Advertising In This Newspaper Pays Hoiito res Carry Your Shopping Needs PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LVI, NO. 33 . FRANKLIN, N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, IM1 $1.50 PER YEAR ELT, CHURCHILL MEET AT SEA ROOSEV Macon Farm And Home Tour Enjoyed By More Than 500 Many Model Farms And Homes Visited 'Wednesday On-Wednesday, August 13 more than 500 farmers, business men and others of Macon county took; -a day off to go on the 12th an nual Farm and Home Tour to ad mire their neighbor's handiwork. As a tribute to the growing in terest in , this yearly event this ; was the largest attendance .record set by any Macon county tour. In about 64 cars and trucks furn ished by local citizens and busi ness firms the tour left ,the Agri culture buildwig at 10.30 a. m., with state highway patrolman Ed Guy and Sam Mendenhal, Macon coun ty agent, leading the way. The first stop was in the Patton set tlement where a fine herd of Black Angus cattle, belonging to Paul Pattern, Unit Demonstration farm er, and a large herd of Angora goats which Fred Hannah - has re cently brought into the county were inspected. The next point of interest was a ride through A. B. Slagle's Unit Demonstration Dairy farm. Of special interest here was a large field covered with a splen- did stand of soybeans and . Sudan grass. .' Modal Home And Farata To show the efficient methods of living taught by our agriculture leaders, an attractive modern home owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dal rymple was next shown. From here the tour proceeded to the Unit Demonstration farm owned i - Charlie Enlpe. wher? they found a "well balanced farm ing system composed of hay, grain, pasture and truck crops. Here Mr. Enloe has taken a hillside too steep for cultivation , and by sow ing it in: lespedeza, red clover, and pasture grasses has made a profitable pasture. After a . trip through the Unit Demonstration farm owned by Carl Slagle where an excellent pas ture has been developed by the use of lime, triple superphosphate, and pasture grass and a refrost ing program were points of special interest, the ladies of the Cac toogechaye Methodist and Baptist churches served an excellent "country dinner" for the large. crowd that had gathered at Ar- rowood Glade. Dr. Staub Spajaka ' . Dr. I. O. Staub, director of the Extension Eervke, , and Dean of Agriculture college at North Caro lina State college made a short talk in which he stated, "that the world today was in a devil of a fix 4hat regardless of the outcome of the present war that farm peo ple must prepare themselves to live in a world which will be far different than the one they ow know." Following the - dinner the tour -proceeded to the Bert Slagle dairy farm where th Macon county stock show was held under the direction of E. J. Whitmire. Mr. Mcndenhall expressed appre ciation for the aid given by the Batik of Franklin and the Rotary and Lions Clubs in sponsoring the tour and to the many people who furnished transportation, and also for those who cooperated in furn ishing animals for exhibit He stated that without their coopera tion the farm tour would "not have been possible. There! were many . out-of-town guests who took part in the pro gram, including K. W. Shoffner, farm management director; W. D. Lee, extension service agent; F. S. Sloan, district agent, and coun ty agents from neighboring coun ties. Soco Gap Band, Dancers At Helen's Barn Aug. 20 Dancers, square and otherwise, will be glad to learn that the Soco Gap square dance team will return to Helen's Barn next Wed nesday evening, August 20, bring ing their own string band. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wilson announce .that this is the first time that th Soco dancers have brought their band, which is considered unsur passed in this part of the country. It .will play for dancing through out the evening from 8 JO to 12 o'clock, (D.S.T.) and the public is cordially invited to come and dance. Flower Show By Franklin Garden Club Attended By 00 Adjudged the most beautiful flower show ever held by the Franklin Garden Club, a crowd of about 500 people, many of them visitors; praised the. quality and arrangement of exhibits in the Agriculture building last Saturday. .The show was county -wide, with entries open to non-members : as well. The motive of patriotic colors in red, white and blue flowers was carried out with taste and ingenu ity by the committee assisted by other members of the club. The main tables were arranged in the form of a V at the en trance and wall niches were filled with boxes of red, white and blue blossoms of every kind. The re freshment booth decoration carried out