1940 Census 1940 Census Population of Macon County 15,880 , Population of Franklin 1,250 PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LVI. NO. 9 FRANKLIN, N. C. THURSDAY. FEB. 27. 1941 $1.50 PER YEAR CCC CAMP ENTERTAINS Luncheon And Tour En joyed By Large Group Of Citizens A group of .about 20 Franklin people enjoyed delightful hospital ity at the CCC camp N, C. V-23, near Otto, last Friday. The guests wcr,c greeted by Lieutenant G. W. Alexander, camp commander, Lieu tenant William A. Baumgarter, VV. B. Jones, forest service project superintendent; J. F. Craft, educa tional director, and Mr. Johnson, district recreational director of the forest service, of Gainesville, Ga. The hour before luncheon was spent in a tour of inspection of the camp, showing all the quarters in immaculate' condition, with ample evidence of the good housekeep ing and successful homemaking of staff and boy.s. Tour Of Foxiest , After a luncheon served in the 'mess hall by the boys- as delicious as it was bountiful the party was escorted by Mr. Jones on a tour of the Cowceta Epperimental For est and the projects carried on by the CCC boys under the super vision of the Nantahala Forest Service. The constructor and operation of stream guages were explained by Mr. Jones whereby the rise and. fall of streams in the. forest are measued; also rain , gauges there are 05' in the forest around the camp which measure the rain fall in that arear These are read after each rain to the accuracy of one one-hundredth of an inch. The trail ended on a spur of Pickens Nose mountain, . over 5,000 feet high, at Mooney Gap on the "di vide." A beautiful road that had been built by the CCC boy,s, with banks treated for stabilization with sticks and mulching to encourage growth of plants on bare slopes, was another : project that excited the admiration of the guests. ' (Continued Next Week) Macon Men Sign Up For Regular Army The United States Army Mobile Unit, with headquarters at the postoffice during Monday,' Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, have signed up the following Macon : county nen for service in the reg ular an. .. : Albert L. Craine, James H. Baity, Thomas Cmnkleton, Albert Rogers, Leonard Johnson, Luther Picklesimer, all of Highlands ; Jack" Jacobs, Johnnie Mashburn,, Ben L. Mashburn, Marvin Williams, And erson T. Payne, Raymond H.' Wo mack, from Franklin; Robert L. McGalia, West's Mill. -These young men will be sent to Charlotte first, and ' then transfer red to other points. As The World Turns A Brief Survey of Current Events In State. Nation' and Abroad. WAR WEEK Britain intensifies her air bom bardment of channel ports and German industry. Churchill tells Japan the nation rejects her offer to mediate war with Germany. Britain seeks to thwart Hitler's moves in the Balkans by sending Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and Gen, Sir John Dills to make sure that Turkey will not modify its determination to defend the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus keys to stragetic developments in the Near East Both Hitler and Mussolini have made speeches. Hitler promises in tensification of sea warfare, and warns U. S. that U-boats will sink ships on sight II Duce acknowl edges defeat in north Africa but promises victory in the end. New German claims to large scale successes on British mer chant shipping were denied by the British to be as large as claimed. Nazi bombing of British cities in tensified. The Dutch are rioting against Nazi troops in north Holl and. The Vichy government is strengthening defenses in Indo China with African . troops, while Japan demands "Oceania" which is interpreted as meaning Dutch East Indies, Philippines, British and French Indo-China. Britain answers by landing Aus tralian troops in Singapore. Court Of Honor For Smoky Mountains District Scouts . The Court of Honor for . .the Scouts of the Smoky Mountains district of the Daniel Boone Coun cil will be held Monday night, March 3 at the ' Methodist church . A in Franklin at 7;30.- Ralph Andrews of Cullowhec, the newly appointed advancement chairman of the district will pre side and the presentations will be made by members of the Frank lin troop committee. A. W. Allen, Scout Executive of the Daniel Boone Council will assist in con ducting the meeting. After the court of honor the scoutmasters and assistants of the seven troops in the district are to meet and make . plans for spring activities. All people , interested in Scout ing are invited to attend the court of honor. District Meeting In Bryon City The district committee of the Smoky Mountains District of' the Daniel Boone Council will meet at the Brookside Grill in Bryson City on Monday, March 5, at 7 o'clock. Boy Scout Membership Drive Approrimately $300 has been sub scribed or pledged to ; date toward the adult membership drive and the building fund of the scout house. A number of substantial. subscriptions are yet to come. Owing to the illness this we,ek of Ben . McGlamery, one of the com mittee securing memberships, the campaign has not been completed and a number of citizens have not yet been solicited. The full