THURSDAY, DEC. 7, 1939 I- THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PAGE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER S. CONLEY, PHONE 104 CONLEY-REYNOLDS Mr. ami Mrs. George K. Conley,' ' of Franklin Route 1, have an nounced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Rebecca Conley,- to Dan R. Reynolds, of West's Mill, Macon county, and of Dee, Ore. The wedding ceremony was per formed on Monday, November 27, at 1 :30 o'clock in Clayton, Cia., with R. C. Ramey, probate judge, offi ciating. ' The bride was attired in a beau tiful teal blue wool dress, with black accessories. . 'Mrs. Reynolds, who is the old daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Conley, is a graduate of the Frank lin high school and of the Frank lin commercial school. Mr. Reynolds is the son of Mrs. Mamie Reynolds, of West's Mill. For the past two years he has been employed with the Oregon Lumber company in Jeet Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds were ac companied to Clayton by 'Mrs. Frank J. Murray and Mrs. Charlie Uradley, close relatives of the groom. They are now making their home with the bride', aunt and uncle, Mr.' and Mrs. Adolph Zoellner, of Franklin Route 1. U. D. C. TO MEET WITH MRS. CHURCH The Macon County Chapter of the. United Daughters rf tkmfcd eracy will meet on Monday ayi'r noon at 3 o'clock at the homJ of Mrs. Herbert E. Church, ml the Orlando apartments on Harrison avenue, for the regular monthly meeting. Each member is asked to bring a Christinas package which will he numbered and drawn by the mem bers. All members are requested to attend. GORDEN CLUB HOLDS MEETING AT ROCK HAVEN Mrs. 1. T. l'eek, Mrs. Walter K. Furr and Mrs. A. R. Jiigdou were hostesses to the' Franklin Garden ' club on Monday afternoon at Rock Haven, the Ik-iih- of Mrs. Feek, . for its regular iiimniily business and social meeting, l here were ap proximately Is members present. The Feek home artistically decorated with yuietide wreaths, candles and bells, a lighted Christ mas tree and the .atiwty scene in the huge fireplace. The dining room table and the bullet were decorated with snow scenes and greenery, furthering . the yuietide festivities. Mrs. Charles Melichar, president, presided over the business 'session. Following the reading of the min utes, the . roll call and the secre tary's report, a committee consist ing of Mrs. A. R. Higdon, chair man; Mrs. R. M. Riininer, Mrs. J. S. Sloan and Mrs. W. A. Rogers, was appointed to contact the var ious clubs and organizations in Franklin and Macon county to formulate financial plans for the community building that is being planned. A round table discussion was held on the bookmobile for Macon county, but was tabled for further discussion. Mrs. Ben W. Woodruff spoke on the "Christmas I )ccorations, the Tree, House and Table," giving many simple as well as elaborate 1 suggestions on the yuietide deco rations. Mrs. 1. T. Peck was winner of the prize for having the nicest wrapped package in the Christmas wrapping contest. The January meeting will be held with Mrs. R. M. Kimmer and Mrs. Frank Higdon, at the home of the former on Jiidwell street. Mrs. Frank Killian will have charge of the program and will use for her topic "Window Gard ens." The hostesses served a salad and .sweet course consisting of grape juice, chicken salad, cranberry sauce, cheese straws, star and Christmas tree shaped sandwiches, and gingerbread Santa Claus fruit cake. LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET MONDAY The American Legion Auxjliary will meet Monday evening, De cember 11, at 7:30, in the Amer ican Legion Hall. All members arc urged to lie present. BIRTHDAY DINNER FOR R. S. HALL, 87 Mrs. R. S. Hall, of Franklin Koiitc 3, entertained with a din ner Sunday, honoring her husband on his 87th birthday anniversary. A. delicious picnic, dinner ' was served and everyone present spent an enjoyable day. Those enjoying the hospitality of Mrs. Hall were: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Myers,- Mr. and Mrs. James Myers and sun, Charles Mr. and Mrs. James Watts, all of Franklin Route 3, and Mrs. Bryan M vers, of Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Bryan Myers, of Norfolk, Va., came in last