the same color scheme. Clyde Ray, Waynesville florist, and Mrs.. Ray, and Mr! Robison, of the Robison Florist Shop, Ashe ville, acted as judges. Ribbon winners in ' the various classes were as follows: Ribbon Winners Dahlias, largest and finest of one variety, Mrs. Zeb Cansler, first, Mrs. Cecil Ledford, second. Dahlias, best display of mixed variety, Mrs. Frank Higdon, first, Mrs. Cansler, second. Zinnias, large, Mrs. Albert Ramsey, first, Mrs, John M. Archer, second. Zinnias, small, Mrs. R. M... Rimmer, . first, Mrs. Gartstav. wcond. -Roses. - T. W. Angel, Jr., both first and second prizes." Yellow flowers, Mrs. T. W. Angel, Jr., first, Mrs. Higdon, sec ond. Mixed flowers, Mrs. Herbert E. Church, first, Mrs. Rimmer, second. Two or three color ar rangement, Mrs. Higdon, first, Mrs Cansler, second. Gladioli, one color, Mrs. Higdon, first, Mrs. Ellis Clarke' Soper, second ; gladioli, mixed, Mrs. ,Soper,' first, Mrs. Hig don, second. Snapdragon, Mrs. Cansler, first. Marigolds, Mrs. Rim mer, first, Mrs.' Phil Hoyt, sec ond. Miniature, Mrs. Ben Wood ruff, first, Mrs; J. Ward Long, second. Wall niches, Mrs. Wood ruff, first, Mrs. Angel, second. Miscellaneous, Miss Mary Willis, first, Mrs. Cansle'r, second. Mod ern arrangement, Mrs. James E. Perry, first, Mrs. Long, second. Men's arrangement : Frank- Hig don, first, Master Mark Dowdle, second. Child's party table, Mrs. Long, first. Mrs. Higdon was the winner f the sweepstake prizes. CommUtaas la Chagra, The committee in charge of ar rangement was made up of Mrs. R. M. Rimmer, chairman, Mrs. Frank Higdon, Miss Mary Willis, Mrs. Roy G. Beshears and Mrs. W. A. Rogers. Mrs. John M. Archer,; chairman, Mrs. James A. Sutton and Mrs. Allan Brooks and Mrs. James E. Perry served punch and cookies to the guests during the day. Mrs. W. C Penn, Mrs. J. E. S. Thorpe and Mrs. J. S. Sloan com posed the hospitality committee. Mt. T.W. Angel, president of the club, expressed her apprecia tion to the public in general for their hearty cooperation for help ing to make the flower show a success, and particularly the- com mittees who worked so tirelessly. Epworth League Organized At Louisa The . young people of Louisa Chapel met at Arrowood Saturday afternoon, August 9, with their pastor, Rer. P. L. Green, and J. R. Andrews, for the purpose of organizing a chapter of the Ep worth League. After enjoying swimming and other activities and a picnic lunch, the following officers were elected : Mary Evelyn Moore, president ; Kathryn Conley, 1st vice-president. Nancy Waldroop, 2nd vice-president; Lorena Green,- secretary; Frances Mashbufn, treasurer, chairman, of program comrrtittee, Gena -V. Frazier; worship, Dor othy Waldroop, recreation, Nancy Waldroop ; ptfbHcity, Hawyood Frazier. Adult Councilors elected are Mrs. Kate McNeil, Mrs. Nel son Waldroop, Mrs. .Van Frazier, Mrs. Nannie Burrei Eastern 1 ... . Sis "r- . mi VTL'r' ',11 if - 1 mt Aliss Bessie Gaddy, Worthy Grand Matron ; Hawley C. Cobb, Worthy Grand Patron; Miss Elizabeth Slagle, District Deputy Grand Matron, of the Order of the Eastern Star of North Carolina; Mrs. Margaret A. ,Cabe, - Worthy Matron of Xecjuassa Chapter No. 43, of FrankUn Stock Show Viewed By Big Crowd; ' Winners Listed The prize winners of the Macon County Stock Show under the di rection of E. J. Whitmire, held in conjunction with the Farm and Home Tour: . . Dairi CattHe Class- I, age six months to one year first prize, James Furr; sec ond prize, Harjey Stewart; third prize, Hoyt Brook'shire, ' Class II,- age one . year to two years first prize, LeRoy Roper; second prize, Wendell Brookshire; third prize, Paul Amnions. Class III, age two years and over first prize, Paul Amnions ; seco,nd prize, W. A. Berry; third prize, W. A. Berry. Beef Cattle ' Class IV, beef bulls, any age first prize, W. A. Berry.; .second prize, Charles Ferguson; third prize, W. A. Berry.' Class V, feeder steer calves, dropped between January 1. and April 10 first prize, Joe Waldroop; second prize, Charles Ferguson ; third prize, Furrnan Raby. Class VI, light weight fat steers ' first prize, Keith Gregory; sec ond prize, Bob McClure; .third prize, . Alex Moore. Class VII, heavy weight fat steers 'first prize, Logan Allen; second prize, " Charles Ferguson ; third prize, Charles, Ferguson. Wiork Stock Class VIII, draft mares, any age first prize,- Claude Roper, sec ond prize, Zeb Taylor; third prize, Zeb Taylor. - . ; . Class IX, horse colts, folded in 1941 first prize, Paul Holbrooks; second prize Clinton Brookshire; third prize, no entry. Class X, mule colts, folded in 1941 first prize, E. V. Parker; second prize, Grover Lewis; third prize, Lewis Moffit. All prize winners received $5.00 for first prize, $3.00 