I' rpft::Y':f V VOL. .LVI, NO. 51 ; Campaign Macon (bounty Chairman Calls For Prompt : Response Harley R. Cabe, Macon county chairman of the American Red Cross, makes the following' state .. ment to the people of the county in regard to their share of the fifty million dollar War Fund Campaign which was launched as soon as this nation declared that a state of war existed between this nation and Japan. . . , GhainniMi's Statmnt Heretofore the v Macon County Red Cross. Chapter,' together with 3,700 other Chapters : through the United States responded generous ly to the , call of - Great Britain and other, war-stricken countries of Europe ; we will continue . to respond so long as an emergency exists. But now our own country has been attacked, and different .units of the American Red Cross are carrying out an - extensive evacuation of civilians from dang er areas, and giving relief to the wounded and homeless. These humanitarian activities require dol lars. While not all can be in the armed forces, and not all can volunteer their services for work, air can volunteer their dollars to arm the . Red Cross to be their representatives at the .scene of battle and distress. ; - " . I, therefore, as Chairman of the Macon' County Red Cross Chapter appeal to every civic, organization, 'all churches, and the Junior Red Cross- Chapter to see that every j individual has an-jppivnrt"TiitvJt rrfr',Mife-IB""""-' PROGRESSIVE Of Red Cross Town Of f ice Moved To Bank Building, Also .Other Offices The Town office is now estab I lished in its', new quarters on the second floor of the bank building, After being destroyed, by fire in the old bank building the office was set up in the Ashear build ing " until the new offices were ready. Other offices moved to suites in the Bank building arc! Jones and Jones, Thad D. Bryson, Macon County Building and Loan, Ma con Insurance company, Dr. Frank Killian, Pr. West. Dr. W. A Rogers will also occupy one of the suites. BUY DEFENSE BONDS RoUCaU Completes Quota Of 900 - l Members : Macon County's full quota of rOO memberships has been met, and a check of $450 iis ready to go for ward promptly to Red Cross head quarters in Washington, reports the Rev. Philip L. Green, county chair man. ' ;. "I wish to thank each and every worker who helped to make our 1941 roll call a success", said Mr. Green. "Although this is the larg est membership ever set for owf' Chapter, tt " hgjn met with fflad LIBERAL ' FRANKLIN, N. C THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1141 'Peace on Earth'' By THE RIGHT REVEREND HENRY HOBSON (Veteran of World War I and National Chairman of Fight For Freedom, Committee) To many who read and hear the Christmas story , this year JPeace on Earth" will be words without meaning. There' is no peace on earth. Thefe was 'no peace when these words" were first sung by the Angels on the night that the Child of Bethlehem was born. The crowds which jammed the inn, and filled each house in the village, until only a stable manger offered refuge' for a new born babe, were, evidence of the oppres sive tyranny which robbed a people of their peace. A de cree from the dictator had gone out. There has been no peace on earth since that -first Christ mas for always through the years , that same band of op pression has rested heavily upon countless millions of men made by God to be free. ; : The Angels proclaimed not 1 fact but a hope a hope to' be realized cm earth only as all men everywhere arc able to live not r-giaves but as children of God. For Christ's peacets' not just Jor the United Stateis; or. for people of-fcite skins, or for those with education in their m8ffood in their, stomachs, or money in their pockets. It H for all men on earth, and he who would find peace for (imself must be striving to insure it for others. Those .whft seek to live in a peace of isolationism, while others - arein turmoil of body add sow will never share in' realiz ing ; the hope of peace on earth. God doesn't answer the prater "Peace for me." Peace is that, state in which man, no matter what his race creation 'or color, can freely live with an equal oppor-" tuntty to use his talents and abilities as a child of God. :& Whu this right is denied to men anywhere there can be W no ace on eartb, fff Christainj we are called today to face the fact that jfy . Je forces .of oppression are robbing man of his right to L peace. The' people of England can have no peace as long as shelters must be their refuge from destructive bombs, and l while their coasts are threatened by invasion. The people iff. of France can tiave no peace as long as the Hitler-appoint- fy ed appeasers force a bated collaboration with the conquer- W. and Belgium-violated, impoverished can have no peace INDEPENDENT Macon Defense Council Organized Monday Night 15 Selectees To Leave Macon County On January 14 The Selective Service Board has announced that a call has QHoulfcPtintd by Governor for IS white men from the Raleigh ... m,,;... Raleigh office, to be inducted on Jar.uy 14. The list of names wilUSe an nounced later, MKGiimer Jones, clerk of th board, said. BUY DEFENSE STAMPS ALLM LAID TO REST Beloved Lady Passes After Long And Useful Life:.-''.. The oldest member and one of the most devoted, of the Franklin Methodist church was laid to rest in the churchyard last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Johnston Allman, 87, slipped quietly out of this life on Saturday evening, De cember 12, at 9:15 o'clock, at the home of her kinsman, John 0 Harrison. , Although there had been a gradual failing of her strength. for several years, Mrs. Allman retained to the gentle and happy s ed those aroun . Borj Give the gifj tbat igol fies America if not to W caught napping. DEFENSE BOlNflDS STAMPS I1.S0 PER YEAR Committee Named!. To Plan Civilian Defense ' Activities A Macon County Co11 Defense was organised - Monday rv,nniTMt..iM'UU OI VlUy bfoughton as chairman. The purpose of the meeting was toplan, organize and coordinate all civilian defense activity in the county. Representatives of the va rious county agencies and county officials and presidents of local organizations were callettVto the meeting. The following meiribersh'') com mittee was appointed: G. L. Houk, chairman ; G. A. Jones, Gus Leach, J. O. Harrison, W. H. Cobb, A. B. Slagle, T. D. Bryson, Jr., Eloise G. Franks, Mrs. J. E. Perry, Mrs. T. W. Angel, Jr., Harley R. Cabe, S. W. Mendenhall, Florence S. Sher- rill, Chas. Melichar, Rev. J. L. Stokes, II, O. F. Summer. Aircmft Wwniag Aircraft warning service was set up some weeks ago under uie 1 J t r .L A : with C. T. Bryson as din nizer. Volu T! unt T2 country of broken hp -j-.hv mass tt