V THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1940 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PAGE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER S. CONLEY, PHONE 104 MISSIONARY SOCIETY WITH MRS. PORTER The June meeting of the Metho (list Women's Missionary Society was held. at. the home of Mrs. T, W. Porter, with Mrs. McCullom as assistant hostess, with 30 mem- her.s present. Mrs. F. L. Siler and Jesse Sloan and Mrs. Tessier as the committee to raise a. quota on the electric stove through sale of Holland's magazine Subscriptions. The social service committee re ported activities and announced plans for a, shower for. the benefit cf the colored community ihouse. Mrs. F. L. Siler was presented with a life membership pin by Mrs! Zachary, the gift of Mrs. Siler's children. Mrs. Zachary was made superintendent of mission study in place of Mrs. Callahan. SURPRISE SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT The Business Girls circle of the Presbyterian church met at the home of; Mrs. W. B. McGuire on Monday evening, for a surprise ,shower complimenting Miss Rachel Slagle, bride-elect of July. Miss Elizabeth McGuire, Mrs. Grant Zicjcgraf. and Mrs. Elmer Crawford, hostesses, entertained with a delightful supper. Snap dragons, roses, baby's 'breath and Japanese forget-me-nots . were , ar tistically arranged through the house and used for the center week-end at Otto with Mrs. Ma r chetti's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Vinson. J. J. Moore, of Spindale, spent several days last- week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Moore. J ud Morgan returned to his home in Brevard Monday, after a visit with relatives and friends on Tel lico. Miss Margaret Franks who has been teaching school at . Kannan oplis, came in for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Eloise G. Franks. Harley Khinchart, who spent the past 23 years in the state of Washington, came in last week for ' a visit to his sister, : Mrs. Lawrence Shepherd and other rela tives at West's Mill. Mr. and Mrs, Harry West and children, of Candler, spent the-first of the week at West's Mill with Mr. West', mother, Mrs. J. L. West, Sr., and Mrs. Holbrooks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hol brooks. Mrs. Vinnie Carter, of Bryson City, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lon Campbell several days last week and' attended, the Gibson reunion at the home of Mr. and Mr,s; Rob ert T. Bryson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watkins and young son, of Albany, Ga., came up Sunday for a visit to their aunt, Mrs. H. O. Cozad. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers ' Dalton the tables. A farmland "Top" Dalton, of - Gas ton ia'; pieces on scheme was carried out in the decorations of the tables using at tractive place cards made in the shape of various native fruits and vegetables. Following the supper, Mrs. R. R. Gaines, circle chairman, presided over ' the business session after which Mrs. John Hamer led an interesting program and discussion on foreign missions. .. ' Carrying out the vegetable scheme further a dainty blue wheel barrow of fresh vegetables was rolled in for the bride-elect who, after examing tlie vegetables on top found an assortment of lovely gifts. The folowing were present : Miss Rachel Slagle, Mrs. J. A. Flana gan, Miss Evelyn ' Clement and guast, Mrs. Robert Givens, Jr., of, Miami; Mrs. E. L. Veasy, Mrs. John Bulgin, Mrs. Theo Siler, Mrs. Horace Nolen, Mrs. R. E. Welch, Mrs. John Slagle, Mrs. Gaines, Mrs. Hamer, Mrs. George Slagle, Mrs. Hugh Leach, Misses Margaret and Alice Slagle. MISS SLAGLE AND MR. FAGG HONORED AT SUPPER Miss Rachel Slagle and Thomas H. Fagg, whose marriage will be a social event of July, were hon ored at a steak supper by Mrs. W. W. Sloan on last.. Thursday evening at the Jones Cabin on Wayah Bald. Those enjoying the hospitality of Mrs. Sloan with the honorees were: Mr. and .Mrs. S. W. Men denhall, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Slagle, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Slagle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sloan, Miss Alice Slagle, Miss Nancy Jones, Miss Margaret Slagle, G. A. Jones, Bill Sloan and Claude Bolton. MRS. J. T. ROGERS' BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED A dinner was given on Sunday, June 2, at the home, of Mrs. J. T. Rogers at Gneiss, as a courtesy to her