list of memberships ob tained this week and next will be published in next week's pagf . Stockholders Of Farmers Federation Meet Here Saturday The annual meeting of the Ma con county stockholders of the Farmers' Federation will be held at the Franklin Federation Ware house on Saturday, March 1, at 10 a. m. President James G. K. McChire will give a report on the year's business and S. W. Mendenhall, Macon county farm agent, has been invited to speak. Music will be furnished by' the Farmers Federa tion String Band, and coffee and doughnuts will be served. Hublfy : You never tell me w hat you buy ! Don't I have any voice in the buying? Wifey: Certainly, darling! You get the invoice. Boys' Life. Italy's grip on East Africa is broken by the British capture of Italian Somaliland capital of Mag adiscio, a city of 35,000. In. the swift British drive 5,000 prisoners were seized. WASHINGTON WEEK Debate for and against lend-lease bill continues, with the opposition threatening filibuster, although the bill is certain of passage. Harry Hopkins has returned from England and reported his findings to President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Hull. Wil liam J. Donovan conducting a priv ate survey is expected to return soon to make a report to the President and Secretary Knox of his travels. He flew from London January 7, visiting Sudan, Libya, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Tur key, Iraq and Palestine, returning .to Cairo, Egypt February 8. He is supposed to have told the Bal kans that Britain would 'win. The British embassy announces that warplanes from American fac tories are being flown to England. These include giant bombers built by Consolidated in San Diego, Cal. REP. WITHROW OF RUTHER FORD APOLOGIZES IN RALEIGH Representative Grady Withrow in a scorching denunciation of the junior United States senator from North Carolina, Saturday morning apologized to the House of Repre sentatives for raving supported him in the last primary. Crisis Flares " : .:. . can m INDIA-.Lr-- iL -2. HAN MALAY PENINSULA MG&PO 'A IBB row : ty V i V i I . r Americans in Japan, China and Indo-China have received renewed urgent notice to leave the Far East as a sudden crisis flares in the j Orient A Japanese battle fleet was said to be concentrated off Hai phong, Indo-China, with other Jap warships off Bangkok, and new Japanese demands on the Dutch East Indies, Siam and Indo-China were reported. Dutch merchantmen in the Far East were ordered into harbor. More Macon Volunteers The local draft board announces the acceptance of the following young men as volunteers for serv ice: February 15, John David Potts, Franklin ; February 21, Ed Green, Gneiss, Star Route; Febnu ary 24, George ' Bobby Waldroop, Prentiss, Star Route. Two of these are under 21 years old; . Additional volunteers at the local hoard of registration for selective service added yesterday are : Ger nell Lee Woods, Franklin Route 2; and Thomas Louie Cmnkleton. of Highlands. Mrs, Gilmer Jones, clerk of the local board, reports that Leander Gibson did not pass requirements at Fort Bragg, and ' that his sub stitute would go with the next call. Rev. J. L. Stokes Addresses P. T. A. The Franklin Parent-Teachers Association held their regular meet ing in the high school auditorium on Monday afternoon with Mrs, Fred Slagle, president, presiding. The devotions, were conducted by Rev. J. L. Stokes II, who also gave an interesting talk 'on "Edu cating Our Youth for Democracy." The Rev. and Mrs. Philip L. Green sang a duet. Guy Houk, superintendent of Macon county schools, who was to have delivered the principal ad dress, had to be absent on a busi ness trip, to Raleigh. Funeral Of A. W. Hedden Funeral services for Arlie Willis Hedden, 22, were held Wednesday at the Walnut Creek Baptist church. Interment was in the church cemetery. Mr. Hedden died Tuesday morn ing at 8:25 o'clock in the Angel Clinic following an illness of one month. ' . ' A son of Will Hedden and . the late Mrs. Rosetta Leopard Hed den, Mr. Medden was married in 1939 to Miss Elmira Berry, who survives. ' Surviving also are one son, Har ley William Hedden,' his father, Will Hedden; one sister, Miss Irene Hedden, and eight brothers, Delmer, Elmer, Everett, Eddis, Ernest, Furman, Louise and Dewey Hedden. Wild Boar Killed By Taylor Crockett After Fierce Fight Taylor Crockett, of Cartooge chaye, one of Macon county's fa mous hunters, came to town last Monday night exhibiting the pelt and head of a huge boar, bagged by him in the upper Bumingtown section. The head and pelt alone weighed 51 pounds. He reported that the boar, a mountain rooter with a mark of Berkshire, gashed one of his dogs to death and seriously injured an other before he could shoot him at close range. Two shots entered the animal's side and a fatal shot between the .eyes stopped his sav age onrush. The dog that was kill ed was a veteran with more than 50 wild hogs to his credit The other injured dog was brought to town and his wounds sewed up by Dr. Edgar AngeL in the Orient 77" A Philippine Lr ISLANDS GUAM (.