THURSDAY, DEC. 14. 1939 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON1AN , PAGE FIVE MEAT-PACKING The nation's million.. dollar ''meat packing, industry is back "in the black" and has nearly .reached its normal level of mitput, with em ployment at its best level in years.. AVAILABLE - A. shipping case for 'eggs made entirely of fiber with seven molded pulp trays and no center dividing wall is now available to poultry raisers after undergoing rigid tests. i Darling Beauty Shop WISHES TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRON' AGIO AND TO WISH YOU A HAPPY X MAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR , Before You Get Your Christmas Permanents COME IN AND LET US TELL YOU ABOUT OUR SPECIALS Minnie Berry and Mabel Ray on Christmas CQEXD GOGES Meat Department PORK Chops ?b. 21c NATIVE WOUND Stank US. 25c SELECT Oysters pt. 35c tTWT STANDARD Oystars pt. 25c FRESH BB" ouwer FANCY r in ain i nprscrn Bacon ...Ib.25cl Htws, per lb. FRESH 1 ln Shrimn lb. 55c m 1C PURE PORK Sausage 19c BONELESS VEAL Roast Ib. 25c fi Steak ... lb. 39c A 1 M r Grocery Department MAXWELL HOUSE Coffee Ib. 25c SNOWDRIFT I I O 1L VERIBEST S fi 9i ik ti no FANCY SHRED Coconut 21c ANY FLAVOR PURE T7 . . in. SWAN'S DOWN K xiraci 1W- CAKE FLOUR A 2 LB- B0X ST,CK Per Box IJCi Candy 25c OC O'ATMORE'S MINCE JC A s O 1ft. Jello pk. 05c CRANBERRY Sauce 15c BLUE ROSE Rice 5 lbs. 25c Produce Department TREE RIPENED Oranges doz. 15c LARGE T ? At - "Kf WIINfcSAI- Apples....2 dz. 25c SIZE 70 Grapefruit.... 6 25c MIXED Nuts ib. lycm ANY SIZE LARGE ENGLISH EM ORANGES Walnuts ... lb. 23c HI B.g LARGE BRAZIL m g5c Nuts lb. He LARGE STUART lb. 20c ieiiuce ivv SWEET Potatoes 6 lbs 15c 11 V Slosm's Market 77e Complete Food Store FRANKLIN, . . iV.C, $ Highlands Highlights MRS. H. G. STORY CHURCH NOTES Highlands Methodist Church Rev. J. S. Higgins, Pastor Cashiers: 11 a. m. Worship. Glenville: 2:30 p. m. Worship. Cashiers: 7:01) Worship. Highlands Baptist Church Rev. J. G. Benfield, Pastor 10 a. in. Sunday school. '11 a. iu. Scrniuti. ', 0 :30 p. in B.. T. U. 7:30 p. in. Sermon. Church of the Incarnation Rev. Frank BloxJiam, Rector 4 p. ni Evening l'rayer and sermon. Highlands Presbyterian Church Rev. R. B. DuPree, Pastor 10:15 a. ni. Church school. 11 a. m. Worship. 7 :M p. 'in. Christian Endeavor. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MRE. BARNES Funeral services were held last Saturday ' for Mrs. Siller Carolyn Karnes at the ' Scaly Haptist church, of which she was a member. Mrs. liarnes died at her home here on Thursday, Uecen ' cr 7, following a brief illness. She v. as 05 years vld. The services weic conducted by the Rev. Oscar Nix," and interment was in the church cemetery. Tall bearers .were l'rioleau Dryman, Frank Dryman ; her son, Albert Barnes; son-in-law, Louis Neely, and nephews, Kadford Wilson and Hay Bryson. Surviving Mrs. Barnes are her husband, James Barnes, who is improving from a serious illness; one son, Albert Barnes; two daughters, Mrs. Louis N'eely and Mrs. Ethel Russell. MISS BERNICE DURG1N HOSTESS TO CARD CLUB 'Miss Bernice Durgin was hostess to the Wednesday Card' Club last week at her home, Brook side Camp. Bronze and green leucothoe were attractively used as decora tions. Miss-.Sara liilder was , high score prize winner, Mrs.. J. A. Mines was final winner A- the traveling prize, and the consolation prize was. awarded to Mrs. 11. (j. Story. . The hostess' was assisted, in serving a. salad and a sweet course by Mrs. (',. VV. Sheppard, who joined the players for the tea hour at the conclusion of the game. MISSIONARY SOCIETY HOLDS MEETING MONDAY The Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church met with,. Mrs. Charles Anderson Tuesday after noon for the regular monthly meeting. The Christinas program of isong? and Scripture reading was in charge of Miss Dorothea 1 larbisoti. . Others on the program were Mrs. W. 11, .Cobb, Miss Ruth Carter and M rs. .Sidney. Mr Carty. A feature of . the meeting was. the special' Joy (iifl brought 1 y each member of the auxiliary which gives to the ministerial re lief fund. '..' Colonel and Mrs. Frank l.owan. their son and .daughter, liave re turned to Miami, Fla.. after spend: ing 'several days here looking alter improvements at their summer home. 