page two THE ttUNKLlN PRESS AND THE HlCH LANDS MACON I AN THURSDAY, FEB. 20. 1941 Cowee School Sells Pig, Buys Orchestra Sees Movies, Etc. Jq following letters from pupils give live news frorn Cowee school. Toy Orchestra 'The students of Cowee school are pro.ud of their teachers, fbr r they do not only uach .mathema tics, geography and history, but they arc interested in our musical talent also; through their direction and aid we havci ..purchased a toy orchestra. The way we raised the money to purchase it, we first bought a pig . and fed it scraps from the lunch room table, sold it and -used the profit; then we sold pictures and candy and took the profit with that of the pig and' made enough to pay for it. :Thc toy orchestra contains enough instruments ' for about . 20 pupils. We practise every (Tuesday and Friday afternoons with Mrs. Harry S. Higgins a our director. We hac learned many pieces. V are working for a set of Encyclo pedias which are being giyen away. We sure want to thank our teachers and Mrs. Higgins for tlvci'r interest. Zena Pearl Kickman, 7th grade Audio-Visual Education The . pupils of Cowee school are happy to be one among the schools of, Macon county to be able . to se and hear the educational shows, which are " very interesting and helpful, in our studies.. We not .only see how we liv,e, but other people also. Each show contains three educational pictures and one comedy.. The admission is five cents for each pupil or any one else wishing to see the pic tures every Monday at 2:30' p. m. This is sponsored by W. C. T. C, directed byk Charles Hollman; We would like; to thank our teachers for the interest they have shown in us. Koy I. Kickman, 6th grade. HeaOth Cowee school is 100 per cent in vaccination for small pox and ty phoid. The nurse and doctor . who visited our school are Xfrs. dairies and Dr. Haller. y We appreciate the nurse and doc tor coming to our school. We .send our thanks to them. We are proud of our school. I.ora Alice Cabe, 7th grade ..... This Week In Defense President Roosevelt asked Con gress, tor a total or j.cih.uuu.vuv Nantahala National Forest Did You Know That The lands surrounding the Hi wasace Reservoir totalling 16,780 .acres, have been transferred to the Nantahala National Forest by 'the TVA. The lands in the vicinity of. the town of Murphy and the Hiwassce Dam have ibeen retained by the TVA. These lands arc being adminis tered as a part of the Nantahala National Tor.est, the same as any other National Forest lands. They are being protected from fire and veroded fields are being replanted to tr.ees. THE DEER BOT FLY IS SAID TO DART AT THE RATE OF AN HOUR STARTUP QUICKiy -TRy EXTRA PUT MUSCLE INYoURMoTbR in new defense appropriations and authorizations. The funds and authority requested ar.e for con struction f new fleer operating facilities, military posts and can tonments, Panama Canal defenses, defense housing, riv-r and harbor improvements. Secretary .of Navy Knox told a press conference that work on all war vessels; including dreadnaughts, is from 30 to 60 days ahead of schedule and aircraft production and deliveries art "picking up". Secretary of War Stimson told his press conference "an enormously speeded up war plane output will result soon from expanded Ameri can aircraft production facilities financed ui the early days of 'the European War by France and Great Hritain. . ; ." Federal Security Administrator McNutt announced that supplies of skilled and semi-skilled huilding trade . workers appeared to be ample in most of the states. Ar rangements have been completed for a total of 775 engineering train ing courses in 119 colleges. Coast Gualrd Expansion Congress pas.sed legislation pro viding for expansion of the Coast Guard by increasing its personnel, adding, to its equipment, authoriz ing a Coast Guard Auxiliary and a Coast Guard Reserve. The Aux- ' iliary will include the. present Re serve and the new Reserve will be made up of yachtsmen equip ped to do emergency Coast Guard I duty. The Maritime Comnns,sion award ed contracts of more . than $12, 000,000 for the construction of 19 additional ways and other ship building facilities in connection New PUnU The War Department awarded contracts of approximately $20, 000,000 to seven airplane equipment firms to expand production faci lities and $6,405,000 for additional plant machinery and equipment at the Army's new ammunition load ing plant at Ravenna, Ohio. OPM Director Knudsen announced that the American Rolling .Mill com pany would construct a steel plant at Houston, Texas. Army Reserve The War Department announced approximately 28,000 officers and enlisted men of the National Guard will be inducted in March, 6,000 in April, and 500 in june--leaving dates to be scheduled for only nine more units or, 1,500 officers and men. The War Department re vealed also that approximately 50, 000 of the available 105,000 Re serve Officers will be on active duty by June. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee amending the lease-loan bill to tighten Congressional con trol of activities authorized by the measure, which is' being debated this week on the floor of the sen ate. ' ' Power For Defense Secretary Ickes said that power production, of federal hydro-electric projects is being stepped, up "years ahead of schedule" to meet a shortage in power for defense in dustries in the Northwest and "prospective shortage" in ' other: areas. WPA established a 50-hour work week on the Sas tee-Cooper hydro-electric- power development in South Carolina after VPM Di rector General Knudsen classified the project as "necessary to na tional defense." Defence Housing And Road President Roosevelt asked Con gress to appropriate $6,670,000 for prefabricated houses, trailers and obsolete passenger ships to, pro vide temporary housing' for defense workers in some area until perma nent construction meets the need. Federal Works Administrator Car mpdy announced the first direct as signments to local housing author ities under the Lanham Act; 350 defense housing units at Cincin nati and 300 at Akron, at a cost limited to $2,750 per unit. Federal Works Administrator Carmody recommended to Presi dent Roosevelt appropriations total ing $287,000,000 for immediate de fense highway construction- and the way improvements. Mr. Carmody said the Federal Highway Act should be amended for defease purposes to permit the (iovcrn ment to contribute to improvements on State roads. Fight Training Navy Secretary Knox announced that beginning February . 15 and each month thereafter 1,000 young men between the ages of 20 and 27 years will have an opportunity to enter flight training leading to commissions as Ensigns in the Naval Reserve and assignment to flight duty with the U. S. fleet. Sabotage Control Attorney General Jackson, speak ing in New York City, .said the FBI has established a thorough system of sabotage detection in more than 1,200 plants producing defense material "in order to safe guard the entire .American arms program." FBI Director Hoover advised that all persons claiming to be G-men be required to pre sent their . credentials. LEGAL ADVERTISING In the District Court of the United States of America for the Western District of North Carolina. Ashe ville Division. Civil No. 210. United States, of America v. 65.7 acres of land in Macon County, North Caro lina, Joseph Andrew Gallagher, et al. Notice of Action by Publication of Summons. To:' Munday, Earl and wife, if any. possible outstand ing mineral interest, Franklin, N. C; Brown, Bonnie Munday and husband, John C. Brown, possible outstanding interest, Berea, Ken tucky; Cotter, Louise Munday, widow, possible outstanding inter est, co The Highlander, Dallas, Texas ; Ray, Ethel Munday, "widow, possible outstanding mineral inters, co The Highlander, Dallas, TJpxas; Bowers-, Joseph S; Brooks, I ranklin ; Franks, E. H ; Hale, Al fred ; Higdon? W. H; McCrary, Vir ginia George; Mebane, Dr. Benir Y; Mebane, Mary C; Munsell, Eu gene; Neal, Nannie C; Kaby, -F; Rollo, William H; Wiggins, Sadie H; Womack, Anne E. Y ; Womack, T. P; Munday, S. A; Ragan, Jos eph; Swepson, Virginia B; and all persons whomsoever who have, on claim to own any estates or inter ests in the fee or otherwise in and to the premises described in the petition filed in this cause and de scribed in this notice, and any and all heirs and devisees of the sev eral parties above named, whose names and addresses arc unknown, and all and singular their heirs, husbands, wives, devisees, execu tors, administrators, representatives, alinees, successors and assigns, of each and every of them; and all unknown owners, lienors, or claim- , ants, having, or claiming to have, any right, title, estate, eciuitv. in terest or lien ; and all occupants, lessees, users, holders and owners of and claimants to any rights of easement or prescription in, over, across, or through said lands, or any part thereof; you will please take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolna, at Asheville, N. G, that summons has been duly issued out of said Court, and petition fil ed therein asking for the condem nation of the lands described in the Said petition and hereinafter described that you, and each of you, are-necessary and proper par ties to the just and final disposi tion of this action ; that said ac tion has been instituted by the United States Attorney for the Western District of North Caro lina for the purpose of the appro priation and condemnation by jud icial process, for the public use and benefit of the United States of America, of the lands described in said petition and herein below described, under and by virtue of the provisions of the Weeks Law, Act of Congress of March 1, 1911, Chap. 186 (36 Stat. 961) Title 16, Sections 513, 521. 553, and 563 of U. S. C A., and according to the method and procedure prescribed iii the Act of Congress of August 1, 1888 (25 Statutes 357 (30 U. S. C. A., Sections 257. 258 and 258-a) ; that the lands proposed to be con demned and appropriated by the plaintiff United States are describ ed substantially as follows : Tract No. 228-11 apparent and presump tive owner Deing Joseph Andrew Gallagher, containing according to survey 05.7 acres, situated in Ma con County. N. C, on the waters Intelligence Head I l I 1 i' " Recently returned from the post of naval attache in London, Capt. Alan G. Kirk has been named director of Naval Intelligence. He is a veteran of service in the Far East, as well as in Europe. He served 18 months as chief of the navy's staff of ob servers in London and with the British fleet. of Mica City Creek, a tributary of Cowee Creek, a tributary of Ten- planning of post-emergency high- ' nes.!ee, R'ver, more particularly de Write Today For Your FREE Copy mm (ft tl II. wmmm0mmm i WOOD'S 1941 SEED CATALOG Featuring ALL AMERICA FLOW ERS, Wood's Famooa Brimmer To mato, Danish Grows Cabbage Seed, and all other newest and beat strain of Flower, Vegetable and Field Seed adapted to the South (rows oa 18,000 