I THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1942 THE FRANKLIN PRE, AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PACE i MKtL Highlands Highlights MRS. H. G. STORY NOTICE TO HIGHLANDS RESIDENTS Mrs. H. G. Story is the news reporter and representative of The Franklin Press and The Highlands Maconian in Highlands and vicinity. She is prepared to receive advertisements and subscrip tions as well as news items. We reter you to Mrs. itory lor any service that this newspaper may render you or your community The Editor. CH AS. F. REDDEN PASSES MARCH 7 Eminent Aviation Pioneer And Highlands Resident Passes In Atlanta night with Anna Jean May on Saturday and spent Sunday with Juanita Smith, We are glad to report Mr. Daye has almost completed his house. There will be a box supper at the Otter Creek School Friday night. We are glad our new church house will soon be completed. iuld Cross and Harlie May are leaving Hats to work for TV A, Oscar Cross of Flats, has been visiting friends at Topton. Miss Mae Grant has been vis- CHURCH NOTES Highland Presbyterian Church Rev. H. T. Bridgman, Minister Bible Classes. 11 a. rn. Morning Worship and Sermon. 3 p. m. Sunday School, Shortoff. 7 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 10 a. m.iSunday School arad 4:15 p. m. Junior Christian En aV deavor at the Maruse. 8 :(X) p. m. Wednesday Praise and Prayer service. Highlands Methods at Church Rev. J. S. Higgin, Pastor Horse Gove: 10 a. m. Preaching. Highlands: 11 a. m. Preaching. " Flats: 2:30 p. m. Preaching. The New York Times of March 12 carried the following notice of the death of Charles F. Redden, basketball team. He is the son of n Atlanta on March 7. Ihe iting the lorn Grants Mrs. S. A. Wilson and the late Times said: Vincent Jones was visiting his Charles N. Wright. Unlike his old- Charles b. Kedden, a pioneer in in-laws Saturday. er brothers, Harry and Chester, commercial aviation and president who sought their hicher education the Aero Marine Aviation com at N. C. State collesre. Barak dans Pany for many years, died in At- to enter the Universitv of North lanta. aIter an "mess ot sev- Carolina at Chapel Hill this fall. eral montns according to word Ellijay By HAZEL AMMONS Several people from this corn- received here yesterday. His age I munity attended the funeral Oak Dale By LOUISE ROPER, Rev. R. W. Williams filled hi regular appointment at the Oak Dale Baptist church Sunday. Sev eral attended. Harvey Roper and Lee Brvan left for Kannapolis last Monday March 9. Mrs. L. P. Roper has been ser iously ill, but is improving slowly Miss Cora Roper left for Kan napolis Saturday, March 14. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Higdon and son Charles, of Iotla were visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Roper tne past weekend. Mrs. Harley Crawford is sick at her home. Kermit Bateman left for Ohio on Monday, March 16. mr. ana Mrs. fcdgar Reeves and Church Of Hie Incarnation Rev. A. Rufus Morgan, Rector 10 a. m. Church school. 4 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon. W. M. U. HELD ALL-DAY MEETING Members of the Woman's Mis sionary Union, of the Baptist church held an all day meeting on March Mrs. E. M. Bateman has been 12, after Highlands Baptist Church Rev. J. G. Benfield, Pastor 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Sermon. 7 p. m. P. T. U. 8 p. m. Sermon. MISS MARGARET RANKIN WEDS JOHW DRAYTON A wedding of interest here that of Miss Margaret Rankin to John Drayton which took (place on March 14 in Seattle, Wash. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Shorter Rankin of Highlands and Atlanta, and the late Mr. Rankin. The bridegroom is the son of Wil liam Astor Drayton q New York City, and a great-grandson of Mrs. William Astor. Mr. and Mrs. Drayton will re side in Everett, Wash., where the bridegroom is stationed with the United States Army. HONOR STUDENTS IN GRADUATING CLASS Honor students in the graduat ing class at Highlands high school are, Miss Jessie Potts, valedictor ian, with an average of .93.4, and Barak Wright, salutatorian, with an average of 89 plus. Miss Potts is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ill I rt4nrrhla, II...... C r i - . .. ffventy,. He leaves a widow. Uncle Phillip Williams Friday aft- were visiting Mrs L P Ronr Airs r.inei lil p Kennn a nsnah. I prnnnn a.t thf VI , f-m.,A u I - . . r. - -o" ..... ...i. uiuit vcyuii i suntiav merit iti, -ma. y. u. i-uiiiMswui in, bqu i L.UUIVU. rvcv. uuear Disnop conuuct- -I I t iii, it I'j t r t . a son. naries r. rteaaen. r. i ea me itinera : i. , ' J ' i sciiuusiv ifi rtur ,e ......r. ...... .. The KedHrn hivr nuin a hin. Mrs Harri, H,nr : J,,:il ,, , " " "l"'K- , 1 ! I " -w villl i3 31.1 IUU3I V I V1ICG tVlltli . 1 t;fl . : :n , u I . i-v "-".nHian returned 10 11 at the nastorium. each member " . " ":J ....TKT" il-L" T"!. : . ner nom he March contributing to the elicious lunch- rt IJTVS " ' T a v,Slt Georgia eon. Ihe mormnir service was He-1 u. ,t.j I .... ,. . v :.. ... -- - -- - -- i .r. rteauen was mucn intercsteu l nis oaugnter, Airs, lxrgan Wil-1 1" voted to the week of prayer ob- ; ,he HeveUnm,n, c-n l; hL , k PmnKce servance, postponed from the weekLj ,:u ua : . ' uiu. ,. I . swww ;v. x i . r .1. , i . i i r --- ... la.v, utuii. i i nt -ntit- (.., . 1 .uc.u.c wcuuibe oi tne deep snow. m,,nitv DetaiU of th i..nl hv section ha W .,;rt...K, ill k... " . "-"y 8 Ois- Partictpating in the morning pro- lnnt l ' J lrcs e.a D L ,ne d"th of its good x r r i- . . I " . . . v-w.v.. ... I ... iii . I n.'lO h.rvr I V.-. . 1 .. I .' I . gram were mrs. j. u. Benlieia, Mr lnH w r. v ' ' "cnoru ana sym- Mrs. O. F. Summer, Mrs. Lawrence . . .... .if,ii TZ. ZJf 'ct I patnizes with his family. Hicks, Mrs. Guy Paul, Mrs. C. H.I w . f?rent Uie. W1"ter ln W'n ni 7.7 ' .1 , lMr aMl Mrs- D. J. Carpenter Zoellnerand Mrs. B. H. Neely. anu wf ra ueacn, ria., nas - - ' " - - "M came up to hrankhn last Sunday Mrs. Neelv nriHen. th returned to Highlands and is oc- n "se Qn . m ay ' to visit Mrs. CarDenter's mrthpr Woman's Missionary Union, presid- CUfTn?.,he.r home. on. the Walhalla M"tJ "f" Mrs Carl Farmer spent last week ed at the afternoon session, when raa- vynn ner 1S ner rl7" J tZZ".,- ? 7? w"' witn ner parents. the regular business meetimr was wno Deen attending lakeland 3 . i t , I . .. I CChv-,1 Cini-A thp fire rf Ua mr4. I VMIHS. neia ana tne program tor the! . , ",v mo,nth given. Fourteen members were present for the occision. Ed The Misses Ida Lee .H An I -ei ...:,J XI . , m;cc ur. . I - -mwicu ivir. ana Mrs. Rev. and Mrs. R. B. DuPree and eral days in- Franklin with rela- Mr :" Z u:u tit... j n I.: 1 . i I. "J Jiutmuni is eniov ivyu uiiinicii, uuuuy a,nu rcgy, I iivus rasi wcck, line ,..i,i. ... ... , . - ' I of rve:ville V, I cleir V,. U:. c: I . , a WIln IHRnas in JERTA,NS ess o Mr. and Mrs. ack m! off TT ,hX AK8a ",r"rT,r'" Hall and other friends here. employed with TVA last week. q.i,. Mrs. C K. UltDert was hostess I I Mr Vance !,; u I tul, cypres to the WeHnesrlav TarH rirth ,t J Mr. and Mrs. Willi W,v fr Vance iennmS and Mrs. cern over her illness. bridge-luncheon last week. The of Nashville, Tenn., arrived the past a,,,, siste Mrs Nannie Alton TeSCIlta " - I , . v . vj t w. I I hnrjlll,. u-hn lioH k.r I. . it UtoU,,, ltu i IttW ,V. n.i, I -" "t ""P- -r- v... vc..