week for a visit with Mr. Myers parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Myers, at their home on Franklin Route 3. Mrs. less Oliver, who has been spending several months with Mr. and Mrs. Lon Campbell, has re turned to' her home in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Smith, of Manchester, Tenn., were among the visitors here Tuesday. Mrs. Frank L. Henry, Jr., and son, Nick, of Cullowhee, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Henry's mother. Mrs. Eloise G. Franks, and other relatives. James Coman, of Marshall, for mer state highway patrolman for Macon county, was among the vis itors here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenwood, of Gainesville, Ga., spent the week end here with their aunt, Miss Lassie Kelly, at the Kelly Tea Room. Win ton Ferry, a student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, spent the Thanksgiv ing holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ferry, at their home on Harrison avenue. J. B. Matlock, of West's Mill, who underwent an operation at Angel hospital for the removal of his appendix, was reported to be getting along nicely the first of the week. . J. C. Dalrymple, of Cartooge chaye, left Saturday for Raleigh, where he plans to .spend, some time with his daughter, Mrs. Smith and Mr. Smith. Mrs. Charles Naruett and small daughter, of Davidson, spent the week-end with Mr.s. Nargett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Guf fee, at their home at West's Mill. Ed J. Carpenter attended the birthday banquet for Julian Price, president of the Jefferson Stan dard Life Insurance company, at the Jefferson County Club in Greeasboro last Friday night. Mr. Carpenter was one of the agents whose sales record entitled him to a trip to the meeting with all ex penses paid. He reports a most enjoyable trip. Harold Sloan, Jr., who is at tending Brevard college, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sloan, Sr. Miss Annie Slagle, of Cartooge chaye, has gone to Concord to spend several mouths with her niece, Mrs. C. K. Zachary and Mr. Zachary. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Justice have moved into the Ed Kinsland house on Franklin Route 4, the property which they recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Chandler, of Tallulah Lodge, Ga., spent the Pearl's Beauty Shop Special Rates For Christmas ON BOTH MACHINE AND MACHINELESS PERMANENTS So Lasting . And So Easy To Get We Specialize In Soft, Personalized Permanents For All Ages And For All Textures Of Hair TRY ONE AT A PRICE YOU CAN EASILY AFFORD Phone 120 Franklin, N. C. latter part of the week visiting Mrs. Chandler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jjhit H, Thomas, at their home on lotla street. t Miss -Margaret, Franks, who i teaching school in Kanuapolis, spent the Thanksgiving holidays here with her mother, Mrs. F.loise' G. Franks, Rev. and Mrs. J. A..' Flanagan and two children, Ann and John, spent several days in Columbia,' S. C, with relatives ;ind friends last week. i Mrs. Chace T.atham,.of Robbius ville, is. spending this week visit ing her parents, Mr. ami' -Mrs. Fred McGaha, at their home at West's Mill. ' Miss Amy Harrison, who has been spending several weeks with Mrs. I allies' Freeman in West Asheville, returned lo her liiine on Harrison avenue Sunday. Miss Nettie ' llurst received a incsagc '.idling of the .death ot her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ellis llurst, of Outlook, Mont. She died No vember Mi Ellis llurst is a native of Macon county and the son of the late Eb J hirst. Mr. and Mrs. Hunst, visited here in 1934. Mrs. J hirst has many relatives and friends in Macon county . who 'will regret to hear of her death. Misses Lola and Jessie Ramsey and Miss Ruth Byrd spent Friday in Asheville. Mrs. Henry T. Sharp, of Ashe ville. assistant area supervisor for 'Wl'A, has spent several days in town this week conferring .with Mrs. -Gilmer A. Jones, local super visor, in connecti .i with the open ing of the VV.PA ewing rooms in the Higdon building. Miss Nettie Hurst spent Thanks giving a.s the guest of Miss Kather- ine Anderson in Mars Hill. Mrs. Grace Manguni, whose niany friends always welcome her visits to her former home, spent the week-end ' in Franklin.