o i . . . . For 55 Years The Franklin Press has been serving the people of Macon County. Get Your Part Of the money spent in Franklin. An ad in The Press will bring it in. attV 8 iflWatiV PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LV. NO. 13 -FRANKLIN, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1940 $150 PER YEAR CENSUS TAKING BEGINS APRIL 2 17 Enumerators To Take Count In Macon County Three Announce For Commissioner Seventh Grade Examination To Be Held April 13 r' Enumerators in all the counties of all states will start to work next Tuesday morning, ' April 2, making the decennial count of the population and checking up on agriculture .and housing. , Macon county has been divided into 17 enumeration areas and it is thought that the work will be finished in about " three weeks, though 30 days are allowed for the count. Macon county applicants for po sitions as enumerators have been taking a two-day training course which was conducted in Sylva for Macon and Jackson counties. The course started Wednesday morn ing and was concluded today (Thursday.) Only 14 appeared from this county ori Wednesday, but it is understood that several other applicants reported today. It was impossible to secure a list of Macon county enumerators for this issue, but it is' hoped that the information will be forthcom ing by next week. Work To Begin Soon On New Asbury Church The Rev. J. C. Swaim, pastor of the Macon circuit, reports that plans for the new Asbury church building are progressing nicely, and that cutting of the timber will be begun by the first of the month. The' church is receiving from the Duke endowment for aid in build ing the church the sum of $1,620 if the church meets the require ments of the Duke board. The total cost of the building will be $4,000. Mr. Swaim announces that a special v fifth Sunday service will be held at the church next Sun day, March 31, at 11 o'clock. , W. R. Cunningham -Buys Farmers Exchange W. R. Cunningham has purchas ed the interest, of his partners, R. G.. Ray, Lawrence Liner and B. A. Tucker, in the Farmers Ex change on Palmer street, and will continue the business at the same stand. The Farmers Exchange handles staple and fancy groceries, seeds, feed stuff and fertilizers. Highlands MRS. H. CHURCH NOTES HighUndU Baptut Church Rav. J. G. BaafiakL Pastor 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Sermon. 7 p. m B. T. U. 8 p. m. Sermon. Highlands Presbytarian Church Rav. R. B. DuPraa, Pastor 10:15 a. m. Church school. 11 a. m. Worship. 7:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor Highlands Methodist Church Rav. J. S. Higgina, Pastor Glanvilla: ' 10 a. m. Worship. Cashiers: 11 a. m. Worship. Clear Creefc: 3 p. m. Worship. Church of the Incarnation Rav. Frank Bloxham, Rector . No service .Sunday. MACON THORNTON, 73 DIES IN FLORIDA Macon Thornton, 73, who has been a home owner and. summer resident of Highlands for the past IS years, died at his home at Or mond Beach, Fla., on March 21, after a 10-day illness following a heart attack on March 11. Mr. Thornton was a veteran druggist of Ormond He was elected to the Florida legislature in 1909, and Mayor of Ormond for several years. He was at one time presi dent 'of the Florida Pharmaceutical association. He was a Mason, Shriner and a member of the Epis copal church. Mr. Thornton will be greatly missed by his many Highlands friends. OFFICERS ELECTED BY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Professor O. F. Summer was re elected president of the chamber of commerce at the annual meeting held at the school auditorium last Thursday night. C E. Mitchell wu U LA U I j J. C. SORRELLS Who Announces as a Candidate For Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Special Service Sunday Night For Rev. H. S. Williams At the Franklin Methodist church on Sunday night at 7:30 a fare well service will be held to honor the Rev. H. S. Williams, who has been appointed by Bishop Clare Purchell from the Franklin Cir cuit to the Hillside Street Metho dist church of Asheville. Mr. Williams is to be the guest speaker of the evening. All churches and denominations of the commun ity are invited to unite in this service. The' Baptists and Presby terians have expressed a desire to join in a service expressing appre ciation for the service Mr. Williams has rendered during his pastorate. Many people from all the churches' of the Macon, Louisa, and Frank lin circuits are expected to attend the service, for Mr. Williams has a great many friends here. ' The closing feature of the serv ice will be a set of lantern slides showing' sccjfesr'ffdm China. These pictures will be a preparation for the Mission school which will be held on the three following nights. All the Methodist churches: of the county are cooperating and sharing the benefits of this school. The - text book for