Gifts From Home Merchants This Ne wspaper Serves the People of Macon County Where ever They Are 11 :. Shopping Days Before Christmas r i ic y i i PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL I NDEPENDEJV T VOL. LVL NO. 50 FRANKLIN, N. C THURSDAY, DEC H, 1941 $1.50 PER YEAR Buy: Your Christmas l A ( I rf ilM liS I .iJbTiW Fir m&mwm :P.r r British And United NAVY CALLS ' I'M 'J ' CAROLIMANS Need Fpr Men Between . 17 And 49 Urgent In This War AM, Dec. 9. "The United Jit at war and the need fo Jn America' fighting Navy Comdr. McFarland W. Wood, of ficer-in-charge of Navy recruiting in the Carolinas. .' "Carolinians have always been foremost in defending this country in time of war and I am sure the people of these two Southern , state will not fail to respond now," he declared. "' "During all the waf r in Amer ica's history, the men in North Carolina and South Carolina have joined the colors to fight off at tackers, and a quick, large muster of recruits is expected from the Carolinas to help defend the na . tion in this times of crisis. T . "The Navy is relaxing its physic al standards to enlist men between 17 and 49 years of age in the regular Navy and Naval Reserve. Men with physical defects will be accepted if the defects can be corrected after entrance into serv ice. Applicants who have been pre vious physical rejections or who think they might be rejected are . asked to contact their nearest re . cruiting station. .. rAll . active ; men between the ages of 17, and 49, .may ..-now, take a .definite y step ' toward defending America by --'applying at Navy re cruiting stations in North Caro lina at Raleigh, Charlotte, Greens Bboro, Salisbury, - Asheville, New Bern, Wilmington, or in South Carolina at Columbia, Spartanburg, Greenville, Florence, Charleston The Raleigh recruiting station , and the 11 sub-stations over North and South Carolina have gone on . full war-time footing, 'with all re cruiters being flaced on , 24-hour call. - V". .y'"' "--"''Z- Famous Bear Hunter Speaks In Lion's Den The Lions at their, regular din ,, ner on Monday night were enter- tained by two interesting speakers one a young man who had seen more of the world as a whole than any member erf the audience, and the other a gentleman in his sixties who knows more about the sur rounding mountains than nearly any other living man m Western North Carolina. The former was Richard Johnson, who is at borne, for a brief visit after a trip around the world on a freighter carrying lend-lease war supplies to the war xone of the Red Sea: the latter was Mark Cathey1fanioua-bear hunters who rkiuwa s7 bears in his life and is still going strong. He plans to go on m bear hunt this weekend. 1 Mr. Cathey who has, served as a guide for many who were not as experienced as he, recounted several humorous incidents of these "tenderfeet" while cfa hunting trips. His account of the bear hunt on which he killed the largest bear he has ever, seen furnished thrills for his listeners. Mr. Johnson related interesting incidents and pictured conditions as he saw them on his voyage from New York to Capetown and up the east coast of Africa to the bombed harbor of Suet, through the Indian ocean to Singapore, and home through the Panama canal VT, A. To Meet Ionda Evening The Fran7IirTj T. A. wiill meet on Monday evening instead of 7:30 b'clock of the usual hour in the aftersoon so that fathers as well as mothers can attend the meet ing. A Christmts program has been , arranged with music and cafo.': levlj Stoddard, , Wayne Wilson, H, F. lli',iirrM!ikiiaTDioral Society, Davis, Mont Sutton, Willard Kitch- whose music is always a treat to! n, .Nathan Dockely, Charles Bal- local audiences. The Rev. J. L. J lard, Lee Brendle, Mr. Katron, Stokes will speak on the subject,' Lib Cabe, Grady Bullucn, Mrs. "Growth In Responsibility", fol-jWood, Claude Bridges, Mr. Young, lowed by a round table discussion. Carl Owenfcy, Arnold Duvall, Sam This is one of a jenes of the : year's program on the subject of terson, Mrs. S. E. Bittner, Ross comply . with this regulation and "the needs of our children." Re-' Davis, Mrs. Ben Arp, E. W. Price, i those who receive tickets will real ireshments will be served by the Ray Wilson, Jim Teagle, Spenser ue that the police department is fcoipiulity tticmUte, j RoUCall Reports Coming steadily; Quota In Sight The following 1 additional Red Cross memberships for town and county are hereby acknowledged by the Roll Call chairman, Rev. Philip Green, Mrs. H. E. Church, Franklin chairman, and Rev. Hu bert Wardlaw, chairman of rural area .The last are listed according to communities. "Reports are coming in steadily, With the' quota in sight," says the chairman. " A few more reports are to come in and some of the workers are continuing to collect more