';....' ' : - "'m" : '' '- ' ' I " "'ii':'1''''' ', " .1 ' ' ' '' ' ' . Our Mb to Save MAKE BVST.3 PAY DAY Dollars Buy War Bonds Every Pay Day WAR ,1 CjBOMD DAY SW SP(NDINGSAVE DOLLARS , 4 PROG RE SSI VE LIBERAL INDEJREJVDEN T1 VOL. LVII, NO. 19 FRANKLIN, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1942 $1.50 PER YEAR AM BOND PLEDGES ARE POURING IN Committee Reports Insure War Bond Fledges Will Exceed Quota Citizens of this county are doing their part in making pledges to purchase War Bonds and Stamps regularly, according to incomplete reports that have been turned in by the committee. Henry W. Cabe, chairman, reports that pledges are pouring in, already assuring the exceeding of the county's quota of $10,700. The .state's quota is $5, 888,500. The response is gratifying to members of the committee, as wage earners sign pledges to spend a regular amount each pay day to keep Uncle Sam's war production rolling. The Zichgraf Hardwood company has signed up its employees 100 percent to have 10 percent deduct ed from their pay checks. This amount pledged by 40 employees will approximate $402.50 per month. Every pledge is conditioned upon the signer's remaining financially able to make the stated purchase. The money thus invested is not only the safest investment in the world, but will help the govern ment to finance the war without excessive taxation and also preverat inflation by limiting expenditures for consumer goods. Ration Cards For Gasoline To Be Given Out Beginning May 12 G. L. Houlk, county defense chairman, makes the following an nouncement of places for registra tion for gasoline ration cards is arranged by the local rationing board : Court room in tTie court lioiise; Otter Creek School; Highlands school: Otto School: Any Macon county citizenmay register at any of the above locations which are the most convenient. The registration will begin throughout North Carolina on May 12, and gasoline rationing cards are being distributed for this reg istration by the state rationing ar ministrator. It is expected that approximately 10,000,000 automobile owners in North Carolina and 16 other east ern states will apiply for ration cards. Five different ration cards have been prepared, and owners of mo tor vehicles and inboard motor boats will receive at registration time the type of card for which they qualify. The cards are disig nated "A", "B-l", "B-2", "B-3" and "X" cards. They are intended to last users until July 1. No application form will have to be filled in to obtain the "A'', or basic allotment, card. Across the bottom are seven" squares, each good for one "unit" of gasoline. The gallonage value of each "unit" will be announced before May 15. The holder of an "A" card may use up his units .as fast as he likes, but he will not be eligible for an other after this is gone. The "B" cards resemble the "A" cards except for the number of unit squares. The "B-l'' card has 11 units; the "B-2" card has 15 units; and the "13-3" card has 19 units. The value of these units may differ from that of the "A" unit. In applying for a "B" card, a consumer must present the regis tration card of the vehicle for which gasoline is needed anl must file an application form. The in formation on his application card should show why he needs more gasoline than he could obtain with an "A" card. The applicant for an "X'' card must fill out a form showing for what purpose his vehicle will be used, and he must state that his vehicle will be used ekher entirely or substantially for this purpose. Legitimate uses which make an owner eligible for an "X" card in clude: (1- for an ambulance or heme ; (2) for a, taxi or bus ; (3) for a minister in performance of hit religious duties; (4) for a phy sician, nurse, vetenarian or Chris tian Science practioner; (5) for the official business of Federal, State, local or foreign government agen cies; (6) for trucking, delivery or messenger service; (7) tor trans portation of materials and equip ment needed for construction or for maintenance and repair serv ices; and (8) for transportation of work crews to render such services. (Continued on Page Six) Official U. S. aJ uw. fas-fee. WISTIRN PART Of NORTH CAROLINA fe44.200 0S Intuit linn -ttjuviui . ."t 11 M J ILDLIIU The above map of North Carolina shows the War Bond quotas, by counties, for the month of May, 1842. Total War Bond quote for the State is $5,888,500. Every income earner in the State is expected to step up War Bond purchases on a basis of ten per cent or more of income. This is necessary to help