-.-"- ...v tated at Angel hospital, tered with a row of hghted green road. Mr. Way has recently been MiSs Emma a,, whn ia an operation for appendicitis at Angel hospital last week. Mrs. E. J. Pointer left Saturday for her home in Georgia after sev eral weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Joe Hopkins. Robert Hopkins .is very ill at the home of his father here. Mr. and Mrs. Barta Hopkins have moved from Highlands to the home of Mr. Hopkins' father. Jess Rogers has gone to Tennes see to work. Mr. and Mrs. Hurman Buchanan and daughter of Lawrenceville, Ga., was visitii'jg Mr. Buch anan's par ents last week. ''., Albert Hopkins of Hiawassce. Ga, was visiting his home here. Mrs. J. L. Buchanan of Otto is suffering from a stroke of panalvsis in Angels hospital. Miss Essie Hopkins of Franklin spent the weekend at ihome. Fourth Sunday Singing At iugartork Church The fourth Sunday Sinning Con vention will meet at the Sugar fork Baptist church on Sunday, March 22 at 2 n. m. E. W. T. The public is cordially invited to attend. MARINES WITH PERRY United States Marines were aboard Cornrnodore Perry's flagship when he spoke the immortal words. We have met the enemy and they are ours. Friends and neighbors nf lUrc Sam Stockton express great con- By MRS. LEWIS NORTON (Meld Over from Last Week) end with home folks. Mrs. Hansford Mims of EW-1 Mlss Mildred Mashburn who is field, S. C, is visiting her par-1 P'oyed in Sylva, spent the week- c.anHi in chaiw, i,M. i.i.J 1W tn .v! ii,. , a I mm who w n- James Patterson, son of Mr ... -"vr T isvsuwa. TV 1IVS I ' - .. ivu nlAUi1 l.r-inll.., ........ I 1. Wr ' -. - also held bouton,nieres of white forces. , llZ' Zi itTo Patterson, underwent narcissi. Favors were attractive "lucky girl" lapel ornaments made f i . 1 M s r w pecan nuis oy Air. and Alrs.1 '. ... "S rA '-.lend with hrr narns 1r A Harvev Trice I"'"' "tv- "u ""s- ro-e. M,,- "V. .T " : it . i i i . iMrs i.ranv Macnritim t .u- . ..vi. w i vhcviiic, nas ueen snenuinu ai ' in inc lwu moic game, .virs.lr , .... Frank B Cook wnn hicrh .m ,ew.aJrs .ncre 8emn ner cottae QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising frtm STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID fr BoofcTotUofHw TroatisattlaH Must Help or It WiU Cost You tlotktac Ovar two million bottleaoftb WILLARD TBKATMKNT bars boon sold forraUof of rmpunu oi uutreaa arUlnc from I ana Pusdtnal Wfn dua to Cbmm Am BB MoarttoMfH, SlMpltMIMM. aue to kxcms AcM. Bold on IS days- trial I Ask for "Wlllarrs MNUp" whittiMb utplaina this traatmant nw ot PERRY'S DRUG STORE Frank H. Potts. She has maintain- Elirabeth Hines of Highlands. Waynesville, has been spending a few davs here petti hpr mttim I frame a, cook won high score I : c, . u r D P.U... fU.. L. prize and Miss Sara Gilder the at Shor,off ready for sununer rent' 5,,Dyte"M. S6168 traveling prize. The two prizes were r D' IV-liange OCrvlCe lime defense stamps. Vases of jonquils! Last week's Lenten ;frvirr was I The Franklin Presbyterian church. decorated