memberships". Mr. Green stated yesterday, so that the' complete re port of amount raised cannot be made until next week The full quota of 900 member ships will be reached, Mr. Green stated. Franklin Mrs. T. T. Hall, S. R. Griffin Harley R. Cabe. Rev. Philip L. Green, Mrs. Frank Moody, Mrs Annie S. NeaL Mrs. Mary B. An gel, Miss Elizabeth Meadows, T T. Love, Miss Nora Moody. Cartoogecbajra Miss Annie Slagle, $2.00. Erwin Patton, $2.00: Mrs. H. E. Freas.. $L2S; Mrs. Carl; Slagle, Chas. W. Nolen, : Carl Slagle, R R Slagle, Mrs. Fred Slagle, Gil met Setser,'' Mrs.' Bud Ledford, Norman West, Mrs. Paul. Carpenter, Miss Alice. Slagle, Miss Amanda Slagle, Harold Waldroop, Mrs Harold Waldroop, Mrs. Joe Setser, Earl.Iiaxrwn. afack, Setser, Mb Lee .Waldroop,' Mrs, Jeff EnJoe, Mrs. , Horace Hurst, Mrs. Henry Slagle, Miss Ruth Dixon. - Otto By Mrs. Blanch Pamth Ben Crow, Cornelia, Ga. ; How ard J. Bell, Sylva ; Zeb Cansler, Mrs. Blanche Parrish," P. D. Mc- Doris, Asheville; M. R. Daniel, Seneca, S. C; Mrs. Arlene D. Hawkins, Catherine F. Henry, Myrtle V. Norton, Blanche V. Howard, Mrs. Joyce J. Cagle, J. J, Mann, Claude Gabe, Youell Brad ley, Mrs. H. C Fouts, Norman Cabe; W. H. Grace, Lyman, C S.; Charlie Gray,' Spartanburg, S. C; Dave McClure, Mrs. Lucy Brad ley, Frank Norton, Joe Bradley. (Donations: Greenlee Holden, Jack bease, Canaro Bradley, Koy Cabe. . BurninftxMra Nina. T. McCoy, Miss Marie G, Roper, Mrs. Grady Duvall, Miss Gertrude Oampet, Mrs. Walter Gibson, Waiter Gibson, Mrs. Rob ert Parnsh. - ; .Tallica Tellieo Sunday school, $1.50; In termediate class. $1.00; Mra. Rob ert Ramsey, $1.00. - Caw HLnnony Mrs. Weaver Gibson. Donations, Mrs. Will Holbfopks, Mts.' Carroll Reynolds, Mrs. Maymie Reynolds, Joe Gibson, J. E. Allen. Holly 5priaa Mrs.' Earl Justice. Donations: Mrs.. Ed Byrd, Miss NeUia Deal, Mrs. Harve Cabe, Mrs.' L. A. Berry,- Mrs. B. W. Justice, Mrs. R. E. Pattillo, Mrs. J. R. Franklin. EUW Walter Young, J. E. Taylor, Os car Adams, Robert Henry. Buck. Craak Scanol Sam A. Bryson, Mrs. Fred Moss. CalaMaj - Mrs. Irene Bryson, Homer Stu- man. - - Piaa Cm Mrs. C W. Henderson, Hester Woods, Nettie E. Henderson, T. T. Henderaon, Mrs. T. T. Hender son.' Utab CoaxtrMctioa CawWantahah F. A Gister, GrSdy Garrison, Aaron Pinkus, S. E. Bittner, Geo. Wurst, Charles A. Blackburn, P. L. Bruer, Mrs. Max Hollis, R. P. Montieth,' Ed Creasman, C L. Adam, Hollas Oark, Mrs. J. E. Morrison, Mr. Smith, Mr. Rig hard, Walter Hodgins, Harold Dixon, Wesley Pendergrasa; Chub Gregory, S. J. Sparks. Mr. Frazier, Mr. Mill stop, Ralph Parker, Dewey rat- (CMtaMM M fan Six) States Shijis Sunk In Pacific Roosevelt's Ihese are the words of President Koosevelt s war message to congress: . To the congress of the United Yesterday, December 7, 1941 the United States of America tacked by naval and air forces of The United States was at peace licitation of Japan, was still in and its emperor looking toward Pacific. ' Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in Oahu, the Japanese1 ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to the secretary of .state a formal re ply to a recent American message. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war Or armed attack. It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese govern ment has deliberately .sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of bope. foe continued peace. The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. Very many Amer ican lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed 6n the high Honolulu. Yesterday the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night Japanese forces attacked riong Kong. Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine islands. Last night the Japanese attacked Wake island. This morning the Japanese attacked Midway island. taoan has. therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The themselves. The people of the. United States have already formed their Opinions and, well understand the implications to the very Ufe and safety of our nation. As commander-in-chief of the that all, measures be taken for .Always IS. ' -'. ' ' .,' No matter how long it mayitake us to overcome this premedi tated invasion, the American, people .in their' righteous might will win- through to absolute! victory. I believe I interpret the will when I assert that we .will not most but will make very certain never endanger us again. Hostilities exist. There is ino blinking, at the tact that our people, our territory and our interests With confidence in our armed terminatkm of.our people we will help us God. ' 1 aV that the connress declare dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December seventh, a stae of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire. The White House, December 8, 1941. Christmas Seals' Sale