America's For Register of Deeds Lake V. Shope announced last week his candidacy for the Demo cratic nomination for the office of Register of Deeds for Macon county. Men In The Service Corporal Harry McConnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McConnell, returned last week after a six day furlough spent with his parents, to Lowry Field, Denver Colo. He has been in the .service for a year, and is in the Technician School Squadron. Louis Manning who has beer.' electrical engineer with the Nanta hala Power and light company for the past two years, will enter the service of the U. S. Army this week. He leaves Thursday for Camp Croft, S. C. for his physical examination, and will go from there to Fort Monmouth, N. J. Mr. Man ning is a graduate of Clenuon col lege. Winton Perry, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Perry has been trans ferred from Maxwell Field, Ala., to the Air Training Station at Ocala, Fla. Dr. and Mrs. Perry and Vic are leaving Thursday to visit him. Ttoy Dawns of Franklin Route 3, who has been employed at the Farmer's Federation at Henderson ville was inducted into the Army at Fort Bragg April 15 and has now been transferred to the Engi neering Corps at Camp Claiborne, La. Corporal E. B. Parker who is on duty at Eglin Field, Fla., is planning to come home on a three day pass to see his father, air. W. V. Porker and brothers and titters who live at Holly Springs. Pvt. Jack Ray has returned to Camp Shelby. Miss, after spending a ten day furlough visiting with his mother, Mrs. H. P. Ray who is confined at the Georgia Bap tist hospital in Atlanta, Go. Pvt. Gus Baldwin has been trans ferred from F. A. R. C. Training Center at Fort Custer, Mich to Headquartrs Co. 6(5 T. D. Bn. at the same post. He is doing clerical work and reports that he likes Army life very weJL According to a recent release from the New Orleans Army Air Base, Pvt Cries A. Treasury War Bond - 1 i H.WWW i . . wo 'KNOW woo xm ICTORY BUV Registrars Required To Comply With Law Governing Voting The importance or both regist rars and voters knowing and abid ing by the constitutional require ments governing primary regis trations and voting prompts the printing below of part of the law, .aegtstNt and judges o ctions are swonn to enforce. That both the spirit and letter of the law have been violated in times past is a sad fact known to all who have been participants in primaries and elections in the past and this condition has not been limited to any one locality. There have been different degrees of violation at different time's and in different places. Under today's crisis when some of this county's citizens will have to die to preserve the right of any of us to vote, an end to dishonest practises at election time must be called. Needless to say, the re gistrar who lets an unqualified vo ter register or voter who sells his vote for a price, of money or ad vantages must be listed with other enemies within our gates. Qualification Sometime Violated "Applicant for registration shall be able to read any .section of the Constitution of North Caro lina in the English language un less registered prior to December 1, 1908, in accordance with the permanent registration law." In addition to the qualifications which must be noted by registrars, each person registering must make solemn oath that he will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State. A prominent citizen, who has been a participant in the politices of the county for many years, had this to say this week: "The intelli gence of North Carolina is our hope. The man who can be bought or sold should not be eligible to vote in any election. He is betray ing his state and county. Out of my experience in the past, in- eligible's have been allowed to re gister. It is the solemn duty of registrants to prevent this condi tion from being repeated by en forcing the law which they are sworn to obey." Bishop Gribbin To Visit St Agnes Church Next Sunday Afternoon The Right Rev. Robert E Grib bin, D. D. will visit St Agnes Episcopal church next Sunday at p. m. There will be evening prayer and .sermon by the bishop and the rite of Confirmation will be administered. of Mr. and Mrs. Zeak A. Schuler of Highlands, has been promoted to rank of corporal. Pvt. Schuler enlisted in the Army last July and is serving with the Army Air Force at New Orleans. Pvt Edward Lee Brooks sta tioned at Fort Benning, Ga.. spent last weekend in Franklin with Mr. and Mrs. Ithmaal Bwoka. t juw a Quotas For May Mscnn TV 2A800 NORTH CAROLINA Treasury