THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1941 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN PAGE F1V 9 Highlands MRS. H. CHURCH NOTES Church of tha lncaranation Rev. A. Rufu Morgan, Rector 10 a. m. -Church school. (No services Sunday.) Highland Baptist Churoh Rv. J. G. BonfieM, Pator 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Sermon. 7 p. m.-B. T. U. fc S p. m. Sermon. '' Highland Preabytrian Church 10:15 a. m. Church school. 11 a. m. Wqrslrlp. 7.30 p. m.--Christian Endeavor. Highland, Mthodit Church " Rev. J. S. Higgina, Paitor Glenville: r 10 a. m. Preaching. Cashier: 11 a. m. Preaching. Norton: 2:30 p. m. Preaching. PARENT-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION TO MEET The Parent-Teachers Association will hold the last meeting of the school year on Tuesday afternoon, May 6, at 3:45 o'clock. This meet ing will feature the election of of ficers for the coming year, and a full attendance of members is ex pected. ' SAVINGS BONDS ON SALE HERE United States Defense Savings Bonds and Postal Savings Stamp. were placed on sale at the High lands postoffice Thursday, May 1, as a part of the national effort to make America impregnable, Postmaster Potts announced. It is expected this community will do its full share m the savings pro gram by purchasing ' these bonds. For the smaller investor who wants to buy a Government Bond on the easy payment plan, the postoffice has a new series erf Postal Savings Stamps from ten cents to five dollars, and when $18.75 worth of stamps have been bought they may be exchanged for a Savings Bond. , More detailed information about bonds or stamps may be had from Postmaster Potts. TRICEMONT TERRACE OPENS MAY IS Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Trice are opening Trieemont Terrace on May 15 for the sixth consecutive season. Mr. and Mrs. Trice have been here for the past several weeks renovating . the hotel and have given it a fresh coat of paint inside and outside. The extensive grounds' around the hotel are be ing put in order and the flower gardens planted. This is. one of Highlands most popular summer hotels, with a beautiful setting ana a commanding view of the village and surrounding mountains. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HERE CALLS PASTOR At a congregational meeting of the Presbyterian church last Sun day morning a unanimous vote was cast to call the Rev. Frank Moss of Bethune, S. G, as' pastor of the church, to succeed Rev. R. B. Du Pree, who resigned to accept a pastorate at Covesville, Va. SUPPER GIVEN FN HONOR OF NEWLYWEDS ' Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ormond were hosts at a supper party Saturday evening honoring their son, A. Newman Ormond, and his bride, the former Miss Nancy Elizabeth Hines, whose marriage was an event of April 23. Centering the bride's table was a beautiful wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom. Original place cards, made by the groom's sister, Mrs. M. D. Mat thews, featured miniature brides and grooms. Seated at this table mere Mr. and Mrs. F. C Ormond, Mf. and Mrs. A. Newman Ormond, Mrs. J. A Hincs and her sister, Miss Lula M. Hinson. . At another table were Miss Man . recn Davis, Miss Bess Hines, Miss Frances Ormond, Kenneth Davis. Elmer McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Powell and Mrs. M. D.Mathews. BAPTIST CLERGY TO HOLD MEETING HERE Baptist ministers of Macon county will hold a ministerial con ference at the Baptist church here at 10:30 o'clock Monday, May 15. Lunch will be served. by the ladies of the church. At the afternoon session Rev. C F. Rogers, pastor of the Frank lin Baptist church, will speak on "Did Daniel Know." The public is cordially invited to attend the afternoon session. Rev. J. C Benfield, pastor of the church, has announced a his subject for next Sunday morning, The Christ of Healing," At the evening service the subject will be "What Jesus Taught About the New Birth." The special series of sermons are being given in an ef fort to renew membership interest, and the membership attendance last Sunday showed nine per cent increase over the previous Sunday. Lars crowds' are hearing thest very intereiting sermons. Highlights G. STORY ENTERTAINS WITH CHILDREN'S PARTY Mrs. H. P. P, Thompson enter tained Monday afternoon with a children's "party in honor of her grandson, Raymond Cleveland, on his fifth birthday anniversary, us ing a pink and green color scheme. Flower decoratms were white lilacs and pink primroses. Color ful , balloons and streamers were also used. The dining table was covered with a lace cloth and cen tered with the white candle-lit birthday cake. Ice cream, cake, kisses, mints and salted pecans were served. Favors for the girls were hair-ribbon bows and for the boys toy soldiers. Raymond'. young guests were Patsy Littleton, Martha Reese, Eurman Reese, Lucy May Reese, Margaret Zoellncr, Charles Wat son, Mary Summer, Beverly Mc Kinney, Emily Potts, Lois Potts, Betty Elrod,: Sue Anne Schow, Yvonne Monteith, Anne Hays, Sue Hopper, and. Joan Calloway. In addition to the seventeen children, eighteen grown-ups en joyed the occasion. Mrs. Tomo- son was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. George Cleaveland, moth er of the ; honor guest. THREE ACT COMEDY TO BE PRESENTED HERE "And Mary Did" a comedy in three acts will be presented by the graduating class of Highlands high school on Thursday evening, May 8, at the school theatre, with a cast composed of the following students: : ' f ' " : ' ' Mary Sterling, a modern Joan of Arc Jessie Keener; Laurence Grey, a modern Launcelot, Victor Smith; Mrs. Sterling, an old-fashioned mother Gladys Burnette ; Dressa Rand, the girl that men forget, June Thompson; Daniel Grey, ambitious father of Laur ence, James Hunt; Edith Smith, Mary's chum, Alice Lowry ; Willie Sterling and Betty Sterling, Mary's brother and sister, Francis Ormond and Louise Burnette ; Miss Whit aker, a feminine politician, ; Elbcrta McCall ; Matilda, the Sterling's maid, Felicia Edwards; Henry, the Grey's gardener, who spends most of his time in Matilda's kitchen, Eugene Paul. . The play is being directed by Miss Elizabeth Whiteside, English teacher, and the admission price is ten and twenty-five cents. WEDNESDAY CARD CLUB ENTERTAINS Mrs. Thomas C. Harbison enter tained the Wednesday Card Club with desserts bridge last week at her home on . West Main street. Flower decorations in the living room were pink snapdragons, lilacs and jonquils. The sunny windows of the dining room were gay with growing plants in blossom. The three tables of players en: joyed a very interesting game un til time to attend the Hines Ormond wedding at the Episcopal church at 5 o'clock. Miss Sara Gilder won high score prize, and the traveling prize was awarded to Dr. Jessie Z. Moreland. Miss Lula Hinson of Kenansville, who is vis iting her sister, Mrs. J. A. Hines, was a guest of the club. The hostess. was assisted in en tertaining by her sister-in-law, Miss Dorothea Harbison MAKING PREPARATIONS FOR SUMMER VISITORS Highlands is putting on gay at tire in preparation for the sum mer visitors. The postoffice has been beautified with an interior coat of paint. The walls are a soft buff color with a deep brown to wainscoting height -and a ceil ing of ivory white. The furniture and woodwork have been repainted, and Miss Eva Potts, assistant post master, said that even the pendu lum on the clock had been shined. Potts Brothers store has been repainted inside and a number of changes made. The Cash Grocery Store has a set of new frontdoors. Marett'4 Grocery Store has been refinished inside and repainted out side. A cement sidewalk has been built in front .of Rideout's Cafe and Curt Wilson's Grocery and Feed Store on Fourth street. Mrs. O. E. Young has remodeled and repainted her building next to the postoffice. The Baptist church is building a stone wall and stone steps' on the church grounds. Pier son Inn, which will be operated again this year by Mrs. Roberta Morton, has been repainted, arid many residences are being made brighter by the paint brush. MUGGS AND SKEETER ff oM.wxtvroY p.-pwt fiSIifSl lweu-.rr'u. U Just usns "W I I I VAWTA CourrRyT PBHMet "M.TO rtVyTfcK 6U OP "J I OCJAO VWO jRiGWT Fo I SPVASHsf WMAT J . I MOT WATfeR XXJ WAM" OUQXXM.JUX.A. rlTRAT BEUmrUL 1 TXKB FtolSO THAM A J- TO r h A BXTTL&. 