triE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN THURSDAV, AUGUST 15, i94o MCE TEN NEW CHURCH PROGRESSING Asbury Methodist Church Will Be Handsome Brick Structure Construction is already under way on the new Asbury Methodist church at Otto. ' The church will be a brick struc ture with a main auditorium 25 by 40 feet, four Sunday school' rooms, a small basement, and stained glass windows. The estimated cost is H0O0. The citizens of the Asbury com munity have donated the lumber for the biulding, which is already erected and ready for the brick work. Labor is being given by the community and surrounding com munities. Part of the cost of the church will be defrayed from the proceeds from the lunch at the annual county-wide farm and home tour, which the Jadies of the church are planning to 'serve at Prentiss. The Duke Endowment Fund gave $1,500. . ' . "The people of Asbury greatly appreciate everything that is being done," Mrs. Claude Bradley, one of the church members said. "We are especially grateful to the citi zens, of Franklin, Dillard and Clay ton, Ga., for their nice contribu tions. Everybody is interested and doing everything possible "to have our church completed." Jlev. And Mrs. Green To Sing At School Dedication ; Rev. and Mrs. Philip L. Green have accepted the invitation of the Buncombe county board of educa tion to sing "God Bless America" at the formal dedication of the new consolidated : school building at Leicester at 10 a. m. Friday, August 16. Mr. Green, who is now pastor of the Franklin circuit of Methodist churches in Macon coun ty, previously was in charge of six rural churches in the Leicester neighborhood in Buncombe county, and he and Mrs. Green have many friends who will be pleased to have them return to take part in the opening of the new school building. ' Gov. Clyde Hoey, Hon. J. M. Broughton, democratic nominee for governor, and Hon. Clyde A. Er win, state superintendent of public instruction, will be speakers. The meeting will be presided over by T. C. Roberson, county superin tendent. J. E. Potts & Son Funeral Directors AMBULANCE SERVICE SOLID OAK CASKETS PboM 164 Franklin, N. C. Classified Advertisements ' FOR SALE House and lot on Bidwell street. Liberal terms, See O. V. Hall, address, Franklin Route 3. A&-4tc A29 FOR SALE One of Macon county's best farms near Franklin. 200 Acres Good buildings. Main house 10 rooms. Running water. ' Liberal terms. P. O. Box 151, franklin. tfc ' FOR SALE CHEAP-Two lots on Iotla street, Franklin, N. C, known as the Poindexter property. Address Miss Sylla Davis, Waynes- ville, N. C . A&-2tc A15 , WANTED Pine Lumber. Will pay cash for all .kinds green or dry white and yellow pine lumber, delivered at our mill. Call at of fice or write Zickgraf Hardwood Company, Franklin, N. C. A8-3tc A22 FOR SALE 18 Acre Farm, 4 room , house, pasture, water and timber. Four miles .south of Frank lin fn Georgia Highway. E. E. Newberry, Fitzgerald, Ga. A15 3tc A29 WANTED The following copies of books used in the schools of Macon county 40 "years ago: Holmes' Fourth Reader, Maury's Manual of Geography, Chamber's Higher History of the U. S., Swin ton's Outlines of World History. Notify Press office. A1S ltc WANTED Bids on the excava tion of 3.000 yards of dirt. DR. FUR MAN ANGEL. ltc WANTED At once, good cook with experience, man or woman. FRANKLIN TERRACE HOTEL Franklin, N. C ltc A15 : FOR SALE Abbuzza seed rye, $1.00 per busheL Modern concrete block residence .Sacrifice. Long terms if desired. WM. L- MCCOY. . Franklin, N. C Jtp-AlS "r. - TEACHERS LIST . (Continued From Pag One) Stewart, Mrs. Annie S. Neil. Olive Hill Mrs Lucille K. Wurst. : Clarks Chapel Mrs. Lola S. Kiser, Mrs. Fannie Mae Arnold. Union Mrs. Pearl H. Corbin, Mrs Gay B. Teague, Mrs. Lucy C. Bradley. . Maple Springs Miss Grace Wil kes, Miss Kate Shope.Mrs. Pauline C. Holland. Holly Springs Norman West, Miss Gladys Brock. Watauga Miss Jessie Ramsey, Mrs. Carl Howard. Oak Ridge Frank Fleming, Mrs. Dora G. Carpenter. Mountain Grove Miss Charlotte Young. Ellijay Miss Grace Carpenter. Higdonville Sanford Smith, Mrs. Lcvicia Justice Moses. . ' Salem William Crawford, Mrs. William Crawford. Mashburn's Branch S. A. Bry son. Pine Grove E. J: Carpenter, Miss Myrtle Keener; ' Walnut Creek