THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941, THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PAGE FIVE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES , ' and- COMINGS AND GOINGS ITEMS FOR THIS COLUMN PHONE 24 M'PHERSON-CUNNINGHAM WEDDING IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Miss Bess Cunningham, daughter. . of the late Mr., and Mrs. George Cunningham, became the bride of Eugene Randolph; McPherson of Chester, Pa., formerly of Frank lin, in a quiet ceremony in the presence of relatives and intimate friend's on Wednesday afternoon August 27, at 5 o'clock, in the Presbyterian church. Mr. Mcl'lier son is the son of George McPher son and the late Mrs. Varina Dowdle McPherson, .The Rev,. Hubert Wardlaw, ikis- tor of the bride, officiated, usiiiy the ring ceremo,ny. The vows were spoken iefore an altar of white gladioli and ferns ; with branched candlebra on each .side containing white tapers. Mrs. W. D. Shields and Mrs, J. T...Siler, sister of the bride, lighted the candles prior to the ceremony. A program of wedding music was presented by Mrs. G. P. Cunning ham of Cornelia, Ga., sister-in-law of the bride, vocalist ; and Mr.s. Ot to Summers of Highlands, , the for mer Miss Edwina -'Dalrymple, r ( Pro rtL-liti ninnict Before the ceremony Mrs. Gun- Viirrrl'ai-M triaA nA Hf O - sang "Q Perfect Love" and "The - Sweetcs. Story Ever Told." The traditional wedding marches, I the- Bridal chorus from "Lohengrin" by Wagner, and Mendelssohn's wedding march, were used for the processional and recessional. "To a Wild Rose" by MacDowell play ed softly during the ceremony. The couple entered together un attended. The bride wore a .simple street ensemble of toast sheer al paco with brown accessor. Her shoulder corsage was talisman rose buds and blue delphinium. The bride graduated from the Franklin high school and received her B. S. degree from-Western Carolina Teachers college. She has resigned her position as a member of the faculty of the Asheboro city schools. Immediately following the cere mony the couple left for a trip through the northern states and Canada. After September 4 they will be at home at 915 West Seventh street, Chester, Pa., where Mr. McPherson is associated withh the Worth Steel Corporation, WILLIAM S. CUNNINGHAM WEDS MISS BRANNEN The following aanouncements have been received in Franklin of the- marriage of William S. Cun ningham, popular Franklin man, who is now employed in Virginia: Mrs. Edmound Alexandria Bran nen announces the marriage of her daughter, Ruby Franklin, to Mr. William Slalcup .Cunningham, on Sunday, the 24th of August, First Baptist church, Raleigh, N, C. Mrs. Cunningham from1 Nor folk, Va. The young couple will be at home after October 1 at .508 12nd street, Virginia Beach, Va. Mr. Cunningham is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Cunningham and' the grandson of Mrs. C. C. Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. Cun ningham will spend part of their honeymoon in Franklin, visiting Mr. , Cunningham's parents and other relatives. RECITAL PRESENTS MANY YOUNG PEOPLE The recital given at the Macon Theatre last Sunday afternoon by Mrs. Harry Higgin's music class and others presented many of Macon county's young musicians. i he opening songs were rendered by a group of little girls from Mount Zton church, Margaret Set- ser, Mary Slagle, Dons and Sara Dalrymple, Joan Hopkins, Nell and Margaret Waldroop, Conaree Nol- en, with Jane Setser at the piano, Uthers on the program were Miss Betty Lou Skaggs, guest pi anist: Edith Plemmons, Penn Wright, Percy Wright, Clara Jean Parrish, Betty Joe Parrish, Gladys Stiles, Claretta Stiles, Calvin Stiles, Ruth West, Helen Gibson, Pauline Reid, Dorothy: Reiii1 Mildred Reid, Dorothy Scott and Margaret Par rish. - T. E. L. CLASS WITH MRS. E. B. DEHART The Baptist T. E. L. class will meet Tuesday, September 2 at the home af Mrs. E. B. Dehart with Mrs. Verlin Swafford as joint hos tess. All members are urged to at tend. iscorrs scrap book By RJ.SCOl BIRTHDAY DINNER HONORS MRS. JOHN EMERY Mrs. John Emery celebrated her 07th birthday on August 22. She was honored with a lovely dinner, and received many useful and love ly presents from her friends. Those present for the dinner included : Mr,s. Grover Woody and children, Lois' and Rosa Lee; . Miss Sally Roland ; Mrs. Dock Waters and children, Edith, Jane, Clara Jo and Betty Lee, Alma Reeves ; Mrs, Andrew Reeves and . Mr. and Mrs. Emery. A good time, was had by all. mm ON THE LOT NOW 1939 Chevrolet Tudor Sedan $550 1937 Ford Tudor Sedan : $325 1939 Ford Tudor Deluxe Sedan .. . ... $595 1931 Ford Truck, "A" Model, stake bed $175 1936 "A" Model Ford Coupe ......... $125 DUNCAN MOTOR CO. Your Dealer Franklin, N. C BUSINESS CIRCLE OF BAPTIIST CHURCH The Business Woman's Circle of the Baptist Church will meet ' an luesday night, September 9 at the Pastoriam at 8 o'clock. All members are urged to be present MONTGOMERY-ANGEL WEDDING IN YORK, S. C. The following item from the Gas- tonia Gazette will be of interest to the friends of the young people Who ,now reside in Gastonia. In a ceremony performed Satur day afternoor1 in York, S. C, with Probate Judge E. Gettys Nunn of ficiating, Miss Annie Angel became the bride of L. A. Xfontgomery. The bride, who has been mak ing her home on South Marietta street for some time, came here from Franklin. She is , a daughter of .the late Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Angel of Franklin. , Mr. Montgomery is a native of Murphy. The bride wore a dress of navy blue for her wedding, and the ring ceremony was used. The young couple , were accompanied to York by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston and Charles B. Smith. Mr. and Mr,s. Montgomery are at home at 1205 Gaston avenue. . ' - j-1 iKSCRlIMtoi ok &fc U ipTj ""a Ll8ER.-fY BILL ttMCtHAA I WUl AM AUfMORrtV.-fKEM U0 p i&fe. . 'i ; SJ I If fnTR.IBE.MEM of fci 'V XV 1T X IMMENSE. fVr I 1Pf PROPOR-IIOHS I 'A , J (KORlH AMERICA Biro w -ifle-. MORY- BILLED MOWlOUALS AVE. SEEK IMf YEAR. .li FEEDS . WAYNE . FEEDS GROWING AND LAYING MASH BROILER RATION HORSE, MULE AND DAIRY FEEDS Clover Seeds at Bargain Prices ' WEEK END SPECIALS 4 PencU tablets for 15c 4 Packs Notebook Paper 15c Quart Fruit Jars 1.-. ?5c Can Rubbers, ,4 doz. 15c Can Lids, 2 doz. 5c 6 Boxes Soda ... 25c 4 Boxes Corn Flakes 25c 48 Lb, Good Flour -$1.48 1 Box Lipton's Tea 75c WE PAY GOOD PRICES FOR Chickens, Eggs, Hams, Middling Meat, Corn, Wheat and Potatoes Ray Grocery & Feed Co. GLENN RAY, Mgr. Franklin, N. C GARDEN CLUB TO MEET SEPTEMBER 9 The Garden Club will meet next Tuesday, September 9, instead of the usual time on Monday; The change is made on account of the Labor: Day holiday. The meeting will take place at the home of Mrs. James E. Perry. Assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Allan Brooks and Miss Mary Willis.' ; MRS.i JOHN KNOX HUNTER HONORED WaTH SHOWER Mrs. . John Knox Hunter was honored at . a shower given by Miss Marie Dean and Miss Mil dred Roper at the home of the former in East Franklin. Mrs. Hunter is the former Miss ,Sarah Canley. During : the afternoon about 50 guests called at the Dean home which was attractively decorated with bowls of summer garden flowers. I . A delicious refreshment course was served during the afternoon. Sgt. and Mrs. K. R. Helton of Clemson, S. C, who have returned from a two' weeks' vacation in Daytona Beach, Fla., spent Sunday with