THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 1941 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PACE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES . : and COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER S. CONLEY, PHONE 104 MISS VIRGINIA JUSTICE BRIDE OF ROBT. L. PATTILLO Miss Virginia Alice Justice, daughter of ilr. and Mrs. B. W. Justice, of Franklin loul,e 4, and Robert Louis Pattillo, son of Mrs. Robert E. I'altillo,. also Of JYank lin route 4, were quietly married on Saturday, February 1. The Kev, D. M. White, pastor of the' First Baptist church in Glark psville, was, the officiating minister, and the ceremony was .solemnized at the Baptist pastorium. The bride wore 'an ensemble of black and white, with .a corsage of sw.eetheart roses. Mrs. I'altillo is a graduate of the Franklin high stXiool and is employed at the Angel clinic. Mr. 1'attillo, who ' received his education at the Franklin high school is connected with the engi neering department of the stat,e highway. , Mr, and Mrs. Pattillo were ac companied to Glarkesville by Mr. and Mr,. George R. Pattillo, brother of the groom; Miss Vera Nicholson and Bill Cabe. MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO MEET AT PASTORIUM Members of the Woman's. Mis sionary ' Society of th,e Franklin Eaptist church will meet with Mrs. C. F. Rogers at the pastor ium at 10 o'clock ' on ..Thursday morning, February 27, for ait nil day mission study class. The home mission book, "The Trial of Seed", by I'na 'Roberts Lawrence will be taught by. tli,e Rev. Mr. Rogers. All members are urged to attend. Lunch will be furnished by the attending mem bers. . . ' SHULER-WOODARD Announcement is made , of the marriage of Miss Cecil Sliuler to Alonzo Woodard on December 8, at Clayton, . Ga. The bride wore gren with, matching accessories. Mrs. Woodard is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Shuler of West's Mill, The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Woodard of Rainbow Springs. At present the couple are stay ing with the groom's parents. They plan to make their home at Rain bow Springs in the near future. PENDERGRASS-AMMONS Mrs. J. N. Pendergrass, of Franklin Route 1, has announced the marriage of her daughter, Phyllis, to Owen Amnions, of Franklin Route 4. The wedding was solemnized in Glarkesville, Ga., . Saturday, Feb ruary 8. - The bride was attir.ed in a powder blue costume with beige accessories. She is a graduate of the Franklin high school. Mr. Amnions is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Amnions, of Franklin Route 4. He is now m ployed withthe state highway de partment. ." Mr. and Mrs. Amnions are re siding with the groom's parents. FAIN-DOWNS Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Fain, of Oakwood, Ga., announce the mar riage of their daughter, Wrethea, to Leroy Downs, of Franklin, in Clayton, Ga., last Sunday. The bride was attired in a dusty rose ensemble with black acces sories..; '. Mr. Downs is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Downs of West's Mill, and is employed by Joseph Ashear, He is a gradu ate of the Franklin high .school and attended Cecil's Business Col lege. The couple will reside in the McCoy apartments. (J. T. Blaine, who has been ill for several weeks; is reported to be much improved and expects, to be . back in his store soon. Mr,s. J. C. Barrington, who has been a patient in Angel hospital for several days has returned to her home on the Georgia road. Carl Holt, of Petersburg, Va., Elmer and Harry Holt,, of Washr ington, D. C, came Tuesday to at tend the foiaeral of their grand mother, Mrs. Minerva Holt, at Newman Chapel. ? Mr: and Mrs. Lawrence Hicks, of ' Highlands, visited M rs. Hicks' parents, ."Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Holt at their home on Dillard, Ga., Route 1. v A ' Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ow.ens, of Macon, Ga., attended the funer al of Mr.s. Owens' grandmother, Mrs. Minerva Hoft, and remained Recent Bride t A, Cartoogechaye By MRS. JOE SETSER MRS. CARL SLAGLE IMPROVING AT HOSPITAL Mrs. Carl Slagle who underwent an operation at Angel hispital last Thur.sUay is reported to be recov ering satisfactorily. Her daughter, Mrs.. 1. B. Southerland and Mr, Soutlierland from Winston-Salem and Siler, her son from State col lege, Raleigli, have spent some time her.c with her. MRS. ROBERT PATTILLO Who was the former Miss Virginia. Alice (Justice, prior tii her mar riage in ClarkesviUe, Ga.', on Saturday, February 1. MISS M'CARTY IS BRIDE OF JOHN W. DAUGHTERY Mr. and Mrs. James McCarty announce the marriage of their daughter, Mattie, to John Warden Daughtery, son of Mrs. Thomas Daughtcry, of Cohimbiis,. ..Montana, on Wednesday, February 12. The couple were quietly married by the Rev. John Walk,er, rector of St. Luke's, Episcopal church, at his home at 148 Peachtree Circle, At lanta, Ga.. . . . The bride wa attired in a royal blue ensemble with white acces sories. -'" . . Mr. Daughtery is employed by the Utah Construction company on the Nan rahala project. They will make their home in Bryson City. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE FOR MRS. J. H. YOUNG A happy surprise was given Mrs. J. H. Young on Sunday afternoon when a number' of her friends gathered at her home on Harrison avenue to celebrate her birthday. The lovely cake, bearing th ap pointed number of candles, was made by Miss Gladys Sellers. The guests enjoying the occasion with Mrs. Young wer Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ray. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stockton, Mrs. A. R. Higdon, Mrs. Derald Ashe and Mis Gladys Sellers, of Franklin, Miss Jessie Briggs, of Swannanoa and Wil liam Blaine, of Asheville. B. C BYRD SUCCEEDS C B. WICKUFFE B. C Byrd, son of Mr. and Mrs, "Doc" Byrd, of Etna, has accepted a position as mortician , with the Bryant funeral home. Mr. Byrd recently returned from Idaho Falls, Idaho, where he has worked with McHan's funeral home for the past five years. C B. Wkkliffe, has accepted a position in Wareshoals, S. C He has . been with Bryant funeral borne for three yean. for a visit witih Mrs-. Owens' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Holt. Friends will be glad to know that Mrs. W. W. Sloan, who under went a serious operation in - New York is doing well. Mrs. Sloan is spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. : J. S. McAllister. . Mrs. S. Poliakoff has returned from Williamson, W. Va., where she attended the wedding of her neice and visited relatives and friends. Matthew Poliakoff, a student of the University of South Carolina, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Poliakoff. Miss Mae Dills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dills, is a patient in Angel hospital. Mrs. Mack- Franks underwent an appendix operation at the Angel Clinic on Monday. She, is report ed improving: Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Watkins, Mrs. Robert Campbell and son, Edgar, of Albany, Ga., spent the week-,end with Mrs. Watkias' fath er, J. A. Conley and sister, Mrs. H. O. Cozad. The condition of R. E. (Tony) Welch, who recently underwent a serious Operation in Raleigh, is re ported to be improved. Mr,S. W. L. Higdon is spending several days in Wrest Asheville with her mother, Mrs. J. S. Siler and sister, Mrs. James Freeman. Loy E. Parrish, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Parrish, of Etna, left Monday for Detroit, Mich., where he has employment. Mr. and Mrs. A. L." Mclean, of West's Mill left ' Thursday ' for Raleigh where Mr. McLean will attend the mechanical department of North Carolina State college.' They plan to be in Raleigh several weeks. James Fowler, who has been working in Tullahoma, T.enn., has returned to his home here for a visit. ,';', Mrs. F. L. Siler, who has been visiting her daughters, Miss Annie Will Siler in New York and Mrs. Michael D'Onofrio in Wantagh, Long Island, N,ew York, for sev eral weeks, has. returned to her home here. Miss Louise Blaine returned to Athens, Ga.. Tuesday where she iij attending Athens Business college, after spending the week-end here with her mother, Mrs. D. W. Blaine. Rev. and Mrs. C; F, Rogcr.s spent Monday in Asheville on business. They were accompanied by Mrs. Derald Ashe who spent the day in Hazelwood with her sister, Mrs. Roy Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Chaee -Tatham and