REGISTRANTS Only One More Satur days Left To Register To Vote! .' Keep In Touch With Your Local Draft, Board At All Times. PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LVr NO. 43 FRANKLIN, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1940 $1.50 PER YEAR REGISTER NOW , ) Mountain Movie Arouses Indignation Of Audience Citizens Take Action To Have Film Of Movie Taken Destroyed ! "Mountain Folks," WPA-produc-ed movie of Macon i people and scenes, ended its first showing in the sherif I'g safe here last Satur day night, after a capacity audi ence composed of people it sup posedly represented objected so strenously to the film that Deputy Sheriff John Dills confiscated it in order to prevent a possible demon stration. A crowd of around 500 which . filled the courthouse auditorium to over-flowing sat relatively quiet during the showing of the two-reel film, but when Mis, Elda Keilhly, who directed the making of the picture this summer, rose to ask for criticism, she was overwhelmed with comments. Members of the audience objected that the movie "showed the seamy side of life in the coup ty' that it failed to show more prosperous farms and home here, and that it 'was entirely un representative. . ;. Film , Returned Sunday Feeling rose so high that finally Deputy Dills took the films into custody and gave Erwin Hartley, the photographer who made the movie for the University of North Carolina under Miss Hartley's di rection, a receipt for them. Sheriff A. B. Slagle returned the films tt the pair Sunday morning. This week, action to prevent the films' being shown elsewhere took three , definite forms. The town board of aldermen called a special meeting to pass a resolution con demning the movie; 17 members of the University of North Caro liha alumni association here signed a letter to President Frank Porter Graham and University' Professor Howard Odum, asking that the films be destroyed; and P. L. Threlkeld, county WPA .superin tendent, telephoned A. F. Weaver, Jr- cf Asheville, district director of ' operations, informing him of ht indignation roused by the pic ture here. (Copies of the letter to the Uni versity and of the town board's resolution are printed elsewhere in (his issue.) Indication's late this week were that the film would be barred from further showings. Director Weav er assurred Threlkeld that the mat ter would be placed before C C. iMcGinnis, state WPA head. A telegram was also received from Professor Odum, stating that he was "entirely in sympathy" with the movement to stop the picture. The narrative accompanying the picture described the characters as a sturdy, thrifty, independent peo ple, but a people who had been lit tle touched by progress. Scene showed primitive chair-making done by hand in the home, apples being washed in a spring, wool ' being carded, churning being done in an old-fashioned dash churn, a one . room school, street preacher ex horting a gathering in front of the Franklin courthouse. The crowd particularly objected to a shot showing the feet of a . group of women, one with bare feet, others with toes protruding from shoes and with ragged stock ings and skirt fringes. "Mountain Folk" was filmed dur ing the summer. Expenses were borne by the visual aid department of the University of North Caro lina extension service, with actual labor costs being paid by the WPA. Baptist Sunday School 'Convention At Iotla ' The Macon County Baptist Sun . day School Convention will meet pn Sunday afternoon, October 27, at 2:15 o'clock at the Iotla Bap list church, it has been announced by Paul Swaf ford, president The program will open with a congregational song, followed by the devotional led by Fred Corbin. After the roll - call -and - reports from the various churches the Rev. Joe Bishop, of Prentiss, will speak. A quartet from the Iotla church will give a vocal selection. The Rev. Fred Forrester, of Cullowhee, will deliver the principal address. 