- Her brief visit was occasioned by the sale of her home on 13 id well street to Carl P. Cube, who, with his family, will move in immediately. Mrs. Mangum was accompanied bv her brother and sister. Mr. and Mr,s. Early, of Jacksonville, Fla., with whom she now resides. No Dog Biscuit o'clock. Burial was in Green Hill Cemetery. West Asheville. Mr. Sorrells is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Alma Garrison, of Asheville; Mrs. Roy King, of Haines City, Fla.'; Miss Inez Sor rells, of Asheville, and Mrs. H. E, Patton, of West Asheville; live sons, J. C, of West's Mill; Emory md Edwin, of Asheville; Jack, of Haines . City, and Reiil, of Ashe ulle; one si,ster, Mrs. Ida McCoy, of Burnsville, anil 10 grandchildren. RECORD Present conditions indicate that a larger percentage, of Johnston county 4-H club boys will complete projects and submit records this year than ever before. Mary Deliruhl, a 4-H service" club member of Jones county, has, one of the best poultry flocks in her county, each hen paying above her upkeep through a good pro duction of eggs. Disaster almost came to Rolf, a German shepherd doe. when the Belgian government decreed that all large dogs must be destroyed to conserve food. , However. Rolf was shipped hurriedly to a new home in New York at a cost of $52. Rolf arrived with a "luggage left be hind" label on his neck. A near ' record consumption of cotton by American mills during the last three months has been announced by the U. S. census, bu reau, says -J. A. Shanklin, of State college. J. W. Sorrells Passes At West's Mill J. W. Sorrells, 7(1. formerly of Asheville, died Wednesday evening, November 20, at 7:30 o'clock at the home of his son, J. C, at West's 'Mill, as a result of a stroke of apoplexy which he suffered on the previous Friday'.- Mr. Sorrells, who made his home in Asheville for the greater part of his life, moved to Macon county to reside with his son three years ago. He was born at Marion, in McDowell county, the son of the1 late Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Sor rells, of Yancey county. He joined the Boreing Chapel Methodist church in Yancey county in 1890. In 1889 he was married to Miss Belle Briggs. Mr. Sorrells was a farmer. The body was-taken to the home of a daughter, Mrs. J. E. Patton, at 108 Craggy avenue, West Ashe ville, where the funeral services were held Friday morning at 11 Fun for Everyone IN THE NEW 5 & 10" STORE Toys, Games Dolls Galore! COME ONE! COME ALL! Every Child's Dream Come True Crying Mama Dolls, Trains, Drums, Horses, Tea Sets, Tractors, Wagons, Books, etc. GIFTS FOR THE GROWN UPS Candy, Christmas Cards, Tree Lights, Decorations Iiifoel net Reasonable Anywhere! NEW "ROYAL CUPPER" ITYUNO NEW EXCLUSIVE VACUUM-POWER SHIFT "THE LONGEST OF THE LOT horn front of arm to rw of body (Itt Mwd far 1940 U long of at low) plieti I"'"" 1 MWWW'IW:'1 I 111 II I HI tfei M rr?0 ,'Jmmm ww ftV Mill ; jTl I Hi UTiWiiri i Hi 1 0 lTi fl iiifc'k'ltfli'!Yiinif'Triliin)lllr.liM PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES NEW SEALED BEAM HEADilOHTS (UPER-SJUNT VALVB-IM-HEAD ENOINE NEW PUU-VUION BODIES BY PUMHI Sage h TSUI'S cmjj h Chevrolet or Shipped to Doalors-NOT DRIVEN OVIRLANDI Everybody knows, it takes fine fea tures to make fine cars! . . . And Chevrolet for '40 is the only car in the low-price field that has all the fine car features pictured at the left ! i Furthermore, this brilliantly engineered Chevrolet is the longest of all lowest-priced cars It's "The Beauty Leader" It has a degree of driving and riding ease all its own and it definitely out-accelerates and out-climbs all other cars in its price range! ... Small wonder, then, that it is also out-selling all other new cars for '40. . . . Eye it, try It, buy it, and you'll be thoroughly convinced that "Chevrolet's FIRST Again l" 15-M.P. VAIVMN-HEAD SIX AND UP, at MM, MfcMsm. rrwuporfaffofi betid on rot rafoi, ftote and loco njjtaj (If my), opflona oquipjiwif one aecaworlM OKtra. frici tub fact to dianao without notic. Iwnpor piardi mxtra on Mot for BS SortM BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY I "-" M " - tfTriTT-t-lJ 1 XS5$I7 Th Spdat Dm Lumm Sport Smdon. MOl Phone 123 Franklin, N. C.