young daughter, Patricia, of Rhea Springs, Tenn., spent the week-end with Mrs. Tatham's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGaha at their home at West's Mill Mr. Tatham returned on Sunday while Mrs. Tatham and daughter will visit for a week. Mrs. Frank Calloway returned to her home on Bonny Crest Sat urday, after spending several weeks in Albany, Ga., with her son, Hilton Calloway who was recently injured in a motorcycle accident. Mr. Calloway is reported to be much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Houk have returned from Tampa, Fla., where they spent 10 day visiting rela tives and friends. Andrew Jones, who is employed on the Glenville project, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer A. Jones on Tuesday. The Rev. A.- Rufus Morgan at tended convocations of the Epis copal church in HendersonvilU and Shelby Tuesday and Wednes day. He was accompanied by his liter, Mr. Either Freas. .H. H. Hirsch, ; who entered Aiiwl hospital last Thursday, suf fering from a severe attack of in testinal influenza, developed pneu monia Monday. He was reported on Monday to be better. , Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Cun ningham, Mrs. Howard Valentine and ,son Billy, of Winston-Salem, spent the first of the week visit ing their parents, Mr and Mrs. John F. Cunningham of Franklin Route' 1, and Mrs. C. C. Cunning ham in Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace returned to their home on Frank- Llin Route 1 Monday from Daytpna, Fla., where they visited with their son, Robert Wallace and Mrs. Wallace. Miss Bonnie Parrish, of Sylva, spent Sunday with her parerts, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Parrish a? West's Mill. Robert L. Ward, engineer in the Franklin office of the Nanta hala Power company was called home to Pittsburgh, Pa., last Monday on account of the sudden death of his father from a heart attack. . Four members of th'-. family of Carey Patton on Bidwxll street have been ill with influenza. One son is recovering from pneumonia. Buck Creek School A Valentine party was given at the Buck Cr.eek school last Friday by Miss Mary H. Elmore, teacher. Rev. Philip Green of Franklin entertained the school children with several songs, a story and a de votional .exercise at 2 :30. The chil dren and community express their gratitude to Rev. Mr. Green for his kindness to visit the school and sing for them. ST. VALENTINE PARTIES St. Valentine's Day was cele brated here with two parties. Mar garet Setser and Connareje Nolen entertained the younger children Friday afternoon at the Setser hom,e. Games were played and re freshments of cakes, " cocoa and candy were served. Those present were, Joan ' Hop kins, Margaret 'Waldroop, Grace and Aeries' Setser,- Mary..' Frances, Doris and Sarah- Dulryinple, Ni'll Waldroop,- - Mary Slagle, Virginia lirookshire, Beverly Christy, Con naree Nolen, .lone and Margaret Setser. ' ' ' Betty Jane Waldroop gave the older children a party in the eve ning.; Many games wre played and it was voted one of the nicest of the : season. Fruit punch, cakes and candy were served. 1 The guest list included : Mary and Margie Constance.- Lillian Jones, Margaret Moore, Eunna Lou Hurst, Virginia Brookshire, Lucille Setser, Ruth Crawford, Jeanette Harrison, Vir ginia McGce, Jane Setser, Mary 1-Yanccs Dalrymple, Dorothy Mar tin, Bobby Waldroop, Geo. and Tbnv Setser, Fredrick Slagle, Andy Setser, Wendell Brookshire,' Go. Crawford, John Stuart Crockett and Geo. Martin. Births B. Mr. .and Mrs.. Van Mason Buying locally- helps your friends and is usually, .more satisfactory to you. announce the birth of a daughter, Mattie .Marie, at 'their home at Leatherman, on Friday, Feb. 1.' A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Miller, on Friday, February 7, at their home on Buck Creek.- On Thursday, February 1J, son, Rufus Jones, was born to Mr, and Mrs. Silas Green at their home at Leatherman. Ralph Benjamin, a ,son, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Rogers at their home In Fllijay, in V i 1 -ncsday, f'.ehriiary 1') Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roy Arn old announce the birth' of .a daugh ter, l.uti Belle,, at .their home' on Cartoogechaye .oil Monday," Feb ruary, 3. Lucy Slagle of Atlanta, spent last week-end with home folks. Mrs. Norman' McDonald has been quite sick with flu but is tetter. 