Official War Bond Quotas for May May Quota for State. $5,888,500 S . If armed forces take the offensive against the Axis powers. The American voluntary method of War Bond purchases must be successful in reaching the quotas set by the Treasury Department for every county in the nation. The Job of every American now is to stop spending and save doUars to help win the War. For Chairman John Baxter Elmore of West's Mill, who has announced his can didacy for Chairman of Board of Commissioners for Macon county on the Democratic ticket. FIVE GUERNSEYS SENT TO SALE Macon Farm Leaders Go To State Test Farm Sale Thursday A. B. Slagle shipped five regis tered Guernseys by truck on Wed nesday to the North Carolina State Guernsey sale at the state test farm at Swannanoa on Thursday. Sam Mendenhall T. H. Fagg and Mr. Slagle are attending this sale. The State College Extension Service has released the following story in regard to this sale: Dairy farmers "will- be given an opportunity to increase their contribution to the "food for vic tory" campaign and at the same time pe'rpetutate the famous Guern sey breed by purchasing some of the III animals to be offered at sales at Quail Roost Farm near Durham, May 4, and at the Moun tain Test Farm near Swannanoa on May 7, Dr. William Moore, secretary of the N. C. Geumsey Breeders Association, announced today. The sales will be conducted in cooperation with the State College Extension Srvice, the State De partment of Agriculture, State Di vision of Vocational Agriculture and Breeders' Association. At the Swannanoa sale, 37 cows, fresh or near freshening and 17 bred heifers from the best Guern sey herds will be offered for sale. "North Carolina occupies an en viable position in the Nation to day as an outstanding Guernsey breeding State,' Dr. Moore com mented. "Tar Heels are fortun ate in being able to obtain animals from the best Guernsey blood lines in the world Purchases of Guern sey stock of known ancestry con stitute a sound investment that will increase is value since fcs saHatV State Supt. Clyde A. Erwin To Address FHS Graduates MICA DIVISION CHIEF HERE Mica Producers .Organize To Promote Production H. O. DeBeck, chief of the mica division of the Office of l'roiluc tion Management, visited Franklin this week in the interest of the government's need for more mica for war production. He has been interviewing citizens in regard to the county's mica resources and production possibilities. Mr. DeBeck was the chief speak er at a meeting on Tuesday eve nin,g in Sylva, sponsored by the Sylva Chamber of Commerce, which was attended by several franklin citizens and at which time there was organized The Mica Producers Association of Southwestern North Carolina. Officers of this organization, the purpose of which will be promotion of mica production are, Jim Har ris, president; Phil Stoyall, vice president ; Dan Tompkins, secre tary and A, F. Clouse, treasury; all Of Sylva. Mr. DeBeck outlined the pro gram of the War Production Board for increasing the production of mica as follows: First, ihforrh the people of the need of increased production, sec ond, ' urge., the' proper preparation of the type of mtca most vitally needed; third, get together those concerned with this production so that common problems may be more readily solved ; fourth, se cure equipment for mine operators ; fifth, procure the mica produced Mr. DeBeck stated that with the India market closed there is no danger of over-production, and that the WPB is attempting to pat a floor under the price structure to protect, mine owners and bper ators. The government is en couraging private enterprise to pro duce mica for the war effort, and to this end is supplying at low rental, machinery and equipment to approved projects, Mr. DeBeck explained. "There is no blanket arrange ment for financing, each case will be handled on its own merits," said Mr. Beck, who also stated that the Forest Service maximum of eight per cent royalty of gross value to owners should be adopted as a standard, although 2'2 per cent maximum was allowable. Mr. DeBeck asked producers and other interested persons to write him at Burnsville, his headquarters, outlining their plans and needs in the field of operation. Corregidor Falls As 7,000 Starving Defenders Are Made Prisoners The news that Corregidor, the last stand of Allied resistance in the Philippines, has fallen, wa made known this week. It fell after a battering four-week seige which exhausted the supplies and the human physical endurance of the Allied garrison. With