PAGE FOUR THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 1940 V ': She Mfyhlnniiz ffintxtnmxi Published every Thursday by The Franklin Press At Franklin, North Carolina . , Telephone No. 24 VOL. LV Number 39 Mrs. J. W. C Johnson and W. S. Johnson. Carl P. Cabe. ..Publisher .Advertising Entered at the Poit Office, Franklin, N. C, as second class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year .. ................... $1.50 Eight Months $1.00 Obituary notices, cards of thanks, tributes of respect, by individuals, lodges, churches, organizations or societies, will be regarded as ' adver tising and inserted at regular classified advertising rates. Such notices will be marked "adv." in compliance with the postal regulations. The Chamber Of Commerce Report THE report of the secretary of the chamber of commerce made Tuesday night shows that this season's business has witnessed substantial benefit through this community undertaking. The spirit developed through the activities of the last three months has been one of cooperation and unity of purpose which has reacted for the benefit of all whether contributors or not. The amount of more than one thousand dollars raised was paid by both firms and individuals, and the expenditures with a substantial balance show careful handling of funds. Another year's work has a good, running start from which to expand. The fact that 2,250 visitors called at the infor mation booth is ample proof of the need for this service. Many of these were aided in finding places to stay and' enjoyable trips to make. The printed directory placed in the hands of visitors a list of accomodations that offered comfort and high class service. The retiring secretary who has given freely of his abilities in launching the work, left two con structive suggestions : that the chamber of com merce bend its efforts to securing a telegraph of fice for the town and the establishment of some form of industry to utilize native products and furnish a payroll for the benefit of citizens and business. Along The Concrete ' LEGAL ADVERTISING Postmaster Porter Grows Gigantic Sunflower When it comes to growing sun flowers, Thomas W. Porter, post master of the Franklin postoffice, is tops. . Mr. Porter has on display a sun flower that measures 60 inches around the petals, and 40 inches around the inside petals that sur round the seed. He says his sunflowers are grown fpr the very practical purpose of providing feed for his thickens, not just to adorn his yard or cam ouflage a decrepid back, fence. More Names Added To College List Other Franklin and Macon coun ty girls and boys who have left for the different colleges and uni versities are: Alex Arnold, F. J. Henderson. J. L. West, Jr., Weaver Shope, Louise Waldroop, and Berlin Welch, Bre vard College ; Miss Mildred Roper, Asheville College, Asheville; Miss Freddy Hall, Nachoochee Indus trial School, Rabun Gap, Ga., and Mathews Polkakoff. University of South Carolina at Columbia. Beloved Pastor Leaves rjpHE Rev. R. F. Mayberry has served four of the rural Baptist churches in Macon county for eight years. During that time he has ministered to hundteds of families in their sorrows and in their joys, preached the Gospel tirelessly, and traveled many a mile in the Master s service. His position in the county has been one of leadership and well de served personal influence. Besides his regular pastorates, Mr. Mayberry has conducted revivals for other communities and has cooperated, with ministers of other denominations for the religious and moral welfare of the people. The interest and well wishes of friends and neighbors of his own as well as other communions will follow Mr. and Mrs. Mayberry and family into their new home. Cartwright And Lippin cott Visitors In Franklin James B. Cartwright. formerly stationed in Franklin with the Nantahala Forest Service, and Professor W. L. Lippincott. of the chemistry department at Clemson college, were visitors to The Press and other friends Wednesday after noon. Prof. Lippincott" who is orsrinial- ly from New York state, expressed enthusiasm for the Highlands country and for the unmatched opportunity for the study of inter esting and rare specimens of plants which he says is his special hobbv. Mr. Cartwright. who has been visiting Mrs. Cartwrieht's home in Walhalla, is now with the TVA unit of the U. S. Forest Service, center will give .instruction and training for jobs in non-combat in dustries. Georgia NYA Official Here Another iuesday visitor was Chester May of Clarksville, Ga., area supervisor of NYA in eleven northern counties of that state. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PAROLE This is to give notice that I am making application to the Commis sioner of Paroles, Honorable Ed win R. Gill for a parole for John Moore, Jr. This 23rd day of September, 194C. J. M. MOORE S26 2tp 04 Defense And Power jTTENTION is spotlighted on the enormous water power possibilities of this section by the recent survey reported by the Federal Power Com mission. ' The report shows that the power generated in the entire state is more than one twentieth of the total water power produced in the United States. The huge developments now being added to the Aluminum Company of America's facilities through the Glen ville and Nantahala dams is an index Qf this mighty, as yet, hardly tapped asset of our part of the state. The Asheville Citizen has called attention to the advantage of the construction of defense industries in protected, inland positions. . "Hydroelectric power in quantities limited!bnly by the capacity to make use of it should be the strongest talking point in a program to bring es sential defense industries to North Carolina." Campaign Straws 'JTHE last Gallup poll of public opinion shows that Roosevelt is favored in 38 states; Willkie in 10. The rising tide of business, and, most of all, the increasingly alarming trend of a three-continent war, ; point to President Roosevelt's re-election. This is on the positive side. The negative aspect is the failure of the G. O. P. candidate to measure up to expectations. The signs are that the electorate" in November will express by their ballots the growing distrust of even some of Mr. Willkie's original supporters as to his fitness or adequate experience to head the nation now. It is not a case of "swapping horses in midstream." It would be the folly of turning over the wheel of the great ship of state in a violent tempest to one who has never even faced a ripple on a calm political sea. We see ahead fuller agreement with Mayor La Guardia, an independent in politics, who said recently "I prefer Roosevelt with his known faults to Willkie with his unknown virtues." And we are inclined to echo the old colored woman, who, when asked if she thought the Presi dent would be re-elected, replied "He's runnin', ain't he?" . . . ..; STATENYAHEAD VISITS FRANKLIN Training To Be Given To Aid National Defense Program John A. Lang of Raleigh, state administrator of the National Youth Administration. visited Franklin last Tuesday. Mr. Lang inspected the work that has been accomplished by Macon county young people on the NYA pro jects under the supervision of Mrs. Margaret Ordway. He praised especially the Neero community OuUding which was erected in 1909, giving employment to white and colored youths, and supplying vital need for the Negroes of the community. At present, 62 boys and girls re ceive employment under NYA in this county. The purpose of much of the NYA work at present is in direct co operation with thq defense pre gram, Mr. Lang stressed. He call ed attention to the NYA resident center now being erected at Weav erville to accommodate 200 boys from JU western counties, to which Macon county youths eligible for XMiA aid may be assigned. This NOTICE OF RESALE North Carolina Maooa County. PURSUANT , to an order of re sale directed to the undersigned Trustee I will, on Monday, October 7th, 1940, at the hour,i of noon, at the Courthouse door in Franklin, North Carolina, sell to the high est bidder for cash the fallowing described property: All the lands contained in a deed from W. B. Lenoir and wife to B. B. Lenoir, dated June 30, 1922, and recorded in Book H-4 of Deeds, at page 419, in the office of the Register of Deeds, to which record reference is hereby made for a more complete description This the 24th day erf September, 1940. G. L. HOUK, Trustee S26-2tc 03 NOTICE North Carolina, Macon County In The Superior Court J. D. Alexander vs I la M. Alexander The defendant, Ha M. Alexander, will take notice that an action, en titled as above, has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Macon County, North Carolina, being for an absolute divorce on grounds of separation. And the said defendant will fur ther take notice that she is re quired to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court erf .said County, in the Court House m Franklin, North Carolina, on the 21st day of November, 1940, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. . ihis the 21st day erf September. 