For Fighting T. B. Reported To Date O. F. Summer, principal of the Highlands school, county chairman of Christmas seals, reports that the sale of seals has almost reached the full quota assigned to the coun ty. W. H. Finley, principal, of the Franklin school, and chairman for the town of Franklin, ha reported the sum of $56.73 and Highlands $34.69; a total of $90.42 to date. "We hope to oversubscribe our quota of $100 and sell at least $125 worth of seals," said Mr. Summer. The seals have been sold largely by the school children . who de serve aDDreciation for their inter est and efficient work. Seventy-five per cent of these funds goes to relieve sufferers from tuberculosis in Macon county and for supplies for patients as well as preventive work carried on under the super vision of he county nurse. Town Board Require Proper Parking Of Cars At the regular meeting of the Town Board held Monday night. December 1. Chief of Police, C D. Baird. was instructed, by the board of Alvermen to enforce the park ing regulations. Automobiles may be parked for one hour only be tween the hours of 8:30 a. m. and :30 p. m. between the courthouse and the pos toffies on Main street Also oars are to be parked parallel with the curb in' the spaces mark ed in this area. Within the next few days the parking spaces will be remarked. The general public is urged to paly djing its duty. Message to ess " Sfates : .' a date which will live in infamy was .suddenly and deliberately at the empire of Japan. with that nation and, at the so conversation with its government the maintenance of peace in the sets between San Francisco and 'facts of yesterday speak for Army and Navy, 1 have directed our defense. ot congress and ot tne peopie only defend ourselves to the utter that this form of treachery shall are in grave danger. forces with the unoounaea ae- gain the inevitable triumph so mat since me unprovoKeu n FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. Bank Has Moved to New Home Formal Opening Later The Bank of Franklin was able to move on Saturday from tempo rary quarters they have occupied since the fire on November 10, 1940, and opened for business in its new building on Monday mortti ing. The formal opening, which was planned for this week will have to be postponed until the furniture and other equipment arrives, Henry Cabe, cashier, stated Monday. The difficulty in obtaining shipments of material due to defense priorities has already delayed the completion of the building for several months. However, the business of the bank is being carried on as usual in the new quarters. House Approves Fontana Jam Fund The House has given its approval to a $25,000,000 appropriation to initiate, which provides for start ing the work on the Fontana dam, which will be a $50,000,000 pro ject The measure , Will have' to pass the Senate before work can begin. - Public Health Nurse Will Arrive Monday Miss Katherine Shuford, of Clin ton, newly appointed county public health nurse, will arrive Monday morning, December 15, to take up her duties., - The pre-natal clinic will be held in the public health office at 1 JO o'clock on Wednesday, December 17. - , Mrs. Ellis Clarke Soper has re turned from New York Gty, where ; im spent week visiting friend. Nation Prepares To Meet Deadly Assault By Enemy ALL BLACKOUTS ARE LIFTED Nantahala Co. Notes Lift ing Of Restrictions By OPM The Nantahala Power and Ligh company received word from OPM on ' Friday, December 5, that all blackouts and. curtailment by pow er users had been lifted, also re strictions of use of power by in dust rial users, according to a local official of the company. Recent rains have replenished the power supply which - tor many weeks had been threatening the defense output on 'account of the prolonged drought. It is announced , that the only reservation left is ,that large pow er consumers are required to con tinue read their meters every Mon day morning and report to the Franklin office. Criminal Docket Rather Light For This Term Of Court While the criminal docket for the December term .. of court J is rather lighfr several minor -.cases concerning larceny, drunkeness and assault have been tried. Fred Hast ings charged with assaulting Mabel Liner Rickman with a deadly wea pon .was tound guilty and sen tenced to serve two years on the roads. r R. L. Mashburn, Vick Franks and Ed Guffey who were tried con cerning the taking and receiving of stolen property, knowing it to be stolen, frorw the Duncan Mo tor company, were found guilty. Mashburn and Franks received a sentence of 12 months while Guffey was sentenced to serve two years. Sam Panther, an Indian, charged with driving drunk : and who had wreck damaging several cars on Main street in Franklin, was sen tenced to serve 12 months on the road. After