I- y Givt the gift that algal fies America is not to be caught happing. DEFENSE BONDS STAMPS PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL , INDEPENDENT VOL. LVII, (NO. 2 FRANKLIN, N. C THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 142 $1.50 PER YEAR filS A . L4 .V. WAR PICTURE ON ALL FRONTS President Submits Record Budget; British, U. S. Forces Holding '...-'- - The big news of the week has been the Washington , pact pledg jing 26 nations to pool all their re sources in war against the Axis and unification of the Allied com mand in the Pacific, with General Sir Archibald Wavell, British hero of the first Libyan campaign as supreme commander of all Allied "land, air and sea forces in the Southwest Pacific. ' '. ' New forces under Gen. Wavell t are being concentrated." upon the defense of Singapore v and the 'Dutch Indies, composed of .ABCD (American, British, Chinese and Dutch) units, American planes are making their presence felt. THE UNITED NATIONS v , !. The United Nations pledged to joint action following the Roosevelt Churchill conferences, are planning a i grand strategy "to. speed unity on all fronts. Admiral Thomas C. Hart, commander of the U. S. Asiatic fleet, will head all naval forces under Gen. Wavell; Major 'General George H. Brett of U. S. "Air forces , will serve as deputy Supreme Commander. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-chek is ' in supreme command of the ' Chinese theatre of war, including Thailand arid Indo-China. . , . i:. c , .. ; ' WASHINGTON On .Tuesday President Roose velt addressed the Congress on the state of the nation in a speech that told the entire world of the ipart the U. S. planned to play in cooperation with the united na tions to defeat the axis. On Wed nesday the President submitted a budget for $77,000,000,000 to be -spent in the next 18 months to de i feat the axis. The president calls tfor $9,000,000,000 in new taxes. THE PHILIPPINES The Japs have -unloosed -fierce aerial drives on Luzon, destroying four towns and killing many cm lians, Gen. McArthtir has reported 'American forces are holding "against renewed attack. ' . 'SINGAPORE ' .British still holding out under renewed Jap 'onslauglji- by air, land and sea along he western ' Malayan front. Long range Jap flying boats have struck at the Canberra, Australia, air force field. ; A CBS broadcast last night re ported a Tokyo radio as saying "The Japanese fleet is fighting the U. S. fleet in the Pacific." LONDON v, London reports that the Rus sians are ' threatening the entire . iurviving German army of the Crimea, and smashing forward on the entire battle line to Finland. A team of- British ships and : planes raided the German held - Norwegian coast, and RAF pound ed targets in Germany, France and the Netherlands. CAIRO RAF destroyed 44 planes on the axis airdrome in Sicily, frustrat ing 1 supposed move to land troops on the British - fortified island of Malta. One British plane was lost I William Ransom Ledford, , Sr., Passes January 2 . . . . William Ransom Ledford, Sr, 78, died from a heart attack at the home of his son, Howard, on Jan ; uary 2, 1942. He was born in Hia--f wassee, Ga., April- 4, 1863, and was t the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George R Ledford. Mr. Ledford V was married to Miss Hattie Conley, . w October 28, 1900, and was a citi v zert of Macon county for 40 years, f The funeral services were con- ducted at . the Union Methodist I. church at 2:30 p. m, Saturday, January 3, with the Rev. J. C , - Swakn officiating. The pallbearers were. Lorenx Williamson, Jester .- Henson, Ralph Waldroop,. George T Hen son, Raymond Pen land, John f McPherson. ' ! He is survived by five tons, Qif , ton. Dee, Richard, Schuyler, and Howard and a number, of grand-:- children."" His wife died several f years ago and two sons, .William i and Don are also deceased. .. (' Barney Berry of Fairbanks, Alas ka, who spent several weeks with M his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. J Berry,, before Christmas, has re . turned to his home. Mr. Berry has lived in Alaska for aix years. VVhile . here, he and his parents and sister Ethel made an extended motor trip , to Raleigh, Washington, Norfolk ; and Newport New.' Some Highlights In President's , Speech To Congress Tuesday The militarists in Berlin and Tokyo started this war. But the massed, angered forces of common humanity will finish it. They know that victory for us means victory for the institution of democracy the ideal of the family, the simple principles of common decency and humanity. ' . They know that victory for us means" victory for" religion And they could not tolerate that; The world is too small to provide adequate "living room" for both Hitler and God. Our ownt objectives are clear; the objective of smashing the mili tarism imposed by war lords' upon their enslaved peoples the objective of liberating the subjugated nations the objective of establishing and securing" freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want and freedom from' fear everywhere iri the world. We must raise our sights all say it cannot be done. It must, doit." .' These figures (calling for 60,000 plafiwin 1942 and 125,000 in 1943; 45,000 tanks in. 1942 and 75,000 in 1943; '20,000' anti-aircraft guns in 1942 and 35,000 in 1943; 8,000,000 tons of shipping in 1942 and 10, 000,000 in 1943) and similar figures for a multitude of other imple ments of war will give the Japanese and Nazis a little idea of just what they accomplished in. the attack on Pearl Harbor. - Our task is hard our task is We must strain every existing armament-producing facility to the ut most. We must convert every available plant and tool to war produc tion. That, goes all the way from irom me nuge automuuue iniuusiry t i i , . . . i . 