1940. HARLEY R. CABE, Clerk of the Superior Court, Macon County. N. C S26-4tc-017 NOTICE OF SALE, North Carolina, Macon County , ' Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon me by a judgment of the Superior Court of Macon County, entered on the 29th day of July, 1940, in the case of Home Owners' Loan Corpora tion and T. C. Abernethy, Substi tuted Trustee, against Mrs. Mamie A Rogers, S. L. Rogers and wife, O. Inez Rogers, I will, on the 12th day of October, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the Court House door of Macon County, in Frank lin, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the follow ing described land:. BEGINNING at a stake in the West bank of the road leading from Wayah Street to the Frank lin Depot near the Dowdle Whole sale building, said beginning point being the Southeast corner of the property of Mrs. Bidwell, and runs with said road South 10 E. 14 poles; S. 4 W. 12 poles; S. 18 W. 6 poles; S. 29 W. 29 poles; S. 4 E. 77 poles to a stake in the West side erf said road, Mrs. John son's corner ; then W. 12 poles ; S. 4 E. 12 poles; W. 19 poles; S. 77 W. 40 poles; N. 88 W. 24 poles; N, 21 W. 67 poles; N. 32 W. 10 poles ; N. 75 E. 10 poles; NI 38 E. 30 poles; N. 15 E. 17 poles; N. 44 E. 20 poles; S. 45 E. 9 poles; N. 52 E. 8 poles; N. 30 W. 10 poles; N. 60 E. 34 poles; then N. 85 E. 35 poles to the BEGINNING. Being part of the same land de vised by Sam L. Rogers to Mamie A Rogers by will dated December 4, 1891, and recorded in Will Book No. 3, Page 466, records of Macon County, North Carolina. Being the same land and prem ises as shown by plat of a survey made by W. B. McGuire on May 28, 1934, and designated as the property of Mrs. S. L. Rogers, a copy of said plat is now on file with the Home Owners' Loan Cor poration. Excepting from the . above de scription that certain parcel or lot of land described in a deed from Mamie' -A Rogers to John Daven port, dated March 20, 1925, record ed March 2a 1926, in Deed Book N4, Page 116, records of Macon County, North Carolina, and con taining 20,500 square feet. Also excepting a tract of kind as shown by a release executed by T. C. Abernethy, Substituted Trustee, and the Home Owners' Loan Corporation, which is of rec ord in Book B5, Page 243, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina. Also excepting the following tracts of land: Tract 1: Situate, lying and be ing in the town of franklin, Franklin Township, County of Macon, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described and bounded as follows: ' BEGINNING at an iron pin, the southeast corner of the Stewart lot, and running with the' south ern line of said lot N. 45 deg. W. 147 ft. to a stake in the Coffee line, same being the western boundary line of the lands de scribed in the deed of trust here inbefore mentioned; thence with said line as follows : S. 43 dear. W. 338 ft. to a stake; thence S. 16 deg. W. 257 ft to a cherry tree the bank of the branch ; thence with the meandering! of the branch and the Coffee line, S. 37 deg 30 min.. W. 520 feet to a stoke; thence S. 75 deg. 15 min. W. 152 ft to a stake in the old road, the southern boundary line of the original Sam L. Rogers boundary, same being the southern boundary line of the lands described in the deed of trust hereinbefore referred to, and run- LEGAL ADVERTISING ning thence with said old road and the southern boundary line of the original S. L. Roger tract, and the tract described 1 in said deed of trust, S. 32 deg. 45 min. E. 161 ft.; thence S. 23 dg. E. 1077 ft. to a stake; thence S. 80 deg. 30 min. E. 290 ft. to a stake ; thence N. 83 deg. lb min. E. 115 ft. to an iron pipe in the northern bank erf Wayah Street, a new corner; thence a new line N. 10 deg. 5 min. E. 1092 ft. to a atone, the southeast corner of that lot of land described in that certain deed of