Mrs. ; Helton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ledford. Miss Jarvis Ledford, who accompanied her sister, returned last Sunday. Mrs. K. S. Bry.son.of Asheville; and Mrs. Shirley Wilson of Cullo whee visited their brothers, Grover and Carl Jamison, last weekend. Miss Betty Yancey of Raleigh, visited her sister, Mrs. Emory Hun nicutt, recently. Miss Rosaline Bulgin, of Gaines ville, Ga., is visiting her mother, Mrs. George Bulgin, and other rel atives and friends in Franklin.' Lonnie Crawford of Washington, is visiting, his mother, Mrs. Mysa Crawford. En route here Mr. Craw ford attended Moosehart convex tion at Indianapolis, Ind. Miss Audrey Conley, who has been attending a business college in Asheville is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Conley, until Sunday. Fred Buchanan of Ellijay was a business visitor in town Tuesday. Mrs. Sam L. Kinsland and Miss Inez Shuler of Hopewell, Va.. for merly of Franklin, received injuries when their car skidded and over turned near HopewelL Miss Shuler spent five days in the hospital. Mrs. James Cunningham of Hast ings, Fla., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. L. Leach and Mrs. Helen Ma con. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Dunbar will occupy the Leach home on the Georgia road, recently vacated by Capt Alexander, after the first of September. Mrs. Barry Regdon and daugh ers, Sarah Florence and Nan, of Tifton, Ga.j have been visiting Mrs. Regdon's sister and brother-in-law. Dr. and . Mrs. Rimmer. Lt Frank Regdon of Croft Camp, Spartanburg, S. C visited his mother and Dr. and Mrs. Rimmer during the week. Miss Dorothy Jones who has been' visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Jones in Rhode Island will return first-, of week. Miss Lillian Jones spent last weekend at Lake Jun.a luska with Miss Laura Jone.s to see the boat parade. Miss Anne Flanagan . of Franklin is visiting Miss Margaret Moore of Cartoogechaye. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Skaggs and daughter, Betty Lou, of Walhalla, b. C, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Higgins oyer the weekend, They were accompanied by Mr. Skaggs mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Porter, of Ellijay, (.a., visited friends in Franklin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moses and family of Cartoogechaye aie mov ing from their home there to Flats where Mr. Moses will teach in the Otter Creek .school for the coming school year. Miss Tim Sloan of Atlanta spent the past weekend visiting her mother, Mrs. J. S. Sloan, of Frank lin and her sisters, Mrs. Reby Tessier, of Franklin, and Miss El eanor Sloan, of Lewiston, lldaho, who has been visiting here for the past week. .She returned to Atlanta Sunday and was accom panied by her sister, Miss Elea,nor Sloan. Miss Anna A. Cassatt, supervisor of staff develqpment, state board of chanties and nublic welfare. Raleigh, together with her sister, Miss Grace Cassatt, Cleveland, Ohio, and her niece, Miss Elizabeth J. Cassatt, Philadelphia, Pa, spent the weekend with Mrs. Eloise G. r ranks. . Miss Shirley Houston has ac cepted a position in assisting Mrs Joel Tompkins with the manage ment of the Freeman hotel in Bryson City. Mrs. Lewis Angel, of Haines City, Fla., is spending the week here visiting friends and relatives. Mrs, M. Blumenthal returned last Friday from a visit to Atlanta. Rev. Oscar Raby- has been in Franklin visiting friends. Mrs. A. Y. Crowley , of Griffin, Ga., has returned to her home after a visit to .her grandmother, Mrs. S. H. Lyle, Sr. Among the guests at Trimont Inn who have many friends here are, Mr. and Mrs. Nunnally John son, Mrs. O. R. Randall and Mrs. F. E. McConnell, all of Atlanta. Mrs. Charles