THURSDAY, DEC. 14. 1939 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN PAGE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and ' ' COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS.. LESTER S. CONLEY, PHONE 104 MR. AND MRS. TpMPKINS ENTERTAIN Mr. and' Mrs. Joel Tompkins entertained at a bridge supper last Saturday evening in honor of Mr. ami Mrs. Thaddeus 1). Bryson, Jr. Mr. ami Mrs. liryson have- recently come to Franklin to make their home, removing here from liryson City. The guests were received by the host and hostess. The spacious liv ing room iA- the Tompkins home V..U- a scene '-of rare beauty with decorations of Christmas greens and candles against the background of oak panelling and snowy white curtains of the' many windows. A delicious supper was served, after which nine, tables of bridge were '. plaved. . . A ui'ft was presented to the hon ore.s, and the high prizes to Mrs. Sam MemlcnhaH and Kmory Hun-nidilt. This: entertainment was one of the most , delightful social events of the season, MACON COUNTY CHAPTER U. D. C. HOLD MEETING The meeting of the Macon Coun ty Chapter of the United Daugh ters of Confederacy was . held on Monday afternoon with Mrs. Her bert E. Church, at her home in the Orlando apartments on Harri son avenue. The house was beautifully ar ranged with jars of galax leaves, holly, and other greenery, making - . . .. .. f - .1- a lestive yiueiM.e senium vi m occasion.' The dinim,' table was centered with a di-civated Christ uras: tree from which each guests received a lovely C hristmas ivack age. . Miss Elizabeth Slavic, president, presided over the business session. Following the reading of the min utes and the secretary's reports, a committee consisting of Mis. Nora Leach, Mrs. Cieorgc M. Slagle and Mrs. A. B. Slagle was appointed to fill the Christmas The Personal GIFT DLAN to give a photo graph of yourself to those who are closest to yoiL No other gift can so nicely and exactly ex press that personal feel ing you want to convey to your loved ones. Call for an appointment to day. , , Crisp'sStudio Franklin, N. C. boxes for the three remaining Confederate veterans in Macon county. This has been the custom of the Chapter for a number of years and the three veterans in clude, Sam VV. Picklesimer, and J. Matt Daves,' of Franklin Kbute 2, and James Deal, (colored), of the West'.s. ..1 ill community. A finance committee, comprising ( Mrs. Lester S. Conlcy, chair man; Mrs. Sam I- Rogers and Miss. Nora Leach, was appointed to assist in formulating plans to help raise funds for the new com munity building which is hoped will be started in the early part of the new year. ' . Miss Slagle read a very interest ing article from the president general, telling of the annual con vention held in Charleston, S. C, in November. Also a letter from Mrs. Ethel Harris Fisher, president of the North Carolina division urg ing the Chapter to wage a new membership campaign in the early part of the coining year and keep it going through the entire. year. M rs. Sam . L. Rogers gave the scripture reading, using the' pas sages telling of the Birth of Christ. She read an article from the Holland Magazine en "Christmas Comes But Once a Year" and "What. Can the I'-arents do About lt? by Frank Richardson. In the "comic" contest, Mrs. Lester S. Conley was the winner of the prize. , Miss Elizabeth Slagle, president for the past years, was presented a beautiful gift from the Chapter, in appreciation of the splendid service rendered the Chapter dur ing her presidency. Miss Slagle in return thanked the members for their loyalty and cooperation. The hostess served delicious fruit cake, cookies, candy and grape juice. .There were 14 members present including Mrs. Sam L. Rogers, Miss Charlotte Young, Mrs. Lon Campbell, Mrs. A. L. McLean, Mrs. W. W. Sloan, Mrs. T. J. Johnston. .Mrs. A. B. Slagle, Mr.s; George M. Slagle, Mrs. Zeb W. Conley, Mrs. Lester S. Conley, Mrs. Carl S. Slagle, Miss Nora Leach and Miss Elizabeth Slagle. NIX-JACKSON News has been received of the marriage in Safety Harbor, Fla., of Mrs. Elizabeth Nix and T. W. Jackson of Usage. Iowa, last Fri day night. The ceremony was per formed in the presence of the fam ily of the bride. Mrs. Jackson will be remembered as the former Miss Elizabeth Cun ningham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. VV. C. Cunningham, former residents of Franklin, and grand daughter of Mrs. E. K. Cunningham. Harold Stewart, who is with the United States navy stationed at San Pedro, Calif., came in last week for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. VV. G. Stewart, at their home at Otto. 1'. F. Callahan, managing editor of The Franklin Press, has been confined to his home this week on account of illness. Mrs. Elsie W. Franks, Mrs. Clyde Gailcy, Mrs. Clarence Wickliffe, Miss Marie Womack and John R. Norton spent Saturday in Ashe ville. Vtrcoc Watkins, who- has been in tliP Unitpd States naw hospital at Portsmouth, Va., suffering from injuries received to his eye wnen struck by a piece of flying metal, has been discharged from the hos pital and has returned to Frank lin to spend sometime with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. u u. wat Cljrfetmast tfn A Wt uWan Stand Chrhtmat It season of faith an J good cheer, an armistice In llfeV struggle, when our gifts to each other commemorate out Father a. Gift to us of His only Son. ' Let us hold fast to that which 11 good and true, keeping faith In our , God, In our Country, and In the divine ideals which are our Chris- tlan heritage. $ PHONE 106 NIGHT PHONE 2Q kins at their home on Bidwell street. J. B. Matlock, who has, been a patient in Angel hospital . where be underwent an operation for the removal of his appendix, has re turned to his