Miss Gladys Pan nell. Buck Creek Miss Mary Elmore. Gold Mine Mrs. Ina Henry Du vall. Mulberry Mrs. Onnie Oabe, Mrs. J. C. Horsley. Academy Miss Mildred Moffitt. Hickory Knoll Mrs. Myrtle Vin son, Mrs. Joyce Cagle. Lower Tesenta Mrs. Maybur Henson. Mountain View E. G. Crawford. Otto J. J. "Mann, Mrs. Blanche Howard. ' Slagle Miss Nora Moody, Miss Amanda Slagle, Mrs. Mary Ann Angel, Mrs. Martha C. Shields, Mrs. Elizabeth D. Higdon. Allison-Watts "J. B. Brendle, Miss Esther Seay. . Oak Dale Mrs. Pearl Phillips Stewart, Miss Elizabeth Meadows. : Burhingtown Mrs. Nina T. Mc Coy, Mrs. Marie G. Roper. Oak Grove Mrs. Eunice Siler, Miss Ruth Byrd, Miss Christine Browning, Mrs. Kate Reece Brad ley. Cowee Mrs." Gertie W. Moss, Miss May McCoy, Miss Mattie Brendle; Liberty Ralph Angel, Mrs Sel ma Dalton. . Aquone Miss Evelyn Kinsland. Otter Creek Carl D. Moses, Ray Moses, Jack Carpenter, Miss Annie Lee Bryson, Mrs. Fleta Mason. Kyle Miss Lolita Dean, Miss Pauline F. Cable. Beecher Mrs. Mary J. Sutton. Scaly Miss Jessie Hurst, Miss Virginia Edwards. Highlands O. F. Summer, F. C. Hentz, Miss Elizabeth Whiteside, Mrs. Annie W. Pierson, Miss Cynthia Morotz, Miss Ethel Cal loway, Miss Nina Howard, Miss Veva Howard, Miss Lois Keener, Miss Mtaurine Davis. Chapel H. R. Kemp, Mrs Eula Lee King Kemp, Mrs. Emma L. England, Miss Edith Fleming, Wil son Jones. Schools Opens August 29 All county schools will open on Thursday, August 29. The first teachers' meeting has been called for Wednesday, August 28, at 10 a. m., in the Franklin high school. William D. Hobart Passes In San Diego, Calif. J. S. Robinson received a mes sage last Thursday from his sister, Mrs. William D. JSobart, of San Diego, Calif., telling of the death of her husband. Mr. Hobart died at his home there following an illness of several months, although he had not been ,well for several years. In June, 1917, Mr. Hobart was married to Miss Kate Robinson, of Franklin, who was widely known throughout Western North Carolina. Otto By MRS. J. R. NORRJS The annual A. M. Ledford re union will be held at War Woman Dell on the road between Ckyton, Ba., and Pine Mountain, Ga., on September 1. A cordial invitation is extended to all who wish to come bringing well filled lunch baskets. Mr. and Mrs. .' Win. Carpenter and family of Mountain City, Ga., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bingham and other relatives. Henry Queen of Cramerton, is visiting his son, Horace Queen. . Mr. and Mrs. Miller Norris vis ited Mrs. Norris' mother, Mrs. -Will Seagle, who is sick, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Conley of New Jersey, visited Mr. Con- ley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Conley, recently. Miss Fannie Con iey accompanied them on their re turn home. Mrs. Raleigh Norris visited her sister, Mrs. Jess Henson, who is critically ill, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Carpenter of Otto have announced the birth of a son, Charlie Ray. Sunday, August 18, is Home Com ing Day at Mulberry Methodist church. Everybody is urged to come and bring well filled lunch baskets. Mrs. A M. Ledford of Walhalla and Anderson, S. C, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Grady Henson of Otto. Meetings at the Mulberry Metho dist church doied Sunday, , ADDITIONAL FRANKLIN SOCIAL ITEMS MRS. LAWSON ROSS !S HONORED AT PARTY' Honoring Mrs. Lawson A. Ross, of Spartanburg, S. C... Mrs. Roy F. Cunningham was hostess at a bridge-shower on Friday evening at her home on Palmer street, with two table of bridge in play. Mrs. Carl Tysinger, Jr., was win ner of the high score prize, while the prize for low score was award ed to Mrs. R. M. Rimmer. Mrs. Ross was winner of the consola tin prize which consisted of a num ber of lovely gifts from those at tending. Those enjoying the evening in cluded Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Frank Higdon, Mrs. Alex Stewart, M lis. W. T. Moore, Mrs. Carl Gabe, Mrs. R. M. Rimmer, Mrs, Carl Tysing er, Jr., Mrs. Neil Johnston, Mrs. George B. Patton, Mrs. H. A. Wil hide, Miss Elizabeth Slagle, Miss Carolyn Nolen and Miss Virginia Slagle. BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO MEET NEXT WEEK The three circles of the Wo man's Missionary Society of the Franklin