Ml BUY V'. I UNITED V I STATES JOT J AVINCS 1UUiOND PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LVI, NO. 36 FRANKLIN, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPT. 4, 1941 $150 PER YEAR BOND ISSUE IS DEFEATED : i , . New Courthouse And Jail Proposal Turned Down By Voters The proposed $60,000 bond issue to supplement a WPA project for . the errection of a new courthouse and jail was defeated at a special election' held Tuesday, September 2 by an approximate vote of 804 against and 700 votes ifor the measure, The . voting for the county as a whole was rather light. With all but the Flats pre- cinct returns reported, the total vote for the' county was only 1504. A majority of votes favoring the issue were cast in the- Franklin township, while the ; Highland1,, Cowee, and Burningtown: precincts led the opposition. The vote in several of the county precincts was rather evenly divided. Sackcloth and Wheat for Destitute Chinese Naval Recruits fflHM ti task imm WW!. .. - - J T . HEALTH BOARD ISSUESJRDER Case of Polio In Franklin Prompts Precautionary Measure The total vote of the reported IUXlxl . V',fcJ precincts is as follows: Jt- '4Z For Against Franklin . 370 233 , t Highlands 24 128 1 Burningtown 6 115 Mill Shoals ' 44 " 16 Smith Bridge 74 50 Cowee 52 168 !: Nantahala No. 1 48 9 Nantahala No. 2 14 4 Cartoogechaye 48 . 32 I Ellijay 15 34 Sugar Fork . 5 15 American Red Cross wheat does double duty among destitute Chinese children at the Southern Presbyterian tmission at Hashing, Chekiang, as this picture (left) by United China Relief shows. The wheat provides food and the bags make serviceable summer garments. At right, Wendell Willkie, committee member of the United China Relief, is shown with Chinese children who thanked him for his co-operation in the $5,000,000 Chinese Keller drive. . ' . Willard. Sanders, son of Marion Two Injured Labor Day Auto Crashes Sanders Sought The county commissioners pre sented a plan to the citizens of .1... ,.:..i.:u ...YA !.-. . ".nam. oai.uc: - '7 1 Sanders, is being sought by local nanced a $150,000 courthouse to , . . , . . B . . . , J. ; j ', . , t , . police officials in connection with be treated on the Main street lot ; . .. . .. .... . , . , , ' j .l r .u t an automobile accident which oc- - purchased by the county for . that . bn Harrison avenue on purpose sope. years ago. . Monda September 1 about 4 p. m. which two persons were injured. 'Press .'and Highlands Aiaconian. of The accident occurred in the June 6, 1941. The chief peeds sharp curve in ftoht of John Har- ,set forth by the commissioners son's house. A ar said to have were; a jail, tireproot vaults ana been driven by' Willard Sanders, increased office space to house the and traveling toward Franklin and public agencies. ..' Dedication (reported xto'lrafg founded the curve at such a high rate of speed that the car slid out of the high way and struck another car park ed on the right hand side of the road in which Woodrow Reeves and Manson Stiles were sitting. Mr. Stiles received a bruised shoulder from the accident. Of Waynesvillie and Bryson City Churches . ' Riding in the car driven bv - wrtiiNivi, ocpu o. l ... . tiders were Ovalee Watts, Ilomas arc being completed for the double GraVi Wilar a d LIoyd ganders, dedication, of St. John.s Cathohc Lloyd Sanders was placed under Church, Waynesville, and St. Jos- ,arrest by ,he officprs pendin fllr. eph's Catholic Church, Bryson City, ft,er investigation on Wednesday, September 10. The Miss Wat(s received a fractured Waynesville Church will be dedi- pelvis She. was ,aken q a. cated at 10 a. m., the Bryson Cuy hospital where :she is reported to church at 8 p. m. ' ; be recovering from her injuries. Tto fnct Upu Fiiirene I Mc- - Guinness. Bishoo of Raleigh, will of ficate at both services. He will M17 1 1 I I ATP be assisted at St. John's Church by J I Zl A 1 .1 .1 1 1 .1 f,m, ,.tn nf the Wavnesville 1 1 11MJJ IU . parish ' as follows : Rev. Bernard McDevitt, Pinehurst, founder of the parish, assistant priest ; Rev. Arthur Hacptte Wilson, first dea con of the mass; Rev. Michael I Macon County Schools Carey, UlizaDetn wiy, seconu u- . Will Rprwvj. con of the mass; Rev. Howard i. ,VC Lane. Hamlet, first deacon at the e I,oUU Throne: Rev. Cletus Helfrich, Henderson, second deacon at the A.toiai ot ?itn) has been allotted U.nn. T1, Verv Rpv Dr. H. the public schools of Macon rnnnlv Louis Motry.