$) f.PALAU S INDIES 4 AUSTRAL I A' . Earl Dills Injures 6 Persons In 2 Wrecks Saturday .On last Saturday Earl Dills, of the Nantahala section, was in volved in two ' wrecks which in jured six persons. Saturday morning Rev. Herbert (colored) of Hayesville, was knock ed down and, seriously injured on the highway near, the Franklin cemetery by the car driven by Mr. Dills. The accident was re-, ported unavoidable. Mr. Dills brought the injured man to Angel Clinic for treatment. On Saturday night, with Mr. Dills driving, his car plunged off a cliff on the Winding Stairs road and seriously injured Mrs.. Pauline Dills, of Shooting Creek. She suf fered a dislocated collar bone, frac tures of ribs on both sides of the chest and, a ruptured liver. Mrs. Dills' three months-old baby had numerous injuries, bruises and a partial paralysis of the. right arm. Her brother, Odell Roper, received a fractured rib, while her father, William Roper, of Briartowh, had two fractured ribs. They are all riecoveririg' at the Angel Clinic, j Earl Dills also suffered two broken ribs in the last accident. He was treated ats the Angel Clinic and has been discharged. Rites Held For Accident Victims Funeral services were held Tues day afternoon for Allen Livingood, of. Marble, killed Sunday night while working at the rock quarry of the Utah Construction company on the Nantahala dam project.' Funeral1 services for John Nich ols, 27,' of Andrews, killed in the same accident, were held Wednes day. Rites for Livingood were held in the Marble Baptist church and burial was in the Marble ceme tery. Mr, Nichols' rites were held at Andrews and interment was. in the Andrews cemetery. Mr. Livingood is survived by his widow and four children. Mr. Nichols is survived by his widow and two children. Nantahala Dam Project Enters New Phase Construction of the dam proper on the Nantahala river project at Aquone is beginning at this time. The work done to date has been in preparation of the site on both sides of the gorge for the building of a huge dam that will harness the waters of this little mountain stream for 'the generation of pow er. The Utah Construction company has the contract for the Nanta hala Power company. This will be another unit of the power gener ating facilities of the Aluminum Company of America in this sec tion. Baptist Ministers To Meet Monday The Macon county Baptist min isters will hold their regular con ference at the Franklin Baptist church on Monday morning, March 3, at 10:30 o'clock. All ministers are urged to attend this meeting, when the fifth Sunday program is to be planned. Rev. J. G. Benfield, Chairman Rev. Robert Williams, Clerk. r- i Day Of Prayer Observed By Churches Friday Afternoon The World Day of Prayer will be observed by the missionary so cieties of the Franklin churches in a union service to be held in St. Agnes Episcopal church, Friday afternoon, February 28, at . 3;30 o'clock. The program to be used was pre pared by the World Day of Prayer committee of Shanghai, China, and will he used by groups around the world the same day. This year's ; theme for the services will be "Thy Kingdom Come." i T, ... .l Ihe service will consist in the j- r .i reading of the scriptures, prayer, r ... . ' .J singing of well known hymns and meditation, led by women from the four Franklin churches. A ' globe will represent the world Wide mis sion of the Christian churches and candles the light of the Gospel which' missionary societies seek to carry through their prayers, gifts and service. Takiing part in the program as leaders will be Mrs. Derald Ashe, Mrs. Carl Cabe, Mrs: Robert Gain,es, Mrs. T. T. Hall, Mrs. George Slagle and Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson. Four Girl Scouts under the lead- ership ' of Mrs. Charles Melichar, will take , up the offering. These are Louise Pendergrass, ' Sallie Lou Moore, Emogene Landrum and Marian Carr. Mrs. Ben W. Wood ruff will have charge of the music. The offering will be devoted to the following joint missionary pro jects of the churches ; Union Chris tian colleges, work among migrants; American Indians in Government schools and the publication of Christian literature. The. girls will be dressed to symbolize these di visions of missionary work. Loans Available For Small Farmers S: R. Griffin, ,Jr., local repre sentative of the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan section of th. Farm Credit Administration, announces, that Mrs. Mary B. Justice, at the Clerk of Court's office is receiv ing applications for loans. Figures released , by this govern ment agency show that farmers in the United States obtained nearly 161,000 emergency crop and field loans in 1940, for a total of $19,- 470,625, an increase of 29.1 per cent over 1939. ; These loans are made for short periods to small farmers .who can not obtain loans from other sources for the productoin of crops and for the feeding of livestock. Eighty nine per cent of the amount loan ed in 1939 has been repaid, it is stated. FRANKLIN HDVE. GETS CQPRACT Rebuilding And Repairs Of Agricultural Bldg. To Begin At Once At a called meeting of. the coun ty commissioners held last Monday to receive bid for the repairing and rebuilding of the