Baptist church will meet on Thursday afternoon, August 22, at 3 o'clock in the church for their regular monthly circle meetings. The Rev, C: F, Rogers, pastor of the church, will teach the con cluding chapters of the . mission book, "Missions In the Bible," by J. B. Lawrence. Mrs. R. M. Rimmer, Mrs. J. Horner Stockton and . Mrs. Frank Reece will be pint hostesses. All members are urged to be present. MRS. LAWSON ROSS HONORED WITH SHOWER Mrs. Laddie Crawford and Mrs. Rutherford Snyder entertained with a miscellaneous shower at the home of the former on Cartooge chaye on Friday afternoon, as a courtesy to Mrs. Lawson A. Ross, of Spartanburg, S. C, the former Miss Ruth Slagle of Franklin. A number of friends called dur ing the hours leaving many useful and attractive gifts for the hon oree. . Refreshments were served by the hostesses. SHOWER FOR RECENT BRIDE Mr,s. Lawson A. Ross, the former Miss Ruth Slagle, whose wedding took place July 20 in the Frank lin , Methodist church, received many beautiful gifts at a shower given in her honor at the home of Mrs. F. L. Siler last Saturday afternoon. The hostesses were Mrs. H. A. Wilhide and Miss Carolyn Nolen and the party was enjoyed on the spacious porch of Mrs. Siler on West Main street, who received the guests and presented them to the bbride. A long table was laden with gifts that will contribute to the comfort and beauty of the new home the young couple will make in Spartanburg, S. C. where Mr. Ross is in business. ' A host of friends called during the hours of 5 to 7. Delicious re freshments were served. The Rev. F. Ray Riddle, D. D., pastor of the Shanadon Presbyter ian church, Columbia, S. C, to gether with Mrs. Riddle and their children, Frances and Bobby, are the guests of the Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Flanagan for thcweek. Miss Nora Leach, who underwent a very serious operation . there Wednesday morning. Miss Leach's condition was reported to be very satisfactory. Mrs. Wright remain ed for a few days with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Newton and two children, Phillip, Jr., and Sandra, of Russellville, Art, came in Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. Newton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Peek. They were accom panied by Mrs. Frances Newton. of Cordallis, Ore., mother of Mr. Newton. They plan on making an extensive tour of this section be fore returning to their homes. Ralph West, assistant manager if the Atlantic & Pacific Tea store, is off on a two-weeks' leave of absence. He is being relieved by Vearl Rector of Marshal. Mrs. Fleet Scroggs and two chil dren of Richmond, Va., are spend ing several days with Mrs. Scroggs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Smith. Mrs. John Willis Fox of Raleigh is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Willis, in the Caro lina apartments here this week. Miss Juliana Davis, of Jackson ville, Fla who is attending Bre vard college, was the week-end guest of Misses Lillian and Dor othy Jones. Mr. and Mrs. S. C Watson and family returned to their home in Pittsburgh, Pa after spending two weeks here with Mrs. Watson's brother, John H. Thomas and Mrs. Thomas and other relatives and friends in Macon county. Mrs. Blackburn Wilson and her daughter, Miss Fanny B. Wilson, of Washington, D. C, are visiting Mrs. Wilson's daughter, Mrs. J. W. C Johnson. They were driven up from Spartanburg, S. C by Dr. Oscar B. Wilson, STARSTAKETWO FROM GASTONIA Will Play Easely Team Team Here This Sunday The Franklin All Stars won their 15th and loth game, of the season by annexing the twin bill with Gastonia over the week-end, 5-2 and 4:2 respectively. The games served as a tune-up for the encounter with the Easley, S. C, team this Sunday and mark ed the final appearance of "Little Beaver" Nichols in an AH Star uniform. Nichols left Monday to take up his new duties in Atlanta. Right Foot First The locals got off on the right foot in the first game and scored four runs on three hits to take a lead which was never passed. A liberal sprinkling of errors aided the rally, considerably; only two of the runs being earned. The! fin al tally came in the sixth inning when the visitors unlimbered an error blizkreig to chase the run