THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1940 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PAGE FIVE Highlands MRS. CHURCH NOTES , Highlands Baptist Church Rev. J. G. Benfield, Pastor 10 a. in. Sunday school. : 11 a. m. Sermon. 7 p. m. B. T. U. - 8 p. m. Sermon. Highlands Methodist Church Rev. J. S. Higgins, Pastor Horse Cove: ' ' 10 a. m. Preaching. : .,''' Highlands: 11 a. m. Preaching. , Flats: 2:30 p. m, Preaching. Highlands: 7:30 p. m. Preaching. . 2:30 p. m. Preaching. Highlands Presbyterian Church Rev. R. B. DuPree, Pastor 10:15 a. m.-Church school 11a. m. Worship. 8 p. m. Christian Endeavor - Church of, the Incarnation Rev. Frank Blcocham, Priest-in-Charge 10 a. m. Church school. 11 a. m. Holy communion and sermon by Rev. Milton B. Sacket, of Sanford, Fla. , CLEAN-UP DAY AT HIGHLANDS CEMETERY Saturday, August 10, has been set aside as clean-up day at the Highlands cemetery. All persons who have friends or relatives bur ied in this cemetery, and any one else interested in helping, are ask ed to meet early Saturday morn ing, August 10, with working tools. Lunch will be served in the grove at the cemetery, and J. R. Phillips: will be in charge of the work. SUNSET ROCK ROAD IS .IMPROVED The Misses Marguerite and Clare Ravenel ' have; cooperated with the Town iri improving the road to Sunset Rocks. The road has been widened at the sharp curves ; the jutting boulders removed from the sides of the road, and the road feed surfaced with crushed , rock. . Sunset Rocks is one of the love liest points of interest in this sec tion, both from the west side where the gorgeous sunset views are to be had and from the east side with its sheer drop , of a thousand feet, overlooking Horse Cove. TROSDAL-ULANOWSKI Miss Lucy Storm Trosdal of Highlands and Savannah became the bride of Paul Ulanowski of New York City in a quiet ceremony at "Solbakken", the Trosdal sum mer home at the Country Club, at high noon Saturday, August 3. The Rev. George F. Taylor of Tryon was the officiating minister and the bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Hudson Boyd of Savannah. Her brother, storm Trosdal, acted as best man, and her cousin, Miss Laura Shallen berger of Savannah, played the wedding march. The bride was lovely in a dress of cream colored satin brocade and a short veil held in place with a tiny wreath of orange blossoms. She carried an old-fashioned bou quet of white Rebrum lilies and swainsohia. Her only attendant was Miss Anne Altstaetter, who wore a dress of pale blue moire with matching picture hat, and carried a bouquet of pastel colored garden flowers. ' The vows were spoken before a bower of pale pink and white rho dodendron blossoms, against which Jail vases of white gladioli were arranged. Vases. and urns of glad ioli in brilliant shades were used in the dining room and on the piazza. A wedding breakfast was served immediately after the cere mony while a group of mountain musicians gave a selection of lover ly mountain music from the piazza. Mr. and Mrs. Uktnowski will make their home in New York City. - ... SOCO GAP DANCE TEAM TO APPEAR HERE The Sbco Gap square dance team will be at Helen's Barn at 8 o'clock on Monday evening, August 12. This team is made up of 16 train ed and talented dancers with many years of experience in dancing the old figures that were brought from England centuries ago, and are the National Square Dance champions. . The band and team performed in the White House for the King and Queen of England in 1939. This team gave a performance in Carnegie Music Hall in Pitts burgh the past spring and danced for the socially prominent Vander bilts, Leitew, Clarks, Mallons, etc, at Aiken and Warrenton on two very select occasions; also pro moted dances for John D. Rocke fellers nephew, who is president of the Chase National Bank at Boston. INDIAN BOYS ENLIST IN MARINE CORPS The following item of interest appeared In the Philadelphia Eve ning Bulletin a few days ago : The army recruiting office (in Phila delphia) were crowded recently Highlights H. G. STORY with young men accepted for .serv ice and leaving for various train ing bases. Of the four recruits for the Marine Corps three were In dian boys, Michael Popow, 20 year old high school student, and two brothers, Jesse Henry Youngdeer, 22, and Robert Stevenson Young deer, -9, who' have been living on the Cherokee Indian Reservation in North Carolina. The three re cruits are now in training at Par ris Island, S. G" , Photographs of the Indian boys accompanied the article showing them in their-Marine outfits. HIGH PRAISES FOR HIGHLANDS Mayor W. W. Edwards is in re ceipt of a letter from Mr. J. E. Coad, secretary of the Hickory, N. C, chamber of commerce, writ ten on his return home after he and his family had been guests at Hotel Edwards during last week. s heat wave. This letter is so warm in its praise of Highlands that we are quoting a part of it here:, "The thermometer registered 9d degrees when we reached home last night and was still above 80 de grees at mid-night. You can imag' ine our feeling after the night be fore at Highlands, where, as you know, we