1 Will Corpening spent 'the week end at home on Cartoogechaye. Quentin Waldroop spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Waldroop, from the CCC camp at Robbinsville. Bert Corpening of Smokemont CCC camp spent last week With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, K. Corpening. Dale Rogers of Smokemont CCC comp spent last week with his par ents on the Georgia road. CARD OF THANKS Wre wish, to - rhank run- trii-ifo for their nvuiy" " expres.i.-,n's , sympathy during the sickness and death of our dear' husband an., father, also for the beautiful' floral offerings. MRS. J. M. CARPENTER AND CHILDREN. Bryant Furniture Co. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME AT REASONABLE PRICES Phone 106 Franklin, N.C. Elgin Watches In the New Rose Gold Color Priced $24.75 up GROVER JAMISON Jeweler WK ASHEVILLE FARM SCHOOL OFFERS 2 SCHOLARSHIPS Applications' ' have;-, been secured for two students to enter the Asheville Farm School in the High School Department for the coming summer and fall sessions iy Mary H. Elmore. The applications have not been placed as yet; as only students who do not have access to high .school transportation facil ities will be eligible to apply for admission. TUe Asheville Farm School is operated by the Board of National Missions of the Presbyterian church. The high school depart ment specializes in vocational edu cation and is accredited by. the state of North Carolina and ac commodates 135 .students. The school ov acres, including a beautiful campus an'd, has an ex pertly managed farm, dairy and forest with 17 well equipped h'uild- CARD OF THANKS To our many friends: We wish to expr.ess our appreciation for the kindness shown us during the sick ness and death of our dear com panion and mother, also for the music by Mrs. Fred Slagle and choir at the funeral service Which is very much appreciated GEO. M. JOHNSON AND CHILDREN, Franklin Route 1. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanks for the help and kindness shown during the illness and death of Mrs. Minerva Holt.- MR. AND MRS. J. M. HOLT AND FAMILY. CARD OF THANKS We want to thank our friends for the kindness shown us during the accident and death of our son and brother, Henry Tudson Reeves. MRS. TEX IE REEVES ANT) CHILDREN. ings. - In conjunction with vocational education, preparation for admis sion to college is available to those who desire it. - Good wire, properly .strung be tween strong, well-braced posts, should make a farm fence last from 7 to 12 years. ' Prints, new Spring patterns, Qc fast colors, yd. r ,,,'; . . ; Men's Work Shirts, best CAc grade chambray ... '-',' ' Women's Print Dresses, 80 square cloth, new Spring frocks, extra ftAc good values'- ...... Girls' Print Dresses, best fast color Aflc prints, sizes from 3 to 16 - ' : ; -, , . , Children's Shoes and Slippers, $1.00 sizes to 2 sturdy pretty Women's Oxfords, white with brown saddle -black brown, all sizes, $1 .50 special Rayon Satin Slips, values to $1.00, C Ac . only ... .............. OV Cotton Bolts for OQc quilts .;...;;...v;;;?...;.,...,........i...v...;...: BB Sheeting, good Cc grade, yd. : 6 Lbs. Scrap Rolls, 1 Qc while they last ,..........................:.... . Men's Heavy Flannel Shirts, 7QC $1.00 value ... ........... ' 17 Boys' Overalls, . tt(c sizes to 16 pV ". SAmnms sttodtjbie NEW 5e and lOc STORE GET If ! . . STRETCH 0 UT . . and NEW COMFORT was the keynote as we made plans for this year's Ford. Get in, through the new wide doors ! Stretch out, in room to spare ! Seating width has been increased as much as 7 inches. Knee-room and inside length are greatest in the low-price field. Then take the road and try its ride ) A soft, steady, gliding new Ford ride that takei good road or bad in a sat isfying new kind of stride. And notice the quietness of this big Ford 1 There's news at your Ford Dealer 's that's too good to miss 1 News in com fort. News in value. And news in a "deal" that youll find easy to take! enioy a great new ride!

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