Agricultural building, the contract was awarded to the Franklin Hardware company,' Alf L. Higdon, owner. The contract price will be $3,894.66, which pro vides that the building be thor oughly repaired of all fire and water damage incufred in the re cent blaze that destroyed part of the interior of the building, and that it be put back in as good shape as it was. Mr. Higdon states that the work will begin at once and finished as soon as possible. -Elmer Roten, local foreman, will have charge of the carpenter's w:ork. Power Pole Knocked Down A truck hauling rock for the WPA street project proved itself mightier than a power line pole this week, when a collision at the intersection of the Dillsboro and Highlands highways knocked down the pole. The truck was consider ably damaged, but no one was hurt Superintendents Of Construction Wanted U. S. Civil Service Commission announce examinations for the po sition of superintendent of con struction, various grades with sal aries ranging from $3,200 to $5,600 a year. Qualified persons are urged to file applicatoin immediately. and applications will be received until December 31, 1941. Duties in-1 ASSEMBLY SPEEDS WORK Liquor, Appropriations, School Bills Occupy Committees On Wednesday the General As sembly of North Carolina visited Elizabeth City. Already full .speed ahead is aiming at ; adjournment bv March 8. The liquor bill calling for V I state-wide We next November 4 I V" lne Juestion ot prohibition' was introduced in the Ifousc. toeether ; ,. . , .... . . .' uBc'"er with a bill to' restrict miDortation I , . ; ! of hquor and wine into tip tat. . The joint legislative appropria- tions committee raised the appro priation recommended for public schools next biennium by $1,611, 4o4 to provide a 12th grade and a 9th pay increment anil sick leave with pay up m five days for teachers. The committee -. also raised the vocational educational appropria tion, to $1,410,000, the amount ask ed fori The joint moiiey-spending com mittee is still at work on the ap propriations bill. ! Utilities Commission, TYA Fund j 1'he proposed new utilities agency would replace the present commis sion, of which Stanley Winborne is chairman with a" salary of $6, 600. Two more, would receive sal aries of $6,000 each, who would be named by the governor. The in tensive enforcement of utility laws would result in the collection of enough additional funds to pay the extra salaries, it is estimated. Among many local bills, one was passed by the house providing for a more equitable distribution be tween state and county govern ments of payments made by the TVA in lieu of taxes lost on prop erties acquired by TVA. May Community Center Dedicated Last Sunday On Sunday a large number of people gathered at the dedication of the new community center at Otter Creek and to honor "Aunt Jane" May for whom the building was named. The project was sponsored by the people of the community ably assisted by Carl Moses, principal of the Otter Creek school, and his teaching staff. The structure was erected by boys of the National Youth Ad ministration and is 40 r 84 feet. The need for such a center was demonstrated a few nights ago when a musical program was at tended by 400 people. The Sunday ceremonies began with devotional exercises and brief history of the May family. Baxter Jones and J. Burk Grey, sons-in-law of Aunt Jane May, also paid tribute to the pioneers and re called the names of early settlers in Nantahala township. Both speakers stressed the opportunities and obligations facing the younger people today. Inez Owcnby, for the elementary school, arid Grace Yonce for the1 senior class of the high school, ex pressed the young . people's appre ciation for the efforts of the local committee in raising the funds re quired for sponsoring the NYA project William Crawford, formerly a teacher at Otter Creek, now prin cipal of Salem school, congratu lated the basket ball team on the great improvement made since having opportunity to practice in doors. ' ' ' . Mrs. J. A. Ordway, county sup ervisor of the NYA, under whose direction the building was con structed, expressed regret that George M. Suggs, district repre sentative of the NYA had' been called to Raleigh, and so had been obliged to -forego the pleasure of attending the dedication. She spoke briefly of the great service per formed by the National Youth Administration in its efforts to give (employment to the boys and girls of America, and said "no more fitting name for the building could have been chosen ; since Aunt Jane May's whole life had been given to the service of youth. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. Burk Grey and Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips of Mur phy; Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Jonea of Bryson City; Mr. Charles Craw ford, and Mr. and Mrs. William Crawford of Higdonville, Hayes Buchanan, Ben Lenoir and James Hauser and Mr. Crisp of Franklin. volve direction of foremen, laborers and mechanics on large construc tion projects. , . Full information m k nKtiin. e4 t Frsaliw postoffict.

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