the living room. I conducted by Jack M. Hall, church I wnich has teen holding services! warden, in the absence erf the rec-half an hour earlier sir.ee war tor. the Rev. A. R. Morean. wholtlme was established will return to Prc,,o1 At.: Iwas attending the Conference ofltneus"' "ours on bunday, March xviounai xvxcuiiuu ..r , ... l?i (n , . e..j... ml iviuunrain woTKcrs in rvnoxvine, I J . ,,uuu. m.ujui, iui Tean.. Lenten studv class discus-1 a. m:, services U a. m. Tlie Mor- Mr. and Mrs. A. Newman Orm- sions were led bv Miss Rebecca I risen church schedule will be. serv- ana oi Drisioi, i enn., nave an- Nail, educational secretary of the,ces lu m . Sunday school, 11 nouncea tne oirtn ot an eight I Woman s Aux liarv. I a. m. pouind daughter on March 7 at I King's Memorial hospital.- Mrs. I Mrs. A. C. Holt is improving Ormand is the former Miss Nancy I from a knee injury suffered in a DANCE Every Saturday Night Music by Rudolph Carter and His Band From 9 to 12 O'Clock Admission 50c Per Person (tax included) PANORAMA COURT ed her rating on the "A" honor roll througgh both j union and sen- fall on the ice following the re- cerat snow. Her many friends will Holly Springs (Held Over from Last Week) We are glad the weather has .or years, win uie exception oi week whh hjs fa,her mJ brothers tne nrst montn s nonor roll in ner junior year. She is pn the Staff of The Mountain Trail, published monthly by the high school, and is secretary of the dramatics club and glee club. Her plans for col lege are indefinite at this time. In addition to being salutatorian, to speciali2e in chemistry iMi.iK i.s prcbiuciu oi me hCinior class, editor-in-chief of The Moun Lewis Rice, Jr., of Asheville, be glad to know that she hones to ".....,r. .spent several days the first of the be out again soon. "vcaca up s. wr '"T "US L . K run again, also our Sunday school at their Wnp in. St,Wf a. Friends of Miss Rebecca Harrislana a- r- u- can open agairx ent Lewis holds the nositir, nf will be pleased to learn that shel Thc senior crass of the B.Y.P.U chemist at the Enka Corporation. I is improved from a two weeks ill-1 entertained Bill Elliott with a so He was graduated from Lee Ed-1 ness at her home on East Maincial and mashrnellow toast at the wards high school in Asheville last street. Ihome ot Mr. and Mrs. Harve U soring and plans to enter the Uni- .. . ... . l-aoes i"uesday night. Ihere were versity of North Carolina this fall r x, i- r u "lDont Jorty at the members pres to .L:K- .u;..,.. Green Watkins, Jr., whose marriage I ent and all enioved the oroeram ai me wesrmineter rrescytenan I Verv much Mr F.llint was iK, Hi. Mrs. O. E. Yountr. owner and church in Jacksonville, 111., was an I rector of R. Y P II fnr mmMlm, tain Trail, and captain of the operator of Wits' End Gift Shop, event of March 8th, were recent I before moving to Brevard. The guest oi xnr. ana Mrs. w. a.ichurch ,B y. P. U. felt a fli mmlm T laHSaWul ll.il .!. r - - I ... , D j c 7' lormer- great ioss at his leaving and missed WAKE UP AMERICA! THE CIVILIAN POPULATION HAS NOT REALIZED THAT WE ARE IN AN ALL-OUT WAR Thousands of typists, stenographers, and secretaries are needed for defense work. Urgent demands are being made on our school to fill this demand. We are rushing our students through just as rapidly as we can to meet this emergency. We are in need of many more people to train for these defense jobs. Who is willing to help his country in these perilous times? Our