on her 83rd" birthday anni versary. Following the picnic dinner, the Rev. Oscar Nix, of Dillard, Ja., made an interesting talk. Approximately 100 relatives -the children and many friends called during the day. ' ; New registrations at Franklin Lodge include Mr. and Mrs. James K. Sparkman and Jinunic, Jr., Tampa; Major George R. Byrd, Winchester, Va.; Misses Virginia Day and Lucille Ferguson, St. Petersburg, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pratt, Gainesville, Fla. Miss Pauline Perry, Woman's Missionary Union training instruct or, of Louisville, Ky., who is spend ing two weeks in Macon county at the various ' Baptist .churches doing special missionary work, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gibson at Iotla. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Swain and daughter, -of Greenville, S. C, is spending several weeks with Mrs. Swain'a mother, Mrs. W. W. Sloan, fit "Sunnyside Farm." Mrs. K. R. Helton, of Green ville, S. C, spent several days ast week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ledford. Sgt. Helton spent the week-end here with Mm. Helton. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Tony) Welch have moved into the Sisk apartment on Iotla street. Mr. Welch recently purchased People's Market adjoining the Bryson hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Branson Rogers, of Jessups, Md., are spending sev eral days with Mrs. Rogers moth er, Mrs. Irvin Patton, on Route 1. Mrs. Rogers was the former Miss Lillian Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marchetti and two tons, and Miss Kate Vin ton, pf Florence, S, C, (pent the came in Saturday to attend the Gibson reunion and a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dalton At West's Mill. Miss Margaret Cozad is spend ing several days in Summerville with her sister, Mrs. C. S. Brown, Jr., who is ill. Miss Dorothy Blumenthal, Leida Beshears, Dorothy Lee Morrison, Ruth Higgins and Dori Corbin have returned to tlJenVrespective homes here, after appending Wo man's: College at Greensboro: Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cook, who have been operating a hotel in Gaffney, S. C, for the past two years, have rented an apart ment from Mrs. George A. Jones and plan to spend the summer in Franklin. , Mrs. Elizabeth Kinyon, of Kan sas City, Mo., came in last week for a visit with relatives and friends in Macon county. Mrs", Kinyon will be remembered as the former Miss Elizabeth Morgan and this is her first visit back in 28 years. Carl Holt, of Petersburg, Va., is spending several days with his mother, Mrs. J. M. Holt on Dillard, Ga., Route 1, and his father who is a patient in Angel hospital. Mrs. Harley Breedlove, of Smoke mont, was visiting friends here Saturday. Mrs. Laddie Penland and two sons have returned to their home in Marion, after' spending a "week with her , daughter, Mrs. A. J. Gelinas and Mr. Gelinas in the McCoy apartment. , Fritz Waldroop has returned to Brevard college where he will at tend summer School. Billy Porter, who U working in Canton, spent the week-end with his. parentSj Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Porter. Miss Louise Ray, who is taking nurse's; training' in Richmond, Va., is spending several days with her mother,. Mrs. H. P. Ray at her home at the Iotla bridge. Miss Jessie Keener, who has been attending school in Columbus, Ohio, is spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Keener at Highlands. Miss Virginia Smith, who has been teaching music in the public school at Roanoke Rapids, has re turned for a visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'T. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ritchie, of Clayton, Ga., were among the busi ness visitors here Monday. Those attending grand chapter of the Eastern Star in Wilmington this week, include Miss Lassie Kelly, Mrs. Herbert E, Church, Mrs. W. T. Moore, Mrs. W. A. Rogers, Mrs. A. R. Higdon, Miss Elizabeth Slagle, Miss Virginia Slagle, Harley R. Cabe and James Hauser. Miss Lenore Shearer, of Fills- more, Fla.', came in Tuesday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. B. . L. McGlamery and Mr. McGlamery. Mr. and Mrs. William Elmore spent last week-end visiting Mr. Elmore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elmore at West's Mill. They returned to Asheville where they will attend Asheville Teachers col lege for the summer. Ralph E. McConnell has return ed to Los Angeles, Calif., after spending two weeks with his par ents, Mr.