'f xt-S I I I . I V MOOsPvl PLUMfirsV& tt Tell I ' "-S3 " " ' f i 1 ' ,1 Symbolic of the opening of the trout fishing season is this striking action photo of a fighting speckled trout rising to the lure as your cameraman went fishing in Massachusetts. The 20-inch beauty made a gallant twelve-minute fight before being netted. i GIVEN SURPRISE PARTY Mrs. Martha Gottwals was given a surprise birthday party on Mon day afternoon at her home on Fourth street. A number of her friends called during' the after noon, each of them taking some friendly token of esteem to ; this dear lady who was celebrating her 87th birthday anniversary. The hostesses were Mrs. J. S. Higgins, Mrs. S. A. Wilson and Mrs. Carl Joellner. LADIES DRESS AND HAT SHOP OPENED A ladies' dress and hat shop has been opened in the Cobb build ing on East Main street by Mrs. Frances Higdon of Franklin. The new store is a branch of the Frances Shop in Franklin' and will carry a similar line of merchan dise. i . Mrs. Mary Byrd of Franklin is in charge of the new shop and many lovely things are on' display.. Mr. and. Mrs. W. H. Cobb had as their week-end guests Mrs. Cobb's neice and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George McCarty, Of Atlanta. Mrs. McCarty is the former Con nie Perry. Mrs. Martha Edmondson and her nephew, Lupton. Rainwater, of At lanta, spent the week-end at the Rainwater place on Little ' Yellow Mountain. Guests of Mr. 'and '.-Mrs.- Frank B. Cook last week were, Mrs. T. Mi Cook, and Mrs. Tharpe, of Mi ami, Fla., and Mr. and Mrs. S; C. Murray, also of Miami. Mr. and Mrs. "Murray have rented the Craig Cranston cottage on Satulah road for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. .Larry Lamb of Signal Mountain, Tenn., were vis itors in Highlands the past week. Mrs. Lamb is doing the interior decorating at the.T. M. Cook new home at Whiteside mountain. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. . Hijidori of Atlanta spent , the past week-end at their home on Cullasaja drive. Miss Mary D. Long ,of . Sweet Briar College, Va., has rented the Rebecca Bridgers house for the summer. .' . Miss Sarah Thompson, of Queens-Chicpra college, spent "the past week-end with her mother, Mrs. H. P; P. Thompson, Miss Thompson had as her supper guests Saturday evening, Miss Estelle Ed wards and Henry Zoellner.. LEGAL ADVERTISING In the District Court of the United States of America for the Western District of North Caro lina. Asheville. Division. Civil No. 241. United States of America v. 207.0 acres, more or less .of land I : r- u-i.. ..r.;.o' I in Macon and Cherokee Counties; North Carolina, E. C. Moore, et al. Notice of Action by Publication of Summons. To: The Bank of Mur phy; Carolina Pole Company, Inc; Sarah Moore Gough ; Reece Gough ; F. S. Hill; Georgia Nelson Mc Cain; Oscar . McClain Christine (Christien) Delay; Milburn Moore; Winnie Moore ; J. H. Bradley ; Mary Bradley; J. (Joseplf) H. Bryson; Nancy Bryson ; Albert Delay ; P. B. Ferebee; Jim Nelson ; Mrs. Jim Nel son; Mrs. William H. Nelson; E. B. Padgett; Elmira Padgett; G.I. Sandlin; Martha A. Sahdlin; Sterl ing Lumber Company; Alice De lay; F. P. Cover; R. C. Moor-: and all persons whomsoever who have, or claim to own any estates or interest in the fee or otherwise Your Own Fish LEGAL ADVERTISING in : and to the premises described of Action by Publication of Sum in the petition filed in this cause mons.. To: Minnie Fitch Tucker and described in this notice, and Baker; Charles A. Bland, Jr; Mrs. any and all heirs and devisees of Charles A. Bland, Jr; Dorothy the several parties above named, . Davidson and husband; T. (Thom whose names and addresses are ,un- . as) P. Keith; Mrs. "(Thomas) 1 known, and all and .singular their 1'. Keith; David Lowe, Jr; R. Y. heirs, husbands, wives, devisees, ex- ecutors, administrators, representa tives, alinees, successors and as signs, of each and every of them ; and all unknown owners, lienors, or, claimants, having, or claiming to have, any right, title, equity, in terest or lien; and all occupants, lessees, users, holders and owners of and claimants to any rights of easement or prescription is, over, across, or through said lands, or any part thereof ; you will please take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina,- at Asheville, N. C, that summons has been duly issued out of said Court, and petition fil ed therein asking for the condem nation of the lands described in the isaid petition and hereinafter described that you, and each of you, are necessary and proper par ties to the just and final disposition of this action; that said action has been instituted by the United States Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, for the purpose of the appropriation and condemna tion by judicial process, for the public use and benefit of the Unit - ed States of America, of the lands described in said petition and here- in below described, under and by virtue of the provisions of the Weeks Law, Act of Congress of March I. 1911, Chap. 186 (30 Stat. 961) Title 16, Sections 513, 521, 553, and 563 of U. S. C. A., and according to the method and pro cedure prescribed in the Act of Congress of August 1, 1S88 (25 Statutes 357 ( 30 V. S. C. A., Sec tions 257, 258- and 258-a); that the land proposed tn be condemned and appropriated by the plaintiff United States are , described sub stantially as follows: Tract No. 214, . apparent and "presumptive owner being E. C. Moore, contain ing according to survey 207.0 acres, situated in Macon and Cherokee Counties, North Carolina, on the waters of Valley River, a tribu tary of Hiwassee River, more par ticularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A", and unon ma,b or plat Exhibit "B attached to the petition in this proceeding filed with the Clerk of the United States District Court at Asheville, N. C; you and each of you are hereby notified to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, in the United States Courthouse Building at Asheville, Buncombe County, N, C, not later than ten (10) days from and after the completion of. service of this summons by publication for four (4) successive weeks and answer or demur . to the petition or com plaint herein filed by the above named petitioner in the office of the said Clerk, and vou are fur ther notified that if you fail to appear and answer or demur to the -j . i .:.t.: said petition or complaint within the time specified the petitioner will apply tQ the Court for the relief . demanded in said petition ; witness the Honorable E. Y. Webb, Judge of the District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, this the 27 day of April, 1941. J. Y. Jordan," Clerk. By W. A. Lytle, Deputy Clerk. . . Ml-4tc M22 In the District Court of the United States of America for the Western District of North Carolina. Asheville Division. Civil No. 242. United States of America v. 137.2 acres, more or less, of land in Ma con and Jackson Counties, North Carolina, Lois Jones, et al. Notice 1 j Story LEGAL ADVERTISING McAden; Mary Lacy McAden; Perry R. Hyatt: Mrs. H. B. lames North Carolina Commisisioner of Revenue; Addie McDowell Patton and husband; George, B. Patton; Kate Patton; Alexander Alwood and wife; Ashby L. Baker; Mrs. Ashby L. Baker; Julian T. Baker; Mrs. Julian T. Baker; Sampson ParrU; Leana Erwin and husband; Lillian Patton Goddard; L, W. Goddard; Nancy Patton Green wood ; Sam Greenwood ; Mary Penr land Jarretl; Fred Jarrett; Motor Finance Corporation; C. L. Patton ; Lilly Patton; Avie Patton Penland ; R. M. Penland; Bob Penland and wife;. Donald Penland; Bessie Penland ; Flora Penland and hus band; Flora Patton Rogers; F. B. Rogers; George B. Dean, Trustee; J. H. DeHart; J. O. Harrison, Adm ; J. A. Parrish; J. T. Berry; Addie E. Patton; Erwin Patton ; Malvie Roane Patton; G. R. Patton; J.T. Patton ; Lilly Green Cabe ; J. W. Cabe; Mrs. Jdlius Cabe; Eliza Green ;'L.C Green; L. J. Green; M. M. Green; Davis Green; Mat thew Green; A. J. Patton; R. Y. ivicAQen, sr; ana all persons ( Whomsoever who have, or claim to , own any estates or interests in the fee or otherwise in and to the 1 premises described in the petition i filed in this cause and described in this notice, and any and all heirs and devisees of the several parties above named, whose names and addresses are unknown, and all and singular their heirs; hus bands, wives, devisees, executors, administrators, representatives, al inees, successors and assigns, of each and every of them ; and all unknown owners, lienors, or claim ants, having, or claiming to have, any right, title, estate, equity, in terest or lien; and all- occupants, lessees, 'users, holders and owners of and claimants to any rights of easement or prescription in, over, across, or through said lands, or any part thereof; you will please take notice that an action entitled as alwve has been oomtnencfd in the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina, at Asheville, N. that summons has been duly issued but of said Court, and petition filed therein asking for the con demnation of the lands described in the said petition and hereinafter described that you, and each of you, are necessary and proper par ties to the just and final disposition of this action ; that said action has been instituted by the United States Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, for the purpose of the appropriation and condemna tion by judicial process, for the public use and benefit of the Unit ed States of America, of the lands described in said petition and here in below described, under -and by virtue of the provisions of the Weeks Law, Act of Congress of March 1, 1911, Chap. 186 (36 Stat. 961) Title 16. Sections 513. 