PAGE SIX THE FRANKLIN PflESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN War in Europe Influences American Christmas Toys THURSDAY, DEC. 21, 1939 y r II CVA;, ! ; J " I MTV M t, A v 'Of .a The Influenrc of war was distinctly noticeable in the preview of American Christmas toys held in New York recently. In addition to gun?, tanks and planes, there were toy ambulances and other first aid equip, ment. A little war nurse in toy uniform inspects her battlefield casualty- doll. A young soldier has the time of his life wifh front line equipment. 1, H Doves of War Supplement Nazi Communications Mrs. Elliott Successful In Raising Turkeys 4. n t v - W, Yk Trained to supplement more modern means of communication, pigeons and dogs are being used by Ger man army officers to send messages where the modern means fail. Upper left: An officer, standing by a dove coie "somewhere behind Germany's front line," observes a flight of the birds. Lower left: A "squadron" of the winged messengers during their maneuvers. Upper right: Dogs are trained to carry a brace of the birds in a dash to the firing line. Here is shown a trussed pigeon ready for a trip to the front by doe express. Lower right: The four-footed pigeon carrier dashes off to the trenches where he will deposit the pigeons, which will fly back with their messages. Man's World Envoy of Culture Personality Pays When it comes to raisin lt tii rlr - cys, Mrs. W. 1). Elliott, of Frank lin Route 4. is ton nntrlv Mrs. Elliott, one of the farm women in Alacon county, who finds turkey raising intercsiiiiR as well as profitable, has raised 75 turkeys this year out of the 121) that were hatched last snrino- In :ii-i .,:., Airs. Elliott set (seven imUov lw,c on 15 eiius -each, and several chick en "hens were also set im inrt.-,... tKB's, ' hut out. of these she lost several shortly after they . were hatched. In t:iinir the c a Kood .start, Mrs. Elliott pur- iwsed a quantity of a standard brand of "turkey starter." which sue leu the youuir ones until thnv Mtew larne enuuuh to ly laruer and cn:!r,T f..,.,i I hen had 'some yellow corn crush- u .1.111 h'ii ims tor several weeks, liv this time tluv hail imm-n vnouuh and' larWe enough to eat uacKi'ii corn, winch she fed until they could eat whole grain. Thev iNo have a wide ramre n iL 17s aire farm as well as a large tnoun- lain rane, 11 Mr. KIMott, who has realized msiderable nmfii fr,., turkeys, has sold tln.m f,,- . v'1 "'US r:in..iti.r f i: , to cents per pounu, out never t, ... '" V'll or .Macon county to tmd a market these are sold to the housewives hire for their Thanksgiving and tnnsmias dinners. Mrs. Elliott states thnt ized 2() cents per polm, n" the foot for turkeys sold this year. Her ureeu is the large bronze variety, and she buys new to'nis each year to keep her. birds high urade" Mrs. Elliott na mi cpl turbs.. over a ,lecade-as for lwk as was, tne commissioners nf frir, county presented her . with a cash prize t $10 for being the largest rower "i tlie county. tnu 1 trn u'tinn ....... v v.i null tlie mother of nine children 1,1,1 lots -all her ' housework l( iiti ur tniKirens lulu, as well n enr (nr (ii-r growing turkev busine sh.. ays she intends to go into the ousiness on a, wider scale, and add tlie raising of chickens fV,r .!, market. ft is also interestiniT tn .,,-.(. . . , p inai tlnij busy woman h.-is n,i...l Mi) cans .of fruits and venetu,... She is looking forward to having running water in her house .soon, which will lighten her .burdens! leaving her more time to develop this money crop. Otto By MISS JOSEPHINE BRADLEY The Ladies Aid of the Asbury church is giving a fire-balling at the Otto school house Eriday night, Uecember 22. Everyone is invited tlie h.pworth League will enter tain with a Christmas program Mmilay night, December 24. They will also have a Christmas tree Everyone is invited to attend. Hilly Corbin of N. C. State col lege, is visitinu home folks d itrirur , , ,. . n tne (. hnstmas holidays. Mr. George Conlty has returned home after siicudiiiLr some time in a hospital for soldiers. Howard Hradlev t . ,. . . nome atter spending about a year in Washington state. r . irs. jakc Dryman is wrv ill at her home. Miss Edith Stiles of Rabun (Jap, '.a., spent the past week-end with -Miss Eotis Hranley. Venis Kamcy. of'.anklin Route 2, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Angel I riday night, December 15. I lit , s II I Iiwrr-MiiniiiiiMiiiinr-umtliitiiiiiiiMiitBf 1 nttf rtTii'' - in. " 1 Report Of Junior Red Cross Roll Call for 1939 ,, , , Kece'pts Expend. Kural school (2X t?on Highlands' " elem'try 4.00 Bridges. Detroit pitcher, when she was selected as IZZT. ?! Le"' Pa" cous,n of Tommy gin in b -siew xorK contest, 'Best Dressed' Contender Presents Fashion Preview Eranklin elem'try. franklin high Colored school Check to Mat'l head quarter. for mag azine sub's Check to Harley Cabe, chairman of local chapt. ..... 8.00 11.00 3.00 $29.50 9.40 FRANKS RADIO & ELECTRIC CO. SALES AND SERVICE Licenied Electric Contractors Singer Part Agent Phone 1804 McCoy BIdg. Bryant Furniture Co. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME AT REASONABLE PRICES Phone 106 Franklin, N. C. HOLIDAY GREETlgsJ t The spirit of friendli ness ot this glad sea son reminds us of your c-ood will durincr the vear which we hoj)e will extend through 1940. H. D. WEST Groceries and Feeds Bryant Furniture Company it - . . everything for the Home" . Respectfully submitted, Lola P. Barrington, Junior Red Cross Chairman Macon County Chapter In the two years sin'th first soil conservation distnVi i.. ied by fanners under state law erosion control i districts has spread over more than 7iy - ' .amis, cinoracillK ,(JUU,(XX) acres. if I Franklin North Carolina I Our hearty thanks for the opportunity given us to serve -you during the past year. With theni we send our best wishes for a happy and prosperous; new year. Poindexter's Esso Station Phone 102 ,, , ,nim,i , : ,1-" "m'immmmiimwmmi minimi iiijbiwi ' jQ" . I -M' "' '' frfl II I 1 3 J 4 X What the well-dressed Bahv wood .ctor. At left Peter shows his concept tf 0 .y If nnU carry out the umbrella motif. In center: Sports wear for juvenU f.ns rLm a u "' JTb Ohndl-panti carry paddinc o a atr.teala anot. ' R,ght;, A kt,n Membl. MAY THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON BRING BLESSINGS AND GOOD CHEER TO YOU AND YOURS THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND HIGHLANDS MACONIAN ' : : J K