-and Mrs. W. R. Mc Connell, at Scaly and his sisters. Mrs. Roy Womack and Mrs. A. J. West in Franklin. He will visit his brothers, Gaude and Fred in California before going to Ha waii where he is stationed in the United States navy. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fulbright and children have returned to their home at Lake Junaluska, after being with Mrs. Fulbright's father. V. P. Deal during hi licknesi sod death. , Mrs. Marley of the faculty of the Woman's College of the Uni versity of North Carolina, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joel TOinp kins. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matlock arrived Sunday for a. visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mat lock and Mr. and Mrs. James M Morrison, - at West's Mill. Mrs Matlock remained for a week's visit while Mr. Matlock returned Monday, Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Franks and son, who spent the winter in Miami, Fla., returned for a visit with relatives and friends. Miss Timoxena Sloan, Miss Car rie Logan and her . sister, Mrs. King, of Atlanta, Ga., were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs'. J. S. Sloan. Miss Charlotte Young, of Oteen, was visiting, friends here this week. i Jesse Tessier, who is working in Spring Valley, N. Y., came in Tuesday for a . 10 days' visit with his mother, Mrs. Reba Tessier and other relatives in Franklin. Mr. and Mrs.. Neville Sloan re turned to their home in Atlanta Sunday, after a vjsit'to Mr. Sloan's mother, Mrs. J. S. Sloan. ' Fred Montony and Claude Bol ton attended the Lions convention in Durham last week. Mr. and, Mrs. B P. Hunter, of Atlanta, are spending .several days in iranklin. , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Page on Rogers Hill. Leroy' Morrison, of Winston Salem, arrived Monday for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Morrison. Bobby Sloan, who has been at tending the University of North Carolina, arrived Monday to ac cept a position in the county wel fare office for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roper and daughter, Mrs. Reber Barnhotise and two sons, of Fossil, Ore., are spending several days here with Mrs. Roper's sister, Mrs. M. L. Dowdle and Mr. . Roper's relatives on Iotla. Mr. and Mrs. Roper are a' former Macon county couple, of the Iotla section, Mrs. Roper be ing the former Miss Annie Barnr ard. Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Perry, ac companied by their son, Victor, at tended the University of North Carolina commencement at Chapel Hill this week when their son, Winton, took his degree. J Demonstration Clubs Report May Activities By MRS. FRANK BLOXHAM The 14 Home demonstration clubs in the county held their regular meetings as usual, during the month of .May. in the Allison-Watts community a meeting was held to plan for an organized club. This is to be an extension of the Car toogechaye club, with the leaders assisting or relieving the . home agent- in carrying pn the work each month. No member of the group attending this meeting had ever participated in any home demonstration work. At the regular meetings of the clubs the health leader's used ma: terial furnished by Mrs. Jim Perry, county chairman for the American Society for Cancer Control. Follow: ing flie talk by the health leader an open discussion was entered into by the members. Mrs. - Robert Gaines, the county nurse, attended the Scaly club where she led the health discussion and explained the new laws con cerning venereal diseases. The food leaders discussed "Cot tage Cheese for Variety". As an outcome of this discussion the home, agent will demonstrate the making of processed cottage cheese during--, the month of June. the home agent spoke briefly on the .subject of "Simple 'Refresh ments" as being timely during the summer season. "Cheese Dainties" and "Molasses Cookies" were made as the demonstration. Several wo men suggested delightful combina tions of foods - which ; they had served for refreshments. The home management leaders read an article on "Home Clean ing Hints" which was prepared by the state home agent. Various sug gestions were given which help to make the difficult job of cleaning an easier one. ' An improvement in the curb market was noted by customers last month. The county farm agent and .his assistant have built new vegetable bins