being found guilty of start ing an affray in the nighborhood of Gillespie Chapel Grady Watts, and, Ernest Watts were fined $50 and one-third the court costs. Wil liam Hodgiri faced with the same charge was also required to pay one-third the court costsi' Several cases to be tried this term of court may be postponed until the next term court due to the absence of a Court stenograph er. Misg Lassie Kelly, who serves in this, capacity and who is re covering from an appendix opera tion, was . taken critically ill short ly after court opened Tuesday morning. Due to Miss Kelly's illness' the civil docket was also postponed till next term of court. Mrs. Womacic Dies In Tennessee Mrs. Eva Crisp Woma'ck, ' wife of Floyd Womack, died at her home in Lenoir City, Term., Sat urday following an illness of about three weeks. The body was brought to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Crisp, at Cullasaja on Sunday. line tuneral services were held Monday morning, at Sugarfork Baptist church. The Rev. George W. Davis, pastor, of ficiated, assisted by the Rev. Ralph Bradley, of Barker's Creek. Mrs. Womack made her home in the Sugarfork community most of her life. She joined the Sugarfork Baptist church and later moved her membership to Lenoir City. Surviving are the husband; five children, Betty, James, Joe, Junior, and Bobby Womack; her parents, Mr: and Mrs. George Crisp, of Cullasaja; four sisters, Mrs. Lula Teems, of Higdonville, Mrs. Homer Stuman and Mrs. Lizzie Tyler, of Cullasaja, and Mrs. Nisa Guest, of Franklin Route 4, and three broth ers, Ed, Fred, and Frank Crisp, all Of WUiliUJa, War Zone Recruiting Stations Packed As Men Flock To Volunteer The radio flashed the news around the world early Sunday afternoon, December 7,t that Japa nese warplanes had made deadly assault ; on Honolulu, and Pearl Harbor. Three hours later the Japanese government declared war on . the United States and Great Britain. Since -that time wave after wave of Japanese bombers have borne destruction to U. S. and British possessions. Landing on Luzon is land of the Philippines is reported Guam, Wake and Midway islands may by this time be occupied by the enemy. s. Lossat Haavy Losses in the Hawaiian ' Islands are reported to be heavy. Many American soldiers and sailors, also ' civilians, have been killed and loss of. planes and ships heavy. More than 3,000 killed and wounded,' a battleship, a destroyer and smaller, craft destroyed are, some . of the' known losses. A ,U, ,S. transport carrying lumber was sunk in mid- Pacific Sunday. -Admittedly, the navy has been dealt the heaviest blow in its his tory.' Two British ' warships, the Prince of Wales and the Repulse are re ported .sunk off . the coast of Malaya. ' ' Over 350 casualties have been reported from the Philippine Is lands. Fierce fighting is reported in British Malaya. Congress Acta Swiftly Congress acted on Monday after the President's speech to the joint session, asking congress for a dec laration of war. The vote was unanimous in the Senate and ex-. cept for the negative vote of Jeannette Rankin of Montana, who voted against- war with Germany in 1917, was unanimous in the low er house." In his first report to the nation on Tuesday night the president ac- . knowledged Japan s extensive suc cesses but denied Japan s boast that she was. master of the Pa cific. ! . Planes reported over San Franr Cisco caused the city to test its blackout while the entire west coast prepared for air raids.- , Thousands Vohmtaar Recruiting stations all over the nation have been packed since Monday. Record enlistments are reported a ; the nation calls more men to ser ice in Army and Navy. U. S. planes are .reported scour ing the racriic for enemy craft. Canada, Great Britain and , a number of the Latin-American countries have already, declared war on Japan. Stamey Child Fatally Burned Lamar Stamey, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stamey, was fatally burned at their home in Clayton, Ga., on Monday eve ning at 7 o'clock. The child caught fire while playing, and was burned over almost his entire body be"" sides inhaling the flames. He was brought to Angel hospital imme diately by his father, who is well known here, as the driver of the Merita Bread truck, and is in Franklin daily. Death came in a few hours, and the body was taken to Clayton for burial. The sym pathy of many friends in this community is with the breaved parents. Bookmobile Schedule For Next Week Monday December 15, Watauga, Holly Springs. Tuesday, Cartoogechaye, Wayah Road Wednesday, Georgia road. Scaly. Thursday, krtla, Burningtown, Oak Dale. Olive HilL Friday, Clark Chapel, Hickory Knoll, Tesenta. Mr. and Mrs. Phil McCollum announce the birth Of a son, Thomas Hanson, at the home in Franklin, on Sunday, December 7.