prices and terms are most reasonable. Jf you want to help your country, get in touch with us. Government jobs pay good salaries. For full information write or phone the ATHENS BUSINESS COLLEGE ATHENS, GA. (Fully Accredited) We An All In The Fight Fighters In our armed forces, nroltd civilian de fenders, farmers, factory workers, skilled and unskiHad, the clergy, clerks, professional man, little and big business men, MIC higher-ups and the lower-downs wa are si In the fight for freedom. Put complacency on the shelf along with appeasement and self-interest. We are at war with International Gang sters who would rob us of our liberties a they did the weaker European and Asiatic peoples. We are called upon to prove that crime does not pay among nations any mere than it does among men. At your post everybodyl Stay there 'til it's over. We Serve 4s We Would Be Served sum: v mmc NONE K NIGHT PHONE X ly of Pendleton, S. C. has been a him a great deal. We are always frequent visitor here. He is now to , a onnA nhnrl.h 1 a 1 j i l. 0 ""ncu in me E.IWOOU wrunancejieave, but always proud to see him rm ai joiici, in. I come back. 1 nr c.-i- r- 1.1.. I Noaman Elliott and Harve iTa4e Mil. dHU .VI I 3. i-dllt: V. I UIIKIClUtll I ... ... j visited Mrs. John Stephen Sewelll01 lms cmun',y mt Wednsday ; at the Lyda hospital in Brevard I r?orn,n?1, !r 'tort "fagg where last Sunday, where she has beer, '" w,n en'ed in the U. S. a patient for several days because! Arnvy. of bronchitis, ..J- . rOin ot iylva is visiting nis sister, Mrs. Jess Elliott this Mrs. Louis Edwards and young I week. son Louis have gone to Pwiehurst.l Theodore Elliott left Saturday Ga., and for the present will be I morning for the State of Washing with the former's sister, Mrs. A. I ton where he will join his family n. wood, lhis change in residence I who lett two weeks ago, has been made by Mrs. Kd wards so that she might be near her hus band. Lieutenant Edwards, who is stationed at Fort Banning. Ga Mrs. C. C. Potts left last Satur day for a visit with her son, R. L. Potts, who is with the Florida I National Bank in Miami. Going! down with Mrs. Potts was her niece. Miss Eva Potts, who is the guest of Mrs. W. L. Watson at Daytona, Fla. jLJaS Flats The Nantahala basketball play ers have played at Robbinsviile for the last three nights and won all games but one. Grady May has the job of tak ing the boys to- play Saturday night. He had to push Andrew Cope's truck up the Topton moun tain because of no gasoline. Mrs. George Dewessee has been ill for the past month but is re ported improved. Charlie Owenbjr is very ill. We hope he will recover soon. Vincent Jones has returned home from visiting home folks in Fon-tana. Mrs. If. M. May is visiting her brother, Minter Smith at Nanta hala Ben Morgan was visiting his girl friend Sunday evening. Mrs. Matha Rolling and her two sons visited Dave Oweoby Sunday. Mist Lucille Owenby spent the' VS. YOUR ItUIMfORO CMC IS SUCH A HIT I Or veir v f WHY NOT U$e it? 7 jkc VOUKMOW just wm TP ooj I M 0MOVS Of YOU. SUCCESS Season Calls for NEW SHOES Outfit your children with shoes for those ti special occasions at SANDERS' STORE Low Prices 1.39 to 2.50 Some Styles Priced Higher White T-straps White slippers Black patent Boys' two-tones Sixes to fit Special prices on white and colored stockings and handbags for ladies and children. Buy now! SANDERS' STORE FRANKLIN, N. C

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