I. I-". Wilkes, of Franklin Route 3, and W. C. Wilkes, of Franklin, and 17 grandchildren. ADDITIONAL FRANKLIN SOCIAL ITEMS ZACHARY-CLARK Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Zachary, of Franklin, have announced the mar riage of their daughter,' Miss An nie Ruth Zachary, of Franklin, to Arnold Clark, of West's 'Mill. The wedding ceremony was sol emnized in Clayton, Ga on Sun day, October 15, with R. C. Kame.v, probate judge, officiating. Mrs. Clark was attired in a beautiful Royal blue knit suit with matching accessories. Mr. Clark is the son of 1). L.' Clark and the late Mrs, Clark, of West's Mill, and has been employ ed by the Mineral Products com pany iii Franklin for the past two years. Mr. and Mrs.-Clark are now re siding in Franklin. ' J. M. Underwood, 75, Dies Friday Night x James M, Underwood, 75, died after an illness of two months at his home in the Mulberry section on Friday night. A native of Georgia, he moved to Macon coun ty two years ago. He was a farm er and a blacksmith. Surviving are seven daughters: Mrs. Doris Birch, Mrs. Ida Ander son, and Mrs. Mary Murphv, all of Georgia; Mrs. Sally Brysoii and Mrs. Flora Bryson, of Jackson county; Mrs. Georgia Franks, of Transylvania county, and ' Mrs. Bradshaw, of Macon county; arid four sons, Vance of Jackson coun ty; Wayne and Elijah of Macon county, and Sherman of Georgia. Funeral services were held at the Mulberry Baptist church at 10 I o'clock Sunday morning with -the f Rev. J.. L Vinson officiating. Bur- i ial was in the church cemeterv. I Baptist Church Items "Church Loyalty Crusade" con tinues in interest in the ' Baptist church. Nearly two-thirds of the resident membership of the church attended at least one service on last Sunday, and over one-half the ! resident members .attended both : morning and night services. Sunday, the pasUrf, Rev. C. 1' Roners, will preach his fourth scr ies in this Crusade, at 11 a. m. on "The Christian and His Bible" and at 7:30 p. in., a portion of the Lord's l'rayer "Thy Will .Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven." Bible school meets at 9:45 a. m. and Brotherhood and B. T, U, at 6:30 p. m. Baptist state convention con vene, in Winston-Salem next week, Tuesday through Thursday,, in First Baptist church. Missionary meetings will be held next week at their usual .time and places. Numbers of our members are donating Baptist hymnals to the church and thus assisting the church in purchasing new hymn books. Others who desire to do so, or to purchase for their home use, may notify the pastor or fi nance committee, by Sunday, as we hope to secure them .soon. The price is 75' cents each. land owner .before building a camp fire, and be .sure it is a legal camp fire. ... According to North Carolina law, "any person, who1 shall kindle a c'ampfire or shall authorize an other to kindle- such fire, unless all' combustible materials fr.r the space of 10 feet surrounding the place where such fire is kindled has been removed; or shall leave a campfirc without fully extinguish ing it, or in any manner whatever start any fire -upon any grassland, brushlaiul or woodland, without fully extinguishing the same, shall be guilty of a 'misdemeanor," and upon conviction, shall be . punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days. Sec. 4311 Con solidated Statutes. Otto Warning Given To Campers And Hunters Owing to the extreme dryness of the forest, all persons are warn ed not to throw down lighted matches or cigarette stubs or to ' knock the ashes from pipes while I in the woods or fields. Also be sure to have a permit from the j By JOSEPHINE BRADLEY Miss Roberta Henson cutc'i tabl ed a group of her friends Satur day night, November 11, at her home. Those present were: Berime and Roberta -McDowell, Josephine and Lolis Bradley, Edith Cuuning ! ham, Ruth Cabe, Margaret Cor- bin, Edna Ramey, Blanche Keener, j Hazel Seagie, Joe Keener, Nat I Bloom, Max l'arrish, Robert Cun ningham, J. B. Brock, Alex -Wool en,' Don Cabe, Junior McDowell, Ferry Corbin, Jr.t and Giluiei" lien son. At the end of. the evening delicious refreshments were served by" the hostess. Those visiting Miss Louise Hold eh recently were John Henry Hyatt, of McCormick, S. C. ; Mr. and. Mrs. G. L, Slatton and Rev. W.. A. Salson, of Anderson, S. C. The H. D. C. met November 13 at "the Otto schoolhouse. There were 14 member. present. Also the Ladies' Aid met Saturday, No vember 11. at the schoolluiise. As the World Turns Bethel The Woman's Missionary Society met with Mrs. Boise Hall last Thursday.-A large crowd was pres ent and officers were elected for the coming year. Mrs. Jerry Love, who has been confined to her bed with influenza, is improv ing. . Mr. and Mrs. Boise Hall spent the week-end in Canton visiting friends and relatives. Rev. H. S. Williams will fill his appointment at Bethel Sunday night, November 19. We are glad to report Charlie Fulton has returned home after receiving treatment at Angel hos pital, ' Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Henderson have completed their new home at Cullasaja. (Continued From Page One) ton" that President Roosevelt will go to Ashcv ille on November 28, on his return trip from Warm Springs, to. visit his secretary, .Marvin Mdntyre, who has been ill nearly a year, it was aiinitinced at the white house today. ARMISTICE DAY The 21st anniversary of the end of the World War was celebrated on November 11, chiefly with prayer.