across without a bingle being chalked up. Gastonia racked up their two markers in the second and fourth innings and took seven hits to manufacture them. Hitting Honor In the K. O. department Nichols outscored ' Rankin of the visitors two to one while hitting honors for the day went to Martin, Nich ols and Tysinger with two hits apiece. While Frye of the visitors boosted" his average by getting three for four. The visitors outhit the locals nine to eight but the erratic field ing spelled the difference in the ball game. Bronvo In The Box The second game saw "Bromo" Higdon ascend the mound, and out pitch Stover of Gastonia as the locals went on to win. Again, a one-inning rally proved the decisive factor when the loc als unlimbered their big berthas in the fifth inning to score three runs on two singles, a double and a triple. The locals jumped into the lead in the first inning when "lover-boy" Martin received a free admission to finst to start the game, went to second on a sacrifice by Archer and score a few moments later on errors. The visitors came within a . hair of repeating their scoring prefor mance of Saturday by chalking up markers in the third and fourth innings. Higdon was nicked for four well scattered hits . and was never in serious trouble, while his mates were slugging out eleven hits. He accounted for six Gastonians by the strike out route while only two of the locals bowed out before Stover's collections of slants. Advices from down the line in dicate that weather permitting, the locals are in , for one of the sea Son's toughest struggles as the Easley crew is reputed to have a strong outfit and Manager Swan son of the locals promises plenty of action along with perhaps a few new faces in his line-up when the All Stars take the field around 3 p. m. Sunday. Twin Peach Puts Twin , Cucumber In Shade Billy Reece, 13, a future farmer of America, brought a twin peach into The Press office that throws the twin cucumber in the sliade. The peach is on display in The Press office window. . Mrs. Siler's Broadcasts At 8:15 P. M. Thursdays The time of Mrs. F. L. Siler's 15 minute weekly broadcasts over WWNC, Asheville, that had been announced , for Thursday evenings at 8:45 has been changed to 8:15. Her subject is Cherokee Indian Lore, and will be heard with inter est throughout the range of this station. Mrs. Siler says that there will be many opportunities for her to say something about Franklin, and that she may be counted on to do so. After speaking a few weeks ago on a broadcast 'arranged by the Franklin " Chamber of Com merce, Mrs. Siler, who has writ ten many stories about the Chero kees, was requested by Don Elias of the Citizen-Times, in charge of the radio station, to make this ser ies of broadcasts. Milton Fouts, of Tryon, came in Wednesday to ve with his brother, Meritt Fouts, who is critically ill at Angel hospital. W. U. C (Top) Dalton, of Gas tonia was visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dalton at West's Mill the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson A. Ross have returned to their , home in Spartanburg. S. G, after spending the week-end with Mrs. Ross parents,-Mr. and Mrs. A B. Slagle. . Mr. and Mrs. Gus Leach and Mrs. Pearl Wright went to Ashe ville Wednesday to see their sister Mr. and Mrs Lee Guffey spent the week-end in Atlanta. They were accompanied by Miss Dorotry White of Bryson City. As the World Turns (Continued from Pa One) , EXPORT-IMPORT LOAN FUND The house banking committee yesterday approved a $500,000,000 increase in the Export-Import bank's capital ami authorization for the RFC to makeSl, 000,000.00 of loans for national obfense' pur poses. AMENDMENT SEEKS . MORE PAY The senate voted yesterday an amendment, to the conscription bill raising the base pay on the army and marine corps from $21 to $30 a month. The house debated legis lation' empowering the president to call the national guard and army reserves to active duty, ton. . . FLOOD TRAGEDY AT BANNER ELK Two children were killed instant ly and their mother and two other children were injured ,when the residence of Bynum Shumaker, near Banner Elk, was swept 300 yards down a mountainside by a land slide.. ' ' i SOUTH CAROLINA HURRICANE Gov. Burnet R. Maybank of South