- dean of the school by the National Youth Administra- I the Franklin formed the honorary uon, state Administrator John A. -ori. Lang announced vesterday. Funds allocated will be used in carrying on the MYA student work pro gram in the local .sthools during ty-H-W STUDENT AID REV. FLANAGAN RITESJELD Former Franklin Pastor Passes At Veterans' Hospital The Rev. John Arthur Flanagan, 44, for 15 yeans pastor of the Franklin Presbyterian church, died at 6:10 p. m. Monday, September 1, at the Veterans' hospital, Co lumbia, S. C. Air. Flanagan left his pastorate here last fall to ac cept a call to the Presbyterian thurch of Whitmire, S. C. ? Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Bowling Green, S. C, Mr. Flana gan's former home, in the Pres byterian church. Officiating were the pastor, the Rev. H. D. Corbett, assisted by the Rev. R. D. Bed- inger, D. D. ; Rev. 1. M. Ellis, D, D. ; Rev. B. S. Hodges, Rev. W. H. Bowman, and Rev. Hubert Wardlaw, pastor of the Franklin church. !lnterment was in the churchyard. Other ministers attending; the fu neral were Dr. J. L. Stokes, Frank lin; the Revs. C. J; Matthews, W. S. Porfer, C. A. Calcote, J. R. McKittrick, J. C Bailey, F. W. Gregg, H. D. Duly, W. L. Baker, W. D. Ratchford, J. W. Conyers, Howard Foran, Donald .Bailey and C, T. Rozzell. T. B. Clinics Give Examinations To 105 In August of church law at the Catholic Uni versity, Washington, D. C, will deliver the sermon. Bishop McGinness will be assist ed at St. Joseph's church, Bry,son Citv. as follows: Very Rev. Louis J. Bour, Asheville, deacon ; Rev. John Manley, Asheville, subdeacon. The Rev. Dr. Adrian J Kilker, Philadelphia, Pa will give the ded icatory address. . Construction of St. John' Church began last March and was com pleted this mointh. It lias a seat ing capacity of 250. Construction on St. Joseph's Church, Bryson C'ty. was begun last May and completed this month. St. Joseph's Church is a mission of St. John's Parish, Waynesville. ' St. Joseph's Church occupies a site facing the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on East Main street, U. S. Highway 19, one block ast of the Swain coun ty courthouse. The church building is of native granite stone. The exterior dimensions are 46 by 35 feet with a seating capacity of 115. Last year more than 80 boys and girls between the years of 16 and 25 were paid out of this NYA student funds for work done in connection with their school work. without which they could not have attended school. The amounts re ceived ranged from $3 to $0 per month. Allocation of 305,631 to carry on student work program of NYA during 1941-1942 was announced this week by State NYA Admin istrator, Lon A. Lang of Raleigh. Rev. Rufus Morgan Returns From Kami g a The Rev. A. Rufus Morgan, rector of the Episcopal churches of Franklin and Highlands, who has served during the summer, months as business manager of the Ka.nuga Lake Conference Grounds, returned to his home here in St. Agnes rectory Thursday, County Council Of Demonstration Clubs To Meet Saturday The county council of the Home Demonstration clubs has been called by Mrs. Ross Bennett -to meet at the Agricultural building at. 2 p. m. on Saturday, September 6. All club leaders are urged to attend. Officers will be elected for the coming year, and the plans and program fof the clubs for 1942 