under . the front windows on the inside of the build ing, making a more convenient ar rangement than heretofore. With a pair- of travelers At each window! pane. I iinay sit beside you " All the journey through, Or, I may sit elsewhere Never knowing you. 7 .' :'.' But if fate should make me .To sit at your side, Let's be pleasant trawlers It's so short a ride. Charles Allen Branham. pie will assist in the work through out the summer. Bryant Furniture Co. K EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME AT REASONABLE PRICES Phone 10C ' Franklin. N. C Otto The president of each club of fers the following "Thought for the Month:" LIFE'S JOURNEY Life is like a journey Taken on a train, By LOTIS BRADLEY A large number of' Mr. George Cabe's relatives and friends cele brated his 84th birthday, Sunday, June 9 at the home of his daugh ter, .Mrs; Yoel Bradley. Mr. and 'Mrs." Louis Marchetti and Kate Vinson of Florence, S. C, visited Mrs. Marchetti's. and Miss Vinson's . parents the past week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vin son. Miss Mildred "and Kate Moffitt left for Western Carolina Teach ers' college where they will attend summer school. Miss Josephine .Bradley who is attending Asheville Beauty Aca demy visited her 'parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Bradley the past week end.. -"' Billy Corbin who has attended State college; ; Raleigh, has return cd home. M iss Eluora Anderson who has been- employed in Franklin re turned to her home here Monday Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Keener of Clayton announce the birth of a son, Martin Lafayette, on Thurs day, June 6. Mrs. Keener was for merly Miss Kate Curtis of Otto. Neville Cabe who has been ill at his home is somewhat improved. Miss Wilda Mae Sanders is spending this week in Hazelwood, visiting relatives. I KEEP AW SMOKING ON ' THE SIOW-BURNINC SIDE WITH CAMELS. THEY GIVE ME EXTRA MILDNESS AND EXTRA COOLNESS - ''' s " w mtttmm y'omiiiir-m nn ,'.'" a a PATRICIA ENGLISH, noted lion trainer Students from Toccoa Falls Bible Institute who are helping Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hull with Daily Vaca tion Bible school work and Union Sunday school work "in Macon county and Rabun county are Misses Ruby Johnson, Bonnie Pritchard, Ruth Stiles, Elois Allen, Sarah Alspaugh and Elmer Wilting. Schools are now being held at Rainbow Springs and Cowee Gap, Macon county. These young peo- In recent laboratory tests, CAMELS burned 25 ilotvtr than the average of the 1 5 other of the largest-selling brand tested slower than any of them. That means, on the av erage, a smoking plus equal to 5 EXTRA SMOKES PACK FOR EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR- mill Slow-Burning CostDer Tobaccos r s ,M U n. J piZf III i A f i a t ? K ' . i i , " 1 vim , . ... .. r -J f' v' mi u ."H rg? The Master 85 Town Sedan, $699 Chevrolet for '40 out-measures all other lowest-priced cars from front of grille to rear of body . . and it also outsells all other makes of cars, regardless of price! Measuring 181 inches from front of grille to rear of body . . . tipping the scales at 3010 pounds for the Special De Luxe 4-door sedan '... Chevrolet for '40 out-measures and out weighs all other cars in the lowest price field! It's the biggest package of value in the busiest price range; and, of course, its extra length and extra weight mean extra worth to you, the buyer, in all ways. That's why peopleare saying, "Why pay more? Why accept less?" That's why they're buy ing more Chevrolets than any other car, for the ninth time in the last ten years! .f "1'JLl" 'IMWKy n Style Hit of tht Year V VMSWlW Kmi,X, mW Founi Chevron aad on Hlsher PrWd Car. Supreme on Land. Sea and in the Air 181 Inche from Front of Grill to Rear of Body 0 MMmmW CI W$MM!$fMi Automatic-Only Driver Effort W&WtXffltBhW The Last Word in Safety CI 'W:,fcVTTT For Smoother. More Reliable Operatloa J fflfc ..fiP iWtll - . . A Sla Coeti Leu to Run than an Eight 0 mkmmh mmmimwMihto WML Om Special De Lima and Made Da Ivxe Sorlea MASTER 85 Wyr jf BUSINESS COUPE Othar aiadola aSghtty klghai Aff modei priced at Hint, Mkh. Tmn. portation bated on rail rates, ttat and j local taxes (if any); optional equipment and accessories txtra. Prkes aubecf to change without notice. him ran r BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY Phono 123 Franklin, Ne C

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