for second prize, and $200 for third prize. The money was donated by the Bank of Franklin and the Rotary and Lions Clubs of Franklin. - Acting as judges for the shop were Guy Wheeler, Clay county farm agent, dairy cattle; and Wal ter Wiggins, Graham county farm agent, beef cattle and work stock. Many' of the winners in this show plan to enter their stock in Hendersonville cattle, show to be held in September, Star Officials X : J f 7 j EASTERN STAR DIST.JEETING Nequassa Chapter Host to Highest State Officers Next Saturday The annual meeting of the 12th District, Order' of the Eastern Star of North Carolina w'" be held Saturday, August 16, in the Agricultural building - in Franklin, with Nequassa Chapter No. 43 as hostess Chapter. ' . ' , This meeting is held in a Chap ter in the district each year, which means that- the Franklin Chapter is hostess once every six years. Worthy Grand Matron, Miss Bessie Gaddy of Wingate, and Worthy Grand Patron, Hawley C. Cobb of Wadesboro, highest East ern Star officials in the state of North Carolina, will attend this meeting and spend the weekend in Franklin. . District Chapter To Attend Members from Hayesville, And rews, Murphy, Bryson City and Dillsboro chapters will be present and each group will have a part on the program. The -meeting will convene promptly at 2 p. m. when all phases of the work of the Order will be exemplified, and at 6:30 p. m. a banquet will be held at Panorama Courts. Evening Session Public The evening session, which will begin promptly at 8; p. m. is open to the public and everyone is cor dially invited to attend. There will be a special program for this session and short addresses will be given by the Worthy Grand Matron, Miss Bessie Gaddy; the Worthy Grand Patron, Hawley C. Cobb; Past -Grand Matron, Mrs. Minnie K. Lewis and Past Grand Pairon, John L. Orr. Other dis tinguished officers and members will attend and be ' given" recogni tion. Rev. Hubert Wardlaw At Methodist Church Sunday The Rev. Hubert Wardlaw and the congregation of the Franklin Presbyterian church will be guests of the Franklin Methodist church Sunday morning, August 17, at 11 o'clock. Mr. Wardlaw will occupy the pulpit and bring the message. 8-Point Peace Of U. S. And 16th Draft Call Will Be Answered By 17 Macon County Men In answer to the 16th draft call issued by -the Macon County Se lective Service Board 17 young men will be sent from this coun ty to Fort Bragg on August 16. There will be volunteers and 12 selectees in the group. The following young men will go as volunteers : James Carl Deitz, Leatherman ; Joseph Lyle Deitz, Leatherman ; Earnest Lawrence Munger, Highlands ; Weaver Nel son Fox, Ellijay and James Theo dore .Rogers, Highlands-. Those who will be inducted as selectees are : Ledger Brownlow Shope, Otto; James Wade Hol brooks, Route 3, Franklin ; Jamef Weaver Holbrooks, West's Mill; Harvey Gilmer Kay, Franklin; Emory William MasJuburn, Gneiss; R. L. McConnell, Prentiss; William Prioleau Angel, Franklin; William Frank Guf fey, West's Mill; Britt Bowman, Ellijay; Arthur Gar field Mason, Flats; Sidney Wilmer Guest, Carmel, N. Y.; and John Carl Shope, Salem, N. J. The next call will be September 10 at which time it, is expected th'at-11 men will be sent to Fort Bragg, . according to E. W. Long, local board chairman. Franklin Splits With Isabella; To Play Robbinsville Sunday In the best twin-bill played here this season, Franklin forced the league leading Isabella club into a tie with Sylva for, first place in the Tri-State League Sunday, dropping the first game,, a ten in ning affair 4 to 3, and copping the night-cap 1 to 0, "Big Dan" Reynolds pitched ex cellent ball in the first game, strik ing out' ten' men and deserved to win, but "Tiny" Swafford, Isa bella's first baseman got hold of one of his fast balls for a home run in the ninth with a man on' to tie the game at 3-3. Isabella scored in. the tenth with an error and two hits. Xn , the second game, "Fast Ball" Holsanback ' struck out 11 men and set the Copper Basin boys down with four' bingles. Robbinsville comes to town Sun day for two games on the local field beginning at 3 :30 Day Light Saving Tune. Franklin and Rob binsville split the last time they met. Mrs. Ramey, 95, Passes At Cartoogechaye Home Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Margaret Moffitt Ramey, 95, were held last Friday afternoon, Aug ust 8, at 3 o'clock at the Union Methodist church. The Rev. J. C. Swaim, pastor, officiated. Inter ment was in McGee cemetery. Following an illness of 13 days, Mrs. Ramey died at her home in the Upper Cartoo86c',aye section Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Ramey was a daughter of the late