slept under two blank ets. ' . "You have a wonderful spot and if people only knew, the real sum mer comfort awaiting them there your city would easily double in size. Mrs. Coad and I have fully made up our minds that Highlands is where we want our summer home. I believe I know a hundred men over the central South who would be just as crazy about the place as we are, if they knew what they could find there." RAINWATER AND YATES DEFEAT JONES AND HUDSON Although weather conditions were much against the golf exhibi tion given for. the benefit of the Hudson Library last Sunday after noon, the match was played before a fine gallery. Crawford Rainwater and Charlie Yates defeated Bobby Jones and Scott Hudson, Jr., 2-1. The crowd was estimated, at be tween 350 and 400 people. All of the returns from the sale of tick ets are not yet in so that the amount is not available at this time. ANNUAL LIBRARY MEETING HELD The annual meeting of the Hud son, Library Association was held at the library annex on Thursday, August 1, with the president, Miss Marguerite Ravenel, presiding. Others present were Miss Dorothea Harbison, Miss Cora Miltimore, Miss Rebecca Nail, Miss M. D. Warren, Mrs. Harvey L. Parry, Mrs. A. C. Holt, Miss Mary J. Crosby, Mrs. George A. Townsend, Mrs. Arthur L. Bliss, Mrs. J. A. Simpson, Mijs. F. H. Potts, Mrs. J. A. Hines, Mrs. Ralph Sargent and Miss Gertrude Harbison. After the various reports were given the president suggested that resolutions of regret at the passing of Mrs. J. Jay Smith be incorpor ated in the minutes and that sym pathy be extended to Mr. Smith. Mr,s. Smith was a tireless worker for the library for almost half a century, tiding it over many lean years and giving the hospitality of her home for the Association meetings, etc. The annual election of officers resulted in all officers being re elected. They are, president, Miss Marguerite Ravenel, first vice-president, Miss Albertina' Staub; sec ond vice-president, Miss Mary J. Crosby; treasurer, Miss Dorothea Harbison; secretary, . Miss Cora Miltimore. The board . of trustees was re elected with the exception of Miss Warren, who asked to be relieved of her duties as trustee. Her res ignation was accepted with reluc tance, and she was given a rising vote of thanks for her interest and support which have meant so much to the institution through the years. Mrs. Ralph Sargent of St Paul, Minn., a summer home-owner, was elected to succeed Miss Warren, and was warmly welcomed as a new trustee. Her parents, Dr. Alex ander P. Anderson and the late Mrs. Lydia Anderson, were among the pioneer summer home owners of Highlands and figured promi nently in its early history. Composing the present board of trustees are Mrs. F. H. Potts, Mrs. J. A. Hines, Mrs. Arthur L. Bliss and Mrs. Ralph Sargent Composing the present board of trustees are Mrs. F. H. Potts, Mrs. J. A. Hines, Mrs. Arthur L. Bliss and Mrs. Ralph Sargent Miss Gertrude Harbison was re elected librarian and Miss Doro thea Harbison assistant librarian. SPIRITUAL PROGRAM There will be a spiritual pro gram rendered by the colored peo ple of Highlands n Sunday, Aug ust 11, at 4 JO o'clock, at the Highlands School Theatre. The public is cordially invited. Silver offering. Mrs. James Lowe and two chil dren, James, Jr, and Leoora Eli. abeth , returned to their home in Lylesville last Saturday after a week's visit here with relatives. Mrs. Lowe was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harbison who spent the week7end with her and Mr. .Lowe. While her parents were away, little Miss Anne Harb ison visited her grandmother, Mrs. T. G. Harbison. Herbert Millkey of Atlanta was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilcox at their home, Billy Cabin Farm, in the Shortoff section. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Smith left Tuesday for a several weeks' visit with their son, Sydney Smith, in Detroit, Mich. i Mr. and Airs. A. E. Stewart of St. Louis, Mo., are occupying Mrs. Bertha Jones' cottage on Cullasaja Drive for August and September. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Darby of Macon, Ga., and Harry Darby of Charleston, S. C, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bankston of Savannah, Ga., for the month of August, at the Blanchard cottage on Cullasaja Drive. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Merrill of Asheville were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reese. On their return home they were accompain ed by their small nephew, Louis Reese, who will visit them for two weeks. Rev. Frank Bloxham of Franklin was a luncheon guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis on Monday, en route home after a week-end in Columbia, S- C, where he exchanged services with the Rev. Rufus Morgan on Sunday, Mrs. F. R. Georgia has returned to her .summer home at Flat Moun tain after a visit to Black Moun tain College .near Asheville. Mr. Georgia was president of the Black Mountain College and Mrs. Geor gia a teacher there for three years prior to making their home in Ithaca, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Warner of Miami, -Fla., are' guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. T. M. Keen er at Shortoff. Dr. and Mrs. Warner J. Davis and two children, Helen and Joe, of Lexington, Ky., arrived Tuesday for a stay of 10 days at their cot tage on Mirror , Lake. Their son, Billy, who has been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.i Davis, for the. past three weeks will join them at the cottage. Dr. Davis is pastor of the Epworth Methodist church in Lexington. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Cable, their son and daughter, Jack and Dor othy, of St. Louis, Mo., are at their summer home on Mirror Lake. The lateness of their arrival is due to the fact that Dr. Cable has been busy in summer school at Wash ington University. Harry Hall of Richmond, Va., is spending a two weeks vacation with relatives here. His sister, Mrs. Nash Broyles, her grandson Mur ray Hamilton and Lloyd Jones of Atlanta are at Highlands Manor for the month of August. New arrivals at the different coN tages for the month of August are Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Pollard of Savannah, Ga., at the R. L. Aeck House at the Country Club ; Mrs. S. Whitman McGonigal, At lanta and Sea Island Beach, at the Foreman Cottage; Dr. and Mrs. Julian . F. Chisholm and family of Savannah at the Ruggles . place on Whiteside Mountain ; Mrs. John A Sibley, of Atlanta, at the Young Cottage on the Walhalla Road ; Mr. and Mrs; Walter Jackson, Gainesville, Ga., at the Raoul Cot tage on Brushy Face Mountain. Recent guests of '. Mrs. Walter Reese were her two sisters, Mrs. J. A. Calloway of Asheville, and Mrs. Margaret Perry, of Augusta, Ga., and an aunt, Mrs. J. , F. Wat son, of Knoxville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Ander son had as their , guests the first of the week Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Durkee of Hollywood, Fla., who were en route to the World's Fair and to visit relatives in Massa chusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Durkee Were next door neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson when the lat ter spent last winter in Florida. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. McAliley of Atlanta are visiting their daughter. Miss Louise Cramer, at "Holliday House" at the Country Chib. The friends of Mr. Mack Wilson will be pleased to learn that he continues to improve from a sev eral weeks' illness at Angel hos pital in Franklin. Miss Rebecca Harris Beat who has been in LenAir, with her broth er since last fall is now in Day- tona, Fla., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Beal. Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Harold have as their guests the Misses Jane and Joan Meeker, lovely twin daughters of Mr. James Meeker of Miami. Recent Miami guests of Dr. and Mrs. Harold were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perry and little son, from Miami and -Osgood, Ind were Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay. A total of 19,500 persons were killed in traffic accidents at night last year and 13,000 in daytime traffic accidents. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Macon County la The Superior Court Macon County vs. Alex Moore and wife, Ada Moore ct tit, LEGAL ADVERTISING The defendants, Lula Smith sgid Mrs. W. P. Leopard, will take notice that an action as above en titled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County to the end that the plaintiff may foreclose a tax lien covering lands in which the above named defen dants have an interest, and the above named defendants: will fur ther take notice that they are re quired to appear within thirty days in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demandad in said complaint. This the 19th day of July, 1940. ,. HARLEY R. CABE . Clerk of the Superior Court Jly25-4tc A15 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, . j' Macon County In The Superior Court Macon County vs. Charles H. Perry and wife, Kate Perry The defendants, Charles H. Per ry and wife, Kate Perry, will take notice that an action as above en titled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County to the end that the plaintiff may foreclose a tax lien covering lands in which the above, named defen dants have an interest, and the above named defendants will fur ther take notice that they are re quired to appear within thirty days in the office of the Clerk' of the Superior Court of Macon County, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 19th day of July. 1940. HARLEY R. CABE Clerk of the Superior Court Jly25-4tc A15 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Macon County In The Superior Court Macon County . vs. F.: G. Jones and wife, - Jones; J. B. Denton and wife, Denton. The defendants, F. G. Jones and wife, p Jones; J. B. Denton and wife, Denton, will take notice that an action as above entitled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County to the end that the plain tiff may foreclose a tax lien cov ering Lands in which the above named defendants have an interest and the above named defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear within thirty days in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, N. C and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 19th day of July, 1940. HARLEY R. CABE Clerk of the Superior Court Jly25-4tc A15 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, ' Macon County In The Superior Court Macon County ( ' vs. E. R. Nichols, W. D. Simpson and wife, Dolly Simpson . . The defendants, E. K. Nichols, W. D. Simpson, Dolly Simpson, will take notice that an action as above entitled has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Ma con County to the end that the plaintiff may foreclose a tax lien covering lands in which the above named defendants: have an inter est and the above named defen dants will further take notice that they are required to appear within thirty daya in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, N. C and answer' or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint This the 19th day of July, 1940. HARLEY R. CABE Clerk of the Superior Court Jly25 4tc A1S NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Macon County In The Superior Court Macon' County vs. A. L. Jacobs, Glenn Ray,, et als. The defendants, A. L. Jacobs, Crawford , Poindexter, Thekna Young, Louis Young, will take notice that an action as above en titled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County to the end that the plaintiff may foreclose a tax lien covering lands in which the above named defen dants have an interest, and the above named defendants will fur ther take notice that they are re quired to appear within thirty days in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, N. C and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the 19th day of July, 194a HARLEY R. CABE Clerk of the Superior Court Jly-4te-AU LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Macon County In The Superior Court Macon County vs. : Claude S. McConnell . The defendants, Claude S. Mc Cpnnell, will take notice that an action as above -entitled has been commenced in' the Superior Court of Macon County to the end that the plaintiff may foreclose a tax lien covering lands in which' the above named defendants have an interest, and the above named de fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear within thirty days in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, N. C. and ans wer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 19th day of July, 1940. HARLEY R. CABE Clerk of the Superior Court Jly25-4tc A15 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Macon County In The Superior Court Macon County vs. Hattie Sbope; Allen Dills, et als. The defendants, Hattie Shope, ReeCe Shope, Ellie Shope, Bill Shope, Mrs. Bill Shope, Emma Parker, John Parker, Minnie Smith, Clarence Smith, Frank Wheeler, Pearl Jackson, J. H. Jackson, Myr tle Miller, Coy Miller, Fay Smith, Zipie Smith, Onnie Nichols, Elbert Nichols, will, take notice that an action as above entitled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County to the end that the plaintiff may foreclose a tax lien covering lands in which the above named defendants have an interest and the above named de fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear within thirty days in the office of the Clerk of, the Superior Court of Macon County, N. C. and ans wer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 19th day of July, 1940. HARLEY R. CABE Clerk of the Superior Court Jly25-4tc A1S NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon. Macon County, Plaintiff vs. Otto Womack, Lyman Womack et als, defendants. Under "and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the, above en titled action on the 22nd day of July, 1940, the undersigned , Com missioner will on the 26th day of August, 1940, at 12 o'clock, noon, v j W at tne vourinouse aoor in iviacun County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: Lot No. 6 in Block No. 3 and Lot No. in Block No. - in a tract of land in Macon County, N..-G, known as the Lyman Field, as surveyed and mapped by W. B. McGuire, reference being hereby had to said map - as recorded in Book 1-3, records of Macon Coun ty, N. C. pages 56 and 57, for a fuller and more particular descrip tion of the land and lot herein described. This, the 22nd day of July. 1940. R. S. JONES, Commissioner Al-4tc A22 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon. Macon County, Plaintiff vs. Derald Ashe and wife, Ada Ashe, Frances Ashe, and Town of Frank lin, defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 22nd day of July, 1940, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 2oth day ot August 1940, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in - Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing real estate: 1st Tract: The following describ ed tract or parcel of land situate in Town of Franklin on Harrison Avenue, County of Macon and State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Geo. Carpenter, W. G. Worst and others, and more par ticularly described as follows: BE GINNING at a stake at the N. W. corner of the lot where the small house stands just south of the home place of Mary F. Ashe and at the S. W. corner of said home place lot and running with the yard fence about E. about 144 feet to the N. E. corner of the lot where the small house now stands; thence about 200 feet about due East to an iron stake; corner of the lots of George Carpenter and W. G. Worst; thence with the Worst lot about 115 feet to an iron take in said line; said line running about S. E.; thence W. about 100 feet to an iron stake, the S. E. corner of the lot where the small house now stands; thence about N. W. about 130 feet to Harrison Avenue; thence with Har rison Avenue to the BEGINNING. 