Thursday, august is. 1940 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN PAGE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and . COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER S. CONLEY, PHONE 104 U. D. C. MEETING WITH MISS RANKIN " Miss Lily Rankin was hostess to the Macon County Chapter of the United Daughters of Confederacy on Monday afternoon at her home on Riverview street. There were 11 members and visitors present. Mrs. Herbert E. Church, presi dent, -presided. The meeting was opened with the reading of the ritual and singing the Old North State. . Following the business session, "The , Bombardment of Fort Fish er", was the topic of the program given. Miss Myrtle. Bolick and Mrs. E. L. Veasey told of their visits to the Fort. Mrs. Veasy, who left Wednes day for her new home at Wilton, was presented a piece of Moun tain pottery as a farewell, courtesy from the chapter. The hostess served delicious re freshments at the conclusion of the meeting. Those attending included Mrs. - Sam .L. Rogers, Mrs. Lon Camp bell, Mrs. Herbert E. Church, Mrs. Zeb W. Conley, Miss Myrtle Bo lick, Mrs. Lester S. Conley, Mrs. J. H. Rainey and granddaughter, Jean Drye, of Nashville, Term., and Mrs. Charles Allen, of Atlanta. . MRS. F. S. JOHNSTON ENTERTAINS AT LUNCH EON Mrs. Frederick S. Johnston, Sr., of Franklin and Tampa, who is .spending the summer with, her daughter, Mrs. Guy Houk and Mr. Houk, was hostess last Tuesday at a delightful luncheon, which was enjoyed by a number of old friends who are glad to welcome her to Franklin each summer. The rooms were decorated with handsome dahlias, gladioli and other flowers for which Mr. Houk is famous. The luncheon table had for its centerpiece a crystal vase of lovely rosebuds from the garden of T. W. Angel, Jr., who is also famous for his rose garden. The table was set with heirloom Havi land and Spode china. The guests included Mrs. Mary Johnston Allman, Mrs. George A. Jones, Mrs. Sam L. Rogers, Sr., Mr,?. S. H. Lyle, Sr., Mrs. Jesse Sloan, Mrs. W. W. Sloan, Mrs. Lee Crawford, Mrs. Nan Kenne brew, Mrs. J. B. Willis, Mrs. W. F. Curtis, and Mrs. Thomas W. Porter, Sr. Of the many older homes in " Franklin, none dispensed a more ' charming and gracious hospitality than the Johnston home when Mrs. Johnston and her husband, the late F. S. Johnston lived here.- JOHN H. THOMAS HONORED AT BIRTHDAY PARTY John H. Thomas., was honored Wednesday ' with a dinner at his home on Iotla .street, tendered by Mrs. Thomas and their children, in celebration of his 69th birthday. The dining room table was boun teously laden with a variety of good things which was tlwroughly enjoyed by all present. Three of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' L five children were present. 1 hey were Mrs. J. D. Chandler,'"of Tial lulah Lodge, Ga., Jess and Harry Thomas, of Franklin. Oothers en Joying the occasion included Mrs. S. C. Watkins, of Pittsburgh, Pa a sister of the honoree; Mr. Wat kins, their ' daughter, Mrs. Howard Stehle and son, Dickie ; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wiley Rogers Wat kins, of Pittsburgh; Mr. Chandler, of Tallulah Lodge; the Rev. and Mrs. I. L. Roberts and son; Mrs. Jess Thomas; Mrs. Harry Thomas and children; Miss Mary Sanders and Mrs. Lester Conley, of Frank lin. MISS ANNE WRIGHT GIVES RECITAL Little Miss Ann Wright, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, entertained her . music teacher and members of the class at a musical recital at her home on West Main street on Friday afternoon. Several musical .selections were rendered by the following: Dorothy and Mildred Reid, Mary Margie Constance, June Bradley, Dorothy Scott, Paul. Lee Plemmons, Gussie Leach, Richard Jones, Mildred pal ton, Harold Bradley, and Mrs. liar ry Higgins, teacher. Following the program, delicious refreshment! were served by Mrs. Wright and assisted by her ion, Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Chace Tatham and young daughter, Patricia, spent the week-end with Mrs. Tatham's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGaha, at West's Mill. Ora Matlock, of Marietta, Ga., spent the first of the week visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Matlock, at West's Mill. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Cun ningham and two children, of Winston-Salem, are spending sev eral days with Mr- Cunningham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cunningham on Franklin Route 1, and Mrs. Cunningham's brothers, G. L. and D. J, and Mrs. Jacobs, on Franklin Route 3. Mrs. Frances Higdon is spending several days in New York buying new fall merchandise for the Fran ces Shop. . , Miss Audrey Conley, who is at tending summer school at Brevard college, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Conley. Mrs.