Hendrix and daugh ter, Miss Woodene Hendrix, of Gainesville, Ga., arrived Monday for a visit to Mrs. Hendrix' daugh ter, Mrs. S. H. Lyle; at . Trimont Inn. Col. and Mrs. Arch Colley of Atlanta are amo,hg the guests at Trimont Inn. . Philip Blumenthal has ' returned to Chapel Hill after spending the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn W. Johnson and two young daughters, of Raleigh, arrived Tuesday to spend a week at Miss Amy Har rison s cottage on Wayah road. Campbell-Cunningham Reunion Held The Campbell-Cunningham reun ion was held August 24 at Ar rowood with a large crowd 'present and a1 picnic lunch , was enjoyed. The clan decided to meet there next year. Lon Campbell was elected presi dent and Mrs. .Campbell was elec ted secretary. The program committee is com posed of Mrs. Burton Besscr, Mrs. Alice Ray, and Miss Nora Leach. Mrs; John Cunningham was elected hostess. Among the relatives and friends froin out of the county 'attending were: Mrs. Ed Davis and daugh ter, Barbara, mslon Salem ; Mrs. B. C. Besser and son, Burton, from Virginia; Mr. N. A. Allnian . from Cornelia"; (.a.; Mr. Leonard Campbell, Mr.' Earl Hatcher, Lec and Lois Campbell all from Gas tonia; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp bell, Asheville; Miss Barbara Ann Campbell, Miss Pauline Campbell from Charlotte; and Mrs. J. M . Oliver from Atlanta, Ga. . National Forest Timber for Sale Sealed h'ui will he received by the Forest Supervisor, Franklin. X. C, up .'to and including September f, mi, for all merchantable dead chestnut limber located o,u an area embracing about 80(1 acres- on .Mul berry Creek, 75- acres oil Evans ' Creek above Charlie Oryman's resi dence, 15 on Creek above J. H.'.R ogers' residence, . 1(H) on Bui-keyi Branch, 5(1 on Hannah Mountain, 25 on Cedar Cliff .Moun tain,, and 3d on Middle Creek, Franklin Working Circle, Macon County, Nantabala National Forest, North Carolina, estimated to be 2625 units, more' or less, of 'chest-' nut ' extractwood. No bid (if less than $0.S(i per unit of lot) cubic' feet for chestnut .extractwood will be accepted. $150 must be (k-posit-ed with each bid v he applied on the ; purchase price, refunded, . or retained in part as liquidated .dam ages, according I') conditions of sale. The right to reject any and all bids reserved. Before bids are submitted, full, information concern ing the timber, the conditions of sale, and. the suDmissiun .!. hid should be obtained from the .For est; Supervisor, Franklin, N. C A28 2tc SU .'..-.... PHONE 106 NIGHT PHONE 70 no eiiu D I Lon Ell Si MB Li If your plans are varied, if you've been needing a smart versatile - choose this colorful en semble by Nelly Don ! Wool Jacket, soft as a rabbit, tops beauti fully designed crepe rayon dress. Violet on violet, green on brown, tan on brown 10-40. l i- U G I S 1 J- l 7 14.95 ft E. K. Cunningham & Co. "The Shov of Quality" f j ' A.P' . . . BUSINESS DIRECTORY . t . Panorama Courts MODERN CABINS EXCELLENT MEALS Phone 179 Franklin, N. C CRISP'S STUDIO EXPERT PHOTOGRAPHY FILMS DEVELOPED Main Street Franklin, N. C Good Food Is Good Health Enjoy Good Hood and Good . Health DINE XT CAGLE'S CAFE A. G. CAGLE, Owner 7 FRANKLIN, N. C. ? Radio Sale and Service Singer Sewing Center VISITORS WELCOME Franks Radio, Elec. Co. A and 3 Batteries $4.95 Western Auto Store Franklin. N. C City Garage Chrysler-Plymouth Salea-Serrica We Specialize in Body and Fender Work L. E. EnglUh Roy Mashbura Phone 137 Franklin, N. C FACTORY REBUILT SINGER SEWING MACHINES At One-Third Cost of New Machine KITCHEN CABINETS ROMAN EAGLE RANGES (Wood or Coal) Use Our Easy Payment Plan Macon Furniture Company THAD PATTON DAN BRYSON i

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