will be discussed. Dr. J. L. Stokes will lead the devotions and Mrs. J. W. C. John son will lead a conference as part of the program. Active pallbearers were six elders of the Whitmire Presbyterian church: O. P. Suber, W. H. Miller, Joe H. Simpson,- W. W. Lewis, Dr. J. W. Gary and John Walker. . Honorary pallbearers were ; the elders of the Whitmire Presby terian church: Dr. H. B. Thomas, and the elders and deacons of the Franklin church, and others from The casket was covered by the U. S. flag. Tuberculosis clinics held by the Macon county health department under the direction of the , county health nurse, Mrs. Josephine Dix on Gaines, examined a total of 105 cases, all white. The clinics were held in the health department quarters in the Ashear 'building on August 12 and 13. One case was found to be far advanced, nine childhood cases were shown tg be positive, types, and two new cases were discovered. One of these is being treated at home and one has applied for admission at Sanitorium, state institution. There were found' nine latent cases and one probable case. Of those examined, 89 were found to be negative. Mrs. Gaines visits all cases in the county of' which she has knowl edge, at" intervals of once a month, checking progress and giving in struction in the case and nursing of the case. Both patients and their families are given thorough - in struction in preventive methods and precautionary measures taken for the protection of other members; of the family, Enlisted Through Local Office Here as a result ot interest in .iiava enlistment, in this area, the fol lowing local men have been accept ed and sent to Raleigh for enlist inent. They are Edward Ray Mash Dean. , Jr.. of Franklin : and lames n s,CLldl meeting ol the county Abbott Hyatt, Warne, Ga. In addi- board of health was held on Wed-.' ltion to the above named man, .nesday, September 3, to discuss Arve fleas barker of t-ranklin the infantile paralysis (poliomve, has been accepted for enlistment i.-.- . nn thf kpc.,. a.,-1 ,.,;il K.' "".V -waCOIl CQUIUV. called for duty in the near future. 1 "tt,e ln attendance, at the meet- The large number of applications "ig were, Gus Leach, G. L. Houk. received at the local Naval Ke- Dr. W.. E. Furr, Dr. H. T. Hors- cru.ting .n . the post ley :. board nlcml)ers , )r vv A funding has itjuujcu in uic assign- p , . ing of two recruiters instead of b ' wu'" P""'cwn, ur. iiu- ane as heretofore. The current Bdr "gei, in. tisk, Uis monthly visit is made by rred Gos- tnct health olficer: Dr. (i L nell, Chief Boatswain s mate, U. S. Lynch, county health officer, and Navy; and Chief Signalman C. J. Mrs. Josephine Gaines county inichn-ilf ClOA l ' tu:. ... ' . J ..I..1II.IIOIUI, icsci vc. una nurse. additional recruitinc nomnnnpl now i.'.n. .u. i- - , . viivniuj uic uuscussion it was permits me local recruiters to com- decided that since there was. only k.w. .... c.iisuucu jiipcrs one. case ol infantile paralysis in locally, thereby enabling them to the county at the present time ..u mc m n m xor enusimeni that the situation was not serious irorn me local oince in most cases, enough to cause undue alarm. How- v axai n.ecruiting onice will oe ever the dLstrici h.-al.h n(f;r ii,. again esiaDiisnea in -f ranKlin on r. N. S!k wa -iW.r. a;. :..: October 6, 7, and 8, inclusive, at power to men i .,......' o ..i:,:,.i .. . w,,bv.L a" uuiuiilicu IIUUIUU Ji lOllld olhpr .rain , . appuiauuns win again oe ac cepted. : . . Text Of Order Upon the advice of the assembled group the board issued the follow ing order in regard to the situ ation : It was ordered: That whereas it auoears that there is now a single case of in fantile paralysis in the vicinity of . e . ionium aim iwo auaiiionai cases 1 ri-oiaie l-eague riay-orr I Irom without the county that have Begins - Wednesday heretofo,re been brought here lor Wmk 7 yuiyuse oi meaicai