THE raKklin presS AND the highlands4 Macon ian THURSDAY, DEC 11, IMi PAGE FIVE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES COMINGS AND GOINGS ITEMS FOR THIS COLUMN PHONE 24 CHORAL SOCIETY CHRISTMAS PROGRAT The Franklin Choral Society Will give its anroual Christmas program on Thusrady, December 18, at 7:30 p. m., at the Baptist church, ac cording to an announcement by the Rev. P. L. Green, director. The program will be printed next week METHODIST WOMEN ELECT OFFICERS The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the Franklin Meth odist church, meeting at the home of Mrs. J. L. Barnard, elected, the following officers for the coming year: Mrs. Pearl Hunter, president ; Mrs. Thomas W. Porter, vice president; Mrs; Zeb W. Conley, corresponding and recording sec retary; Mr& Gordon Moore, treas urer; Mrs. Harold T. Sloan, sup eri,ntendent of Christian social re lations; Mrs. Reba Tessier, super intendent of publicity! Mrs. George A, Jones, superintendent of spir itual life: Mrs. W. A. Rogers, sup children S work; Stokes, superintendent ling, wumcn, . mis; iwy . u. ars, superintendent ot stu work, and Mrs, James Pal- Mrs. T. T. Hall, retiring 'presi dent, presided and led a Christmas program with the singing of Christ mas carols. v : Reports of committees were made at the business ses&on. Mrs. Gordon Moore assisted as hostess and a delightful social hour was enjoyed at the end Cl the meeting. U. D. C. MEET WITH MRS. CONLEY Plans were made at the meeting of the Macon chapter U. D. C. on Monday to send a Christmas gift of money to the two remaining pensioners of the Confederacy still with us. J. Matt Daves of Route 2, welt over 90 years old, and Jim mm mm (()! MM: I: Free Premium Coupons In Every Bag r HEAR THE WAR NEWS Over RCA Victor Radios ... All Prices Electric and Battery , Ue Our Eaty Payment Plan Macon Furniture Company ' THAD PATTON DAN BRYSON j Exquisite Perfume Sets S Cara Nome Coty' Evening In Pari y Handsome Pipe Sets Beautiful Seti Priced From 50c to $5.00 .ft iv ' ' & iT: '-"tv" "Vf.- . rTL A Al U ueilglKfUl kxuis iur uiusc rtwa Jf: Stationery In ieautitul Uirt Boxes Vt Wriit Watches Hollinesworth Candy J Parker's and Sheaf fer's iff SHOP EARLY AT frit ANGI3IL Deal,' colored body servant of Col onel Huger of Charleston, are Ma con county's sole survivors of the War Betwtr the States. Mrs. H. E. ChurclThd, charge of the program, which was pray on her native state of Tennessee Mrs. Church was presented with a Frostoria bonbon dish is apprecia tion of her two years' service as president. She is now serving her third term. ' A delicious salad and sweet course . course was served by the hostess, Mrs. Lester Conley. RED CROSS SENDS SHIPMENT OF GARMENTS Mr& James E. Perry, Red Cross Production chairman, has reported that the Macon county chapter of the Red Cross, shipped on lia vember 28, the following garments to the Export Depot in New Jer sey: 65 girls' dresses, 60 women's dresses, 12 men's sweaters, 5 wo men's sweaters, 29 children's sweat ers, 39 pairs . men's socks, 6 pairs children's socks, 4 wool shawls, 72 boys' shirts. . Mrs. Perry makes an urgent ap peal for more knitters, also for makers of baby blankets. Wool and material in large quantities are here to be distributed . to workers. Quentin Waldroop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grady H. Waldroop, of upper Cartoogechaye, who is sta tioned at Fort Ontario, N. Y., has recently written his parents that he likes life in the Army fine. Mrs. Mary Johnston Allman. is reported very low at the home of Mayor John Harrison. Bill Moore who suffered a heart attack last Sunday is reported much improved. Miss Lassie Kelly who was taken ill at the court house while report ing court proceedings . last week, is much better and able to sit up each, day. Miss Mildred Cabe who is a clerk in the Department of Justice, division bf Federal Bureau of In vestigation, Washington, came hftme iora'Visit'td