1 The public is invited to attend. Dr. Dick Slagle Visits His Mother Dr. Dick Slagle of San Juan, Puerto Rico, arrived yesterday to visit iiis mother, Mrs. Henry Slagle, on Caftoogechaye. Mrs. Slagle and children have been here lor some time. Dr. Slagle's arrival was delayed by an attack of pneumonia which he suffered during a severe epi- demic of "flu" on the island. He is in charge of large hospital in 4 Juan, Resolutions Of Town Board Relating To WPA Movie Whereas, it has been made to appear to the Hoard of Aldermen of the, Town of Franklin that the Works Project Authority, under the auspices of the Visual Aid DeJ partinent of the University of North Carolina has produced ' a two reel film, entitled "Mountain Folk", and whereas, said film pur ports to show scenes made in Ma con County, North Carolina of the people of Macon county and of the conditions existing in the county; and whereas it appears, that tliose who made the film took as its sub ject, in part, persons living in the most inaccessible portions of the county under the most adverse con ditions, without showing that these subjects had been receiving free medical attention and hospitaliza-. lion at a local hospital; and where as said picture in no sease of the ! word truly depicts the citizenship of Macon county nor conditions as actually existing therein, the con ditions as shown in said, film be ing .so- badly distorted from the true facts as to arouse the right eous indignation of the citizenship of ' the community,, and whereas the same can properly be classed as a libel upon the mountain peo ple, and an insult to the intelli gence of those living in other com munities who know anything of the real conditions existing in this sec tion; Therefore be it resolved by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Franklin in call session duly as sembled, that a protest of the fur ther showing of said film, either in Franklin or elsewhere, be enter ed upon its minutes, . and that a copy of this resolution be published in The Franklin Press, and further, that copies of the same be mailed to the University of North Caro lina and to Elda Keithly, state supervisor of the WPA visual aid department. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of resolution adopt ed by, the Board of Aldermen of the Town -of Franklin, at a call meeting on October 21, 1940. GEO. DEAN, Clerk of the Board Local Grocers Agree On Uniform Closing Time Nine local grocery concerns sign ed an agreement this week to close their places of business at 6 m. every day except Saturday. No mention was made of Saturday closing time. ' Concerns signing the agreement were: Swaf ford's Market, Dixie Store, Sloan's Market, the A. & P; Tea company, City Market, Farm ers Federation, Roy F. Cunning ham, C D. Pendergrass and Ray Grocery and Feed company. Methodist Pastors Leave For District Conference Five Macon Methodist ministers left this week for . the Western North Carolina district conference at High Point to receive their ap pointments for another year. They were the Rev. Ivon L. Rob erts, of the Franklin church; the Rev. Phillip Green, of the Franklin circuit; the Rev. J. C Swaim. of the Macon circuit ; the Rev. J. S. Higgins, of the Highlands church; and the Rev. L. W. HalL of the Louisa Chapel church. 1 - Willkie Partisan's Cash To Help Reelect F.D.R. Readers of this' newspaper who, with the publishers, resented the spirit of a piece of. anti Roosevelt literature published in last week's Press as "Paid Po litical Advertising" may be glad to know that the $7.00 we re- ceived in payment is to be turn ed over to the Democratic cam paign chest to help swell the majority for Franklin D. Roose velt on election day. We heartily disagree with the attitude of the advertisement, which was distasteful to say the least; but we accepted it for publication on the insistence of a Willkie partisan that we should be willing to - print campaign material for either side of a political issue. So, leaning over backwards to be fair, we took his money and published the piece. Perhaps its publication gratified a few extreme anti Roosevelt folks, but we doubt that . it made any new votes for Willkie. Speaks Here Thursday r i 4fy t I i ..vili I I i Y'Vi 1 J. M. BROUCHTON Democratic Nominee for Governor, who will address a political rally in the courthouse auditorium here at 8 p. m. October 31. BIG RALLY OF DEMOCRATS Thursday Night With J. M. Broughton As Chief Speaker A Democratic rally with J. M. Broughton of ,'Kaleigh, Democratic nominee for governor of North Carolina as principal speaker, will be held at the courthouse next Thursday evening,. October 31, at 8 o'clock. Mr, Broughton will he accompanied by Oscar Pitts, direc tor of prisons, of Raleigh, who will also speak. Miss, Lassie Kelly vice-chairman of the Macon county Democratic executive committee, has arranged for a string band to play at the rally and a large crowd is expected to attend this pre-election meeting of Macon county Democrats. Messrs; Broughton and Pitts will be the guests of , Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer Jones during their stay in Franklin. They are expected to arrive Thursday afternoon. Mr. Jones is Mr. Broughton's campaign manager for Macon county. R. F. Jarrett To Speak In Courthouse Here At 2 P. M. Next Saturday Honorable R. F. Jarrett, of Dills- boro, Republican candidate for con gress from the. 11th district, will address the- voters of Macon coun ty in the courthouse auditorium here next Saturday, October 26, at 2 p. m., J. II. Dean, chairman of the County Republican executive committee, announced this week. Lewis Hamlin, of Brevard, will al so speak on the same program. Jarrett will be introduced by John E. Rickman, who is opposing Dr. W. A. Rogers for representa tive to the general assembly on the Republican ticket. Jarett and Hamlin will also Lspeak at the Otto school house Saturday night at 7:30 p. m. Everyone is invited to attend the two addresses, Mr. Dean said. Ladies are especially urged, to be present. -.'., Halloween Carnival To Be Presented By Junior Class Here Saturday Franklin high school auditorium will take on all the peacefulness and serenity of a country grave yard at midnight on a Friday the 13th when the Halloween carnival, sponsored by the junior class, opens there at 7:30 p. m. this Saturday, October 26. Spooky entertainment and lots of it has been planned by the junior class under the direction of the president, Miss Helen Edwards. Stunts, clog dances, musical read ings and . other vaudeville enter tainments are now in rehearsal; A spook house, fortune teller's booth, marksmanship booth, refreshment booths are also being set up. Cake walks and games with appropriate prizes are also being arranged. All proceeds are to go to the junior-senior banquet fund. Everyone is cordially invited to attend and come in custome if possible. Earl Dillard Called To Army Air Corps Earl Dillard, son of Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Dillard of Dillard, Ga., was called to the army air corps detachment at Albany, Ga., last week. Dillard was a senior at the Uni versity of Georgia this year, be fore being ordered into service. Town Board Is Considering Widening Main Business Block The widening.-of the business section of Main street from the posloffice to the courtliouse, a pro ject not included .in the original street improvement plans, is now under consideration by the town board of aldermen. At a called meeting Monday, the board asked Town Clerk George Dean to get in touch with state highway officiaU and have them make a survey of the proposed en largement. The survey was made Wednesday, and the board i awaiting the return of the, specifi cations from Raleigh before tak ing definite action. According to ilr. Dean, the state highway department is willing to pave the additional street width i. the town will do the grading and provide curbs and gutters. The en gineer in charge of the survey stated that the street would be widened from six to ,six and one half feet under the specifications. It-is understood that the highway department will recommend that the widening be carried ou. Widening the street according to the specifications, would mean that all trees within the block , from the postoffice to the courthouse would have to be removed. It was pointed out by a member of the town board that if the ex isting traffic laws were enforced as to parking, there would be no necessity of destroying the trees, TRAGIC DEATH OF BABY GIRL Child Of Mr. And Mrs. Fred Sloan Strangled In Fall From Bed Patricia Sloan, one-and-a-half year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Sloan, was found strangled to death in her bed on Thursday afternoon. The little child, who suffered a fractured leg in a fall two weeks ago and was still wearing a plaster cast, had been put to sleep in a sleeping blanket which was attach ed to the bed covering. It appeared that in an effort to rol off the little bed which was low, the zip- pered-up sleeping garment and the cast on the leg impeded the child's movements so that she was caught around the neck and strangled. When found by her nurse, Pauline Waldnoop, the child was already dead. Besides her parents,, the little one is survived . by a sister, Ann, four years old ; her grandparents, Mrs. W". W. Sloan, of Franklin; Mr. and Mrs; Tom Morrow of Statesvilje, and aunts and uncles. The sympathy of the whole com munity goes out to the bereaved parents and family. . Funeral services "will be held at the 'home Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment will be