consuita- , . . . . . . -- VTT 1 .J IVJ VvU.ll tv en rrin t at V o i n a post season game the as ran crt,;j .t. in. c,. ... r j . " u,tt ... . . . - j " - J ui .mavuil LUUI1LV : go u tunings Detore winning from lt is therefore ordered that all ","7UUU " Lvc7 nol'y con- minor children under the age of cMisv vii tut luvfli uicuuuuu is va re urh oi-o 1 lrj ""l- uf , na' score was been in contact with a case nf in to j. dow tncusn ana noir font i u i.j . strict quarantine regulations for a e FRANKLIN TO PLAY SEVA A PIONEER OF HIGHLANDS DIES Final Rite Held For John Jay Smith On Wednesday Funeral services for John Jay Smith, 88, of Highlands, who died at 10:30 p. m. Tuesday, September 2, were conducted at his home at 3 p. m. Wednesday. The Rev. J. S. Higgins, pastor of the High lands Methodist church, officiated. Mr. Smith had been in declining health for the past several year.s. ing the schools there, lie was i'-Put he was acutely ill only a week Mr. Flanagan was born Novem ber 12, . 18, at Bowling Green, York county, S. C. After attend sonback pitched for Frankliin with both pitchers turning in a credit- or;, At r .. ' . . able performance. 0f their last ex,lne the In- it w frtv.r u.. .1.- n c . , ".luni muucu uy l lie ilia- State League play-off Sunday, con County Board of Health that September 7 in a game with Sylva j the eve.t that additional cases io ue piayea mere. 0f sa d ,i seasp .. .. . . A J f P f. . 7. """" v.ui. n ,aigt uiuwu ui riaiiKiui nils v that al ninS r n-,thr;.. . t . . . . . 1' " w f,ami,iiiit:3 . ailU are expected to De on hand, tins meetings be orohibited: said nhlir k,.. ,i,a . i . .. . . u .. i 1 . - ' i uk uui vi uiai inc. luwai catherincrs fr mi- i,H ,11 cl,u ...a... iiu uccn in mc ,iii-jwic Mindav schnnk n rtiiro cn,c League and their first play-off, atrical exhibitions, rhnrrh A,is tent meetings, and all other pub- Fnur Iniurod 11C n,eet,ns wherein people are 1 a i 1 accustomed to gather together. In .AUtO Wreck The county health officer is her,. i. j f. ii. u:. 1 K j:.j . r .. aj 1 . anu .uis, fuiui ivn uiu lo cniorce tins order Mr. and Mrs. Lester Andrews, all in the event he shall deem it nec of Chicago, 111., were brought to essary that same be placed in oper Angel Hospital last Monday, for atjon. treatment of fractured rib,s and This foregoing order was nassed mihor injuries. 1 hey reported oy the unaminous vote of all mem- 1 , i ll . mat meir car- was wrecKea wnen uers 01 tne ooard oresent. to wf it left the bridge while they were Gus Leach, G. L. Houk, W. E. traveling w. the viciniey of Rain- furr, and H. T. Horslev bow springs. 1 hey are reported as rprftvrrinff nirlv .1 rOtiO VXUltrOi , 0 , i-uuiuugii mere nas oeen a pre valence of polio in other sections Final Rites For in epidemic form, this region is Mrs. Sellers At Bethel cons-aered the sa est from danger ' III rna flicqc. ...... ..I. ... . T , . , i t u,Jl-0 1 w11n.11 is inure ape Funeral services for Mrs. Dun- to arinftar in Ura, ,, ..w w, "-" in hot weather. With due precau- Monday morning, September 1, at tinn ,.h ;c,,, . - 11 o'clock at the Bethel Methodist nears in . rnrnmn;t cnurcn. ine rvev rnu.p ureen, reason t0 fear h . f . U.1.V..-1CU. u.u:...c..i w d.sease, according to the health ... mc c.iu v... tc..ic.c.r. physician and other local doctors- Airs, sellers was lound dead in Thp fnllnwinir r.,ioc , KJ ... U Ao l.--l- Cl . oiv- au.uiis I cl I f Vi r i L those enforced by the North Caro iri. . 1 1 1 rr iir-r-ii irriiii iiir i c i i: t . ti i r r . . . ----- r ---- na oiaie uoara oi nealtn where past two years, ueam was auri graduated from Presbyterian col lege and the Columbia Theological seminary, Atlanta. His first past orate was at the Franklin Pres byterian church.