1 ' 1 ; I. . We have already tasted defeat. must , face the fact of a hard war, war.- BEN WOODRUFF TIMERRED Telephone Head Will Go To Charlotte With Southern Bell Ben Woodruff, for the- past four years manager of the Western Carolina Telephone company of fices 'in Franklin, Highlands, Sylva, Cullowhee, Bryson City and Clay- ton, Ga has accepted a position with the Southern Bell Telephone company in cnariotte. fie ana Mrs. Woodruff and son will leave Franklin for.,, their new home at the end of the month. Mr. Woodruff's new position is a deserved, promotion, which will place him in Southern . Bell's di sion plant department JT. R. Hughey, of Asheville, who has, been working with the South ern Bell Telephone company in Asheville and Charlotte, will suc ceed Mr. Woodruff as manager of the Western Carolina company. He is already on the ground, ac quainting himself with the work, and will be ready to take over when Mr. Woodruff leaves. Mr. and Mrs. Hugrey will, move to Franklin about he first of February. They have one child. A. G. Cagle Appointed 'Chairman Of Infantile - Paralysis ( Campaign A. G. Cagle has been apponited Franklin chairman of the Infantile Paralysis Campaign which is held annually at this time each year. , The Foundation that was establish-1 ed by. President Roosevelt for the prevention and treatment of poly-, omelitis promotes this national! drive for funds at the time of the President's birthday. Plans will be announced next week. . ',. Expert Shooting Wins McDowell Medal Joseph D. McDowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. McDowell of Cullasaja, who . left Franklin on July 22 with 16 other selectees. and who later enlisred for three years in the Coast Artillery, is at home on a 10-day furlough. He has received a. medal witb two bars for expect automatic rifle and pistol shooting. Island, his Battalion is stationed in Central Park, New York City.1 where he mans an anti-aircraft) gun. He is a member of the 3rd Battalion in charge of guns and ammunition and also searchlights for the defense of the city against air raids. " . Lester Arnold Enlists In Navy Lester L. Arnold, Macon county's efficient Registrar of Deeds, was accepted as a volunteer in the Navy on January 3 at the Raleigh office. He had already passed his examination in Asheville on De' cember He is at home on fur-' lough until Saturday, January 10, when he will report back to Ral eigh and Norfolk. - - C Tom Bryson wi3 serve as deputy registrar. along the production line. Let no man be done and we .have undertaken to unprecedented and the time is short. the greatest plants to the smallest . .1. . '11 l: -1 w uic viikagc uiatniuc siiujj. We may suffer further setbacks. We a long war, a bloody war, a costly . - WAR RELIEF FUNDS GROW Committee For Red Cross Campaign (Warking For Quofa ' All reports on the Red Cross War Relief campaign have not yet been turned in to Harley Cabe, county chairman, so that the full amount raised to date in Frank- in and rural sections Cannot be announced this week. A con sider- i able amount was raised last aat urday by the women's committee, with representatives in the poat office at 1 the dime board and in the Bank building. Many firms have already contributed 100 per cerjt, and others are' expected to do so. The committee hopes to raise the entire quota of $1,500 by next Sat urday, January 10, when collections will again be made at the Bank and postoffice. Navy Calls For 'Enlistment For Duty In Construction Special notice has been given that Lieutenant Commander E. J. Spaulding, eES-V(S), U.S.N.R.,wiH visit the Navy Recruiting Station, Post Office Building, Raleigh, on January 9, 1942, for the purpose of interviewing candidates for head quarters construction companies. These men must be able to pass the usual physical qualifications for Class V-6, Naval Reserve, and will be enlisted with ratings according to qualifications. Men interested should present themselves . at the above address (at their own expense), at 8 a. m., on the morning of January 9. Those accepted by Lieutenant Commander Spauling, will be en listed and placed on active duty with pay, forwarded to the Naval Training Station, Newport, R. I, for a three-week period of indoc trination. Age limits for this Class are from 17 to 49 inclusive. Rates of pay to commence (with out previous Naval Service): Chief petty officers, $99 a month. First class petty officers $84 per month. Second class petty offi cers $72 a month. Third class petty 1 officers $60 a month. Seamen first Married Jecond class and above, receive an addi ttonal allowance of $1.15 a day for dependents. Uniforms, subsistence' and lodg ing, medical and dental care, are free. (Signed) McF. W. WOOD, Lieutenant Commander, U. S. Navy, Officer-in-Charge Franklin Man Injured In Bus Wreck Frank Cunningham