in the Franklin cemetery. . Group Conference Will Meet At Presbyterian Church Here Saturday A Group Conference i6f the Aux iliaries of the Presbyterian church in the five Western counties of North Carolina will be held in the Franklin Presbyterian church on Saturday, October 26, beginning at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. C. W. Savage of Murphy will be the presiding officer. Miss Kitty Sue McElroy, president of the Asheville Presbyterial, will be present for the meeting. Other speakers wjll include M.s. P. N. Gresham of the Kenilworth church, Asheville; Mrs. Gus Leach, the Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Flanagan of the Franklin church. Lunch will be served at the Tavern. Football Team Has Open Date After Bryson City Defeat Here Last Friday Recuperating from the 21-0 lac ing handed them last Friday by Bryson City, Franklin high's Red Panthers will take a well-earned rest this week-end to prepare for their game with Andrews here next Friday afternoon. Coach J: C. Hawking charges were no match for the deceptive style of play practiced by the Bry son City boys. All three of the visitor's touchdowns were scored on laterals. Rev, Rufus A. Morgan, who has accepted the charge of St. Agnes church, Franklin and the Church of the Incarnation, Highlands, is expected to arrive next week. Serial Numbers Are Assigned To Macon's 2,056 Registrants Serial numbers for each of Ma con county's 2,050 registrants liave been assigned in readiness for the national drawing which will take place in Washington next Tuesday, October 29, George Dean, member of the ; county draft board, an nounced this week. The numbers will be posted out side the draft board's office in the Ashear building by Friday or Sat urday, and all registrants should ,come by the office to determine their number in order that they may follow the drawing in Wash ington, which will probably be broadcast. (A full description of how the lottery will be carried out is on page two oi this issue.) Mrs Gilmer Jones was'appointed clerk to the local board this week, subject to approval from Raleigh. Members of the board and the board's physician and appeal agent attended a regional meeting in Bry son City Thursday, to receive in struction on their duties. ') Bowl of Rice Parties WiUBe Held On November 18 J. Horner Stockton, chairman of the Macon county committee of Bowl of Rice Parties for the aid of China's war victims, announced today that November 18 had been chosen for the final day of parties in the county. The proceeds of these parties will go to the Amer ican Bureau for Medical Aid to China, of which Madam Chiang Kai-Shel is honorary chairman and Col. Theodore Roosevelt is nation al chairman. Mr. Stockton said that while the committee was not yet ready to announce definite plans for the local Bowl of Kice Party, arrange ments were now under way for an affair which would give Franklin an opportunity to help increase the total fund for medical aid to China by taking part in the Bowl of Rice Parties which will be held in hundreds of cities in . this coun try throughout the fall FRANKLIN PTA MET JPDAY Porter Garland Of WCTC Faculty Principal Speaker faculty of Western Carolina Teach ers college, was the principal speak er at the Franklin P.-T, A. meet ing in the sclioolhouse auditorium here Monday afternoon. Speaking on ' How All People in a Democracy Slvould be Edu cated," Garland . pointed out ! that the future of 'education and the future of democracy are insepa rable. The meeting was opened with a devotional period,' conducted by the Rev. C. F. Rogers, pastor of the Franklin. Baptist church, Jessie Barnard, member of the dramatic club, gave a reading entitled "Ca mille," and Mrs. Phillip Green led the group in singing "Carolina". Safety Sign To Be Installed Following Mr. Garland's address, a short business meeting was held. W. H. Finley, principal of the Franklin school, reported that saf ety signs had been made, and were ready to be installed on the high way near the school. Mrs. Fred Slagle, president of the local P.-T. A., presented the groilp with a tanner that the P.-T. A. had won for the largest increase in membership in the western dis trict !jm 1939-40. The P.-T. A. decided to place small flags in every classroom in Franklinhigh school. John Wasi lik generously offered to furnish the school with a flag pole for out door use, and Mr. Finley requested that the P.-T. A. give the school a large flag also. The treasurer reported that the local P.