521, S53, and 563 of U. S. C. A., and accord ing to the method and procedure prescribed 'in the Act of Congress of August- 1, 1888 (25 Statutes 357 (30 U. S. C. A., Sections 257, 258 and 258-a) ; that the lands propos ed to be condemned and appro priated by . the plaintiff United States are described substantially as follows: Tract No. 297, apparent and presumptive owner being Lois Jones, containing according to sur vey 42.5 acres, situated in Macon County, N. C, on the waters of Younce Creek, a tributary of Burn ingtown Creek, a tributary of Ten nessee River, more particularly de scribed by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A", and upon map ' or plat Exhibit 44 B" attached to the petition in this proceeding filed LEGAL ADVERTISING with the Clerk of the United States District Court at Asheville, North Carolina. Tract No. 802. apparent and presumptive' owner being David Green Heirs, containiing according, to survey 94.7 acres, situated in Macon and Jackson Counties, X. C, on the waters of Cowee Creek, a tributary of Tennessee River ami Savannah Creek, a tributary of Tiickaseigee River, more particu larly described bv n.ict.cs and bounds' in Exhibit "A-l", and upon map or plat Exhibit "H-l", attached. t the petition in this proceeding fil ed with the Clerk of the United States District Court at Asheville; N'orth Carolina; you and each of vou are hereby notified to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the 'United States District Court for the Western I UMriet of North Carolina, in the. '..United States Courthouse ' Building at Asheville, '.. Buncombe County, X. C, Hot later than ten (1(1) days from and after the completion of service of this summons by publication for four (4) successive weeks, anil answer or demur, to the .petition or com plaint herein tiled bv the above named petitioner in. tht- oi'fire of the said Clerk, and you lare further notified that if you fail to appear and answer or demur to the said petition or complaint within the time' 'specified' the netitioner ' will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition; witness the Honorable E. Y. Webb, Tudge of the District Court, for the West ern District of North Carolina, this the 29 day of April, 1941. J. Y. Jordan, Clerk. By W. A., Lytle, Deputy Clerk. Ml-4tc-M22 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of J. M. Ledford, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to . the undersigned on. or before the 16th day of April, 1942, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate set tlement. This 16th ckiy of April, 1941. FLORENCE LEDFORD, Administratrix A23 6tp M29 . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of Henrietta Boston Patton, de ceased, late of Macon county, N. G, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned On or before the 8th day of April, 1942, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This 8th day of April, 1941. C. B. PATTON, Administrator A17-46tp M22 EXECUTRIX NOTICE . Having qualified as- executrix of W. A. Norton, deceased, late: of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased lo exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 22 day .of March. 1942, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 22nd dav of March, 1941. BESS N. STEWART, Executrix M27-6tp-Ml NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina Macon County Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a deed of trust executed by E. E. Sypher and wife, Ada Stiles Sypher to J. Frank Ray, Trustee, dated June 3, 1940, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, inBookof Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 37, at page 245, the undersigned trustee will on Monday, May 5, 1941, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court house door in Franklin, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the high est bidider for cash the following described real estate: In the Town of Franklin, North - Carolina, and being the same land, described in a deed from - Hettie Whittington and husband, E. L. Whittington to E. E, Sypher, dated 16 September,. 1937, and recorded in Deed Book Z-4 page 566, rec ords of Macon County, North Car olina, to which deed reference 'is hereby made for a more complete description of the lands. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness se cured by said deed of trust and demand being made for foreclosure by the holder thereof. This the 4th day of April, 1941. J. FRANK RAY, Trustee. A10-4tc Ml By WALLY BISHOP