her parents last weekend. ' ? " Miss Audrey Conley, who holds a position .with Western Union, Asheville spent the weekend with bet parents. Three Macon county girls. Misses Mildred Cabe, Audrey Conley and Dorothy Southards, who are grad uates of Blanton Business College, Asheville, passed successfully the examinations for FBI and other civil service employment last fall. Mrs. Lalar - Wiggins Carpenter, widow of George Carpenter, with her young daughter, Fanny Ada, will make her home with her Pen and Pencil Sets i a MACON GETS NEWJPIUES Moving From Chatuge Dam Area; Buying - Homes Elsewhere Three of the 55 families moving from the Chatuge Dam reservoir in Clay county, which will be floods ed by this great TVA project, have bought new homes and have nave I ky moved to Macon county. They arethj families of George Hogsed, Grover T3iiion and Fred Henson, according to.Uw; Clay County News. " 7" An article in this newspaper states that many of the families of this mamoth immigration are making preparations to move with in the next 30 days, some to Geor gia and neighboring counties: in this state, others to other states; These to date comprise only 20 families, many having found new homes in Clay county. Thirty-two families have not yet found new locations, it is reported. The resort home of Dr. Frank Killian of Franklin will be in the flooded area. , Work on this unit of power gen crating unit of T. V. A. which will impound the waters, of the Hiawassee river is reported to be progressing at a rapid rate. Miss Doirthy Sloan Plays At W. C U. N. C. Recital At a music recital giyen Decem ber 4 by majors in voice, organ, and piano at Woman's college, University of North Carolina, Miss Dorthy Sloan, daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Sloan of Franklin, took part. Two preludes, "Memories of Mac- Dowell" and "In the Open Fields", by Helen Boykin were played by Miss Sloan at the piano. She 'is a junior in college this year and is majoring in public school music. Many New Homes Mark Residential Growth Of Town Many new residences have been completed in Franklin and vicinity in recent month., keeping pace with business growth, of the com munity. : The largest residential structure is the apartment house which is rapidly nearing completion, being built bv Gus Leach. The buildine whiclf islocited at the corner bf West Main and Bidwell streets is a handsome three story brick edi fice which comprises sax complete modern four-room apartments and two bachelor apartments. Mr. Leach stated that he expects the building to be completed -some time during December. Several modern homes' have been erected on Harrison avenue within the past six months. Mr. and Mrs. Kay F. Montague are now living in -an attractive frame bungalow near the old Harrison home. Mr.' and Mrs. Woodrow Reeves have recently built a cew home complete with every modern convenience.' In the Fair Grounds section Harley Stewart has just completed a new rock house and W. H. Fin ley is expected to complete the building of his new home soon. ' In the East Franklin section, . C Soper is building a hand some residence on the hill opposite the Hunnicutt home. John W. Pennington has recent ly completed a new home just out side the corporate limits in cast Franklin. Dr. and Mrs. T. J. O Neil's resi dence a few miles out on the Highlands road is almost complete. Local Boy Ordered To Navy Sea Duty . NORFOLK, VA, December 3. Charles Austin Jacobs, of Aquone, who recently enlisted in the United States Navy at the Recruiting Sta tion in Asheville, has been ordered to active sea duty. He has just re turned to the Norfolk Naval Train ing Station, following nine days leave "Which he earned upon com pletion of six weeks of recruit training here. - Jacobs is among the twenty per cent of recruits who were chosen for immediate sea duty with the United States Fleet He is the ton of L. H. Jacobs of Acquone. mother, Mrs. Laura Wiggins in the