of Franklin Route 3 received broken legs, face and head lacerations, Wednesday, December when an Asheville Atlanta bus left the highway two miles east of Commerce, Ga. He was taken to a Commerce hospital io s serious condition, sni bit TIRE QUOTA IS ANNOUNCED Rationing Board To Post Applications Every Tuesday Macon county's tire quota for January has been announced by the local board as follows: Passenger cars. motorcycles and light trucks, six 'tires, five tubes. Truck and bus, tires, 27; tubes, 23. . The tire rationing board com posed of Dr. W. E. Furr, J. E. Perry and Roy F. Cunningham,' were' cwnrri in aiiirrlav Tannarv - - " - - i , j - 3. These citizens serve without pay. They will meet weekly and rationing - made by them will be posted on the bulletin board in the court house every Tuesday morning, showing the applications which have been approved and to whom they go for their certifi cates. Inspectors Appointed Application blanks, which have been placed in the hands of all , tir- Hi,r ; PYanUin fiiw ber of the rationing board, ac cording to Dr. Furr, chairman. L. B. Phillips, Lee Poindexter and L. M. Patton have been designat ed as authorized inspectors for the tire rationing board. This board has received its instructions and regulations from the Office of Price Administration to ration tires by certificate for cars and trucks vital to civilian needs; that is to v rrnti9l tn tt, r or to the health and welfare - of the nation. Fontana ( Dam Work Applications Now Being Made The Fontana dam site on the Little Tennessee in Swain county will be open for work soon, ac cording to iroformatioji - received from Gordon R. , Clapp. general manager of TV A. Applications for work on these jobs are now being received. Blanks may be had at post offices in the surrounding area, and will be re ceived up to January 16. T. W. Porter, postmaster, states that over 400 applications have been applied for at the local post office. Farm Census To Be Taken In January To Aid Defense North Carolina's 1942 farm cen sus, to be taken by the U. S. and State Departments of Agriculture Te population of each county during January, will be used jn North Carolina in this release throughout the State as an accur- is classified by sex, race, age, and ate compilation of agricultural in- farm residence according, to final formation "essential in planning data. Three major racial classifica food for defense programs." . tions are given, white, Negro, and 'Cooperation of farmers in furn- ."other, races," the last including ishing tax listers .with farm statis- j mainly Indians, Chinese and Japa tics and other information for the nes- AU population is classified as census is a patriotic duty that will rurl that s AOt living in cities or yield money and satisfaction divi- towns of 2,500 or more. Tlhe rural- dents", Farm Census Supervisor W. T. Garriss of the State Depart-' 801,8 I'ving on. farms, regardless of ment of Agriculture, said today, j their occupation. (Information farmers will furn-1 The figures for Macon county ish the tax listers during the next are as follows, forty days will include data on Total population, 15,880; male, 8, acreage, livestock, farm machinery, 185, female, 7,695. pounlation, and poultry. Race; white, 15,414 ; native, 15,- "North Carolina is the onlv 398;, foreign born, 15 ; Negro, 465, l-Southern State conducting a farm census and as a result the agricul- tI0n tt1"- tural leadership is better prepar-1 Divided in age groups, the fig ed today to cooperate in the 'food ures are as follows: for victory campaigns and in the1 Under five years, 1,921; five to defense movements phasized. Garris em- "Farmers will volunteer agricul tural information at tax listing time and the tax lister-will for ward countv summaries to the De partment for publication anl dis- tribution to agricultural agencies and leaders, particularly those working with the 'food for de fense' programs", he added. "The names of farmers giving farm census information will be regarded as confidential." Every county in the State will participate in the 1942 farm cen sus which has been conducted for 25 years. since been brought to Angel Clinic here. Mr. Cunningham was on his way to New Orleans, La, to spend the New Year with his son, Oran, who is aerial photographer in the United States Army Air Corps. Oran is at present visiting his father and mother. Garth Cunningham of Wil mington, another son, employed 4n the ship yard, is expected soon. Ten others were injured in the wreck, Garden, Poultry, Machinery Repair Program Presented Chief of Police C. D, Baird Will Attend FBI School for Officers of the Law Town Board Grants Leave To Baird To Attend FBI School At the meeting of the town board on Monday night, leave was 1 Krantea nie' P r',ce Bal att.end the Fed"al Bureau of Investigation school , that will be o0" in G"111' S" C-Jan uary 19 to 24. This is one of a number' of schools being conducted by the Department of Justice for officers of the law throughout the the country at this time. P. L. Threlkeld, WPA engineer, reported that information had been received that the WPA grant - for completing the street work in Franklin had been approved in Washington, but confirmation had not yet been received at this of fice. CENSUS SHOWS CONFIGURES Population Classified By Sex, Age, Race