2nd Tract: BEGINNING at a stake at the N. W. corner of the lot where the small bouse stand LEGAL ADVERTISING just south of the home place of Mary F. Ashe and at the S. W. corner of said home place and running about East a straight line about 224 feet to a stake in the line of the land owned by Mary Sanders; then E. 58 feet to a stake; corner of land of Geo. Car penter, formerly- owned by Geo. Dalrymple; thence S. W. a Straight line to an iron stake on the .east side of Harrison Avenue, said stake being about 28 or 30 feet from the south end of the gate leading into said land, said line being .about 252 feet ; then with Harrison Avenue a N. W. course about 58 feet to the BE GINNING. This, the 22nd day of July, 1940. R. S. JONES, Commissioner Al-4tc A22 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Maoon. .-':' Macon County, Plaintiff vs. . Elsie Brunnabend, defendant. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 22nd day of July, 1940, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 20th day of August, 1940, at 12 o'clock, noon, 1 at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: . All interest in mines, minerals, mineral interests and mining rights and privileges, and more especially the mica, ' kaolin, feldspar, while or potters clay, in, on, under, through or upon the following de scribed lanj$ viz: Those lands de scribed in a deed from M. M: Ing ram, widow, and devisee of John Ingram, deceased, and C. L. Ing ram, Executor, to A. R. Kason, dated 12th day of August, 1910, and recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Macon County in Book of Deeds H-3, page 413, etc. and also in a deed from A. R. Kassin to Elmer Johnson, dated 5th day of January, 1915, also in a deed from Wilfred B. Wolcott and Alice K. Wolcott, his wife, dated 11th day of December, 1917, to which said deed and record, reference is hereby made for more full description, together with the rights of ingress and egress and the rights of way, woods and wat ers and other necessary or conven ient rights and privileges for min ing purposes, and also the joint right of way and other rights de scribed in a deed from Dan Lyle , to A. R. Kasson, bearing date March 21, 1911, recorded in Book 0-3, page 406, of said record. This, the 22nd day of July, 1940. . 1 R. S. JONES, Commissioner Al-4tc A22 i''" NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by a certain deed of trust executed by Omer William son and wife, Irene Williamson, dated February 3, 1940, and regis tered in Book 37, Page 185, records of deeds of trust for Macon Coun ty, North Carolina, the undersign ed Trustee will at 12 o'clock noon on Monday, August 12, 1940, ex pose to sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: , Lying and being in CaTtOoge chaye Township, Macon County, North Carolina. BEGINNING at a maple on the S. bank of the road runnine N. 12 W. WA ooles to .a stake on the Poplar Cove Creek; then with the meanderings' of the creek to a stake, Roscoe Corpen ing's line; then with Roscoe Cor- pening s line to a stake on the bank of road; then with the road 28 poles to the beginning. Contain ing 3 acres more or less, tor further reference , see Deed Book X-4, Page '27 records of Macon County. , This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the in debtedness, secured by said deed of trust This the 12th day of July, 1940. R. S. JONES, Trustee Jlyl8-4tc A8 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina Macon County Under and by virtue of the pow er of ' sale vested in the under signed trustee by deed of trust ex ecuted by W. W. Lenoir and wife, Viola Sanders Lenoir, to the under signed trustee, dated October 16, 1935 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, in Book No. Building and Loan No. 1 at page 193,- the undersigned trustee will, at 12 o'clock noon, on Sep tember 2, 1940. sell at the court house door in ' Franklin, North Carolina to the highest bidder, the following described real estate : All the lands described in a deed bearing date of April 7. 1926, from J. Keer Cunningham and wife. Lassie Kelly Cunningham, . to Viola Sanders, said deed being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County in Book N-4 of Deeds, page 244, to which reference is hereby made. This land is being sold on ac- ' count of default made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. This the 2nd dav of August, 1940. GILMER A. JONES, Trustee. A8-4tc A29

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