-T. A. had made a con tribution so that Mrs. E. N. Howell, retiring district director, might become a life member of the P.-T. A. Grade Mother Elected The following grade mothers mothers were elected: First grade (Mrs. Lee Guffey): Mrs. Frank Killian, Mrs. Dick Jones, Mrs. Carl Ty singer and Mrs. George Pattillo. ' Second grade (Mrs. Kate Wil liams): Mrs. Frank Henry, Mrs. Jack Sherrill, Mrs. Hugh Leach STRIKE SETTLED AT NANTAHALA Company Officials And Union Leaders Reach Final Agreement Meeting in Washington Wednes day, officials of the Utah construc tion company, contractors for the Nantahala dain : construction pro ject, and American Federation of Labor leaders reached final adjust ment of the differences which sent more than 500 workers on the pro ject out on strike last week. The workers returned to their jobs at 8 o'clock Tuesday morn ing; following an announcement by union representatives that a'-. closed shop agreement, wage increases, and other labor provisions were forthcoining. The Utah, company also assured workers that it would take steps to have released from jail men who were arrested due to picketing . activities, and that any worker fired because of the strike could come back to work at his same job. Picket lines were withdrawn late Monday from the Beachertown, Aquone and Dicks Creek entrance to the job. . jj . Detailed provisions of the agree ment between the Utah company and the' A. F. of L. were not re-' leased, but it was understood that the agreement was essentially . the same - as tliat signed several weeks ago by the - .Morrison-Knudscn company, which provided f or : : 1. Hiring of men : The contrac tors agreed to employ only men who are in good standing with some union affiliated with the A. F. of L., except when the contrac tors apply to the union for men and such men are not supplied within 48 liours, the contractors may hire non-union help, provided such help joins the union upon be ing asked to do so. Persons cm ployed in confidential and super visory .positions need not .be union men. Employees hired prior to the signing of the agreement are not Subject to it, unless they are, oC become,. members, of the union. The contractors shall have the right to interview men before employing them, and may discliarge any em ployee for any cause which it may deem sufficient. 2. Union representation : All un ion workers on the job shall be represented by a union represen- tative. whose duty it is to take up all grievances and disputes with the contractor. Any worker may appeal through the representative to the contractor, but the contrac tor's decision . will be final. 3. Hours of Work: Hours of work shall not exceed eight hour, per shift, 40 hours per week. Work performed by an employee in ex cess of eight liours per shift or 40 hours per week shall be. paid for at one and one-half time the union scale. 4. Working conditions: Contrac or agrees to' furnish reasonably, safe equipment, sanitation appli ances, and places of work, includ- . ing locker and shower-rooms for tunnel men, and proper clothing, charged to the men but credited On return. 5. Wage Scale: Union rates to be paid to all wrkers, ranging for 40 cents an hour for common labor to $1.50 an hour for foremen and sltovcl, crane and dragline operators. 6. Arbitration of Dispute: Any dispute arising on the job that the union representative and the rep resentative of the contractor are ' unable, to settle, will be submitted to an arbitration board consisting of a representative of the union, a representative of the contractor, and a third member to be appoint ed by mutual agreement. The de cision of the board will be final. OfficuJ Sign Contract The Glenville contract was sign ed by C. R. Shinn, vice-president of the Morrison-Knudsen company, representing the contractors; by Harold Dalrymple and Lee Bar nard for Local 635, Tunnel Work- ers and Construction Laborers; by C M. Miller for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Engi neers, and by James C Turner and J. P. Shields for Local 77, Inter national Brotherhood of Operat ing Engineers. and Mrs. Paul Potts. Second grade (Mrs. Elsie Franks): Mrs. Alfred Higdon and Mrs. C E. McFalls. Third grade (Miss Molly Slagle): Mrs. W. Wright, .Mrs. Tom Mc Coluum, Mrs. Earl Smart, and Mrs. H. H. Plemmons. Fifth grade (Mrs. Albert Ram sey): Mrs. Henry Cabe, Mrs. Zeb Conley and Mrs. Thad Bryson. All parents are cordially invited to attend the meetings of the P.-T. A.

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