Otto section. Lieut Fred J. Gray of Randolph Field, Texas, spent the Thanks giving holidays with his parents, Mr. and Utk J. J. Gray. Bob Sloan and W. W. Sloan left Wednesday evening to attend the wedding of Lieut Neville Sloan and Miss Frances Jane Harper at Fort Bragg, which will take place on Friday evening at 8 o'clock in the Post ChapeL Bob Sloan will act as hit brother's best man. Pvt James R, Hunt hat left Gibsonville and it now lUtksxd Monument To Confederate Soldiers Is Described Book Published By U.D.C. Chapters Of State Gives Record In a volume just off the . press entitled "North Carolina's Confed - erate Moumments and Memorials, by Mrs. S. L. Smith, historian 1932-33 of the N. C. United Daugh- ters of the Confederacy, there is this account of Franklin's Con- federate monument by the late W. ' l""!rer . .. . r .1-. The outKOinir a. v-url'S- remaps iew oi mis : ...i .i-.v. . KCIlCldLVUll WI1U UdllV PdM lilt B . . .. monument, know how it came there, or the names of those wlwse erected it. i The Xiarti county chapter of j the U. I). C,"Hr. requested ' that the record be published. The mon ument square is jiow in the care of the chapter. Major H. P. Ran kin was the father of Miss Lily Rankin, present secretary of the locat cnapter ana tuts account was taken from the presentation ad - dress of Mr. .-Curtis. teacher and scholar, or..e time editor of the Franklin Press. ' . "The idea of erecting a monu ment to the. memory of Macon County Veterans was f(irst conceiv ed by Major H. P. Rankin. He has labored with persistency and zeal in the enterprise ever" since its in auguration, and deserves credit and honor for what has been accom plished. "On November 26, 1903, at the Major's call a number of veterans met and organized the Macon County Monument Association. He was elected President and W. A Curtis, secretary-treasurer. By an Act of the General Assembly' in 1907 the Association was incor porated and an act of the same body passed in 1909 authorized the Board of County Commissioners to donate a plat of land in the Pub lic Square 63 by 83 feet to the Association on which to erect the monument , Description of the Monument : It consists of '27 stones; is 25 feet high above the concrete foun dation, and built of fine Georgia marble. The tix-foot statue was made in. Italy of fine Italian mar ble, and beautiful as a work of art in its simplicity of form and pose. It alone cost $600.00. The entire weight of monument is about 35, 000 pounds and was erected by the McNeel Marble Co., of Marietta, ,Ga., at a cost of $1,650. (I believe the total cost was $2,500 more). This square has , since been en closed by a solid iron railing with a gate bearing the name plate, "Rankin Square", and a concrete walk to the front - of . -the monu ment. This was done- by popular subscription." Mr. Curtis concluded his presen tation with these words: "In behalf of the Charles L. Robinson Camp No. 47, United Confederate Veteran? and the Ma con County Monument Association, I have the honor to present to the citizens of Macon Couny this, handsome monument, and I com mend it to the ladies and sons and daughters of the Confederate Vet erans to be kept in order perpet ually." ' Erected in 1909 In Memory of Sons ' of Macon County Who Served in the ' ' Confederate Army During the War Period 1861.-1865 Co. H-16 Regiment N. C. T. Inf. Co. B39 Regiment N. C. T. Inf. Co. C-65 Regimest N. C. T. 6th Cavalry , Co. D-62 Regiment N. C. T. Inf. Co. R- 9 Regiment N. C. T. Cav. Co. L-39Regiment N. C. T. Inf. Co. E-65 Regiment N. C. T. 6th Cavalry. Riverside By MISS MAGGIE LED BETTER Mr. and Mrs. Authur Bramlett ami Mrs. Ada Dickerson and son McCIellan, of Rabun Gap, Ga., and Mr. and Mrs. Tearley Picklesimer of Highlands, spent last Sunday with Mrs. W. H. Moore. Hugh , Cabe of Hiawassee, Ga., spent the weekend with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cabe. Henry Shook is visiting bis daughter, Mrs. J. B. Canup and Mr. Canup, and son, Ellard and Mr. Shook of Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moore spent the "weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tearley Picklesimer of Highlands. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence .Hol brooks spent the weekend with Mrs. Holbrooks' mother, Mrs. Alex Shope. Mr. and Mrs. Xan Morgan of Franklin, visited Mrs. Morgan's father, Andrew Pendergrass, Sun day. . George Hogsed, who is employed with TVA at HayesvilW, 5pent the weekend with bis wife and chil dren. Miss Ella Moore and Elmer Mc Dowell -of Highlands visited -Miss Moore's mother, Mrs. W. H. Moore, Sunday moraine. Mrs. W. C Ledbetter spent Sun day with her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Van Hook, ot Green St BEST Farmers are bringing to a close their best year since 1929 with pro duction, prices, and income at high level, reports the U. S. Bureau C. Gordon Moore Head Of Franklin Lodge C. Gordon Moore was . named . , . i Y f'f ,We'ks meetmK f Junauiskee Lodge . wther offlcers clfed E- l' ard. semor-. warden; Harry L. W', junior warden;. Fay K. Swanson, secretary, and Hen.ry W. The outgoing officers are: Tillery T: Love, master; Ralph K. West, . 1. . of Bryson City, senior warden; C. n i . j u fr. Mo"re- sretary, and M. j B'"'nes Measurer. ; Box Supper At , Hickory Knoll There will be a box supper and cake walk Saturday night, De cember 20, at the Hickory Knoll school house. The jjroceeds will be , used for the benefit of the church, I . ; p.T.A. Approves Proposed 0 . r . . . Constitutional Amendment On Board Of Education The, Executive Board of the North Carolina Congress of Par- ents and Teachers at their Board meeting in Greensboro last week prepared a statement of action in regard to the proposed ConstitUr tional Amendment to be voted upon by the voters of North Car olina in the general election in the fall of 1942. 00$ Men's Pajamas . . Comfortable because they're full cut . . . : Practical- made of silk, also broadcloth $1.50 to $3.95 Smart New Ties . . . Cheney and Spuns . . . construction of of these ties throw off wrinkles. 50c & $1.00 Robes ... , All wool flannel and beacon cloth. Wrap model, shawl collar, cuffs trimmed with cord fringe sash to match. $5.00 to $8.50 Ladies' Silk Gowns and Pajamas . . . Satin or crepe, lace trimmed or tailored. An ideal gift. $1.95 & $2.95 Towel Sets . . . Every woman loves pretty towels. Three to six piece sets in all colors. $1.00 to $2.50 w w I a uirt nanKies ... - $t In gift boxes, linen and cotton with dainty embroidery. :jl 25c & 50c g Lunch Cloths and Sets ... -S Hand printed in gay col ors. Cloths in three sizes, lovely floral designs. . . . Cloths 39c to $1.95 Silk $1.00 to $2.50 Sjc E. K. Cunningham & Co. j& VV "The Shop of Quality" 7 1.- i.r Wt YT.-ri7.-7.5t.-a l-r .- '- 1 Births Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moore, 807 Mcintosh Street, West Palm Beach, Fla.. announce the birth of twins on December 3 at Dr. 'Brant ley's Hospital in Lake Worth, Fla. The boy weighs 7 pounds 8 ounces and the girl-6 pounds 14 ounces. Their names are John Alvin'and Evelyn Dalena. Mrs. Moore will be remembered as Miss Charlotte Picklesimer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John. .Picklesimef of High lands, i SYMBOLS Th Little. Red r il . ymbolic of tha educational 1 tyt j tam that hail 4 4 a helped to bring quality to our. people. Tha America Funeral Service is another symbol of demo cratic quality and Impartial' ity. The fall benefits af oer modern lervlc art provided to all who call , irraspactiva of their social or financial clrcnmttoncet. - - ffTlBl.HftTgrahiin'l W0NEI06 NIGHT PHONE 10 1 1 jHua 1 1 " I SOCkS . a a The famous Inter-Woven and Jefferies socks. You won't find better looking patterns for the money. 25c to $1.00 jXSn 1'-" "i.-r X-v W V. u J it Fort Ettiu, ra of Afrieulfertl Economics.

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