-services throughout, the nation. President. Roosevelt, attended the wreath-laying ceremony at the un known' soldier's grave at Arling ton. CAMPLING RACKET ENDED -Millionaire Publisher Anncnberg has announced that he would "vol untarily" discontinue his illegal rac ing news wire .service to gambling house's all over the United States. 'This was "a clear cut victory for the' department of .justice" in end ing "the biggest racket in the country." ' . ' KUHN CASE The trial of l;iitz Kiihn, German. Bund leader in New York, for embezzlement of Bund funds con tinues with evidence to show that liis business affairs, are sadly, mix ed with alfairs of the heart. His defense claims he is "fuehrer" of the Bund and can spend the mo ney as he desires. - AL CAPONE FREE Al Capone, No. 1 racketeer of the 20's, will be released from prison Sunday after serving seven and a half years of an 11 -year sentence for tax evasion, Suffering from mental and phys ical disease, the place of his re lease will be kept secret by gov ernment officials. . ' ' SMITH SENTENCED IN LOUISIANA COURT Dr. James Monroe Smith, for mer President of L. S. U., pleaded guilty to three charges of forgery and of obtaining money under false pretenses, and received sentences this week stretching 8 to 24 years in the Louisiana penitentiary. This is in addition to sentences in fed eral court. FATAL BLAZE IN S. A. More than l.O(X) people were burned to death in Venezuela Tues day when their homes, built on .stilts over an oil coated . lake, caught fire from the blazing oil. Red Cross, Boy Scouts and Ro tary Club took care of survivors. FOREST FIRES Major forest fires in the Ashe ville area threatened Craggy Gardens this week as federal and state forest services threw hun dreds of men into the fight. .The drought, in its seventh week, continued. , CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for the kindness and sym pathy shown us through the ill ness and death of our husband and father, also for the beautiful floral offering. ' MRS. JOSEPH MORGAN AND FAMILY. Classified Advertisements FOR RENT . Furnished and heated bedroom on Harrison avc nut. Close in. Apply Press Office. I FOR RENT J, E. Lancaster I home place on Kivervievv street. ' For information, see H. W. C;itc, I at Bank of Franklin. 2tp FOR RENT-r-House on River view street. For particulars write oM is. Moody Bolick,. 5619 4th St., South Arlington, Va. N9 2tp N16 FOR RENT ThT house on Palmer street, known as the J. R. Pendergrass place. O. C. Bryant S14 tfc V I LL PAY STRAIGHT SALARY $35.00 per week, man or woman with auto, sell Egg Producer to Farm ers. Eureka Mfg. Co., East St. Louis, 111. ltp FOR SALE Flowers for any oc casion. Prompt service. Prices very reasonable. Sylva Flower Shop, Mrs. Painter, Prop., Phone 6, Sylva, N. C. 012-tfc FOR SALE Farmall-12, with plow, disk, cultivating tools, and eight foot mowing equipment, $650. Used for one season Jack H. Wilcox, Billy Cabin Farm, High lands, N. C. 2tp - BARGAINS! New and good used watches any make. Grover Jamison, Jeweler. N9-4tc-N30 Pre-Holiday Specials In Furnishing SET vOF DISHES GIVEN FREE WITH EACH RANGE Our store is packed with fine furniture, every thing from odd pieces to complete furnishings for your home. We invite you to come in and inspect our stock, and let us explain how easy it is for you to buy your needs here on our liberal credit plan. Think of furniture as gifts for Christmas. Nothing could be more appro priate, besides the convenience of the credit ve offer you and also the FREE merchandise we are giving. Come in and "bargain" with us we like to "trade". pWWIWIUyW lliyillMWI 9x12 LINOLEUM RUG GIVEN FREE WITH EACH BEDROOM SUITE During the past months we have given away free hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise and at the same time have given our customers the advantage of tremendous savings in every article bought froin us. We were fortunate in having on hand a large stock of furniture, which we bought before there was any advance in prices, and we are saving you money on every article bought from us while we are running these specials. Prices are still advancing in the market, but we are of fering goods bought at OLD prices, and giving our customers, the savings. SET OF DISHES OR RUG FREE WITH EACH RANGE TABLE OR RUG FREE WITH EACH Living Room Suite ONE TABLE FREE WITH EACH RCA Victor Radio SET OF DISHES OR RUG FREE WITH EACH KITCHEN CABINET TABLE OR RUG FREE WITH EACH STUDIO COUCH 9x12 Linoleum Rug FREE WITH EACH BEDROOM SUITE Plione 15tt Macon Foroitore Company, Inc. Your Credit is Good With Us Franklin, IV. C.

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