- Charles" AHenr f Atlanta, Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Sam L. Rogers at Rogers Hall. Mrs. William Krichenbaum, of Baltimore, Md., ij spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wells, at their home on Franklin Route 1. Mrs. Krichen baum will be remembered as the former Miss Lois Wells. Mrs. Stanhope Sams of Charles ton, S. C.,. is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson. Mrs. W. R. Penland and chil dren, of Cleveland, Ohio, are vis iting Mrs. Penland's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gabe, at their home on Franklin Route 2, and other relatives in Franklin and surrounding vicinity. Mrs. Graham Grindstaff, of West Asheville, was visiting her mother, Mrs. Jennie Palmer last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Alexander arid young son, of Scott, Ark., came Saturday for a visit to Mrs. Alexander's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Leach. Mr, Alexander was for merly assistant county agent for Macon county. Wade Moody, of Asheville, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Moody on Iotla. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alex Higdon, of Gastonki, spent last week visiting relatives and friends at Higdon ville and at West's Mill. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Gallo way went to Andrews on Monday afternoon to attend the funeral of Mrs. Calloway's aunt. Mrs. Texie Ramsey, who"" has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Lilly Er win in Chattanooga, Tenn., and her two daughters, Mrs. Wade II. Moody and Mrs. Grace Campbell ifi Asheville, spent the week-end here with relatives and friends, i W. H. Hawkins and son, W. H. Hawkins, Jr., of Marion were vis itors in Franklin Thursday. J. V. Twiggs, merchant of Hia wassee, Ga., has returned to his home after spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Ramsey at Tellico. For the past 14 years Mr. Twiggs has been com ing to the Ramsey home for his vacation. Mrs. Arnold Clark and Miss Louise Southards left Wednesday for Pontiac, Mich., where Mrs. Clark will join her husband who has employment there. Mrs. L. B. Aneel of Haines Citv. Fla., with Patty Angel and May Jane Angel, her daughters, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Furman Angel on Wednesdays Dr. Leo Delaney, prominent sur geon of Winston-Salem is a patient Worthy Grand Matron Makes Official Visit Here tr,.: uf? ' : . -:3iA XJllSL ' '- . ' K,.::, -V.'l Mrs. Billings' Brother Killed In Auto Accident Mrs. M. D. Billings received a telegram on Sunday afternoon tell ing of the death .of her brother, J. D. Clark, of Portersville, Calif., who was killed in an automobile accident .on Thursday. Births Mr. and Mrs. John - R. Slagle announce the birth of a son, John R, Jr., at Angel hdspital on Sat urday night, August 10. Mrs. Slagle was the former Miss Alice Davis.. Campbell-Cunningham Reunion August 25 The Campbell-Cunningham fam ilies will hold ' tlieir .annual reun ion at Arrowood Glade on Sunday, August 25. All members of these two families are expected to be present. ' Stamey Family Reunion August 25 i The Stamey family reunion will be held at the home of ... Robert Stamey on South Skeenah on Sim day, August 25. An invitation has been extended to all the descen dants of this family to allend. Mrs. Leola M.. Byerly of Salisbury, Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of North Carolina, order of the Eastern Star, will make her official visit to Nequassa Chapter No. 43 here at a special meeting at the Masonic Temple Monday night. under treatment at the Angel Clin ic Miss Margurette Hall, of Uma tilla, Fla., is spending several days in Franklin, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ben McGlamery, at their home oh Harrison avenue. Misses Jewell and Gladys Simp son, of McEwen, Tenn., are visit ing their cousins, Mrs. Vera Henry and Mrs. Howard Gilespie, at their homes on Bonny Crest. MiSs Carol KnocS, of Atlanta, Ga., is spending several days with Miss Elizabeth Wasilik at her home in the Orlando apartment. Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Crawley, of Griffin, Ga., are spending several days with Mrs. Crawley's grand mother, Mrs. S. H. Lyle, Sr., at their home on Harrison avenue.' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Franklin, of Murphy, spent the week-end on Franklin Route 4, with Mr. Frank lin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Franklin, and with Mrs. Frank lin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her-, man Dean on East Main street. Dover R. Fouts, of Burnsville, Spent the week-end visiting his father, Dr. J. H. Fouts and Mrs. Fouts on Iotla street. On his re turn he was' accompanied by Miss Frances Ashe who will spend sev eral days in Burnsville visiting. Thomas W.' Porter, Jr., left; Sat urday for his home in Nashville, Tenn. On Sunday Mrs. Porter and little daughter, Eve, left for Wrightville, Ga., for a visit with Mrs. Porter's father before return ing to Nashville. For the past two weeks they have been visiting Mr. Porter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Porter, Sr. John Jones-, who recently Under went a very serious operation at Angel hospital, is able to be out again. Mrs, Lelia Gibson, of Waynes ville, spent this week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.N James Dry man, at their home near the Co zad roller .mill. Mr. and Mrs. R. L; Bryson 111, and daughter, Robert, of Central City, Ky., have taken an apart ment in the home of Mr. Ramsey's aunt, Mrs. Charles O. Ramsey on Iotla street. Miss Ruth Higgins is: spending several days in Candler, the guest of Miss Edith Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stevens and baby of Candler, are spend ing two weeks with Mrs. Stevens' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Sel lers on Franklin Route 4. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hollyfield, of .Coebon, Va., are houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Ramsey, at their home on Iotla street. The many friends of Mrs. E. R. Kennebrew will be glad to learn that she is much improved and is recuperating at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lee Crawford. , Captain and Mrs. E. L. Veasey left Wednesday1 for Wilton where Captain Veasey has accepted a po sition as district principal of the Wilton district schools. Mrs. R. D. Sisk has returned to Franklin, after spending ' several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. A. F Gouge and Dr. Gouge at their liome in Bakersville. ' " " finrir U4 n Identical Names Cause Mistake In Identity Miss Ruth Smith of Cullowhee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J.- Smith of Cullowhee, and grand daughter1 of Mrs. J. L. West, Sr., of West's Mill, Wishes to correct an item in last week's Press. Her identity was confused with that of another Miss Ruth Smith of Sylva, whose parents are Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Smith, of Sylva, and whose marriage to P. B. O'Kelly of Sylva was announced in, August 1 issue. Because Chevrolet trucks pro vide the power and durability to do the work most efficiently, and because Chevrolet trucks operate with such great economy, Chev rolet trucks are out in front in sales leading again in 1940 by a wide margin, as they have led year after year. You will find it wise to modern ize your trucking equipment now, at today's low prices. . ...u(Dc WANT adjoin owe Certifiea rro s v w si r BEST SAVERS BESTSELLERS UONT DELIVERY PANS Grocer. (Seaneri, baken all typot of mer chant who muat maintain prompt day-to-day and door-to-door de livery aervice have found Chevrolet panel deliveries the ideal truck from every tt and point. . . . t tCK mertcan rm van of i.: rt Autoroobi" yrA u a toZ fact Md onony JJrtv outlined m Tr LZn booklet obtain HEAVY DUTY STAKE The heavy duty stake truck is ideal for carrying materials of great bulk. The center stake sections on the 1S8H wheel base model may be swung open or removed for loading at the sides. You may this ' u r ChevrA Enevro- pi vision. by let writing Motor Oener Sates Corp.. Motors I Moto Detroit. Bids Midiigan. CAB-OVER-ENSINE To pull heavy loads when the pulling is tough Chevrolet's cab-over -engine models are preferred by truck user who demand the maximum strength, power and efticiency. Burrell Motor Co. Phone 123 Franklin. N. C Mi$ uiia ts Si appsmeil to lislff SasoSsmes There Is a scientific test, employed by us and by many of our competitors, that is used to determine the anti-knock value of a motor fueL According to that test, the figure above represents the old GOOD GULF famous as one of the, finest gasolines in Am erica! But look at the NEW GOOD GULF! This i$ a fair comparative measurement of the tremendous improvement in this great gasoline.GOOD GULF has been so great ly improved that it now surpasses North Carolina specifications for premium fuel I . . yet it costs you not one penny more! An equally sensational improvement has been made in GULF NO-NOX. This figure shows the rating of the old NO NOX, then one of the super-fuels of its day and KNOCKPROOF under all nor tail driving conditions. "ft 8tter try these Better Fuels ! (MJ ' BOTH GOOD CULF AND GULF NO-NOX EXCEED NORTH CAROLINA SPECIFICATIONS FOR PREMIUM FUELS I NOW look at the NEW NO-NOX! Tremens dously better than even the old NO NOX, it by far exceeds North Carolina specifications for premium fuels.Why not try a tankf ul of this super gasoline today ? FREE-"21 Ways to Save Money-. This helpful booklet yours for the asking at your local Good Gulf dealer's. Get yours, right away at the Sign of the Gulf Orange Disc

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