'in the M irror Lake scclion Mr. and Mrs. llenrv W. . Sloan left Sunday for Philadelphia, where they expect to spend- the winier.. HICKS HOME TO BE REBUILT Lawrence Hicks lias started clearing the grind for his new home to- be built in the Shortoff section, about two and a half miles from Highlands. While the bouse is being built, Mr. Hicks and his family will occupy .Mrs. E. C. West's cottage on Main street. A number of the contractors here, with their crew of workmen, are to give one day's work or more in the erection of the house. Mr. Hicks wishes his friends here and in Franklin to know that he deeply appreciates their many acts of kindness, as well as their t financial aid, which helps to make j it possible for him to rebuild. In ; talking with ilr. Hick he said that it was impsible to state in words his deep appreciation for all that had been done for him and bis family as a result of their recent tragedy. Mrs. Hicks, who is improving in a Winston-Salem hospital, hopes to return home by the 22nd of December, and the daughter, Sue Hicks, hopes to be able to leave the Angel hospital in time to join the family at home for Christmas. They were seriously burned when their home was destroyed by fire recently, -and Mrs. Lon Webb, a sister of .Mrs. Hicks. , was fatally burned. MISSIONARY SOCIETY HOLDS MEETING MONDAY The Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist church held its monthly meeting Monday after noon at the' parsonage. A .special program, "Christmas and the Great Commission", was given, with the following members taking part : Mrs. H. S. Talley, Mrs. Wiley, Mrs. Effie Gibson. Miss Bettie Reese, Mrsi Guy Paul, Mrs. C. H. Zocllner, Mrs. J. ti. Benfield, and Miss Nannie Rogens. Little Miss Margaret Zocllner sang a solo, "Into My Heart". The Society is assembling a number of things to help the Hicks family to begin housekeeping again, among them, mattresses, pillows, quilts, etc. The Lottie Moon offering at this mect ing was $3.00. The annual election of officers was also held at this time with rfhc following result president, Mrs. Lawrence Hicks; first vice-president, Mrs. 1). W. Wiley j second vice-president. Mrs. H. S. Talley; third vice-president, Mrs. O. F. Summer; secretary, Mrs. Guy Paul; assistant secre tary Mrs. Carl H. Zocllner; treas urer, Mrs. J. G. Benfield, per sonal service chairman, Mrs. S. E. , Potts. The meeting was dis missed with prayer by the Rev. Benfield. MUSEUM PROJECT APPROVED BY WPA Highlands U pleased to have the announcement by Gwyn Denton, resident WPA engineer at Frank lin, that the Museum project has been officially approved and rhat work is expected to begin immediately. COLDS Cause Discomfort For quick relief from the misery of colds, talc 666 Liquid Tablets . Salve - Nose lnt 666 Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S.. T. Marett were Mrs. W. J. I.unney and Mrs. Deane S. Moss of Walhalla and Seneca, S. C. W. . Jeffreys of Burlington was a guest, .at Hotel Edwards Molldav. Mr :md Mrs ii-ffr- have, .sev eral times occupied a: 'sum mer home here . and are planning to, return again next summer. Macon Theatre Night Shows 7:00 and 9:00 Matinees 3:30 P. M. SHOWING FROM 1:30 TO II P. M. SATURDAYS PROGRAM FOR WEEK FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15 IRENE DARE IN "EVERYTHING ON ICE" With: EDGAR KENNEDY TYUNE ROBERTS TEX TO ONE The Younger Generation Wants Wheel Goods WAGONS TRICYCLES SCOOTERS Arid many other items the child will like. Latest Stream - Lin- cu ivioaeis reason ably Priced, Macon County Supply Co. FRANKLIN, N. C. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 TWO BIG SHOWS ' TUPE VELEZ "THE GIRL FROM MEXICO" With: DONALD WOOD LEON ERROL 'AND WILD BILL H1CKOK ELLIOT. IN "TAMING OF THE WEST" MON.-TUES., DECEMBER 18-19 ROBERT TAYLOR, GREER CARSON LEW AYERS IN "REMEMBER" With BILLIE BURKE REGINOLD OWENS It Is Romance With a Laugh and a Picture Yi-ju Can't Help But Remember WED.-THURS., DEC. 20-21 The love story of Joe Bonaparte, the boy who wants to be a big shot, and Lorna Moon, the dame from Newark! "GOLDEN BOY" With: BARBARA STANWYCK ADOLPH MENJOU WILLIAM HOLDEN It Has Drama and Excitement ! If you want oui weekly program nailed to you, please leave name i Rox Office. Sensible Presents for Christmas Gayety (live pfts for the home and you may- he sure they'll receive a warm welcome and furniture, the enduring gift, is the hest present of all true Chrdstmas hippiness and cheer. No nift could uivc more satisfaction over a longer time than a comfortable chair. See our wide selection of upholst ered and occasional chairs and other liv ing room furniture. Philco Radio Sets A nift that will please SAMPSON wife or mother . . and JableS the whole lamity win use, Sturdily built; at tractively designed. $1.75 And Up ' Now, more than ever, 'a radio is the ideal sift! And, of course, it should be a I'hilco. Unsurpassed reception from foreign, domes tic and short wave stations, with fine tonal iu'alities. Cabinet, table and .other models attractively priced. ' Bryant Furniture Co FRANKLIN, N. C.

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