Carolina yesterday ordered the Beaufort company of the 263rd coast artillery to assist civil -authorities in administering Telief and keeping order in Beaufort county, hardest hit area in the track of the hurricane that struck the Geor gia and South Carolina coast last Sunday. Damage at Parris Island marine base was estimated at $300,000. Large property damage and some loss of life was suffered by Charl eston, Savannah' and coast resorts. E. B. DENNY STATE DEMOCRATIC CHAIRMAN E. B. Denny of Gastonia was elected to succeed R. Gregg Cher ry, Gastonia, as chairman by the state Democratic committee meet ing in Raleigh last flight. D. W. Nichols Transferred To Offices In Atlanta D. W. Nichob left Monday for Atlanta, to accept a position in the Regional. Fiscal Agent's office of the U, S. Forest Service. "Dub", as he is known by every one, came to the Nantahala Na tional Forest in 1933 direct from business school. He served in many capacities while on the Nantahala and made an enviable record in each position. His transfer to the Regional of fice is a distinct promotion and one which is well deserved. Mrs. Nichols and Douglas, Jr., will join Mr, Nichols'withih a few weeks for residence in Atlanta. Lions Clubs Of Clayton And Franklin Enjoy Joint Meeting The Franklin and Clayton Lions enjoyed a "Ladies' Night" joint meeting last Monday held at the Rabun Gap school. The ' Home makers Club of the school served a delicious repast to the more than 50 in attendance. Hugh Mohteith, an attorney and member of the Sylva Lions Club delivered the principal address- on the subject of "Duty of a Lion as an Individual." Dr. Bellengrath, president of the Rabun Gap school gave a most in teresting talk on the growth and purposes of the school's work, out lining its three-fold divisions. He explained that the community school is supported by the state and supplemented by the institution. The boarding school includes a high school and two year junior college. The third direction of the insti tution is to aid farm families. The speaker explained the unique plan originated by Dr. Ritchie, former president, of bringing families from mountain farms to live and work on the school's farm for as long as five years, to learn im proved methods and to return to their homes better farmers and hontemakers. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Woodruff of Franklin were guests' who con tributed to the evening's enter tainment with delightful music Lioness Averell also sang two solos, and a duet with Lioness Bloxham. MORE FOR LESS D & G Dog Feed, lb. 10c Curly Tail Hog Ration, 100 lbs. $2.25 Corn Flakes, 4 boxes 25c Corn Meal, fresh ground, bu. $1.15 FARMERS FEDERATION Palmer Street Franklin, N. C Business Girls Club Contributes To Red Cross The Business Girls Club of the Franklin Presbyterian Presbyterian church has contributed $5 to the county Red Cross Fund, Chairman Horky Cabe announced this week. Contributions to date total rough ly around $460, Mr. Cabe said. Methodist Women Meet With Mrs. Siler The Methodist Women's Society for Christian Service, meeting with Mrs. F. L. Siler this week elected Mrs. Hall as president to succeed Mrs. Beshears who resigned, Mrs. Hattie Jones' birthday was remembered, she being one of the oldest and most faithful members. The social service ' committee, Mrs. Siler, Mrs. BeTt' Slagle and Mrs. Harold Sloan, reported visit ing all members, of those having cars taking others to visit the sick and shut-ins. The gift of a good range to the Negro Community House was re ported, enabling them to make a good sum from their 4th of July rlinirpr tn nav the Hpht ctill Hn on the building. The September meeting will be with Mrs. Robert Davis: JOIN Our Burial Association Today ! LARGEST AND STRONG EST IN WESTERN N. C. FULL TIME EM BALM ER 21 F C RT Premium It Lk l Coupons in Every Bag! Redeemable in a Tonery or acirac five premiums. Writ to McCord-Sttwerr Co., Atlanta, for Ire prtffliya catalog. OMJII OCXBiJ TIRED AND NEED REFRESHING? Stop fof Eats or ' Drinks Special Fried Chicken And Barbecue Dixie Grill QUALITY MATERIALS FINE WORKMANSHIP PROMPT SERVICE Satisfaction Guaranteed PARCEL POST PAID ONE WAY ON MAIL ORDERS Macon Shoe Shop JOHN 4k EARL ANGEL, Mgr. IN OLD HORN STAND I Wmmt LRU SHOrT q