Josiah arid Sallie Bug gins Moffitt. She was born May 19, 1846, and lived in Macon coun ty all her life. In early , life she was married to James Ramey, who died a number of years ago. She was a member of Gillespie Metho dist church on Upper Cartooge chaye. , The active pallbearers, all neph ews, were; Charles Moffitt, Jake Watts, R. L. Ramey, Bill Byrd, and Earl Watts. Survivors are one daughter, Mrs. Addie Daves, of Bellingham, Wash., three sons, W. F. Ramey, of Batesburg, S. C, J. K. and N. L. Ramey, of Prentiss ; one brother, L, K. Moffitt, of Otto; 75 grand children, and a large number of great-grandchildren. Indefinite Quota Of CCC Enrollees Macon county has been given an indefinite quota of "young white men for OCC camps, Mrs. Ekrise G. Franks, county superintendent of welfare, ' has announced. The enrollment will take -place August 20, and all who wish to enroll are asked to fill out their applications as soon as possible. Families of the young men seek ing enrollment must" be "eligible", though not necessarily on relief. Aims Program British Leaders Announcement Of Parley Made In Three Capitals Simultaneously Joint announcement was ''made today in London, Washington and Ottawa, Canada that President Roosevelt, and British Prime M in ister Winston ..Churchill had met on "the calm blue' sea" of the At lantic for .the weekend. A joint U. S.-Hrilish 8-p.oint declaration oi peace aims was ..'the result of 'their conferences. Their exact meeting place was not disclosed. The ' announcement confirmed rumors that the 'meeting was taking, place, but the whereabouts and movements of the tw'o leaders of the world's democracy have been shrouded in secrecy during the past week. Mr. Roosevelt .; ami' ! Mr." Churc hill were accompanied ... by their ranking ; military, naval and air advisors, it was stated. Lord Beav- v erbrook was one of the number, and it is' announced that he will proceed to : Washington for fur ther talks, on war aid ' to Britain and Russia. The historic meeting resulted in a joint declaration of policy em bodying eight separate points, in cluding the disarmament of' the Axis powers after the war. The two leaders joined in a pledge to achieve 'final destruction of Nai tyranny.' Following are .the '. eight. ' points upon which the president and prime minister 'pin their hopes for a "better future for the world." Eight Point Program Fr Peace 1. That " the countries seek no "aggrandizement, territorial or oth er;" ' : .; 2. "They desire to see no ter ritorial changes that. do not accord with the freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned." 3. 'They respect the rights of all peoples to choose the form of gov ernment under which they will live", and wish to see restoration of "sovereign rights and self-government" to those "forcibly deprived of them." 4. They, will endeavor to further the "enjoyment" of the trade and raw materials of the world by all states "great or small, victor or vanquished." 5. "They desire to bring about the fullest collaboration between all nations" on the economic front. to secure for all "improved labor standards, economic advancement and social security." 6. After "the final destruction of the Nazi tyranny" the two coun tries hope to see a peace which will assure to all nations the "means of dwelling in safety with in their own boundaries." . . 7. That such a peace should as sure the freedom of the seas "without hindrance" to all men. 8. That all nations must come to abandonment of the use of force and that since no future peace can be maintained unles,s aggressor na tions are disarmed "the disarma ment of such nations is essential." The declaration of aims bore the signatures of Mr. Roosevelt and Churchill. ' So-far as is known, -Mr. Roose velt is still at sea somewhere off the New England coast. For more, than a week the world has specu lated as .to whether Roosevelt and Churchill really were meeting.' It is even conjectured that a "leak" permitting such speculation was. in tentional (Sufficient to act as a red light, to Japan, particularly. Mt'. Zipn Church Sponsors Rangers ' The Smiling Rangers, featuring many popular radio stars, will ap pear at the Macon county court house, Franklin, August 15. The . show . will begin promptly at 9 o'clock. This stage presentation is being sponsored by the Mount Zion Methodist church.. Baptizing At Mt. Hope Church There will be a baptizing at the Mount Hope Baptist church at 4 p. m., Sunday, August 17, accord ing to an announcement by Rev. G. W. Davis, pastor. Mr. Davis reports a fine revival meeting at this church were Rev. R. F. May berry, a former pastor, was the preacher.

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