acres of the South' finest land. T. W. WOOD A SONS, RICHMOND. VA. Please mail me FREE WOOD'S 1941 SEED CATALOG Name Address scribed by metfcs and bounds in Exhibit A , and upon map or, pbtt Exhibit "B", filed with the Clerk of the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina, at Asheville, N. C; you and each of you are hereby notified to be and appear in the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, in the United States Courthouse Building at Asheville; Buncombe County, N. C, not later than ten (10) days from and after the completion of service of this summons by publication for four (4) successive weeks, and answer or demur to the petition or com plaint herein filed by the above named petitioner in the office of the said Clerk, and you are furth er notified that if you fail to ap pear and answer or demur to the said petition or complaint within the time specified the petitioner will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said petition ; witness the Honorable E. Y. Webb. Judge of the District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, this the 14 day of Feb ruary. 1941. I. V. Jordan. Clerk. By:W. A Lytic, Deputy Clerk. F20-4tc-MU - i Midway News We are glad to report the sick folks to be improving. Mark Bingham who is employed at Fort Bragg, spent the week end with home folks. , Quite a number of friends and neighbors gathered at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Check Sun day evening for a preaching serv ice conducted by Kev. Claud Led ford. J. L. Sanders and son, Karris, and Quince Shopc who are em ployed at Macon, Ga., spent the week-end with relatives and friends. ' Little Hattie Sue Ledford was the guest of Shirley Sanders Sat urday night. ' Mrs. John Sprinkle of this place, spent the past few days with her aunt, Mrs. Joe Hopkins. Mrs. Arthor Sanders spent Sun day with Mrs. Marion Sanders and children. , s Miss Ev.elyn Moss entertained quite a number of her friends and school mates last Wednesday night at a Valentine party. Master Barney Dills visited Hull Sanders Sunday. Mrs. Polly Labson of Pickens, S. C has been spending; a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ledford. Cowee Wins Oyer Holly Springs Cowee basketball team won over Holly Springs last Saturday in an interesting game with a score of 32 to 28. , The first quarter, Cowee 7, Hol ly Springs, 2; 'second quarter, Cowee 15, Holly Springs 10; third quarter, Holly. Springs 22, Cowee 20. The last quarter the teams tied with a score of 28 to 28. Five min utes were ' added to the game, when both sides played hard but' were unable to make a point, but' another five minutes gave Cowoe four points. : Dewey Elliott !; led the Holly Springs boys in points, Frank Crispe second. . Cowee boys will meet the Holly Springs boys on the Holly Springs court on February 22. The com munity U invited. . Thousands of families who need and want more milk than they can buy' with limited, incomes are the dairy industry's greatest op portunity for a wider market, 'says the U. S. department of agricul ture. ' .!isL. rv MOVEMENTS for the public good are frequently launched with great en thusiasm, but sometimes die out because sustained effort is lacking. This is not-true" of the North Carolina beer in dustry's program to improve conditions in retail outlets. Prosecuted with diligent effort since its launching in May, 1939, our Committee's "clean up or close up" campaign in North Carolina has won the praise and support of law enforcement of ficers, the press and public. During the past 2 1 months the state's beer industry has proved its sincerity of purpose by a consistent record of direct action and results. The record: 1.537 retail beer outlets investi gated; 203 warned to improve conditions. We reported 1 76 to the authorities for action; as a result 121 licenses were revoked, 10 placed on probation, 2 surrendered their licensee, and 25 license renewals were refused. We promise there will be no let-up ia our efforts duriac 19411 aBBfeft EID NORTH CAROLINA IUTOBS COMMITTEE EDO AX H. BAOr. State ! alslgm, North Oatei STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OF IBII&YAMT Mutual Burial Association INCORPORATED Franklin, N. C ' ' ''.'' '''. . " For Year Ending December 31, 1940 i RECEIPTS Cash from last report $3,143.72, Total receipts 3,432.55 , TOTAL $6,576.27 DISBURSEMENTS Administrative expenses $3&4.(W Burial benefits paid 2,300.00 Commissions paid 133.90 TOTAL $2,817.94 CASH BALANCE ...J. $3,7S8.33 ASSETS Cash $3,758.33 LIABILITIES Advance assessments on hand $316.75 TOTAL $316.75 Surplus : ,. $3,441.58 I certify the above statement to be a true and correct state ment of the financial affairs of this association. O. C. Bryant, President WE ARC PROUD to present the above statement It is indisputable evidence of careful management and close cooperation of our membership. Please note that the Association is in better condition both financially and in membership than ever before. And it continues to grow. Since its organization, the Bryant Mutual Burial Association has paid out in death benefits a total of $1,050.00. In every instance these benefits lightened the burdens of sorrowing and unprepared family. If you could change places with us and hear some of the many fine things said about our Association you would be even prouder of the part you take in this organization. TO THOSE WHO DO NOT BELONG, WE URGE YOU TO COME IN AND JOIN TODAY

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