- Prior to entering the ministry he , served in the U. S. Army 'during the World War. The Rev. Mr. Flanagan is sur vived by his widow, the former Miss Margaret Riddle, who is a sister of the Rev. F. Ray Riddle, pastor of the Shandon Presbyterian church, Columbia, S. C; one son, John Arthur Flanagan,- Jr.; and one daughter, Margaret Ann Flan agan, both of Whitmjre; one brother, W. Flanagan of Lan caster; one sister, Mrs. Fred Wil son of Gastonia, and his father, W. B. Flanagan, of Gastonia. Spent Summer Hera Mr. and Mr.. Flanagan and j children had been spending some time in Franklin, occupying the cottage of Mrs. Pearl Wright on the Murphy road. Mr. Flanagan had been ill and was resting tmd recuperating before returning to his tharge in Whitmire. He had been confined to his bed tor a week, when he was taken sudden ly worse last Sunday morning, and an ambulance was summoned and h wi taken to the Veterans' before' his death. One of the pio neer citizens of Highlands, he fig ured largely in civic affairs of his community in his younger days. His wife died a few years ago. He was the last surviving member of his family. Interment was in the Highlands cemetery. Pallbearers were : Frank H. Potts, Frank B. Cook, W. H. Cobb, F. A. Edwards, J. E. Hicks, and Henry Geaveland. Hospital, Mrs. Flanagan and the children accompanying him. The immediate cause of death was pneumonia. . The news of Mr. Flanagan's death came as a shock to his many friends here where he was much beloved. Those attending the ever a case appears, which in sures maximum protection:, fa F.arlv rerfwniilnn rt th Ala- saja May 8, 1856 the daughter tof ease with immediate reuortine of buted to old age. Mrs. Sellers was born at Culla the late John and Sarah Bell Led ford. She was married to the late Charles Sellers. She was a member of the Bethel Methodist church. The pallbearers were John H. Cunningham, Lex Arnold, Pritcbard Russell, Robert Blaine, Lester Ar nold,, and Fred Blaine. Surviving' are six grandchildren, Charles, of Bisbee, Ariz. ; Geneva Sellers, Taft, Calif.; Helen, Mary, and Kenneth Sellers, of Bisbee, Ariz, and Mrs. James Simpson. Baptist W. M. S. To Meet September 11 The Franklin Baptist Woman's Missionary Society will meet .Thursday. Seotember 11 at the funeral services from here included Franklin Baotist church for the Dr. J. L. StokeS, Fred Sloan, and ' reeular missionary and business Jesse . Conley of the Rotary, club; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gray, Mrs. El mer Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Faeg. Mrs. W. B. McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. Javan Gray. Joe Ashear, Fred Gray, . Miss Virginia Gray, Miss Lillie Rankiin, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Siler, John Bulgin, Mrs. George Bulgin, Mrs. Pearl Wright. Mrs. Lee Leach, Mrs. Helen Ma con, and Hugh Leach. conference. Mrs. Alf Higdon will have charge of the program. Revival At Sugar Fork Rev. J. C Pipes, Baptist mis sionary for Western North Caro lina, is holding a revival at Sugar Fork church through this week and next. it to the health department. (b) Placarding the premises to warn others. (c) Isolation of the patient and exclusion from the sick room of all except necessary attendants. (d). 'No child, teacher, janitor or other person residing o.n the prem ises shall attend ot frequent any school. The after care of those suffer ing from poliomyelitis should be directed by a competent ortho pedic .surgeon. When poliomyelitis is unduly prevalent in any section young children certainly should avoid any crowds whether at Sunday school, churches, day schools, picnics, the atres, etc. Since this is primarily a disease' found in the summer, younger children should avoid sum mer camps and those children under 15 years of age should not patronize swimming pools for any crowd may be a source of danger. Children should not visit other children who are ill. Resistance to this and other dis eases is best built up by keeping children in a well nourished, healthy condition.