And Rural-Farm The male population of Macon county exceeds the female, accord-! ing io ueiau;a statistics oi popu lation released last week by the 1940 Census Bureau. Other details revealed show a very small per centage of others than native born residing in the county arm population comprises all per- other races, 1. Rural farm popula- 24, 6,679; 25 to 64, 6,366; 65 and over, 924; 21 and over, 8,391. (vot ing population). Other figures to be released soon will include statistics according to counties of education, school at tendance, citizenship, etc. County Commissioners Hold Regular Meeting The regular meeting of the County Commissioners on Monday handled routine matters, referring several applicants for relief to the county superintendent of" wel fare for investigation. John Dills, jailer, was granted ten cents a day additional pay for each inmate of the county jail until April 1, to cover extra ex pense during the winter months. Sgt Paul J. Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rav Bradlev of Franklin r..- i i j.j j. ! wuic wuu was wuunucu during the recent maneuvers in the east ern part of the state, is reported to be recovering satisfactorily. The collision of a car and tank during a blackout on November 17 caused Sgt Bradley to sustain a skull and knee fracture, : ' A vN X 1 Large Meeting of Leaders Hear Plans For Increase In Production More than 200 fanners and farm women who are leaders in Macon county's "Food For Freedom" pro gram crowded the auditorium of the Agricultural building on Mon day afternoon. How to increase garden and poultry production and repair farm machinery were dis cussed at this gathering, which was called by Sam W. Menden hall, county agent, and Mrs. Flor ence Sherrill, home agent, to pre pare to meet the war needs. Mr. Mendenhall in his address stressed the, importance of produc ing eggs and poultry, demonstrat ing a practical lamp brooder that can be made from materials avail able on almost every farm, and at small expense. The brooder ex hibited was made by the boys in the agriculture classes at the Franklin high school, under the direction of E. J. Whitmire, teach er. The speaker - advised a ration of corn, wheat, bats, lespedeza and soy beans for poultry. Mrs. Sherrill presented figures to show, the difference between the profit of having a garden suffi cient for home needs and lass from not having a garden. She report ed that 2083 farmers in the county had gardens as against 163 that did not, and estimated that $190,000 was saved by the production of gardens, and a minimum of $15,000 lost because of no 'gardens. Answering the question of What Can I do?" Mrs. Sherrill explained an exhibit of seeds for "Victory Garden" which con tained "a whole arsenal of wea pons" towards winning the war. She quoted Winston Churchill in dosing "May we all come through this year with safety and honor." Lynn Present Machinery Repair J. C. Lynn, district farm agent, who, as a reserve officer, expects to be called to military service shortly, presented the Farm Ma- . chinery Repair - Program of the government. As against the need for increased machinery to pro duce more food with fewer men, with a 75-80 per cent shortage of metal, he laid before the meeting the details to be followed to meet this problem. The solution included the re pairing of old machinery, ordering of replacement parts and collect ing all scrap iron on the farm to be used in the manufacture of steej or munitions. It -was suggested that this metal be donated for the Red Cross War Relief Fund. Cooperation with local hardware dealers by placing written orders for repair parts needed was an important part of this program. Those present were urged to carry this information to every farmer in the county. He urged the pas tors of rural churches to carry the message of the collection of scrap iron to - their congregations. Please Return Red Cross Articles Mrs. James E. Perry, Red Cross production chairman, requests that all baby blankets be returned to the Red Cross distribution center at the Episcopal rectory .at once, whether they are finished or not. The shipment will have to go for ward at an early day. "There is still plenty of wool . for knitting sweaters and socks ' and we need more knitters, said Mrs. Perry. This appeal goes to all women in the county who can give this service to the soldiers and sailors in: their spare moments at home. Mrs. W. H. Sellers, chair man of knitting, has taught a number of women how to knit. For anyone who wishes to learn Mrs.' Sellers will provide ' a teacher. Mrs. Bill Cope Of, Nantahala Passes Mrs. Lillie Cope, 56, of the Nan tahala township, died Sunday Jan uary 4, at 10 p. m. She was born June 2, 1885, and was the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Waters of Nantahala. Final rites were conducted Tues day, January 6, at the Nantahala Baptist' church, with the Rev. Philip Passmore in charge of the services. Mrs. Cope is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Ellis Buchanan of Franklin Route 3, Mrs. Willard Johnson- of Andrews, and two brothers, Sam Waters of Aquone and Harrison Waters of North Belmont; two sisters, Mrs. Susie McOure of Biltmore and Mrs. Martha Hicks of Aquone, and three grandchildren. I

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