it the enemy won the smaller rocky fortresses Fort Hugh, Fort Drum, and Fort Frank wdich lie nearby. To the Japanese also went some 7009 pris oners of war, who could resist no longer because their food was ex hausted. Firemen To Give Benefit Dance Next Week Local volunteer firemen 'are sponsoring a big square dance at Panorama Court next Wednesday, May 13, beginning at 8 p. m. Tick ets are being sold to all regard less of age the committee an nounces, and all are invited to take part in the dancing. The boys of the fire department promise everybody a good time and more than their money's worth. And, speaking of money, all they take in will be used for the local fireman's relief fond. The work of these men who do the danger ous job of figrting fires without pay, and who protect the commun ity against losses by reducing fire hazards should be supported by all. dot tat ions from the war-torn Isle of Guernsey are now lost to the Nation. Dr. J. L. Stokes to Deliver Baccalaureate On Next Sunday Dr. Clyde A. Erwin, of Raleigh, state superintendent of public in struction, (will deliver the com mencement address to 75 gradu ates at the Franklin high school, Friday evening, May 15, according to an announcement made by Guy L. Honk, county superintendent of schools. Virginia Bryant will give the salutatory address and Emogene Landrum will deliver the valedic tory. Principal W. H. Finley will announce the awards to be given as follows : . , French, Virginia Bryant ; science, Elsie Mae Brendle; athletics, Tearl Ashe; English, Delma Edwards; history, Mildred Heid ; agricultural award, Hunter Anderson ; home ec onomics, Elura Belle Sanders; citi zenship, Bruce . Bryant ; activities, Byrda Nell Southards; attendance, Merl Kinsland; mathematics, Emo gene Landrum ; commercial, Jessie Barnard. Superintendent G. L: Houk will confer the diplomas. Mrs. Henry Cabe's music class will render the selection, "The Bells of St. Mary." The Baccalaureate sermon will be delivered by the Rev. J. L. Stokes II, Ph.D. on Sunday evening, May 10, at 8:30 in the auditorium of the Macon Theatre. The program will include a selection by the Choral Club, Gounod's "Send Out Thy Light". Rev. C. F. Rogers and Rev. Hubert H. Wardlaw will also take part in the service. Otter Creek School Graduation Will Be Held May 14 ' - Prof. C. F. Dodson, head of the science department of Western Carolina Teacher's College is to deliver the principal graduation ad dress at the Nantahala High school. Thursday night, May 14. Guy L. riouk will presenit diplomas to the inine graduates. The elementry school assisted bv the hill billy band will entertain the class Wed nesday evening. Forest Fire Law Violator Sentenced Forest Supervisor Charles Meli- char of the Nantahala National Forest and Macon County Warden Fred Bryson of the North Caro lina State Forest Service cooper ated on May 5, 1942 in apprehend ing and bringing to trial George Martin of Route 3, Franklin, N. C, on charge of violating State Forest fire laws. Martin was charged with burn ing brush on his land without legal permit on April 30. He was fur ther charged with being the cause of a forest fire which broke out near his land on May 3. The case was tried before Jus tice of Peace Jim Maun of Otto. Martin plead guilty to the charge of burning without legal permit and admitted the possibility that sparks from his field might have been the cause of the forest fire. Justice Mann ruled Martin guilty of violation of Section 4311(a) of Forest Fire Laws of North Carolina (Brush-Burning Permit Law). Martin was fined $25.00 nlus $8.70 court costs, dependent upon payment of $12.50 and costs with in 24 hours and the balance with in 60 days. Upon failure to make required payment within 24 hours Justice Mann ruled that defendant Martin would be sentenced to County road work for 30 days. Justice Mann pointed out that this country is at war and that work ing people have little time to be sympathetic with petty law viola tors. He spoke of the work of years accomplished by our forest protective agencies gone up in smoke the past month because of careless individuals or individuals with malicious intent. He declared his duty as a Justice of the Peace to be one which guaranteed a fair trial for every defendant brouoht before him and an equally fair sen tence, measurable by the serious ness of the offense, to every de fendant declared guilty. He who relaxes is helping the Axis Gabriel Heatter Trees wiH help to win the war, so farmers should make wise use of their woodlands. R. W. Graeber. I