study and dis cussion is, "Methodists United for Action, written by Dr. John R. Mott. The public is invited to at tend. . Highlights G. STORY re-elected treasurer. The , former secretary, Sidney McCarty; refused re-election and the appointment of the new secretary to succeed Mr. McCarty was left in the hands of the new board of directors, which is composed of the following busi ness men : W. W. Edwards, A. R. Moreland, C. J. Anderson, W. P. Pierson, Charlie Potts and Sidney McCarty. . BROWN-PICKLESIMER The announcement of the mar riage of D. N. Picklesimer and Mrs. Ofa Qna Brown in Reno, Nevada, March 16 is of interest to Highlands people, since Mr. Pickle simer is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C Picklesimer of White side Cove. '-,,' After a honeymoon in Washing ton, Oregon and British Columbia, Mr. and Mrs. Picklesimer will be at home in Oakland, Calif.,' where Mr. Picklesimer has just completed a new home on Oak Terrace. Mr. Picklesimer has made his home in the west for the past L5 years, and now has interests in the min ing industry in California, Oregon and Idaho. P.-T. A. TO MEET TUESDAY AFTERNOON The Parent-Teacher Association will hold its regular monthly meet ing at the school next Tuesday afternoon, April 2. The annual elec tion of officers will take place at this time and all members are urg ed to be present MRS. STORY ENTERTAINS WEDNESDAY CARD CLUB The" Wednesday Card Club was entertained last week at dessert bridge by Mrs. H. G. Story at Hotel Edwards. Jonquils were used as flower decorations in the private dining room where the three tables of players assembled. The dessert was served at the card tables, each table holding an Easter egg nest as a centerpiece. Miss Sara Gilder won high score prize and Mrs. Continued oa Paf Six) FRED W. PALMER Who Seeks Nomination as a Member of the Board of Cf iimissioners 3 IN RACE FOR COUNTY BOARD J. C. Sorrells, F. C. Conley And F. W. Palmer Announce On another page of this issue will be found the announcements of three candidates for the board of county commissioners, one , of them being in the race for chair man. . C. Sorrells, of West's Mill, Cowee township, is the candidate for chairman of the Iward. Mr. Sorrells is a native of Buncombe county, but has, lived in Macori for the past eight years. He is a cabinet maker by trade and has for some time been employed by T VA on the Hiwassee dam. ' He was educated in. the' Conklin, - Tenn. high school and Washington col lege at Conklin. iHe is prominent mumty. - ": ' . :""..' Mr. Sorrells is a partner in the Potts cabinet shop and undertak ing business, and plans to move to Franklin within a short time. Fred W. Palmer, of Ellijay township, and Fred C. . Conley, of Cartoogechaye township, announce for members of the board. Both of these men are farmers and prominent citizens of their com munities. Both were barn and rais ed in Macon county, and are fa miliar with the conditions and needs in the various: sections. i "Mystery At Midnight" To Be Presented A thrilling mystery comedy, sponsored by the Moose lodge, is to be presented April 5 and b at the courthouse auditorium with an all-star local talent cast Miss Mc Minn, director, arrived in Frank lin last week, and work started immediately on this brand-new, top-notch play. The . cast, chosen from outstanding citizens, is well fitted for the play and proves that there is a wealth of talent here. The cast of characters will be an nounced in . next week's issue of The Franklin Press. In addition to the play proper, which is three acts of fun, laughs, and spooks; there are three choruses of singing and dancing girls who will be chosen from the high school. Costumes are design ed especially for "Mystery at Midnight,' and the songs are orig inal and full of pep. In ' connection with the play a contest is being staged for the ugliest man in the county. Vote boxes and pictures with the' names of the contestants will be placed in the stores of Franklin. Be sure to cast your vote. Only one cent each vote, and a prize goes to the winner. Rev. H. S. Williams To Preach Farewell Sermon The Rev. Harry S. Williams, who has been transferred to the Hill side Methodist church in Ashe ville, will preach his farewell ser mon on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the lotla Methodist church. The public is invited to at tend this service. Box Supper At Holly Springs Saturday Night It is announced that there will be a box supper and cake walk at the Holly Springs schoolhouse Sat urday night March 30, for the benefit of the Holly Springs ath letic club. String music will be provided. Everybody U invited to attend. y FRED C. CONLEY Who Has Entered the Race for Member of the Board of Commissioners ' Henry Stiwinter World War Veteran Dies Suddenly Henry Stiwinter, 44, veteran of the Wildcat division in the World War, died Saturday morning about 10 o'clock as he was en route to Franklin from his home in the Walnut Creek section, about 12 miles' from Franklin. Mr. Stiwinter, who had stopped at Wiley Park's filling station, about six miles out on the Franklin-Highlands highway, was getting back into his car when he suffered a heart attack. He was rushed to Angel hospital but died on the way. He has suffered these attacks often since he 'was gassed in France. . . Mr. Stiwinter was a farmer, and was a son of George and the late Mrs. Mary Jane Watson Stiwinter. He was married to Miss Elza Jen kins, of Highlands. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the ; Stiwinter cemetery- 6n Walnflt Creek. The Rev. Frank Holland, of Cullasaja, was in charge. Burial was in the family cemetery. Surviving arev the widow and three children, Ola, Hazel andOdell Stiwinter; his father, three broth ers, Charlie, John and Frank Sti winter, and two sisters, Mrs. George Gregory and Mrs. Minnie Leopard, all of Walnut Creek. Sheriff Slagle Guest Of Lions Club Monday On Monday evening at Cagle's Cafe Sheriff Slagle was a guest of the Lions Club at the regular din ner meeting, and acted as judge while 25 Lions asked each other questions from a prepared list in regard to the duties and authority of the sheriff. Sheriff Slagle had ' to answer only half of the questions, which shows that the Lions . are better informed than the average citizen. The Lions learned that the sheriff is also elected as tax col lector and treasurer of the coun ty, that he draws no salary, and works on a fee basis, and that he is bonded for $5,000 as sheriff, $20,000 as tax collector and $20, 000 as treasurer. Fred Montony reported that six out of seven children notified to report ' to the eye specialist had appeared for examination, which showed that two had eye trouble which could not be corrected with glasses. Glasses were ordered for four. Ray Swanson, manager of Zick- graf Hardwood company, was wel comed as a new member. Scout Honor Court To Be Held Monday Night Three Scouts are to be awarded the rank of Star Scout at the Smoky Mountain District Court of Honor that is to be held in Frank lin on Monday night The Scouts are Oscar Martin, Lacy S tailings, and Lester .Gregory all members of troop 1 of Bryson City. The public is invited to attend the meeting. APPRECIATION Harry Thomas has requested The Press to state that he is deeply grateful for the generous assistance given him after the destruction of his home and most of the furnish ings by fire on March 18. His friends were very liberal and the amounts contributed will aid great ly in refurnishing a new home. "GONE WITH THE WIND" HERE MAY 1. 2. 3. 4 Clyde Gailcy, manager of the Macon Theatre, has announced that "Gone With the Wind" will be shown here May I, Z, J, and 4. Superintendent of Schools Guy L. Houk has announced that the annual seventh, grade- examination for admittance 6" high school will be held on Saturday, April 13.;. The examination will be held on the same day in the three school districts of the county Franklin, Highlands and Otter Creek. All teachers have been notified, and it is expected that an unusual ly large number of children will be on hand for the test. ' REV. WILLIAMS LEAVES APR. 1 Pastor Of The Franklin Circuit Goes To Asheville Rev. Harry S. Williams, pastor of the Franklin circuit, plans to leave about April, 1, for his new charge, the Hillside Street church in Asheville. His hundreds of Ma con county triends regret very much that he is to leave this sec tion, but rejoice in his promotion. Mr. Williams comes from a line of preachers. His father was a member of the Holston; Tenn., conference, and his mother is a daughter of the Rev. J. W. Leake, member of the North Georgia con ference. His brother is a member of the Holston conference, and ' is : how associate pastor of Belmont Meth odist church, Nashville, Tenn. A sister married the Rev. C. P. Hardin, who is pastor of the Brainerd church, Chattanooga, Tenn. Mr. Williams was . educated at Emory and Henry college, Vir ginia, University of Tennessee and Emory University, Atlanta. He was icensed to preach in 1926, and served supply pastorates while in college. He was pastor of Wisdom Memorial church in Chattanooga and "associate pastor of Highlands Park church in that city. He join ed the Holston conference in 1935 and was transferred to the West ern North Carolina conference in 1937. Mr. Williams' mother, Mrs. L. J. Williams, who has lived with him here, will also live with him in Asheville. The Rev. Philip L. Green, of the Asheville district, will succeed Mr. Williams on the Franklin circuit. Great Progress Being Made, On Street Work The crews on the street build ing and improvement projects in Franklin are putting in good time and making great progress when ever the weather will permit. The public , square has been graded this week and prepared for paving, and the work on Church and lotla streets is going ahead rapidly. In addition, the pro ject for widening, curbing and gut tering on Harrison avenue will soon be under way, with the state highway department doing the pav ing. It is hoped that most of the work can be finished before the start of the summer season. As The World Turns A Brief Survey of Current Events ,In State, Nation and Abf oad. WHITE EASTER Last Sunday was the first "white Easter" that many had ever seen. Snow fell in Franklin from 6 a. m. to 4 p. m. Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the 21st of March, which is the week of the Jewish passover. This year it wasr exceptionally early. 1 SUNSPOTS va. RADIOS The greatest magnetic storm ever recorded occurred on Sunday all over the United States. Radios went haywire, -and from noon to 3 p. m. telegraphic wires were out of order. Telegraph companies lost -thousands of dollars and Easter messages were delayed. The cause is said to have been the position of sunspots that caus ed the earth to be heavily charged with electric currents that riddle man-made currents. Such disturb ances are sometimes connected with the aurora borealis. HOUSE RAISES FUNDS FOR CCC AND NYA FOR NEXT YEAR The bouse reversed its v economy BOARD ORDERS REGISTRATION New Books To Be Made For All Elections In County The Macon county board of elec tion, -consisting of -,K. S. Jbnes, Frank Potts and A. R.. Higdon, met at the courthouse last Sat urday, in accordance with the state election law. R. S. Jones was re elected chairman, and ' the t board adopted a resolution providing for a new registration for the county. It has been many years since a registration was ordered in this county, and the old books contain so many names of people who have died or moved away that it had become almost impossible to make a correct list ot voters when an election was to be held, so it was; considered best to order a new registration; There will be three books a Democratic and a Republican book for primary elections, and a book containing the names Of all who register for general elections. In dependents will not be allowed to register in the primary books but may have their names placed on the general election list. : The board of elections will meet on April 6 for the purpose of ap pointing registrars and judges of election and. making other neces sary arrangements for the conduct of the primary. The law requires that registration books shall be opened on April 27 in the various townships at the regular polling places at 9 a. m., and that they be closed on May 11, Citizens should bear in mind that this is a new registration for all the voters in the county, and every one who expects to vote should go to his township polling place between the dates above mentioned and get his name on the list. Interest Continues In Methodist Crusade Despite the cold and r'taow," surprisingly large attendance was seen at the Methodist church last Sunday. The pastor preached about "Heathenism in the Churches," showing how certain doctrines of barbaric tribes have found their way into the minds of people to be accepted as though they came from the Bible. The Loyalty Crusade will con tinue foi five more Sundays. On next Sunday the topic will be, "Church Members Who Will Miss Heaven." Tre Scripture of ef- position will be Matthew 25 :31-4L This is to be a Question Sheet service. Those who received the ques-; tion sheets last Sunday are re quested to answer the questions and return them to the service next Sunday morning. All Methodists are being urged to attend this service, and others are cordially invited to come. Franklin Band To Meet Wednesday Night The Franklin band will meet for rehearsal next Wednesday night April 3, at 7 i30 o'clock, in Agri cultrual building. Every one inter ested please come out. policy Wednesday and added $67, 450,000 to budget recommendations for the CCC and the NYA for next year. The increase, the spon sors said, would insure continu ance of the 1941 NYA and CCC programs at their present levels. HOUSE GROUP APPROVES PLANE SALES TO ALLIES The administrations new policy of releasing late model warplanes tor export won the general ap proval of an inquiring house com mittee Wednesday, and American airplane manufacturers immediately prepared to handle prospective al lied orders totalling $1,000,000,000. Secretary of War Woodring told the house military committee that he had been under no coercion in connection with the new policy of permitting Unlimited export of planes. FINNS CHANGE CABINET Finland shifted governmental gears from war to peacetime speed Wednesday by setting up a new cabinet devoted to reconstruction of the nation and its future de (CaatiMMd oa) Pa. Sis v

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