home at West's mill. Mrs. Mamie Reynolds lias re turned to her home at West's MiH, after a visit xvjfTtl her sister, Mrs. Frank .1. Murray. Mrs. lirabson . liulgin . anil small son, 'George, have gone to Seneca, S. C, to join Mr. liulgin 'who has employment there, i Mr. and' Mrs. . L. Massey and young son, of Waynesville, are oc cupying the .apartment 'of Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson this week. Mr, Massey is employed on the new theater building which is' under construction. " M rs. , E. A." Woodruff of Colum bia, S. C, has arrived in Frank lin 'to .spend the. holidays with her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. lien W. Woodruff.' Mr. and Mr,s. Robert R. Gaines spent Sunday in Atlanta visiting friends. William Blaine, a student at Mars Hill college, spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Blaine on Harrison avenue. "Aunt Doe" Waldroop has re turned to her home on Cartooge-'. chaye, after spending a few days here with friends. Mrs. Allen Silef, who recently moved from Marshall to Franklin,, spent the past week-end in Mar shall with her hi., iand. . Mrs. Carl Dalton, of Leatherman, was in town Monday shopping. ..Ernest Rankin and sisti -, Miss Lilly Rankin left Saturday 'morn ing for Tampa, Fla., .where they plan to spend the Winter months. Harry Cunningham and Roy Smith, of Winston-Salem, spent the latter part of the week visit ing Mr. Cunningham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cunningham at their home on Franklin Route 1, and bird hunting while here. CarLTysinger, Jr., Crawford Mc Coy, v Harry Higgins, Jr., and Frank Higdon. Jr., went to Knox ville Saturday to attend the. Tennessee-Auburn 'football game. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmer and daughter, Joan, spent the week end in Asheville visiting Mr. Pal mer's sister, Mrs. Graham W. Grindstaff and Mr. Grindstaff. .Mrs. Maude Hunter, of liryson City, spent Monday in Franklin, the guest of Mrs. R. M. VValdroop, at her home on Harrison avenue. Mr. and. Mrs. Lowell Stevens, Mrs. Logan Allen and two -children' .spent the week-end at Can dler with Mr. Stevens' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens. Mr. and Mrs S. 11. Crunkleton, of Highlands, have moved into an apartment; of Mrs. Jv 11. Coffey on Palmer street. W. T. 'Moore, Ralph Womack and 'Carl Tysinger left Sunday for Pisgali forest Where ' they spent the first of the week deer hunting. -Mrs. R. 11. Hall, of the Oak Grove community, who has" been confined to her bed since June, is able to be tip some now.- Mr. 'and Mrs. J. R. Ray, of Hayesville, are spending several days here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ray, at their home in West Franklin, and Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cunningham, at their home on Franklin Route 1. Mrs. Carl Jamison, of Glenville, was visiting relatives and friends in Franklin over the week-end. Siler Slagle, Willard Pcnder grass, H. F". Church, Jr.. and Max1 Setser, students at North Carolina State college, at Raleigh; have ar- : rived to spend the holidays with their respective parents. (.". O. Ramsey, who has been working in (hallanoogna, Tenn; for several months, is spending several days in Frariklin with rela tives and friends. x Carl S. Slagle, of the Cartooge chaye community, spent the first of the week in Raleigh on busi ness. V. O. Lewis, of Cartoogechaye, is taking treatment in the W. N. C. Sanitoriuni at Black Mountain. CARD OF THANKS We 'want to thank cur neigh bors and friends for their kind ness and expressions of sympathy shown us during the recent illness and death of . our husband and father, VV. A. Tippetl. Also for the beautiful floral offering. ! MRS. VV. A. T1PPETT i AM) FAMILY. Hp ' .v .... r ! In the Capitol Building, at Wash ington, two men are kept busy winding and regulating .more than 300 clocks.' Munday Hotel Beauty Shoppe Up Stairs in Munday Hotel Franklin, N. C. HOLIDAY SPECIAL On All Perm-' nenta or R ing le tt Permanent Waves.' Give permanent for Christmas. Mrs'. T. S. Munday, Owner Take a Tip From Saul a Write Your List Now P.-T. A. Meeting Next Monday The Franklin Parent-Teachers Association will meet on Monday afternoon, December 18, at 3:30 o'clock in the 'high' school auditor ium, it has been announced by Mrs. John Wasalik, Jr., president. A .special Christmas program is being arranged for the meeting. "Why We Celebrate Christmas" and "The Gift of Mazi" by O'Henry. will be given by some of the students. The glee club under the direction of Miss Charlotte Young will render several selec tions of Christmas carols. All members are requested to attend. STOP AT THE New 5 & 1 Oc STORE T oy la nd 'Wmm POM? ttjjz&De fee (fife i VALVI-IN-HIADSU m Q1 . LL steering column gearshifts look more or less alike. . . . But only Chevrolet's New Exclusive Vacuum Power Shift acts for itself when you touch the lever. . . . Only this one ad vanced steering column gearshift is 80 automatic in operation ! You see, Chevrolet's New Exclusive Vacuum-Power Shift has a hidden power cylinder. And this power cylinder goes into action the, instant you start to shift gears. It does 80 of the work for you instead of letting you push and tug and do all the work yourself ! You want the newest and best the best in driving and riding ease, the best in styling and road-action and on all these counts "Chevrolet's FIRST Again!" ' ' Chevrolet are Shipped to Dealers NOT DRIVEN OVERLAND I BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY AND UP, a( Flint, Michi gan. Transportation battd on rati rata, flat and local tans (if any), optional aqulpmtnt and accaitorimi antra. Prices tubjact to ehanga without hotic. Bumper guardtMtra on Matter SI Sari. EYE IT TRY IT V. BUY IT! Phone 123 Franklin, N. G