release from T. C. Abernethy, Substituted Trustee, et al. to Mam ie A Rogers, dated the 7th day of January, 1938, and duly recorded in Book B-5, Page 243, in the Public Registry of Macon County; thence with the southern boundary line of said lot N. 77 deg. W. 222.7 feet to a stone, the south west corner of said lot: thence with the western boundary line of said lot N. 9 deg. E. 594.7 ft. to a stake, a new corner which stands S. 9 deg. W. 95 ft. from the north west corner of said lot. of land; thence a new line N. 29 deg. W. 294 ft. to a stake, a new corner; thence North 52 deg. E. 56 ft. to the point of BEGINNING. Tract 2: Situate, lying and be ing in the Town of Franklin, Franklin Township, County of Ma con, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described and defined as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the southern margin of the drive or roadway leading to the home of Mamie A. Rogers, same being the northwest corner of Lot No. 1, as described in that certain deed from Beatrice Day Davenport and hus band, John Davenport, to L. H. Page and wife, Francis D. Page, recorded in Book Y-4, Page 22, of the Macon County Public Reg istry, and running thence with the western margin of said driveway or roadway as aforesaid, N. 7 deg. W. 32 ft. to a stake; thence N. 14 deg. 15 min. E. 81 feet to a stake ; thence N. 2 deg. 15 min. E. 90 ft. to a stake ; thence N. 20 deg. 30 min. E, 104 ft. to a 24 inch red oak; thence leaving said driveway or road, and running South 62 deg. W. 141 ft. to an iron pin in J. A. Palmer's northeast line, which said iron pin stands N. 30 deg W. 80 ft. mea sured along said line from the northeast corner of said . Palmer's lot; and running thence with the northeast line of said lot S. 30 deg. E. 80 ft. to an iron pin, the northeast corner of said Palmer's lot; thence with the East line of said lot a. deg. w. izo ft. to an iron pin, the southeast corner of said lot; thence continuing the same course, S. 52 deg. W. 56 ft. to an iron pin ; thence S. 29 deg. E. 294 ft. to a stake in the West ern boundary line of that lot of land described in that certain deed from T. C. Abernethy, substituted Trustee, et. al. to Mamie A Rog ers,, dated the 7th day of January, 1938, ' and duly recorded in the Public Registry of Macon County; thence with said line N. 9 deg. E. 95, ft to an iron stake, the south west corner of L. H. Page, Lot No. 1, hereinbefore referred to; thence with the western boundary line of said lot No. 1, N. 9 deg. E. 117 ft. to the point of BEGIN NING. This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the in debtedness due by the defendants, Mrs. Mamie A. Rogers. S. L. Roe- ers and wife, O. Inez Rogers, and in accordance with the terms of said judgment. This the 9th day of September. 194a T. C ABERNETHY, Commisiioner. S19-4tc O10 POLITICAL ADVERTISING REPUBLICAN TICKET FOR MACON COUNTY The Republican candidates for Macon county offices are: Representative, John E. Rickman. Chairman of Board of Countv Commissioners, Walter Dean. Members of Board of County Commissioners, James R. Holbrooks and Freeman E. Hastings. ih&se are able and honest men of the highest calibre. Their elec tion means lower county taxes, re duction of the county indebtedness and the aged and infirm more kindly taken care of. Your votes will be appreciated. J. H. DEAN, Chairman Macon County Republican Ex. Comm. MRS. JUD TALLENT, Vice-Chairman , RAY SWANSON,1 Sccretarj, BUT WHY COURT-IVIARTIAL THE WHOLE REGIMENT? X HERE ar fcotuwl to U om or two bod aoldiera in every regiment. But wkjr court-aartial tbe whole regiment) Toe same applies to beer retailing. Out of the 5.000 reUHera in North Carolina, there U bound to be a small minority who disobey the law or permit aati-eocial condition. . ' The Brewer aad North Carolina Beer Distributors Committee wants even this small minority of undesirable beer re tailers eliminated entirely. To that end, the Committee cooperates with law en forcement officers in securing the reroca tioa of the retail licenses of these objec tionable outlets. One hundred and two licenses hare been revoked during the past year. Brewers and North Carolina Beer Distrihtcrs Conniltc; S13-417 EDGAR H. BAH, State Director Braiding lUleigfc, If. C AT

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